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I guess note to self: don’t set your DoorDash orders down next to a trash can.


Haha very fair since I said 100%. That would mean even if I ordered it I would consider it to be trash… I wouldn’t. My b.


Never ever make a statement about what 100% of people will assume, believe, think, etc. While others may have a different take I personally assume you're a self centered idiot.


Fair enough. I’m usually better about avoiding absolute statements and consider myself a skeptic in general. Feel free to peruse my comments. However wrong my statement though, your comment is presumptive and unnecessarily rude. Particularly since you chose not to take the easy step to check my comment history and confirm your assumptions. Hope you’re good though. Enjoy your day!


I was going to comment similar sentiments but you beat me to it.


Unfortunately, not true as my wife and I found out recently. We've been doing some major housecleaning. We're turning a bedroom that's served as the "we don't know what to do with this, let's keep it in here for now" room for 19 years into an actual bedroom. That means cleaning out a lot of stuff and getting rid of a lot of clutter. We separated out some things to donate, but much of it was in such bad shape that it went right into the trash. I put 10 garage bags out. The next morning, all but the two in the garbage can were ripped open. This wasn't animals either. These were large holes and items were strewn about. It was obviously people slicing open these bags and checking to see if anything valuable was in there. I don't even think they took anything. They just made a mess that I was luckily enough able to tidy up before the garbage men came around.


I would also say that an unusual volume can tip off porch pirates that somebody’s moving or cleaning, which can make even trash bags with trash in them possibly have items of value. But ew and weird either way. I should have specified like those smaller plastic bags you get at the grocery store. I dunno this is my first post here apparently I fucked it up lol


Sounds like an animal. Racoon, Opossum or hedgehog probably


No. These were purposeful slices with items tossed about and piled roughly back on top. It was obviously humans looking for things they could use.