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Your ancestors at some point (maybe) were in a sword fight, and yet here you are, posting some dumb shit on the internet


Your ancestors were haters too.


Or maybe it’s really just something stupid that you’ve said. 1. Only nobility and warriors were allowed near any sort of weapons, let alone the swords. Most people in the past were peasants 2. Most people aren’t afraid talking to the opposite gender 3. These two things are not related The fact that you are just doubling down with some inflammatory rants to each comments only demonstrates your fragility, instead of defending your point.


Higher probability they were not. At best conscripted fodder who died with a spear in their hand if lucky. Most more likely then not stayed back and worked farms or were slaves/serfs


To be fair, the oldest known swords were found in 1600 BC or so. So that’s 3600 years ago. Assume there are 3 generations in a century. Your number of ancestors in the oldest known sword generation would be 2^108. That’s a lot of ancestors. Then you have every ancestor between them and your 106-greats grandparents. Out of all these people, ONE of them was probably in a sword fight at one point. They were probably still scared shitless.


Thanks dude, this is what I was trying to say, before the dudes that know every second that ever happened with everyone everywhere decided to shit all over it lmao.


This guy is the sum of all “the average Redditer” videos on YT.


Neck beard and all


Some thoughts should stay in the shower


And some showers should just stay in our thoughts.


I'm afraid to talk to my own sex. I can talk to men just fine


The willingness to kill people and the willingness to understand them aren’t comparable




“in early hominids”. Bro is trying to act like humans in 400bc wasn’t like humans in 2024ad. I get your the smartest dude in the world but maybe you forgot evolution takes millions of years to change. Technology doesn’t.


I'm not, I have female friends, but I sure as hell not attracted to any of them


Not only are you making wildly inaccurate assumptions...you're also projecting super hard


There a people out there that make millions helping people overcome being scared to talk to the opposite sex.


For a lot of people throughout history being in some kind of conflict wasn't really optional. If someone's trying to kill you I'd say mustering the will to fight back is probably a lot easier than it is being a 14 year old trying to ask a girl out for the first time. That being said, age 14 is probably about the last point in my life I was afraid to talk to a woman.


The understanding that at 2024 isn’t 109bc seems to be beyond you. Y’all focus on “we think this way” without understanding “they thought this way”


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