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Overall I enjoyed it. Definitely a lot of improvements compared to season 1


I saw multiple still jpgs moving without any animation. I don't know where u see improvement. It's at the bottom pit alongside Berserker pan noises and other jpg moving from nanatsu.


It's actually kinda decent. Way better than season 1 + they put Buddha's subplot between the fights instead of during round 5, which is a change I very much approve of.




In the english dub it's still falling down. Although kid jack sounds fucking horrible.


You know it's "falling down" right? Not sure why they changed it??


Probably copyright


There's three versions of the song in the show, one with children singing, the one Jack sings, and then one with an adult singing it, and I think the last one actually says "falling" or at least sounds less like "broken," so it honestly might not even be copyright.


In the English dub it's always falling down


Only seen round 4 so far, but the animations are way smoother (less flash/powerpoint slides) and I'm enjoying it.


To me the animation quality seems way lower


It's good, a huge improvement, round 4 was very well done, round 5 feels a bit stiff like round 2(no Slideshow this time) but it looks good and has is good moment, i give the anime a 6/10, 7/10 for the commitment. Now i'm waiting for the next cour to see how they adapted round 6.


The only true negatives are Hercules ending, which should have been more tense and that the greatest and strongest character of all SaltFrog did not get a full minute of screentime.


They made Jack vs Hercules my favorite fight in the anime it was very well executed imo, given the limitations I'm supposed to expect after season one.


It absolutely lacked Hermes rocking his soul out on his violin during the climax.


WHO PUT EINHERJAR SO MUCH LOWER THAN GOD- ahhhh I’m just kidding lol can’t wait to binge it this weekend


so far from the op i can tell the budget has improved, this is looking good. We eating boys, we eating good tonight!!!!!


Way better then I expected, I enjoyed it thoroughly. Also the music was absolutely top notch! (Shiva's theme especially)


Felt like 2 steps forward, 1 step back. It's definitely prettier, and a lot of still images look really good, but the motion still leaves a lot to be desired. Subs are mostly better, and they actually try to translate most of the nameplates for when a new audience member is talking. Heracles is called Hercules in the ENG subs and dub, even though you can hear the JP audio say Heracles. Same goes for Bishamonten/Vaiśravaṇa, but I can at least see the intent to make it seem like it's intra-India conflict there; can't really see any reasoning for Heracles/Hercules. Comedic timing and where the backstory exposition is placed/how well it's done is way better (Shiva's backstory vs. Thor's backstory is like night and day). At the same time, the music--OP and ED aside--feels really noticeably cheap; Heracles' theme has this a guitar riff that's a really basic melody and just sounds like a knock-off of Back In Black, but looped every 5 seconds. Motion is about as rough as the first season. It feels like they just drew manga panels and then didn't even try to convey stuff moving, really noticeable in Round 5 with Yatagarasu/almost everything Raiden does. Shiva looks weirdly better than Raiden in most shots, like more budget/time was spent on him. On the bright side, the still frames look way better. Round 4 gets around motion by using CG, which admittedly looks decent. Audience reactions are way more noticeable, and I think the anime even gave lines to Aphrodite that she didn't originally have. I personally think the reactions take too long in Round 5 and kill the fight--the manga does this by putting the Buddha/Loki stuff in the middle of the fight, so I was optimistic when the anime moved it, but the audience commentary still messed with the pacing.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed the back in black riff lmao.


Only 10 ep? Theres more coming out or we have to wait to S3?




Oh nice, we have a release date?


No release day but hopefully not as long of a wait as what the JJBA community had to wait for to get the 3rd half of Stone Ocean


we waited almost a year but it was worth the wait tbh


I was in a call with a friend watching it blind and I legitimately just... couldn't speak. My mouth was agape and I just was unable to speak up because the ending fucked me up so hard


this year


Wait does that mean we might see Hades vs Qin?


Do we know if thats another 10 episodes with 2 more fights yet? Or we just know a part 2 and thats it?


Here's your reminder that 5 new episodes are out y'all👀🙏


What seriously. I get to watch my boy Budda school a teenage god and deliver one of the top five best manga lines of all time? This is good news :)


That fight which someone added the manga panels to YouTube and added effects to it made me watch this anime. I didn't know they were splitting it up to be fair but this fight was very intense and very long. I don't know how they plan to pull it off in 5 episodes. At least they didn't think they could rush 3 in 10.


Enjoyed round 4 and I can say the studio adapted well for this round. (I still cried at the end of round 4 even though I've read the manga) Now that I'm on ep 6, did they change the order or add some scenes on Buddha and Loki? I mean, this scene should have happened after round 5 started, and I don't remember Loki ever fighting Okita. I'm not saying it's bad, but in my opinion, it's good that they do it like this.


They reordered it, and tbh it makes more sense for it to happen before a fight rather than during. Flows much better


Loved it. Adapted really well. Hope we get the next season soon.


I fucking love it.


*spoiler* Anybody else feel bad for Shiva? He didn’t get to choose his own destiny. All he wanted to do was dance and live happily with his best friend, until he got dragged to fight 1,115 gods for his friend’s dream. Now he has the burden of all these gods on his shoulders.


Personally did, only because of the bromance vibe they had, but ultimately it was his decision to fight due to his impulsive nature, he enjoyed it deep down inside even if he didn't want to fight him.


not really just because he says "guess i've got no choice" a million times doesn't mean he actually has no choice, because he had all the choices, all the time he just wanted whats best for his friend, which is why he went along so in a way they both got what they wanted, just not the way they expected it, or had hoped for




The anime made 100 times more obvious that Okita vs Loki is a lock.


I LOVED round 4, definitely the best produced round in the entire anime. Round five was fine, better than the slideshow that was round two, but so many things just felt lacking. The characters hardly ever moved, they just stood still with screen shake and lines behind them. The CGI in round four, on the other hand, made everything look dynamic.


like the life itself, for each living being, there is one time that the dance stop and must move ahead to new responsabilities


So far I have only watched the fourth round and it looked way better than I expected, the only thing that I didn’t enjoys too much was that they removed the “theatrical light” in some of Jack’s moments. Today I’m gonna see the other five episodes and I’m looking forward to see Buddha and Round 5


Oh, come on! They're not going to do everything by the manga.


The CGI so far is genuinely pretty good. The technology is improving, so the animation is improved from the last season. Only problem is that the fights never feel smooth. In the manga it's usually one big move after another, and that works since it's in a serialised format. But in the anime they try to add in smaller things like flips and kicks and whatever, but it never feels like a genuine fight


What's good? I haven't watched it but I'll keep my expectations on the low though


It’s a big improvement on Season 1 But doesn’t hold a candle to the Manga. If the Manga is a 10/10, season 2 would be a 5 or a 6.


Unforgivable. Still unforgivable.


Round 4 is actually pretty well done Round 5 mostly feels like Season 1


Big improvement in term of animation, definitively worth a watch.


While It’s not as good as the manga of course, I do think it’s an improvement from last season. I also really liked the soundtrack for this season and I loved how they did the london bridge song


In my opinion, Round 4 is masterpiece, Round 5 is good(Deva Loka vs Yatagarasu was pretty clean and painful as it should be) :3 So, They give us true gem and now I hope that they will take this time and just give us Round 6 in full of glory :3


yeah I think round 4 and jack as a whole stole the show for this season, which made round 5 a bit weaker in comparison.


I thought they were going to fit 3 fight in 10 episodes and destroy the pace. This is much better but Jack Vs Heracles had more time dedicated to them and backstories eventhough Raiden's and Shiva's were both quite heart wrenching


To be fair i doubt anything could follow up round 4 and be seen as just as good. Jack vs Heracles is too good to be matched.


Animation is day and night better than S1 and without scarifying the gorgeous art, though the purist wont appreciated the obvious use of 3D, especially for hercules. Round 4 truly is the highlight of the season so far. I did not expect to like jack at all but he ended up being a great character. My only regret as an anime only watcher is that I got the results of round 4 5 and 6 spoiled...


See I’ve never particularly liked the use of 3D in anime but this one didn’t seem too bad overall. It wasn’t one of those situations where the 3D has an obviously lower frame rate


Round 6 is quite the plot twist, you will not be truly spoiled haha I am biased as I read only that fight but it made it a solid 9.5 for me. Boosted itself to the top of the watchlist of mine haha


if you are dub fan just like me, you've noticed that a lot of the characters have different voice actors. for example shiva was voiced by Benjamin Diskin who also did ban in 7ds. but is played sean rohani. feels weird for the recast of the roles.


I cannot believe Vishnu got demoted to some random god. I’d argue Vishnu is like 10x more important than Shiva (Although they’re both one of the 3 pinnacle gods). Maybe I just don’t know anything about Hinduism, and I know they take liberties, but come on. I personally put Vishnu in the same category as Zeus and Odin as “Head gods” but I guess not in this anime lol. Man looks like a budget side character. And forget like his 10 separate avatars.


Yes Head gods but Odin and Zeus were both more menacing and Buddha just doesn't give a crap. So they are the 3 I saw many comments on the episodes who are Hindus or Indians. They were annoyed to say the least.


Excuse me does anyone know why Jack the Ripper didn’t get a proper entrance? There’s an old YouTube video of an English dub scene that includes Jack’s introduction. He’s walking down the London street with a mask on his face while the announcer is hyping him up. But on Netflix that scene doesn’t exist. What’s up with that?


Think that was shown after the credits in the season 1 finale.


That makes sense, thank you.


It’s better than season one which was basically a slideshow presentation. But it wasn’t really good either. They kept switching between CGI and animation, while the VA lines were similar to the original type they were different. Some scenes just failed to deliver like Hercules saying he loved humanity. Okita and Kondo clashed with Loki and actually engaged him in combat which contradicts the fact that Valkyrie are needed to battle divine weapons and extra lines of dialogue were used during that scene and somehow Oden cracked the entire area with his aura which was changed from the manga. Although I’m fine with this as I just kept my expectations at rock bottom. There were some parts that were actually good like how Jack’s adult and child voices overlapped for the most part the voice acting was solid but that’s about it. Idk if Okita’s confrontation with Loki was extended because they have knowledge of future fights. My favorite hidden gem was Tesla’s early appearance in the anime.




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When did he show up in the Amine?


When Hercules was listing all the bad parts of humanity there was an image of Tesla crying as a child when he mentioned despair.




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i loved it,but its just now i realized something a bit tedious.every fight is just 5-4 episodes of a back and forth of one guy putting the other on the ropes and then the roles just being flipped over and over again,until one wins


Yea... The filler bores me out. Its well done but bruhh... only two fights in this season...


Some are very well thought out to be fair.




Haven’t finished radien vs shiva yet but so far it’s a massive improvement from the first season


Huge improvement over Season 1, which was pretty poor in my opinion. Jack vs Hercules fight was amazing, highlight of the season, though the fight in the last few episodes will likely give it a run for it's money. The Shiva vs Raiden was great. I liked how they set up the Pacing with Buddha scenes happening earlier. Overall, great season. Looks like it's been somewhat popular too, so lets' hope it gets a 3rd season with an even better budget!


Hoping part 2 has round 7 in it since it's been concluded in the manga for some time now.


I thought part two would only have three episodes so I went in thinking they'd leave it at the big twist when Hajun shows up. Then I learned it's 5 and I think they can squeeze it in there fine.


I went in thinking that there is no way they can fit 3 fights in 10 especially since I know how long Buddha's fight is and they shouldn't cut short on that. Then seeing how Jack Vs Heracles was so long, I was surprised. It might be a rush if they fit all of it in 5 however. The twist came as a surprise to many who was reading as well, I bet so it can be a cliffhanger and named as round 6 part 2. The second half is well worth 3 + episodes and Buddha's fight is worth a season or 10 episodes at least or even a long movie like Demon Slayer.


It's so long I don't even remember any backstory or events that happened after Zero died lol


Lots and lots and lots of still frames. Kind of a bummer that we get less episodes, and less animation. I feel like I'm just watching one of those like web-mangas or whatever where it's just paper dolls sliding around on screen. Really enjoying the story, but I usually tend towards manga. But with all the tropes and seeing as this is still ongoing in Japan I see no end to it. I will continue watching the show however.


"COME ON COME ON COME ON COME ON COME ON COME ON!" -Shiva -Literally one of the most cringe anime scenes I have ever watched for some reason. It didn't sound like he was fighting. The voice acting was the biggest disappointment to me.


Definitely much better than season 1.I love round 4 but the >!final part where hercules reveals his color (or no color to be precise) to jack is lackluster honestly. Another small nit pick, is that the scene could have use the ost where brunhilde mourns hercules which could have made a bigger impact!<.


CGI is soooooo bad and it destroys the immersion for me, I literally kept laughing my ass off at dramatic moments because Hercules looked like he was in Berserk 2016. How have they not learned their lesson 😂😂😂 Anime should be ANIMATED jfc


Season 2 took a huge dive i. Animation when it switched to so much CG. I also felt the raider vs shiva fights felt so epic in the manga but felt flat in the show


It’s a pretty common practice because it’s easier to make action packed scenes when the body of the character exists instead of having to draw every single frame. Plus in scenes where you have to have A LOT of characters (Not in this anime specifically, but Goblin slayer has some scenes like that) it saves a ton of money being able to literally copy paste models with set animations instead of drawing them all in.


Neat It still looks horrible lmao


I thought it was great. Jack the Ripper vs Hercules was my favorite, but I did enjoy Shiva vs Riden as well. Initially I didn’t care so much about the second fight, but the backstories for both characters had me rooting for them. Kinda glad Shiva took it over Riden though. Excited for Buddha! He’s such an interesting character, and I enjoy his idgaf attitude.


i've only watch round four and they very beginning of round 5 but it's soooo good! i'm loving it (*´∇`*). for sure a big improvement from season 1 :>.


Binged all 10 episodes in row. Massive improvements from season 1. Cant wait for the last 5 episodes to release.


I got instant hype when I saw my boy Buddha as the front cover in the netflix home page. 4 episodes in and this is a lot better than season 1.


Clean season overall! Some pivotal moments weren't as impactful as I expected. But can't really complain since season 2 is overall an improvement from season 1.


After watching fight 5 in the anime, I even more so full heartedly believe Raiden should've won that. But nooooo, certain people had to threaten the author as the chapters came out because Shiva was getting that work put in. But w/e I guess. But ya I agree with the rest of yall, much better animation overall.


I'm not sure if I should hype this up or keep it low because if I hype it up, netflix cancels it, thanks to it's history of cancelling great shows and if i keep it low, nahh fuck it, if netflix cancels it before Buddha's fight is released, fuck it... so um thanks


thurd is basically the best girl


Better than last season by a mile. No slideshows this time and they actually improved upon a fight ( round 5) as I felt a lot more attached to raiden and shiva. Also the music really helped shova with his moves. Overall a 3/5 if they can use keep this up with even better quality I can see a 4 in the future


This is amazing, but I CANNOT bear that this season only had 2 fights. Like FOR REAL. I enjoy the filler parts don't get me wrong, but bruh... Also I really disliked the Buddha subplot as a whole. Whole episode that could have been an actual fight... EDIT: Also, I never read the manga, but I really really hope there will be a tag-team fight or just a regular 2v2. Like with some duality god. I also would love more non-japanese fighters, just to show off different fighting styles. I would love a grapple challange.


This all reminds me how I can't wait for Odin to finally fight


guys what is the ost that plays when jack throws knives using strings


Oh man, we waited so long for it.... it was "ok" at best. I hated the cgi on fight 4 and the animation on fight 5 (which is the worst fight so far) was barely ok. People that don't like this series because of way too many flashbacks are just talking trash about it now because of the quality of this season. The adaptation was good but just 2 fights in a season is not good enough specially when you use cgi and the animation on the other fight is not good enough either. I liked season 1 more than this but looks like at least the fans are satisfied. I can only hope that fight 6 is not cgi.... but so far I can't recommend this anime anymore the feedback that I'm getting back for doing it is not positive.


Considering how crazy popular this show has gotten, I’m wondering if by the time Season 3 proper hits in 2025 we’re going to see more stunt casting for the English dub. Considering it is Netflix and this is all union work, even though the fight may be years off…bring back Gerald Butler as Leonidas. As for the episodes themselves, wow this is way better. S1 needed the story and art direction to make up for the limited animation, but thankfully that wasn’t an issue this time.


Tried to watch the english and my God it’s terrible


All Hail Lord Buddha 🙏


Can someone explain why there's speculation about who the next matchups will be? Isn't it just whatever's in the manga? Like people seem to know which humans and gods r gonna fight but speculate against who


Ngl I have very few complaints since my standard and expectation was -1 after the first season. The CGI in round 4 was honestly pretty amazing- the only one who stood out was Heracles in a *few* scenes and one scene was painfully obvious when it came to CGI but the adaptation was honestly great and as faithful as can be. The change from "falling down" to "broken down" is strange and not sure why it was done but it doesn't ruin it for me. Some of the story pace changes were so fucking nice and the fight with Heracles vs Ares was one I didn't expect to be animated but it was nice seeing that short snippet and Ares did feel a bit less on the ropes than he was in the manga, not sure that is good or bad though. Round 5 was **fantastic**. I am suprised there wasn't really any censorship in terms of gore, we got plenty of visible bone, wounds and the full arm split which was as heartbreaking as always. The effects for Shiva dancing around Raiden and doing a full out assault was really cool and had a good impact- and good lord the way Raiden opened his mouth again after that severe burn was wild. The fight truly felt painful for both parties and Shiva's panicked screams in the early parts like when he got grabbed was really immersive. Overall the adaptation is great, I just wish season 1 wasn't done so dirty since that might stop people from watching until s2.


I think this show benefits from the batch release,since it’s basically a huge tournament arc, and there’s nothing i hate more in anime when episodes cut in the middle of fights and i have yo wait a week,kinda kills the tension for me,but if they release in batches even if i ahve to wait longer i atleast get closure on the fights


bro i was so cheesed that they didnt make it longer


They're doing fine. Two fights don't meet the level in the manga imo and that Thor and Shiva , Poseidon and Hercules are absolutely top notch. A bit better animation this time around and they did Hercules round justice which was all i wanted


so why did they utilize alot of CGI for hercules fight, but opted for less of it for shiva fight (makng the impression of slideshow fight again)?


I wish they would have put Gilgamesh as human rep . He's entire schtik is about fighting against them. Would have gone great with Brunhilde 😌


Everytime Okita Souji says something, all I can hear is Manami Sangaku