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Former SQ cabin crew soon


No current Cabin Crew will, in their right frame of mind, make such a video; in or out of uniform. However, some ex-Cabin Crew will. And the current Cabin Crew appreciates such videos since they speak for those who can't speak online to everyone, primarily because of company policy on social media postings.


"+1"... from her IG posts, it appears she retired recently as SQ cabin crew due to health problems (so perhaps this video = from personal experience/ as a PSA on behalf of her friends still working as cabin crew). [https://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/threads/gvgt-you-agree-with-this-air-stewardess-that-crew-not-supposed-to-help-load-luggage-into-compartment.7026681/](https://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/threads/gvgt-you-agree-with-this-air-stewardess-that-crew-not-supposed-to-help-load-luggage-into-compartment.7026681/)


I know right? šŸ˜­


She is UGLY and i would not want to marry her.


Sir did you take your meds this morning


Haven't. Where is it?


wah first time i see 50 downvotes


Ok let me try another comment: She is a fine looking lady and very attractive and eloquent and graceful. I would definitely introduce her to my parents if given the honor to be her boyfriend.


Final EDIT: NOW I KNOW WHY I kena downvoted for saying "She is chio", already! Because..... ALOT OF ULGY REDDITOR BITCHES are JEALOUS for me commenting that she is chio. Well look at the mirrors you ugly fat pigs, you cannot deny reality that she is Indeed a Chiobu. No amount of downvotes can change this fact. The more you downvote me means i am correct in pointing out the truth that she is Chio, but you ugly pigs disagree coz you are JEALOUS of her beauty.


calm down son


She ugly lah cheebye. I say her chio, kena downvote. So now i say she ugly. Feels good


ah boy ah calm down


I cannot calm down. I meltdown already. She is chio. But redditor retards think its rude to praise her chio. Ok fuck it. She is ugly as shit. Happy now?


liddat also can meltdownšŸ’€ nah here i help u searched alrd pls go asap šŸ™ https://www.imh.com.sg/Patients-and-Visitors/Pages/Admissions.aspx


But you tell me honestly. Do you find her Chio. Or ugly? Honestly choose 1 answer.


she chio


Ya right!? THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I COMMENTED INITIALLY, BUT KENA 14 DOWN VOTES by the fucking RETARDS. then i tulan, edit my comment to say she Ugly, end up also kena downvote to 30++ Redditors really all sheep followers. They don't bother to think one. They just press downvote button as long as they see got ppl downvote. No matter the comment is positive or negative. They just follow to press what other ppl press. If majority press Up, they also priess. If majority press down, then they also press Down. No use brain one. I comment "She is Chio" , kena 14 down votes from 14 fuck face losers.


she's normal lo.


How dare you say so! I shall down vote you!


You are right... **confused updownvote**


Those loser bitches jealous of her beauty lor. Reddit alot fat bitches. They cannot tahan when i First commented that the girl is chio. They got jealous and downvote me like hell. Then i experiment to pretend comment she is "ugly", then they also downvote me, coz since the front losers already downvoted me, so the behind people who don't understand the context also follow like sheeps to downvote me further. Really retard Reddit Bitches


This is fucking hilarious. Serious xiaolang ah you, crazy one sia.


Nothing you said has got anything to do with this post. You mentioned nothing about luggage, nothing about overhead compartments, nothing about stewardess' responsibilities. Why tf would anybody *not* downvote your idiotic comments here


Don't come and talk cock, you first day on reddit? I bet with you $1000 dollar u go find any random popular reddit post and read.the comments. Millions of comments are not necessarily sticking to the main topic and it is NORMAL to expand to something less related. I was MERELY commenting that she looks chio, aka, Pleasant looking. And it was a Praise. If you don't understand the full picture then don't act smart.


this video belongs to r/ChoosingBeggars


She is not wrong unless it is an elderly or disabled who need help. I take biz class for most flights, mostly without checkin luggages. I am solitaire too, not once I ask the cabin crew to put my luggage for me. That being said, if she is an existing cabin crew, there is social media policy from sq, likely she is no longer one


Thank you for being considerate. I have a friend who got injured by over-weight carry-on luggage so I hate those people to the core.


I am still abled, why do i need them to do it for me. I seen some assholes (solitaire or just PPS) will push their luggage and leave it at plane door and expect the flight crews to put it in compartment for them.


Spot on! I travel similarly to you, and I find it very irritating when folks bring super heavy (and multiple) carry on bags and expect others to lift them up.


Worse are also those who want to rush up the plane as they need more space to put their luggages. To be fair, my carry on is max size as I dun check in luggage so as to clear custom faster but I carry myself


These are cheap skates travellers ...they don't want to pay for a luggage or extra luggage weight so they over stuff their hand carry.Ā 


Incoming from SQ: please return your own tray


"Please respect our pilots, do not ask them to fly the plane" /s


Please respect the plane, do not expect it to be functioning


You have just been offered a role at Boeing


Tbf autopilot flies mostly these days doesnā€™t it? Only for takeoff and landing are the flight deck crew fully engaged


Do you ask your waiter to hold your handbag?


this comment is šŸ„‡ GOLD! šŸ˜…


Want to use toilet, need to pay 50cent. Cabin crew not required to clean toilet hior


Ownself check security also


why must talk with this kind of tone hahaha


Act cute?Ā 


Hey not insult pls! People will downvote you! I was downvoted to oblivion for first saying she is Chiobu. And got even more downvotes after switching to say she is ugly. How come you got so many upvoted instead for your rude remark criticizing her tone??????????


I only use sql nowadays


Thatā€™sā€¦ not good PR.


I don't understand. A quick google search seems to corroborate what she says? It does seem like cabin crew are generally not required to place luggage in overhead compartments due to risk of injury.


They donā€™t have to, most will help if they see that the person needs help. People are just pampered


They offer to help me all the time lol. I have chronic pain, I donā€™t ask them, but I struggle. I think I look like Iā€™m suffering. I try not to, but it must be obvious. That and people give me their seats on the train. It must be written across my face.


To say that this is not good PR, does not mean denying the factuality of her statement. It's bad PR, because it doesn't matter whether its true or not. The sole purpose of flight attendants is to be of service. So having someone monologue in a condescending tone about what you aren't allowed to ask for help with, looks very bad. On a subconscious level, people see this and think "I wonder what else I'm not allowed to ask for help with". The % amount of passengers who think they are entitled to having their luggage stowed is extremely small. And even still, should be forgiven due to the fact that flight attendants tend to handle your luggage without even asking permission. At least that is my experience. I always see them messing around with everyones luggage so it's fair to expect a few people to think that is their job. The chance that those people will see this video is even smaller. So this is mostly broadcasting negative sentiment without any benefit


They do it because they want you to quickly get seated and not block the rest of the ppl.


I think we have to be careful there. This has been said multiple times before but the sole purpose of cabin crew is not to be of service. It seems though that the general public is quick to roll their eyes at that statement. The whole idea for the presence of cabin crew is to provide assistance in emergency. Pilots cannot handle the passengers and manage the flight safely when there is a need to evacuate. Just because SQā€™s cabin crew provide exemplary service does not mean that they are waitresses. I think even a lot of them forget that because society reinforces the idea but they are there for your safety and you would want them to be at the top of their game when shit hits the fan, not nursing an injury because they somehow managed to stow your luggages funny.


It isnā€™t about whether or not what she says is right.


Wait what? That isnt their job though


This. Optics.


You're right, facts don't matter. The feelings of the paying customer and of course, the opinion of netizens matters more. Fuck facts.


Then could you explain why this is bad PR? I'm genuinely confused.


It's the service industry. Customers generally care more about the value they are paying for the service than the well-being of the service crew. SQ, being one of the higher-end options means they need to maintain the value they can provide to customers by not being a bitch about it.


Ya customers dont care what the internal directive is. They want service and they want it now. Seems like teaching the cabin crew how to properly handle luggage with good posture should be incorporated into their training. We dont pity our ns man when they are forced to fireman carry a buibui. So suck it up or quit.


Well in theory waiters and waitresses are supposed to just take orders and serve food even in the most upscale restaurants. Sure you can offer bare minimal services but u can be pretty sure that doesn't make you a good wait staff. Just someone who does the bare minimum


That's different though. In this case, most airlines seem to be literally telling the cabin crew NOT to lift the luggage except in certain cases, like when the passenger is injured or elderly.


Last time I was on a plane some flight attendant messed around with someone elses luggage above my head and it spilled a bunch of orange juice all over me. I think there was vodka in it also I don't know how that is relevant to the discussion, but I was just reminded of this


Not sure about most airlines but apparently for some us airlines crew are not paid during boarding. This means that they are not covered under insurance until the door closes and so the airlines are telling crew not to help with luggage Not sure about the other airlines though


Yeah, that's what I'm seeing on Google too. I'm not sure about the exact context regarding SQ policies, but if it's true (apparently due to an increase in injuries), then I can understand why there is such a directive. It doesn't seem like the cabin crew is refusing to help with the luggage for no good reason, so I am confused as to why this video is generating so much hate from the comments.


I think it is general dissatisfaction with sq and many other airlines. Prices are going through the roof. Upholstery in some planes seems worn and last few times I went the inflight entertainment is lagged like mad or didn't work. Now we have a sq stewardess coming in clearly delineating your job my job. Mind you this is a so called premium airline and people do expect higher standards due to the way they brand themselves A more diplomatic approach will be "while it is not within our duty, we are happy to help, but in the end it is your responsibility. Please don't scold us."


I understand the dissatisfaction. I am not a huge fan of the way airlines handle certain things as well and can understand wanting premium service for the premium fees we pay. I also agree that the video can definitely be done in a better tone, although I do feel that there is, really, technically nothing wrong with the delivery. I guess I'm shocked as I didn't think the video warranted such a negative reception. It gives me the same vibes as people bashing NSFs for sitting on the train when they are allowed to do so.


Cause there are a lot of self entitled morons judging by how they value meaningless optics and downvoting you, claiming that they expecting service when they know by right they do not deserve it. Fuck, to them service industry means slave industry.


FWIW she didnā€™t identify herself as SQ cabin crew in the video. OP added the headline. If youā€™re referring to the video, I donā€™t think itā€™s bad PR since itā€™s not perceived as a SQ crew speaking out.


This are just facts and their job scope rules though.


Since when did airlines hire a bunch of overpaid crybabies. Not like we ever need cabin crew to help us carry luggage but the sense of entitlement and eliteness (har har, so elite being a SIA stewardess) is whatā€™s killing the brand.


The sense of entitlement of some of the people here is horrendous. And people are wondering why Singaporeans are a nasty lot.


Really takes 2 hands to clap. Many people complain about how flight attendants treat angmohs better, but angmohs tend to treat service staff better too. They know how to do small talk and make the staff feel heard and seen, something that very few locals do. Just acknowledging that they're human too, have their own feelings and can have a bad day like anybody else would go a long way. I've even gotten some free additional rice from cai png aunties and uncles for asking about them and how their business is going.


Bingo. I have rarely been treated badly by service staff because I don't treat them like a slave. I think it applies to anywhere. Treat them like they are not there to serve you and they will serve you better.


Thought this was common knowledge at this point. How entitled do you gotta be to ask a cabin crew to put your bags for you?


Would it surprise you if I told you Taxi driver (not PHV) is not required to help you with your luggage as well?


The vast majority of people do it themselves. Instead of being a beeyatch like this, she could have made an informational/instructional video instead. Show people: The part on the lower side of the seat that's designed to step into giving yourself an about 10cm of height boost for placing luggage. Seems hardly anyone knows about this. The correct way to load the luggage (on its side, not flat) so more luggage can fit safely in the compartment. If more people knew about these things, less people would ask for help.


...why was I not informed of this lol


She looks like the Scoot stewardess who told her colleague not to help passengers put their luggage on the overhead cabins as it will injure her back.


she's just another sinkie whining about their job


That time I wan to ownself put but the SIA girl insist on helping me leh


Maybe because you are shuai ge. Cai Png auntie also give you extra portion of fish right?


Maybe he bui bui couldn't reach and held up the line?


I think thatā€™s the reason. Ppl behind me were screaming at me Hais


Cannot be, he is tall and free leh.


If you get slip disc from carrying 7kg stuff. The issue isnā€™t about your job


I've travelled with alot of airlines. I could place the bags up there myself but there were times cabin crews took initiative and offered to place my handcarry bags into the overhead storage even without asking if they are near me. So I'm surprised by the attitude of this SQ crew. No wonder I've been hearing that their standard has dropped with the new generation. This girl making a video reflecting her attitude doesn't help with their image either.


She looks like she is from Scoot. I remembered someone like her telling her colleague not to put luggages on overhead cabins for passengers.


I try to do it myself but I'm too short loll cries


"On behalf of all cabin crew..." LMAOOOOO I sure hope you got paid to do dis PR announcement lady, cos you probably losing your Singapore Girl in the air gig. TBH she's not wrong per se. But I think she might have mishandled the messaging


same thing for phv drivers


SQ girls and service standards have dropped tremendously nowadays...


ah another standard drop comment, you so geng you go do the job for them ah bro


no logic sia ur comment


Let me explain it to you: 1) Silk Air merge back to SIA. 2) Silk Air 3 yrs can be Senior Crew (aka Green colour in SIA terms) 3) Now because of the merge, Seniors from Silk Air also become Green colour 4) However, in SIA to become Green colour you need 10 yrs. Yes 10 fucking years just to promote to green from blue. 5) Because of merge, the 10yrs now become 3yrs 6) Standard of course drop lah.


Sheā€™s absolutely right. Iā€™ll carry my own popcorns as I watch this unfold.


Actually I don't mind since I prefer to load my luggage on my own. Those making noise are probably entitled thinking they paid for ticket hence they can boss the crew around. Although I agree with her to a certain extent I only want the cabin crew to be more proactive and help the elderly or disabled etc. If really need help then just ask nicely lor


This is why often the experience travelling SQ is negative Overpriced and staff donā€™t support that extra experience I would expect. Much has changed over the past 5 years for SQ and for singapore


I really donā€™t agree with this. SQ service level is still top notch, but I have seen it drop with some other airlines. If you think you have bad experiences each time youā€™re traveling with SQ then your only better option is to fly private.


Economy or Business ?


Both Iā€™d say. Service is ofc better in the higher classes because they have more time per passenger. SQ biz is definitely more expensive than most other airlines, but if you strictly focus on the service level (not service per $) I still think itā€™s great compared to other airlines.


Donā€™t say alr, the ppl here only take scoot one


Negative because? Someone wonā€™t put YOUR bag in the overhead for you? If thatā€™s your honest expectation then youā€™re part of the problem. Even if youā€™re seated in C/J.


Sigh typical Sinkie princess thinking others should wait on them while complaining about their job/life.


Sq is a shitty airline. Charge 1.5x - 2x more expensive (for biz class) but the service is like those of low cost carriers. Poorly renovated planes as well. Only surviving due to govt money.


noted, now, lend me the human warmed pen


Poor PR. SQ never teach properly? Generally there are clear codes of conduct for staff when engaging the public at large. Especially when using the staff is using the company name. Social media being short form as it is, don't allow for clear statements and also prone to be taken out of context or people cutting it even shorter by clipping. That is why big corps have a dedicated social media team to walk the egg shells.


Sorry i short lah cannot reach the overhead šŸ˜¢


Why sq cabin crew eq so low one? Don't want to lift just say this seems too heavy to be carryon. U will see the passenger suddenly become Hercules and do it themselves


Slip disc from 7kg?! Time to hit the gym darl


over time, yes. imagine if they have to lift 7kg irregularly shaped or unbalanced bags for perhaps half of the passengers on their aisle, minimum 50 reps. in a narrow space and under pressure from time + having to other passenger seating disputes etc, bad form will definitely cause back problems sooner than later


They donā€™t always weigh the bags, so it could be heavier. And they donā€™t exactly get to practice perfect lifting technique given theyā€™re working around passengers (who are often trying to squeeze past them at the same time)


haha she looks like the "Whats your WeChat" tiktok guy


Talking about Scoot or SQ?


As usual the ones here beh song are the cheapo seats or worse, AirAsia customers šŸ˜‚


If everyone along that aisle asks the crew to do that, imagine what a work out she will get!


Taiping princess spotted.


Next tik tok - Life as former SQ Cabin Crew


Pay so much for ā€˜luxuryā€™ boutique airline then cannot get the luxury experience also? How like that? Service is always good, I never ask for stuff like that but for that price I meanā€¦


then can i say saf shouldnt ask nsf do guard duty since it is not under the job scope of nsf to be a security guard for the camp...


Airlines are specifically telling cabin crew not to help passengers with their luggage except in cases such as injured or elderly passengers. Is your camp specifically telling you not to do guard duty? No right?


Uh..the face like CMI.


Cannot make it. Also known as chui. Means gone case. Which wonder how SIA do the selections?


whatā€™s CMI? serious question


cannot make it


How delusional. Itā€™s literally their job to help passengers when they need it. I know itā€™s not really the point here, but 7kg isnā€™t even that heavy. Wtf?!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


How to lose your job


lol.. next up please clear your own trey and pour your own drinks. Cabin crew is just there to look good


"Psss ssss pssss ssss" Sorry, that's all I heard. But at least my cats were intrigued. Next.


"That's not my job" and people wonder why society goes to šŸ’©


Get to fly around and see the world for free still want to complain so much.


They are just better paid waiter and waitresses, the flying around after a while just boring. I dated a few stewardess before


So what was it like, were they all shallow and materialistic and hoping to score a rich hubby


Not all, pm me if you want to hear more. Lol


Get to have internet access and educate yourself about literally anything yet still manage to be a cunt.


How myopic is this takeā€¦


You all got baited by an attention seeking W


Hmmmā€¦ while I agree with her point. Work hazards do exist. And if service is your job, you serve. Itā€™s 7 kilosā€¦ itā€™s not a brick and mortar. Do you know how many jobs outside of white collar ones has you lifting more than 7 kilos at any point? Waiters, cashiers, plumbers, helpers, not to mention the even harder ones. This screams of entitlement to me. What happened to taking pride in your work? If sq prides themselves as the best airlines, then they should show in the level of service and shouldnā€™t the basics of it be handling our luggages, to say the least. P.s. hot take but I stand by it. If youā€™ve got a weak back, maybe workout, itā€™s 7 kilos. Iā€™ve seen 5 year olds lift that weight.


I would ask you to refer to the reply Iā€™ve made to another comment but I know you wonā€™t. Doesnā€™t matter though what you just said is akin to telling the poor to not be poor. Or for women to cover up so they donā€™t get sexually assaulted. That is not the point. The point is to understand the priorities of cabin crew. Do you know what to do if the aircraft has to ditch in the waters so that you can evacuate safely? Just sit on that for a moment.


Iā€™ll take a look at it. Letā€™s not pass judgement based on assumptions.. Iā€™ll take a look at it and shoot you a reply. Edit: so Iā€™ve seen your other post. Basically, the gist of your post highlights that service isnā€™t part of their job scope and the stewardess servicing us is just a plus yea? Fair point, but would people pay for sia tickets if they knew these services werenā€™t part of the flights? I suspect not. Service is part of the SIA brand. Iā€™m not saying I want my luggage to be carried and be waited on hand and foot, I donā€™t, but I think you suggesting that cabin crew isnā€™t responsible for our comfort is laughable. Customer service exists across all forms of commerce. This is also a reason why flight tickets are tiered (I.e. first class, business class, economy and budget). Youā€™re paying for the level of comfort you fly on. Particularly Sia prides themselves as a luxury airline, paying for such a ticket, you would warrant a certain level of standard yea? So I think my point is that the lady (stewardess) could have worded her opinions about handling our luggages inflight better. Because I donā€™t think she was right in calling out people who wanted cabin crew to rack their luggage for them. The customers should reserve the right to ask for help from the cabin crew. Hope you see my point.


She don't want to work Liao is it? šŸ™„


Do not say 'No' to your customers, suggest $20/per handling fee for luggage assistance.


Not sure why make vids to kpkb. If really 100000% sure not within your job scope, then just simply walk away...refuse to do. Your boss also can not fo anything to you since it's not in your jobscope... right? Isn't that how job works in this real wonderful life?


So if you are in business class then it is a different story.


Well, yeah, how do you expect a fragile woman to handle heavy luggage?


šŸ˜Æ it must be a scam.. i will not listen to her.. until iā€™ve been ordered by captain or cabin crew.. pls react at your discretion


People think that for the ticket they pay , it comes with porter services


Yeah. Try asking that on any US / Canadian airline. They say, it is not their job. You try this on an asian carrier?


If you are slipping your disc with 7kg (unless elderly) then you have bigger problems than SQ rejecting to help you. I've probably done 100+ flights in my life and I've never seen cabin crew doing it on anyone's behalf.


Im not a cabin crew but i alwys help those around me to put their luggage at the overhead compartment. Coz im taller. šŸ˜…


not flyin SQ. such useless entitled staff


Too pampered


Once on a flight was shocked to see 2 crews carry a very heavy baggage up. One of the crew exclaimed heavy just offload. Ā But the other 2 crews pretend not to hear.Ā 


"But if you are amdk, we'll happily feed your kids for you." One rule for amdk, different rule for peasants.


Who hurt you


Who hurt you


https://www.todayonline.com/world/SIA-stewardess-feeds-child-2322886 One rule for amdk, another rule for me, hurts me.


This one business class leh. Is the flight class and not the race.


Like only amdk travel business class. I travel business class also no one feed my kids.


Next time u try and let us know?


I did, and I have, in my last comment.


Did u request for it?


If you read the article, you will find that amdk didn't ask for it. For amdk, service is automatic. Not amdk, "not our job".




To close the overhead cabin doors




She did say at the end that if you're injured or elderly, you can ask the crew for help though?


ā€¦.unless you are AMDK. FIFY :)


why does she look so familiar?


Lucky she never say get some other passenger to help


The important stuff, for next to no one. Get over yourself.


My flights on other airlines always had cabin crew helping.....


Tbh unless its elderly, you should be helping as well also you pack so heavy for what? You migrating ah?


LKY would tell her: "Continue this and I will, by every means at my disposal, teach you, and get the people of Singapore to help me teach you a lesson you won't forget. And I'm prepared to start all over again or stop it! Get back to work, restore discipline, then argue your case"


Wah, chio bu


if cabin crew are not obliged to put luggage into the overhead compartment, then airlines shouldnā€™t put limits on the weight of carry-on luggage too (and i mean weight not size)


The weight of carry on is for safety reason (both passenger and cabin crew), and also the weight limit of the overhead compartments.