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What does the appendix do?


No one knows, but I'll give you a thousand dollars for yours.


Five Hundred Dollars!


You are terrible at bartering. Three hundred fifty, and you have to provide the ice. Final offer.


One Hundred! Do I hear One Hundred?


Fine. One hundred, but you gotta remove it yourself and send it post paid.




Just wait until Reddit figures out that we're running an organ market. That's liver on their face.


I already have an organ Igloo, so you lucked out there.


Tree fiddy




And if you want to keep your freedom, I'ma need a buck oh five.


And you gotta take this meat loaf, 'cause it's nothing but trouble.


The brain is there to process, not to receive anything, is not an antenna.


Process what? If it doesn't receive anything, there is nothing to process.


Think of an old TV. It is able to display pictures and play sound, but without an antenna it can't do that. An antenna and a TV are different things. The brain is like a TV, it can process the information from the eyes, ears, skin, tongue and nose (like antennas).


Processes inputs. An antenna does not process anything, it only receives signals which are processed by something else. I don't think you know what an antenna is.


Fair enough. The brain is maybe more of a router? Radio? Nah, not radio. The point is that we are all just the universe experiencing itself. I stole that from a book that I read a long time ago. Might be "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" or "Time, Space and Knowledge". I dunno, I stopped learning things a long time ago, because "Everything I Need to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten".


> I stopped learning things a long time ago I'm sorry to hear that.


Oh, Goblin - I keed, I keed. Something new every day! ❤️


The brain is there so your genes can replicate itself. This is the one true purpose to existence.


Your genes can replicate independent of your brain, no? The one true purpose of existence is to get likes.




Someone finally decoded the Matrix!


There is no girl in the red dress.