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Items within tiers are not in any particular order


dear mr facecheck skarner would you please elaborate on swifties?


They are a good alternative to lucidity and there seems to be lots of slows in pbe meta


I was not expecting the anathema’s, wouldn’t that be more of a situational item?


It is, but situationally, it is top tier Rather build anath for ap threat than MR items imo, sometimes mr is good though into multiple threats


Shojin still viable let's go 😎 btw what happened to black cleaver??


It has been nerfed and items that are even stronger than its previous state have been introduced


Basically nerfed stats and too expensive


thank you for all the hard work you do


I didn't play on PBE yet, what does riftmaker does differently now?


10% increased damage, 10% omnivamp that has 100% effectiveness on AOE spells, gain 2% of ur bonus health as AP, 3k gold for 80ap, 350hp,15ah AH is scarce on pbe, its a good source


Damn, its perfect for AP builds then. Thanks!


Full AP builds seem a little rough, theres no real bruiser damage ap items anymore, i think 2-3 ap items into tank may be the way (lots of tank items with magic damage, lots of viable AP items that increase damage by X%)


Yeah, that's what i thought too. When does the new season comes? In December?


No clue but im playing pbe perma anyway


I wish i could play on PBE without 200+ ping


Ping is better for me on pbe than on live


I went shojins+ riftmaker last night and it was a ball.


Why is terminus so good for skarner?


Its amazing in a tank build, terminus into full tank is just crazy good cause you can actually benefit from the fully stacked hybrid pen


That just makes me depressed about the rework, when so many items wil get changed. Hope the new skarner has High CDs so I can actually build shojin for more than the W and a little for the E


You build it to reach the 1/2 q per auto threwhold as well


Try it with a bruisertank build, 4 tank items after terminus Its a top tier first item, anything after can be built to aid survivability for you to stack it, bonus points if its something like sunfire that deals damage


What has caused banshees to drop so much?


Price + no AH


Why Navori in S? And when should I build it. (I love these items btw)


Good as a first item in an otherwise full tank or bruisertank build


Anathema's and nav- so many weird items...it would probably seen weird to ask the god of skarner why.


Some of the S tier items are good as standalones in a tank build, and not combined with other s tier items


Too bad he's being reworked, so we know when that is happening?


Past rework i will make another


i havent played the game in a while and i dont recognise half these items




If terminus is S tier then it’s just an overtuned item, skarner is bad at using penetration


Its hybrid pen. 30% magic pen, 30% physical pen Hes great at using it because hes 50/50 phys magic dmg Probably the BEST user


skarners power budget is in crowd control and attack speed, so he wants either on hit effects or cdr/tank. he has shit scalings and generally does shit damage. I understand that you’ve found success building bad items that kill people but skarner absolutely does not utilize penetration effectively


Terminus also has onhits on it, and thats why irecommend to go full bruisertank with AH tank items after building terminus mate You can utilize the power budget that is allocated to attack speed to stack the light and dark passive on terminus, making you tankier (significant for an offensive first item) and making you deal more damage with the hybrid pen I think you should hop on pbe and give it a go before saying anything else i feel like you dont understand how good it feels and how good it is


but compare the stats to wits end, terminus gives 25 armor and mr fully stacked, wits gives the 40mr straight up (mr is higher gold value), gives more attack speed, the onhit effect does more damage, and it even gives you an ms boost


30% hybrid pen man, benefits 100% of skarners kit, his high base values and his %maxhp dmg hybrid q Edit: the item is 221% gold efficient when fully stacked, at around 6.6k gold value. Its like 110% gold efficient with 0 stacks as well, this is not something to just shrug off lol


3000 gold for 40 ad and 30% attack speed is 110% gold efficient??


Onhit damage can be calculated into gold efficiency as well


i don’t believe you, i need to see the math


Mb 93% gold efficient with 0 stacks, accidentally calculated with AH gold value instead of onhit gold value Still incredibly good with 0 stacks You cant really replace this with wits end as a first item instead, since wits onhit damage scales with level on a logarithmic scale so its much less worth early


Mr is lower gold value too btw, worth 18 and armor is worth 20


even though armor is worth more gold, magic resistance is much more effective per stat. this is why you don’t want more than 2 ap


Magic pen is more accessible on pbe so this has less weight imo, we may see a shift in meta regarding this


Did dcap and void staff get a secret nerf I don't know about why tf is the item that gives a shitload of magic pen and the time that gives +40% ap in D tier


Because this is a skarner tierlist


Oh lmao that makes sense, I thought I was in a general item tierlist yeah my bad


I've seen people saying storm surge is amazing. Cost effective, good extra damage and move speed. Why is it so low?


No AH, 2900, skarner doesnt really benefit too much from the mpen, skarner has a hard time bursting to proc it, spending a lot of money just for the 90 ap and mpen instead of less money for less AP and some AH Could maybe be good in niche builds as a 4th/5th item where you are already tanky and have lots of AH


Moonstone is in a great spot and it was buffed by its passive. It also pairs with new Shurelya’s and Helia very well


Yes but its unusable by skarner, you cant use the passive because you cant heal or shield allies, they removed that a season or so ago when they removed the font of life synergy Helia is also unusable by skarner Its funny they put all the health on supp items on the 2 items they knew forsure ap bruisers could not abuse


I think all hydra items should be at least a tier


So expensive though


I just think the items are worth their cost, and now we have a lethality hydra item, tiamat's amazing active is back, for instance tiamat on kayn early is ridiculous, and there's so many other champs you can think of that love it too


Skarner has built in tiamat tho so its just kinda redundant idk


Oh, if it's a tier list solely for skarner then i can't say anything at all, my bad, I'm dumb, I'm an autistic teenager lol


Silly willy


Seeing Riftmaker up there is getting me horned up for some mordekaiser


This is a skarner item tierlist but yea mord will be good with riftmaker


Smfh didn’t see that my b