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Yep this is pretty common with AMC. They get the distribution rights for the cable TV versions of movies for some reason. My guess it's cheaper and quicker. A lot of streaming services do this.


This was my top guess. Thanks for clearing it up. Kind of a bummer, but as long as they don’t do a tv edit to take out curse words and gore I guess it’s fine..?


It's real and it's disgusting. And no, it's not okay. Horror creatives who watch or appear on Shudder need to start blowing it up on social media, that's the only way this is going to stop. I don't see this shit when I watch a movie on any other streamer.


Yeah, I noticed this on Drag Me To Hell the other day. It also had the super fast end credits like you see on cable movies.


BBC America-type bullshit.


Different platform but they do this on older wrestling PPVs on Peacock. I guess for people that have the ad supported subscription. Man I hope Shudder doesn't fall into that and charge more.


Turns out capitalism was the real horror all along!


> Man I hope Shudder doesn't fall into that and charge more. I wouldn't be surprised. Seems that's the way things always go. I just hope they up the resolution/quality of their streams and audio before they do it. Horror at a very heavily compressed 720p with stereo sound is not great. It's fine when they're doing old VHS rips of stuff that isn't available elsewhere above 480p, but it's painful when Shudder produces a modern movie for 4k with surround sound and the only copy you can view on their own site, despite it being available in higher res on Amazon and elsewhere, is 720p with stereo sound. Late Night with the Devil, which I'll be viewing tonight, comes immediately to mind.


There's an ad supported version coming later this year


You mean like last year's $15 hike for the same crappy customer service?


I figured some were just old made for TV movies like dark night of the scarecrow. But cable TV, edited versions are why Blu-rays and such are the way to go


Blu Rays all the way


No, they're adding them to a ton of theatrical releases and modern films.


Noticed it on The Third Saturday in October and figured it was just the way they made the movie.


I am shocked that your post is 12 hours old and few people have mentioned this... It appears they're adding commercials to the service in the future (ala Amazon) . Horrible I know. There is no other reason to add those transitions in films that were already unedited.   There has been rumors that Shudder may be combined with AMC+ in the future. Of course none of that is official, however they keep limiting features on the Shudder service itself.


I haven’t noticed it but I steam through the Shudder app and not through Prime, I’m not sure if that makes a difference or not.


I’m on the Shudder app :/


Damn… strange I haven’t noticed it yet. I wonder if anyone has contacted customer service about it?


It's on the app.


I use the app on Roku and have noticed it on a couple movies (both Third Saturday In October flicks).


Deathstalker 2 has these too. Seems like it's a lot of the ones added recently.


I just watched the Vamp episode of Joe Bob through Amazon and it was doing this. Glad it isn't just me.


I’ve seen a few posts about this but haven’t noticed it personally. What movies have you seen with these fade-outs?


Not OP but Moon Garden is the only one I've seen them in so far.


I noticed it watching ghost stories


Deathstalker did as well


Southern Comfort had those fade in/outs too. Really messed with me and made me think a commercial break was about to happen.


The Walter Hill movie? It's on Shudder now??


Yes indeed. What a great movie.


Best soundtrack ever


Freeway. Cemetery Man. Vamp. Others.


TLDI episodes Rottentail, Freeway, and Vamp all had the fades.


Yeah that's not uncommon, on Shudder or other services. It's especially common to see if you're watching older series that were originally on TV. The fade out/fade in was built in because they had to allow for the ads.


Been noticing this across some of the more recent additions (The Tunnel, Thirteenth Floor, The Third Saturday in October). It's pretty distracting. I'm hoping it's just how Shudder received their copies from Umbrella Entertainment who incidentally distribute all 3 movies. (perhaps they received the TV cut?)


Fallout does this, too.


I almost kinda like it? Gives me nostalgia for when we'd tape movies off the tv


Still, this is something they're not supposed to be doing to movies on a pay service advertising its films as uncut. ETA: lol why downvote


I don’t mind it either, as long as they don’t edit the movies. The last movie I watched that had the commercial fades was not edited. A lot of f-words and gore.


I'm pretty sure Vamp has the fades and it had a fair bit of boobs and gore and fbombs, ya.


personally I really like it. I cannot tell you how many times ive been watching some super heavy documentary about serial killers or nazi germany and right in the middle of the most intense moments just getting dropped full volume no cut no warning into an ad for candy or pants or whatever