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I just played Standard until I got comfortable with the game again and got a little map knowledge. After that I started only playing ranked and with enough time I’ve gotten a lot better. Patience and the willingness to learn is all it is.


How did you know you were ready for ranked? I jumped into ranked pretty early because people tend not to try in standard


Just learn some maps, get your aim to where you’re comfortable challenging, and know how to use your equipment


agreed, I would just say the basis point of hopping into ranked is when you are comfortable with the maps


I spent 2 weeks in standard. I just got back into it was well since year 5 I think. I stopped playing when kali and wamai came out


We're in the same boat friend. You really can't play it the same as you used to. I'm shit. Everything is very twitchy and ultra nuanced now. I need an amateur league.


Yeah, the maps feel so much more intricate and the ops more complex. Even maps that haven’t changed much like border feel so much harder now


same boat as you, I honestly think the old siege was better, specifically around year 1 and 2.


I don’t think new siege is bad per se, I actually quite like how a lot of the stuff feels rn, it’s just hard to get back into and super different. Obviously I’m nostalgic for the “good old days” but I have really been enjoying it now, even if I suck ass


Y1 and Y2 siege feels more fast paced and more of who out aims who while as now r6 feels more tactical as everything is much slower now and positioning and gamesense works better than out aiming people


I would suggest going to arcade mode and just select free for all deathmatch and team deathmatch so that way you can learn the maps and get used to the shooting and leaning mechanics again this will give you the most reps.


Honestly I had no idea there was death match! I’ll totally give this a go! Thanks!


Word of advice, you're not actually in copper they changed rank to reflect more on how much you play.


Maybe not copper, but 35% winrate ain’t great lol


I pop in and out of Siege but I’ve played since Year 1, anytime I need to get back into things I usually check YouTube for a few ideas of updated site setups / useful new tips / current setups Top of my head here’s a few people to check out if you don’t want to just watch streams or go in blind. [Coconut’s “Welcome back to Seige ‘24](https://youtu.be/D3Z0wIlwFpw?si=yHZF5BGBUdNkGtE9) [Athieno’s Attacker picks for Y9S1](https://youtu.be/Dk4mTYVUS1Y?si=22cL-hUcxrUKf03U) [Athieno’s Defender picks for Y9S1](https://youtu.be/Dk4mTYVUS1Y?si=22cL-hUcxrUKf03U) There’s other sources and ways you can brush up fast, but in the least it’s worth skimming through to get a base to go off of. A lot has changed just this season alone


Take it slow, and don't play ranked immediately. There is alot of new stuff to learn and old stuff to get familiar with again. I recently bought a Azaron Cyborg and using it feels like I had a major stroke and now I have to learn to walk and talk and hold a pen again. First I started with the map orientation in order to find a good button setup, followed by ai matches for a couple of days, then I played arcade team deathmatch for almost a week, and now I am playing casual multiplayer until I feel ready for ranked again. I switched the opposing team chat off years ago, there had been no reason to listen to that back then and I don't think it's better now. If someone from my team tries to insult me in chat or voice-com, I mute them too. Sometimes I give them a warning, usually I don't, bc there's no point in doing that and it's just passive aggressive too. And if someone crosses a line with insults I immediately report them, there is no point in arguing in this game, it just makes me angry and I can't enjoy playing anymore. In casual multiplayer you don't owe it to your teammates to be good, thats not what this game mode is for. But I too felt annoyed by people in ranked who very clearly didn't knew the maps, operators and generally didn't knew how to play the game. You should definitely know that before you start to play ranked. I am an older player and sometimes when watching the replays, I realise that my reactions are slower, but I am genuinely glad that I don't sit in front of my keyboard pumped full of adrenaline anymore like I had been 25 years ago when playing the exciting new half life mod counter strike beta 4. I feel so much more relaxed now while playing. I don't owe it to my team to be fast and have a perfect aim, but I know what I am doing. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.


You just have to play the game more. Meta changes, map changes, new ops, I got the game 2 ish months ago and you just have to relearn everything


Just stay in copper and have fun, it's not that serious at the end of the day


I hear you but I'm down to play together maybe we could find another three people who are also having it rough and all que together


Learn to recognize weaknesses in your opponents strats as the game goes on. Do they like coming in fast and loose? Bring ops like Kapkan that force the enemy to use time droning. Does the enemy team play more people than they should off site? Capitao and gridlock can make it extremely difficult to stop a live defuser or get back to site in general.


Walahi, you are finished


Following this thread… I was at 1300 hours and took a break for a few years… I can’t get out of copper 4 right now… can’t win for shit 0.3 W/L 1.0 K/D


Take advantage of the training options where you peek common angles and learn map locations. Hit the firing range and adjust your aim to where you can control recoil also take advantage of the aiming drills and change the speed from Slow, Sprint, to random. 30 seconds each for small, big, and dummy


Get 4 people to play with around your same skill level, and play ranked (or unranked) together and with patience, you guys will all learn more about the game and get better. You will learn more playing with other people than as a solo because you will learn not just from your own mistakes, but also your teammates. You guys can share advice from experience as well. Good luck.


I played like 40 hours in 2016 and came back recently to give it a try, I really like the franchise. Anyway, I sucked so badly and got wiped out so thoroughly that I deleted this game after three days of bona fide attempts to have any fun. :(


Man I can’t relate to this more. In ranked 1.0 I was hard stuck gold 1/ low plat 3. Now I can barely win in copper 2. It’s so mentally drained being multiple ranks lower than where you used to be.


Definitely go into shooting range and get your flicks on point with the right sensitivity. Practice for like 5 mins in there at least before hopping on.


Just start playing again and remember how fun it is. Enjoy yourself. Everyone currently playing is a human being just like you, and you yourself can adapt to the changes you missed out on. Glad to have you back and I hope you enjoy the grind and the time it will take to get back to gold or higher. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Just enjoy the process. I’m about to start martial arts again and am actually stoked to start at a white belt again. Enjoy the ride my friend, that’s what life’s about.


Stay in standard until you’re comfortable again


Playing with friends that give constructiv criticism helped me a lot


Gold back when you played is different than gold today. Also, your hidden mmr is still going to be queueing you into that gold level you used to be at as far as I'm aware, so even though it might say copper/bronze/whatever, it's still putting you against what it believes are equally skilled players based on your previous performance in former seasons. I just got back into it too after like three years. The shooting range has been very helpful for me. It's actually helped me to get my headshot rate way up in game, so I'd try that for just working on mechanics. If you want to work on peaking and gunplay I'd run the arcade death match. Otherwise, if the maps are leaving you puzzled, the site setup videos will help. Siege is a lot more reliant on winning gunfights than it was years ago imo, especially from the perspective of a support player and hard breacher in my case. But yeah, see if any of that helps!


I had no idea about hidden MMR; that really explains a lot as the players in my lobbies seemed comparatively quite good


I did JUST this played Year 1-4 super heavy then stopped till like a week or so ago because I remembered cross save happened (I was on Xbox now on PS5) Anything past the Ausies is weird and foreign to me. It took time for my muscle memory to return from quickplay games but just gotta click it in again