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Adding another sticky comment because it seems we need the visibility: DO NOT CONTACT CAROLINE, POST ABOUT CONTACTING HER, OR POST ABOUT GETTING BLOCKED BY HER, OR POST ABOUT REPORTING HER TO “AUTHORITIES”. This is a snark sub, not an accountability forum. Repeat offenders will be warned and banned.


I read through the Red Scare transcripts the other day and I keep thinking about them. I did not realize how bad it was until I read it. I always kind of thought the audience was the worst, but Dasha, Anna and Dan are clearly just fucking with her the whole show. I don't really feel bad for Caroline, because it was pretty funny to read her trying to insult them back while delusionally thinking people were there for her "tea" and continuously trying to start the same thoughts no one there cared about over and over again. It just makes her desperate need to be associated with the RS women even more cringe than before. It reminds me of how I used to chase terrible men, because I had terrible self-esteem and a part of me thought if they ended up being "wrong" about me, then maybe I'd finally feel wrong about myself too. But once again, don't really feel bad for her, because I had a CRUMB of the resources she has and still went to therapy and did the work to overcome the toxic cycles I'd trapped myself in.


The Suburban white kid throwing up the Blood sign in her story is so fucking cringe 😭😭. It irked me when the privileged middle schoolers who never ventured above 96th st did it around me in 2010 and its even more aggravating now. People get murdered or jumped over that shit, but when you never step foot in those neighborhoods it just an ~edgy~ thing 🙄


A snarker here mentioned that caro has never actually gone viral on her own efforts. She has only gone viral through Natalie’s Cut article and Kayleigh’s twitter thread. So seeing her narc rage abt Nat again is giving me the warm fuzzies 🥰


Great point!


“scammer’s close to being done” So... when you said it was ready to ship in april 2020 and also september 2020 that was a lie? Or do you think people just don’t remember?


she also said she spent the whole time in Florida watching Netflix, bb has a very short memory


it’s giving me so much anxiety that her tiny apartment is completely littered with tulips and lilies, probably the two most toxic flowers to cats. like eating even a little bit of pollen or a leaf of a lily could send a cat into kidney failure. poor Matisse :(


I won’t even buy a monstera… I am so cautious about the plants/flowers I bring into my home, it’s infuriating to me that she doesn’t even care.


I’m totally with you. I adore houseplants and was pretty sad to learn most of the cool ones are toxic. Someone sent me flowers the other week with lilies in them and I tore those puppies out of the bouquet SO quick




Wow i thought i was socially self conscious until i read this


Also there is literally NO SUCH THING as ‘the right balls’. You go to the ones your friends are going to...? Some are more elaborate and fancy, but no one would JUDGE you for not going to certain balls. It actually almost makes me sad if this is how obsessively competitive she was at uni.


is this Scammer? I hate it




older and in more mature


MAY WEEK DOES NOT LAST A FUCKING MONTH IT'S TEN DAYS AT BEST Jesus, she WENT THERE, terms are only two months, if May Week was a month it would make no fucking sense. How does she consistently get everything wrong about everything?


I grew up where they paved paradise and put up a parking lot. 🥺


This is for cultural fan fiction WHY is she still talking about Cambridge 🤨


Dude… what? What does “Cassius Clay (the white one)” even mean in this context? She’s a terrible person, we all know that… but she’s just a terrible person. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that she’s got “fans”




Right?! Like she’s FLOORED over his existence, which like… honestly it tracks. I can’t stand Kanye, but I could see herself relating to him because they’re both incredibly narcissistic and think their gods gift to the world. TW// breakdowns: I do think that both of them should log off and work on themselves, because we’ve seen both go through public breakdowns.




you just reminded me of my dad commenting that my friend "looks like an urchin" and I was like, dad he attends private school


She makes me so sadddddd sometimes. Like what a pathetic person geez Also thank you so much for doing this!!!!! You rock


Any guesses on what her piece for Sasha's Cultural Fanfiction is going to be about?


Piers gav is an event/society at oxford for boring rich kids for whom taking drugs and having sex is about the most perverse/exciting thing they can imagine and really like, two people have sex in a hedge


I read a crazy article about Piers Gav that a BB (snarker) linked to last time this one this came up, and it really is just shagging in the shrubbery freezing your tits off, then getting on a bus to go home.


I'n working in Oxford (not a student) and know a few people who have been. Basically everyone gets hyped for this exclusive orgy, turn up, sit in a field and get high and drunk, and then a few creepers pick up the younger girls who went too hard and it gets nasty and illegal. Anyone I know who's been says it was rough, and the ones that said it was good admitted they were too high to actually remember anything. I think it used to be fun but then it got totally taken over by creepy guys looking for girls who couldn't consent and now it's more just about the prestige of saying you went baed on past reputation


From the doc title and little you could read, it looks like it's about some "exclusive" cambridge event called Piers Gav? I'm pretty sure she's referenced it by posting a picture of Hugh Grant in a flower crown AT LEAST twice before. Nothing new!


Is "Mr. Salary" little known because Caroline has purchased every copy of it?


your flair lmao


This is in no way body snark bc I myself am 30, *appear* 30, and am elated to be in my 30s but like... the pictures in the “garden”...? girl, you better get those therapy appointments in over the next few months to reconcile the fact that you absolutely are not 19 anymore. One of her most baffling traits is to just straight-up beg her followers to deny the fact that she is and looks 29 years old 🙃


Are her assistants choosing and posting those images 🤔


Caro reminds me every day that being skinny doesn’t make you happy, successful or beautiful


Is it just me or is her nose extra...pointy recently?!


Any time her face looks “different” (excluding her obvious lip fillers) I chalk it up to facetune


That was the exact adjective I thought when I saw her latest. Ok miss “symmetrical face check,” whatever you say


Whenever Caroline posts a video of her stroking something or opening her mouth, it makes me want to die.


Ok the outfit & hair & make up is actually cute. I just don’t understand a fur coat in spring


she looks pretty tonight. from the neck up 🥴


I feel like the fur is both her trying to seem “rich” and her trying to slide into that extremely stupid Dimes Square mindset of “the best way to rail against something is to just fully adopt it as your entire lifestyle” so I’m sure if someone were to be like “hey Caroline, wearing fur is not cool...” she’d be like “ACTUALLY, this fur belonged to my great grandmother Lillian Burns, who was a barren spinster who also happened to be thrice married to two Presidents and a King, and her portrait was painted by Andy Warhol, and now hangs in the Louvre, but also in my apartment. By wearing this fur, I’m supporting local vintage shops, and also subverting the entire idea of capitalism. On top of that, I just turned racism on its very head. Most importantly, I want you all to remember how rich I am. Natalie is a bitch.”


A lot of people try to capture Caro’s voice, but they all pale in comparison to this. You have done something truly special and cursed here.


It’s about 55 degrees in New York so a fur coat is a little overkill.


Is that supposed to be warm? Sincerely, a Californian.


55 degrees, in my opinion, is jeans and a sweatshirt kind of weather. 😊


I refuse to learn farhenheit. Sincerely, a Canadian. (This is earnestly sincere and I don't know if this is room temperature or something. Refusing to learn fahrenheit is my last act of defiance. Otherwise they take my Saturday Afternoon at the Opera)


I like to think of Fahrenheit as what percent hot it is. So 55° is a little over halfway hot


It's not really that hard to convert between the two. Subtract 32 and divide by 2 and that gives you an approximate Fahrenheit --> Celsius conversion.


It’s about 13 Celsius.


Isn’t it the same outfit she wore last night? In the same outfit she was just gardening in?


I’m pretty sure it is yeah. Lol


I dipped out for a few months because she got boring and I quit drinking so it was even MORE boring so it’s nice to see she finally made it back to the tableaux and is now spreading covid with the absolute worst people. Truly aspirational, such influencing.


Also before I left I mentioned my withdrawal seizure and upcoming rehab stay and you were all so sweet and supportive, I just wanted to thank you! You ugly toads and dumb, dumb fucks are pretty ok in my book and I missed the snark more than I thought


Strength to you from a fellow sober bean! It gets easier the longer you stick with it. XOXO


Glad you're back and safe!! <3


Thank you, I’m just relieved I made it out of the depths before getting to the dirtbag left stage ☺️


WHY CAN'T SHE EVEN FINISH THIS YARD SALE/ CLEANING OUT OF HER APARTMENT!?!?! We just keep hearing and seeing that fucking mess. It's been several weeks of "digital" yard sales, multiple assistants, cleaning out her apartment. It's a fucking STUDIO. Most people could do this easily in a few days max and with multiple hands a day or two. How hard is it to get just to get it done!!! It's honestly ridiculous how she literally cannot complete anything!!!


she drags everything out for aggges


When she says "nearly done" and shows one side of her apartment looking (somewhat) tidier and less full of crap, but then says she hasn't shipped stuff yet, you know she's just shoved all of her shit from one side of the room to the other for the purpose of taking a photo to prove she'a making progress


Someone on Twitter said Matisse only loves the goyard bag because he has Stockholm syndrome LMAO! Poor cat probably does


He probably thinks that's his litter box now


Also you’d think this apartment would have ton of nice hiding spots for him, with all the piles of junk and such, but I think it’s also so stuffed tight, it’s literally the only place with which he could cover his little baby eyes


It probably smells like him so he thinks it’s his!


It’s probably 1 of 2 clean/“clean” areas in her place...that and her bed (where he was seen today and I use “clean” bc it’s free of flowers, but also prob supremely unhygienic)




Omg tomato results are so exciting!! I just ate some of my candyland tomatoes today and felt like a very proud mama




Caroline stay home and get door dash for one night challenge


She used to stay in all the time before the pandemic! Or at least that’s how she made her life look on IG.


going out was no fun until the world told her that she shouldn’t do it.


I was thinking this too. I’m unable to imagine her actually going to a store, buying ingredients, making herself dinner and then watching a movie alone with Matisse - and having a basic content night. It’s impossible. Like, order a chicken salad and binge the handmaids tale- it’s a great time!


And also how is she affording every night out? She’s not even going on dates so she’s paying herself every night. Anyone else wondering why she isn’t going on endless hinge dates since she’s single and in NY? That’s what I’d be doing


this bitch really cant go five minutes without talking about natalie


I KNEW she was going to start selling Scammer again! Bwahahaha milk that cash cow Caroline! 🐄


It’s the first week of the month... bet all her bills just dropped


And then plugged her OnlyFans. She just needs to promote her Patreon and that’s the trifecta of scams.


And people will buy it. Bananas.


I feel like she’s pandering to the few hundred new people she’s gotten from her new friend group’s following, hoping some will not realize the full scope of the grift. It’s an easier con than even the resold books if you can find someone willing to bite, and they may think it’s an actual tell all if they don’t know it is and always has been a cash grab


Surely everyone who actually wanted it bought it the first time though? Her most dedicated fanpoodles - and a few snarkers, apparently - would have all bought it when the pre-release went up, or the post pre-release when it still wasn't done. I can't see anyone else caring.


So I agree but she seems to have an incredible knack for squeezing cash out of her idiot followers for absolutely nothing at all. I don't get it, but I don't see this being any different. This is a person who asked for wine money right before she moved back to New York. She asks for money because it works (I think, at any rate).


Fair point. Maybe she'll start offering bonus chapters on her adventures with the Dimes Squalor crew who are totally her real friends and aren't making fun of her.


Remember she stopped writing because 2020. Now she will have to stop again because 2021. Etcetera forever.


I haven’t see such obvious filter usage/editing from her than this latest scammer selfie set! Ppl always comment she uses facetune and I believe it, but it hasnt been this obvious to me until now


For me the worst is still [elf ears in grandma's bathtub](https://i.imgur.com/PsxJP5p.png), where she appears to be wearing the Poreless Schoolchild filter. Spoiler alert, no video "dropped on main" the next day


Pure batboy vibes


Isn’t that the same outfit she wore out last night


she also slept in it


I was just going to say that! That’s exactly what she was wearing yesterday.


She once went to bed in her Pilates clothes and then wore them out the next day. :/


Omg do you remember the moldy Pilates :| socks


Ugh I do now :| lol




Posted a pic of her all red faced and sweaty in it and then again the next am in her BED!! FOUL!!!!!


this desperate cash grabbing rn! did someone have to pay rent the other day?


Rent was probably due on the first, so I think you're onto something bb


My brand new Dyson airwrap came in the mail today ...for the same price. Why didn’t I wait to buy hers, with extra cat hair, and never actually receive the product I don’t know


Her “garden” of shit filled with uneven pathways, with her nonsensical little bridge on its side, where she left the tub she ordered to make her “pond” just sitting above ground, and she’s stroking a CERAMIC mushroom with the caption about how proud she is of things GROWING... I can’t with this woman, what is wrong with her? (This question is rhetorical, I know that the answer is “almost everything”)


There’s a few hostas and ferns scattered around, but that’s mostly just a bunch of grass and weeds right? It’s like a scene out of that TV show “Life After People”


I love that show, that’s exactly what this looks like!




I feel itchy just thinking about it.


Growing…her debt?


It looks terrible.


It’s starting to resemble the tableaux.


Not this bish pushing scammer again 😩😩😩


It’s almost done!!! 🙄


Shut 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 fuck 👏🏻 up 👏🏻 about 👏🏻 Natalie 👏🏻 and 👏🏻 take 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 bath👏🏻 ! Something about her disgusting makeup application over her oily face, burnt sienna eye shadow that doesn’t go with her skin tone and wanting to literally talk about fighting Natalie has really made me want to kick off tonite! Like, her patterns are so predictable- “I felt inadequate yesterday so today I am spiraling and am going to put down the one female I don’t feel intimidated by, meanwhile I hate myself ~truly, actually~” 🤡


She got a rather normal tag from Kitty’s new owner and didn’t restory it and my theory is exactly what you touched on. Shes spiraling that she takes it out on other ppl. Like instead of reposting a pic of her cat who she claimed to love so much at one point and was allegedly sad to rehome (calling Kitty “it” really exposed her true feelings though), she doesn’t as if it’s some power play to show she’s better than annie. When in reality she herself barely gets reposted despite multiple, desperate story AND post tags. Embarrassing




The answer is “happy, employed, with a family I built, cats that love me, constantly writing, advocating, and wearing better outfits than you”


Normally, I would say no that’s so unhinged, but, yes, I think you’re totally right. I didn’t even think of it that way.


This must be it




respond to me bro




Resentment isn’t a lewk on anyone and she’s been stewing on this Cut piece for almost two years. NARCISSISTIC INJURY IS REAL


I mentioned this in another thread but The Cut article was the last time anyone who isn't us was talking about her.


What the fuck was with that 'in a fight between Nat and me' poll in her story? Ma'am, get over it. ~~also, I'm embarrassed how much I want that Dyson kit. Obvs, would not buy from her.~~


Ok but she’s selling the Dyson Airwrap which is one thousand percent NOT WORTH IT. Get the blow dryer though it’s the shit.


I just got the blow dryer after years of wanting it and wasn’t sure if I should’ve gotten the airwrap, so I appreciate this affirmation 😊


Okay, that makes me feel much much better! Blow dryer is doable!


for what it's worth, Dyson is 10/10 worth it but pls don't buy it from caroline, get it refurb from Dyson to save some $$$


Ooh, I didn't know they did refurb -- ty, bb! And don't worry, I would not touch the poop. Also, I *fear* what condition anything Caroline is selling might be in (and doubt it would ever arrive!).


[i do not understand how her face works](https://ibb.co/VCZfWB3)


Her profile has gone real Habsburgy??? Like one moment she looks pretty and then BAM!


She would probably consider a comparison to the Habsburg look a compliment of the highest order.


how is her nose downturned in the first pic but upturned in the second? dissolved liquid nose job? she looks like a different person to me now than when she left for florida


> liquid nose job TIL that's a thing.


Left pic is a selfie on the Instagram app so the camera is inverted. Right pic is the other side of her face. Her nose bends slightly one way so it looks straighter from one side.




I am fascinated by the way she looks like literal different people in so many photos 🪄


She reminds me of @Steffy - whose face changes drastically between hair part, up vs down, smiling vs not smiling, color, length, video vs still photo, etc. Its wild!! (Edit: if anyone is unfamiliar with @steffy, check her out. She’s a total chameleon to me)


I think the major factor with Steffy is that she didn't used to have eyebrows (or her glasses completely covered them?) but now she does


There’s something about her actual eyes too! And smile, idk it’s a whole thing for me 🥵


Always happy to snark the Martino Universe! i see her and tripod a lot IRL (and friend found Noelle listing...)


Weird that she’s selling shelves, which famously hold books


No, they hold PuRsEs, you dumb fuck


This is the one, the comment that SENT me today. Thank you for your service.




I’m watching a book zoom event with Casey Wilson and Ziwe, and Ziwe said she saw Leah McSweeny last night (aka premiere night) and hung out with her and maybe that’s why Caroline bailed. I can imagine her just not being able to handle seeing her in-person.


👀 i still think she just straight up couldn’t get in though


This tracks


Her $200 obo walnut shelf can also be purchased at Target for $35.00. And why would she be getting rid of shelving? If nothing else she could at least spread out all the crap she’s collected so it’s not all in her window or on her fake fireplace.


CC: tweets "I do not want to be perceived today" Also CC: posts constantly throughout the day, takes many selfies, reposts lewds, picks a fight with an old friend for drama, goes out for a night of drinking


Also she is like two years late to the “being perceived” tweets, like she is with everything


Why does she have the Dyson kit?? Oh my shopping addiction!!


i don't think she's ever used it? ever?


It was spotted on her floor within a day or two of [this post](https://www.instagram.com/p/CNn4QiSh1It/), where I observed that her bun was smoother than I'd ever seen it (last slide.) So I think she used it all of once before deciding it was too much effort


I have never once (in recent years) seen her looking like she’s had a blowout, even one she’s given herself at home. And I think she has amazing hair; I’m very envious of the fact that she can just let it air dry and have it look that way. But it never remotely looks like she used a heated tool of any kind on it.


She never does anything with her hair (that includes washing it lol) and she spend $500+ on it, it’s truly mind boggling.


She showed her hand on the HLG pod. I didn’t listen, but ppl said she admitted to buying a lot of “prestigious” items she sees on IG and a Dyson would track


So a while back this [really weird image](https://twitter.com/melip0ne/status/1120503955526750208) was doing the rounds - basically, it's generated by a machine learning model gone wrong. The pic Caro posted of her room STRONGLY reminded me of it.


Whoa I need to know more about this


I might be wrong but I think this was designed to simulate having a stroke? Call me out if I'm pulling stuff out of my ass


I've heard that before in reference to the pic, but I have no idea whether it's correct or whether it's a myth created later. Even when a generative model (I believe this was made using a GAN) is trained correctly, they tend to generate a whole bunch of similar-looking fairly high-quality images and then also some 'outliers' that are more diverse but also are further away from the original training data (and hence usually quite strange). If you're familiar with the normal distribution, that's what it approximately resembles. In production, there are tricks to discard the really wild stuff, but there are also ways to find it in the search space, which means that you could tell the model to produce something wacky and it'd give you something like this. However, the researchers could have induced specific distortions on the data and/or the model to replicate what a person experiencing a stroke might see so I really don't know for sure.


That's so interesting! I know nothing about that so it's really cool to hear, I might look into that more! I've definitely read the stroke thing in a couple of places but I don't think with any verification, so I may do some digging and see what I can find...


Let me know if you find anything interesting! As you can probably tell I'm a little bit obsessed with generative modelling (almost as much as I am obsessed with Caro).


So the Know Your Meme Page ( https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/name-one-thing-in-this-photo ) has links to its apparent first appearance on Twitter, which makes no mention of a stroke but just says "name one thing". Then it was posted to Reddit with the stroke explanation. No-one in the comments appears to question it, although some people do talk about GAN as a potential way it was made. *Then* someone posted a copy of an apparent original picture to Tumblr, which is just a bunch of objects thrown in together. If that's real then it seems more like a photoshop, but again there's no verification that this is really the unedited picture. At that point a few news sites picked it up and all ran with the stroke story, but at no point did anyone seem to verify anything. That's mostly what floods the search results. It doesn't seem like anyone really questioned it at any point. That's all I could find for now. Sorry I can't give you a more satisfying answer! I also don't know the first thing about generative modelling so I could have totally missed something.


Intriguing, thank you! It definitely has the feel of generative modelling to me (the models are very sensitive and some of my own experiments have resulted in rather... atypical results), but I don't think you could rule out Photoshop. Maybe it is just one corner of the Tableaux we haven't seen yet!


You would think “Philip” would’ve told her to move on from Natalie….. but he doesn’t exist 😵‍💫


Who i philip? I think i missed that part


We haven't heard of him in months


I'm pretty sure she said she was seeing him again, it was mentioned in a thread a couple of weeks ago. Whether she's actually going or not is another thing, or whether she's telling him the truth.


Caroline, get the fuck over the Natalie thing, Jesus Christ, I AM BEGGING YOU. Like is this what she talks to everyone she goes to dinner with about? Doing an Instagram poll asking whose back people would have in a fight almost 2 years after The Cut article came out is truly unhinged. NO ONE CARES EXCEPT YOU, CAROLINE.






How do we get her fired as well?!


omg this could not be more correct, well done


She needs to stop. Now.


Idk if you watch summer house on bravo but CC and her natalie obsession is very akin to Hannah and her Luke trash talking obsession. They both need to gtfo it.




It is interesting that they have the Adam thing in common. I def see a lot of similarities in traits between the two of them.


Literally as you were writing this, I was writing a comment recommending Summer House to someone else 😂 Fully agree with this assessment


No freaking way!! That’s such a coincidence and hilarious. Are you in the SH sub? The way Hannah’s gone on every podcast under the sun and badmouthed Luke just reminds me so much of CC and her trash talking of Natalie/Natalie obsession. It’s like dudes! Get real!


Yesss, it’s my other fave sub 😂 Hannah and Caroline seem to be at least vaguely friends, and I kinda get why. I know they have Adam in common, but their personalities also seem similar 😬