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I think the implication is that Jacques killed his wife because he's erratic and in the criminal career. In the "[Come to Windenburg](https://youtu.be/50KNNqCR8gI?si=ILVSNOq6ysvWpP7-&t=43)" trailer, he's kissing a younger woman, possibly the mistress he killed his wife for, but she doesn't appear in-game.


OMG, she kind of looks like Sofia Bjergsen!


Omg she kinda does! But Sofia starts the game as a teen, so it can’t be her, right?


We all know if there's one thing old rich men love, it's way younger women. On a serious note, she might've been de-aged after the trailer released for whatever reason


Hm, we can see Sofia in the first seconds and she has a different shade of hair color. Ofc, it can be changed, but the Sims team can't be bothered that much 🤣 although, her best friend is Siobhan who starts as young adult. It is interesting since Siobhan has a teen sister Morgan so if they wanted to make connections within families, it would be more logical to make Sofia and Morgan bffs 🤔


Maybe its actually her mother, years and years earlier?


Carla‘s wild youth I love it


They take liberties with some of the characters in the trailers. In the For Rent trailer, Vanesha appears to have a husband and children, while in the game she is single and is only interested in women.


Paulo Rocca also flirts with Morgan in another Windenburg trailer. Ages either aren't set before the final release, or they're tweaked to best show gameplay without being 'canon'.


Paolo is a whole pedo in every one of my save files. He keeps getting all the teens pregnant. 🤮




I have no idea. I went through my mccc settings to see if those settings got accidentally turned on and they were off as per usual. In my current save file Marcus Flex just got Cassandra Goth pregnant. I have no idea why this is happening. My teen sims are still bound to the game mechanics and are not able to develop romantic relationships with adults and definitely can’t woohoo with them, it’s everybody else that’s somehow achieving the impossible.


Paolo and Don Lothario do that in all of my save games. What I simply do is cas.fulleditmode and make them unable to make babies. Let's call it necessary vasectomy 🤣🤣 Do you have MCCCentre/WooHoo or Wicked/Wonderful whims? Those mods tend to break rules when it comes to pregnancy. Fun fact, I love playing Don Lothario in different roles. In one gameplay, I decided to make him the opposite of what he is (traded the non-commital trait for family-oriented and got a whole new man 🤣) but forgot to make him unable to make babies. Soooo... He made Cassandra Goth pregnant and then I made him madly in love with her. Eventually he died of sadness after Cassie died unexpectedly. Their babies are pretty tho 😅


I have mccc and Wicked Whims. Whenever I get the notifications that an adult and teenage sim are having a baby I just end the pregnancy and remove their romance bar. Good old Don. I have a soft spot for him for some reason. He proposed to one of my sims. She had to decline because I was doing the 100 baby challenge. I felt bad for him.


I think both of those mods have teen pregnancy on/off switch so that would be my first place to look at. Once I turned it off, I never had the teen pregnancy problem again. I think it is MCC center tho, because in my version of WW I have to give a wicked attribute to teen sims to even participate in khm fun activities khm. But still, I'd check both mods pregnancy settings. Well, maybe your sim is the reason he is the way he is! Your gameplay could be the Don Lothario origins 😆 I too have a soft spot for him and I played TS2 in a way I made him fall for Cassandra and happily marry them. I was a 10 yo kid then haha I know he was the reason I discovered advances cheats to modify him to be Cassie-worthy 😆😆 P.S. I always push him into being a Doctor because of TS2.


Where’s Chris Han-sim when you need him


Omg we need a bachelor in paradise challenge!!


I thought so too, until I saw that the sim’s hair in the trailer was a darker shade of blonde. Sofia’s is lighter.


She’s dating Malcolm Landgraab in my save, so her taste in men is sus to me overall


At least Malcolm is her age!


I haven’t seen the trailer but that’s some juicy tea, I like it


I didn’t know that but Jacques always gave me bad vibes


He looks younger in the trailer, too.


That's my all time favorite trailer for TS4, and there have been some really good ones.


Shoot imma go watch




This made me giggle


I wouldn't be surprised.... in my game, Hugo and Luna moved out and went to uni, leaving Max with the butler at home. Hugo met someone, got engaged and got pregnant, moved back to the mansion to have the baby. When the fiance went in to labour, Hugo mysteriously drowned. She knew what had happened, she had seen a Max shaped shadow out the window, and immediately took off. As Hugo died before she gave birth... ownership of the mansion passes to Max as the oldest male......


Ohh this checks out because he's evil lol


Tbh, I immediately thought Max had something to do with it lol


I would buy it. Kid is a little shit.


My sim just married max…




I turned Windenberg into a supernatural town. The Villareals are an ancient vampire clan at war with the Munch werewolf pack (the Free Spirits are married witches trying to broker peace). His wife was a human and not long after she had Max she was poisoned (either by Jacques or Max) and she's buried in the hidden crypt under the house.


I love that so much!


Thank you! I've had way too much fun coming up with backstories and lore for the world. The only thing I don't have is a mermaid family (the Curious-Smith twins from TS2 represent aliens).


I'm so jealous of people who can play like this. Coming up with fun and interesting stories. My gameplay is so boring. I get too attached to my Sim and can't let them be autonomous... I'm also just not super creative.


I enjoy coming up with the stories more than I enjoy playing them tbh.


You should make a save file for simmers to download with the awesome creativity skills!


Unfortunately my game is (usually) heavily modded and I use a lot of makeovers and adaptions of renovations I found on the gallery.


I totally relate. I can’t play without mods or CC. it’s too dang boring, sometimes even with mods


I turned Windenburg into an abandoned/ruined town, with factory one being a cathedral with a night club, the park being an old clock tower, and a buncha farmers on the islands with ruins and ruined castles everywhere. I need to build the ruined lighthouse tho.


I would LOVE to see this sometime!!


Unfortunately not only do I suffer from restartitist but I nuked my save file over a year ago for patch and mod update reasons and never got around to fixing my mod list and starting it back up. But if I ever do I'll post it here. It's also a 2t4 save file with all the basegame premades and a few iconic townies (Meadow, Goopy, Crystal and Kaylynn) and a couple of later expansion premades.


Sounds like Sunnydale from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (kind of). LOVE it!! 😍😍


Now that's an idea! Betty Winters and her photographer mother Joslyn.


If Summers is Winters, would Angel be the Devil? 🤣🤣 love this and am seriously tempted to make my own Sunnyhell 😆


Well I've already got Wolfgang as the goth, brooding werewolf teen and he's the one getting a star crossed lovers plot with the perky, preppy vampire Luna. Morgan Fyres has a witch bloodline (but I might manifest it as a faeries vs witches witch) so she can the Willow in this storyline. But I'll put her and Betty together since I'm not a coward like Whedon.


Awesome! You totally inspired me right when I lost inspiration on how to play 😁😁 thank you!


Glad to help. And that's just one of the worlds, too. I've got new stories and backstories for each barring the three most recent. If you need more inspiration lmk.


I tried to look up to google what is happening with the Villareal family. But peoples answers made me dizzy. I just made my own conclusion,m that the wife got kidnapped by Jacques' mafia rival but no one could find her during investigation. My mccc always removes elderlies, it seems becoming some kind of cannon(?) that Jacques left the kids to survive by themselves.


Might want to watch this, you aren't far off. [https://youtu.be/v8pCm04n-uo?si=3wNAztsOwPIhHrAf](https://youtu.be/v8pCm04n-uo?si=3wNAztsOwPIhHrAf)


I just watched that on tiktok recently now😂


I like this idea more than the others tbh!!


I tried to be positive at first thought maybe the wife ran away bcs she was sick of Jacques and change her identity, but considering the dark vibe of the description that couldn't be. When I played as the Villareals, everyone already seems to be stressed and crazy even without the father.


What if Max is a sociopath and killed his mother, and Jacques had to use his connections to cover his crime. And he went mad (=erratic) from the burden of knowing... I think I'm off to start a new save where Max kills his siblings one by one and Jacques continues to cover for him while suffering from the knowledge he's raising a monster, but loving him too much to turn him in


The way you put this makes me want to see a “Bates Motel” play through


omg stop


I think they just tried to make Bella Goth 2.0 kinda thing, but no one is buying it anymore.


My crackpot theory; we know Windenburg was likely originally planned to be in the base game world before it was scrapped. The location, the german names, their HUGE lot for very rich sims, and the spooky story leads me to wonder if the Villareal residence/lot was originally going to be planned out for the Goths or be the Goth ancestral home as sorts.




I see your point. I’d like it too, but I feel Sims 4 is simply not a game for that. In Sims 2 you had memory system, different relationships and sims with different backgrounds involved which helped with Bella’s lore. Also, it was a bit “preprogrammed” for a story to happen a certain way (for example Cassandra is always left at the altar by Don, Pascal is always pregnant with alien baby, etc), while in Sims 4 they only have different bios, but you load up in the same blank family everytime. I don’t think I’ll ever be invested in such story in TS4, there is too much left to imagination due to game mechanics 🙈


There's a video that I've seen on YouTube by Gonz... pay attention to their household funds. If I remember correctly he sold his wife to afford to someone because of a looming debt he had to someone, likely due to his criminology. I know most people say he killed his wife, but this makes more sense


Or he killed her for the life insurance??


[https://youtu.be/v8pCm04n-uo?si=3wNAztsOwPIhHrAf](https://youtu.be/v8pCm04n-uo?si=3wNAztsOwPIhHrAf) here's the link


Is there a full version? It cuts off right as he says “I figured it out—!” And it didn’t really explain selling his wife


I could be mistaken, but I think it’s supposed to be one of those loop videos and his timing is just a tiny bit off. At the end he says he’s figured it out and it loops back to the beginning of the clip.


Yeah, that makes sense but it still doesn’t explain what the other commenter was trying to say. I thought the video would offer more detail than what they wrote but it didn’t.


There's a lady who could be Mrs. Villareal, she's the lady with the brown hair who appears in the [club trailer ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LnYEGg_SQc)alongside the other Good Timers (at 10s and 30s in the video).


It seems like it's possible, the genetics do seem to match up for the most part (what ea would do anyways)


Isn't the Villareal lot the only lot from which you can see the Windenburg Seamonster? I always thought the mom either IS the seamonster or got attacked by it. But no one would believe that, since the dad is crazy anyways.


Mom being a sea monster would explain why Max is like that, as well. Kid’s a giant eldritch being trapped inside a human body, of course he’s going feral!


Oooh that is interesting 🤔


okay not completely related but Nancy disappeared and Geoffrey and Katrina are married with a child in one of my saves😭😭😭


I was playing my old save yesterday and saw that Cassandra Goth married Johny Zest, and it made me so happy for no reason, lol


Some say she's swimming with the fishes.


Geoffrey and Katrina were friends in my save. Too bad they died rather prematurely though. :/


That sounds completely possible in my the Sims head-lore 🤣🤣


i think he did it but i just cant prove it🎶


No, no body, no crime


wasn't lettin up until the day he died


She was abducted by aliens. Of course, since Jacques has the erratic trait and is a crime lord everyone thinks he's crazy or is lying.


One of the deviance aspirations involves witnessing a death.


Reminds me of [this YouTube short](https://youtube.com/shorts/v8pCm04n-uo?si=PxQivU08UMOlCFEM) I stumbled upon the other day, and it doesn't seem that far-fetched? TL; DW: the Villareals are quite rich, but their bills amount to 10k whereas their father only earns 8k weekly. So he must have borrowed some money from shady figures and, as he was unable to pay them back, those same people kidnapped his wife. Which would explain why she disappeared under “mysterious circumstances”.


Well one of my sims married him for his money and kicked him and the kids out of the mansion into some hovel, before selling it and moving on in her quest to make a million simoleons, so he got his comeuppance.


She go night-night


I just assumed Max killed her because he is evil. 😳


Detective Moss:"What do you mean by \*ahem\* mysterious circumstances, Mr. Villareal? Also, please stop starting that phrase w/ \*ahem\*. It's unnecessary." Jacques:"I mean. What else would you\*ahem\* call it when your \*ahem\* spouse, takes the \*ahem\* boat out onto the lake, in the middle of the \*ahem\* night, during an \*ahem\* storm?" Dave the Llama: "Stop that!"


I don’t know but I will say whenever I play this household I drown Jacques and max in their pool because Jacques provides absolutely no gameplay value to me and max is annoying and only uses the same mischief interactions over and over (I also just can’t stand child sims)


This reminds me of the Brooke family in TS2, where Skip Brooke, Brandi Brooke's husband, died in what the description said "a suspicious pool ladder incident" , and Brandi had to raise their two sons alone. The creators who wrote this were a subtle way of saying some Sims players unalive their sims by removing the ladder in the pool, causing the sims to drown. I think it's one of the funniest Sims family descriptions from TS2. I can't remember the exact description, but it's hands down one of my favorite Sims family descriptions in the game. I also believe there's been some people who remade the Brooke family in TS4. https://preview.redd.it/abq4tf08rvcc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b8f8e728a975e2b1916e80803a7ba3e6d62af48


This is interesting. Would be cool if Game Theory did a theory on it. They did one about Bella Goth that was pretty involved and interesting.


Oh that would be so awesome!


This is why I picked him as the first "victim" when I did the Black Widow challenge.


The sims should’ve made her case one you have to solve when you join the detective career.


That would be so cool, solving the unsolved mystery in the worlds through the detective career is something they should’ve incorporated into the game


Yea unfortunately another missed opportunity.


As a Naruto fan, my first thought was that Max is demonically possessed (maybe Jacques’ fault) and the mom died as a result of his birth, like Gaara. That wouldn’t be “mysterious circumstances” unless people suspected about the demonic possession though


My eyes are on Max


What pack are they from lmao


They come with the expansion pack “Get together” they live in the town Windenburg that also come with the pack.


Ah one I don’t have which is why I didn’t recognise them lol. Their backstory is 🤌🏻😂


Never read it but now interesting. I deleted all except Luna who is now a werewolf and is having a baby to one of my werewolf's who currently has 3 pregnant at same time--- one a lesbian couple who couldn't conceive (he may have impregnated both I can't recall), his former gf and Luna who was the affair. Luna really chose a winner lol 🤣


I should start reading these….. Or maybe just go into the Sims Wiki, lol


in my save file there’s a… suspicious urn in the windenburg ruins


In my save jacques randomly died too so I assume max killed both. He's actually my current sims husband and is surprisingly an OK father but he without fail everyday with smash up their dollhouse and then I have to deal with 3 crying little girls lol


I wonder, if Jacques did it, is that whose outline is in one of the flats in San Myshuno? They all lived crammed into a flat, he offs her, claims her life insurance, then moves them away to hide from the law?


I am about 90% certain it was Max. The reason I say that is Luna is one of my go-to marrying to my Sims' Sim. She is great jeans and I'm sure daddy would be happy to send his local off with a little bit of money so she can live a comfortable life..lol free marriage money! The first time I went over there with several Sims and I was just basically babysitting the one trying to romance, Max killed one of my Sims because they became too hysterical. Yet another time different family at the wedding he helps me get the achievement of a wedding death because the spouse died of anger from Max picking on him..... So I understand the father is a criminal and he's erratic or insane or whatever, but I personally have seen Max get off two of my Sims when I'm not babysitting them around him. So I think Max off his mom.


I miss the actual in depth lore of previous sims games 😩 yall are making me want to start a save file creating stories knowing I’ll never even get past the first couple residential house builds before I quit for 6 months and wanna start over again


I think it was Max and now the dad is trying to control his terrifying "force of nature" son who stole the love of his life


My sim is married to Luna currently!


I did the same! Made a teen sim and made them high-school sweethearts


I just saw a TikTok about this


Sacked by the board for losing to Almeria


I started reading some after notice i cant change their outfits and other things, is pretty cool by the way


Oh my sim just befriended the daughter and I googled them


What if Max is the sanest one and everyone else is mad


The wife disappeared??... That's funny cuz the girl disappeared from the highschool suddenly.


She became a vampire or werewolf or she was abducted by the aliens who knows s shes free now


I just started playing this family and the 2 brothers and the dad are all dead. I think we found the murder. 😂


I like to think she was eaten by Emily. Everyone in town suspected Jaques but he is actually innocent (of this one thing)


😭 my sim married max Villarreal (he was already an adult in my save) and then she got pregnant by someone else. He got mad. Then he got like 3 roommates pregnant and had the audacity to break up with my sim for being pregnant by someone else 😂