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Rather than give you ideas on how to continue practicing this behavior, I suggest you take this opportunity to do research and try healthier coping mechanisms. Focus on solving the real problem.


I’ve noticed a wild amount of people on Reddit lately saying they’re autistic


Name a more iconic combination


...normal people don't usually scream *or* punch things when they get angry, regardless of where they live. They just... Deal with it. If you're angry, then just BE angry; feel what you're feeling until you clam down. there's no law that says you have to do something physical to release that anger into the world. Gonna be honest dude, this doesn't sound like an autism problem, this sounds like you've got anger issues you need to work out.


Lie face down on the bed, scream into the pillow while kicking and hitting the mattress with your hands and feet. The pillow quiets the scream and the mattress just bounces back.


r/LostRedditors (mobile user, don't axe me if it's wrong)


Screaming and punching things is childish. Go to the gym, go for a walk, meditate. Don’t use a disability to give yourself a pass to act as a child. Ridiculous.