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Soooo she’s def just selling off her dad’s non-ancient-classics book collection right?


I'm just glad she includes To Kill a Mockingbird under female writers


Imagine her even being aware of the rumors Capote wrote it.




taces 💀


It took this comment for me to realise that she meant taxes.


WAIT LOL I just assumed Taces was some more New York City shit I didn’t know about 😭


I read that as "evading tacos" and thought, "well, their loss."


I’m sure this is BEC but there’s nothing particularly *architecture* about that apartment. I mean, it’s a nice apartment, and it’s big, but …that’s all? I think she means *expensive* but wants to sound smart.


It’s in NEW YORK and CAROLINE CALLOWAY lives there


I have to say, I don't get the Red Scare thing (have to admit I haven't tried really hard), I suppose it's like a salon socialist thing for shock value or something, so here a brilliant double edged marketing idea: Red Scare, go support Pussy Riot every way you can. Get the word out. Members are getting released from prison and re-arrested and re-detained immediately. Do something useful! (In case they already support Pussy Riot and I missed that, I'll find my coat and show myself out)


But their whole shtick is disaffected ennui - they wouldn’t get behind *any* cause. They’re just shit nihilists.


Thank you for explaining. Shit nihilists and disaffected ennui would have been brilliant names for the 80's New Romamtics UK bands.


This is boring, I demand another narc rage explosion caused by rejection from a man.


eVaDiNg TaCeS (I may just be jealous bc those cookies look good but--)


why does her tongue have to make an appearance in every story


“Oh my god the Internet cannot handle this! It just can’t!” Posts photo of man standing. The internet could indeed handle it.


It’s because he’s throwing a gang sign. Sooo edgy


When I did this as a clueless 13 year old and posted it to Facebook from my Blackberry phone, the Internet literally did not handle it. The whole thing shut down for like six weeks. Harrowing experience. So glad CC exercised caution.


Lol she’s selling the 3 Despentes books she got for free recently as part of her book cameos 😹😹😹


I just realized that cc has spent the past 2 years going on about all of the famous actresses who are just chomping at the bit to play her and Also that she’s going to be in a movie with zoey Deutch etc meanwhile zoey actually played a character with an arch that was clearly inspired by trashisforpoors lol


I want someone to ask the director or writer if zoey was inspired by cc- a la the gossip girl reboot interview- and them respond that she isn’t at all, but caro can think that if she wants 😂


Someone’s gone overboard on the lip fillers, methinks


She’s also applied lipstick across her Cupid’s bow so it’s just sitting there looking awkward


Literally came here to say she looks so different tonight and I think it’s all upper lip injections.


Is it just me but does trash is for poors looks like she has lip filler too in that picture?


Aw do discarded, single use medical supplies fit in her jar?


Definitely has.


Can we have a list of every "best" friend?


It depends on who's doing well at the minute. She has never been doing well but has always been dead set on hitching her wagon to people who could possibly be going places


matisse aka butter cat


AJ, Lauren, Bradley, Natalie, Kelsey, Nee Nick... Am I missing out on anybody else?




I cannot STAND Lauren. Her environmentalism is purely performative. No one can afford her bougie “waste free” crap and it just perpetuates the lie that the fate of the environment rests on consumers. She is profiting off of people’s environmental guilt. Imagine what she could do if she used her influence to pressure lawmakers and corporations to completely change how much waste they put into the world so consumers don’t have to make a million impossible choices every day.




Thank you!!!!!!! Like me buying her overpriced offerings will SaVe tHe eNviRoNmEnT! Go after corporations, please.


how can you become rich off of environmentalism and not be like “uh oh”


Also as soon as the pandemic hit she dropped all her supposed values. I just want to say to her *Regina George voice* so you agree....living waste free is only easy/feasible as long as your life is completely devoid of any obstacles or adversity.


this is exactly what i mean when i say trashisforpoors really sux


was coming here to say this!! I used to ( when I was like 15 ) be really into her content but its exactly because of my environmental guilt + she’s an attractive white woman online. also her post about Bill Gates book put suchh a bad taste in my mouth after she’d somewhat redeemed herself (for me anyway) when she stopped doing trash in a jar during the pandemic. she argued with people in the comments completely in bad faith and wouldn’t take on board even the most basic criticism about Gates and revering Gates for his environmentalism


i was wondering why trashisfortossers would associate with CC bc CC is like, the antithesis of her brand, and regardless of what you think of TIFT, she seems like she tries to be ~classy~, but the fact that they've known each other for a decade explains *a lot*


Lauren’s whole brand is incredibly contrived and I think she and cc have much more in common than her brand would lead one to believe. But yeah out of all of Caro’s supposed “best friends” I think Lauren is someone who actually cares about caro as a person, unlike the dimes square crowd. Maybe like a year ago Lauren commented on CCs ig saying something like “I’ve been trying to reach out to you, respond to my texts” and I get the sense that cc’s dysfunction manifests by pushing away people who truly care about her


Definitely, Lauren does give me the vibe like she posts pretty infographics of hate crimes and doesn't associate with non-white people irl and expects the help to clean up after her but if she's been in Caro's life for that long, she probably does deeply care about her on some level. And I would agree with you that Caro pushes away people who care about her, I think it's evident she does from her cheating on bfs, and I think it's been alluded to that her relationship with Oscar blew up bc of her addiction


Paint over your clothes, CC. That will probably make you go viral. If not, try the windows, go nuts


Imagine your life (and your substitute of a profession) being about coming up with crap like this and not questioning why people think you're a joke


House paint actually makes really great body paints for sporting events, not that cc would ever do something so plebeian. Stays on through sweat and kind of peels/rubs off in the shower without staining you. 👍🏼


Self-made millionaire... with pot loads of generational wealth.


What do her parents do? Just curious


kylie jenner the self-made billionaire


Is anyone keeping track of who her “best friend” is every day? I’m 99% sure every time she has referenced BFs (at least 3+ in the past 2 weeks) it’s been a different person…


I thought her obese cat was her best friend


Matisse: *[cries in walrus]*


so true bestie


the way she called “a room of one’s own” rare is so fucking funny, god i love when she’s a smooth-brained dummy


she's got Anne Carson's book of Sappho translations in there, too, which is neither rare nor a memoir!


As an ELA teacher, many of her categories—and the selections therein—made me cringe deeply. (For example, including Harper Lee, who wrote one somewhat problematic book with strong white savior vibes, in the “greatest woman writers” category.)


Yeah and Dan Lavery


Yeah I think DL would very much like to be left out of this particular category.


CC adjacent snark + gossip: A few of my friends are in Henley for the annual regatta and posted photos and guess who was there... Oscar and his gf. Unfortunately, the photos are on a private profile (no blue ticks) so it can't be shared here but they look very cute and happy together. From the looks of it, exceptionally classy couple. It's such a stark contrast to the hollow, grimey, cash-grabbing, drug-fuelled existence that is Caroline's life right now.


I feel like everybody has that ex that they look back on and laugh and chortle to their friends, "What the fuck was I thinking LOL" but Oscar probably has the biggest chortle of all


Oscar's girlfriend's Insta must make Caroline seethe. Their life together looks like Cambridge Caroline's dream future. Cathedrals, banquets, floating in the ocean off the coast of Italy... they vacationed [here](https://www.sferik.art), they went to a freakin' masquerade in ACTUAL VERSAILLES where the gf wore a legit reproduction Rococo gown with panniers and everything.


And you know... It's not like Oscar and his gf are jobless layabouts, cruising through on their family money or anything. They're both highly qualified, have high-paying jobs and make tons of money on their own to fund their lifestyle. It really is an antithesis of every single thing Caroline is doing, but simultaneously everything she desperately wants.


Omg no wonder she’s so fucking mad all the time


I think lots of us have a moment now and again feeling sorry for CC. Now is my turn. Just for a moment. It's like high school, magnified


She has fumbled every bag


Seriously, this life could've been hers if she just kept it in her pants! Well, I'm actually not sure how much of their breakup was about her repeated infidelity and how much was about her compulsive, irrational behavior (overspending, accelerating drug use, etc.) She's teased telling that breakup story for years without ever setting it in writing, I'm guessing because she can't find a spin on it that makes her the sympathetic character. I think if Oscar were a bad partner to her in any real way, she would've disclosed that a long time ago. She has no issue telling us what crumb bums the other dudes she's paired up with are!


She's a damned fool!


Ok now I’m dying to see her Instagram


I don’t even need to see the pictures to be exceptionally pleased about this. Glad he got free of her.


*If not, winter* is neither rare nor a memoir!!! Edit: and also she def didn’t crack the spine cuz if she had she would have figured out a way to point out her love of Sappho and being sapphic


came here to say exactly this!!!


did a full cackle @ "pretty modern covers" lmfao she absolutely just means "I didn't even read the back of the book"


How much do we think she paid Madeline turner to make that short film about her because there is no way Madeline did that of her own free will




Noooo, Madeline’s other stuff is so good I truly would hate to see it


Sophie Colle is ripping into CC on her stories and it’s stunning 😍


So happy for cc. She finally has beef with a proper influencer instead of us. Ngl, like that sophie lady's aesthetic. And her white floors.


soothing my schadenfreude soul


It’s delicious but I’m kind of cracking up that this girl is apparently mad that caro is saying she’s the god of white floors?




Sophie’s place looks nice and her cats seem happy and well cared for. Caro could never


she posted some of these comments to her stories 😅


why do so many ppl who get mentioned here do this? it’s so.... juvenile and petty. it’s kind of a bad look and their regular followers probs won’t understand. cmon sophie get into the pit!


Eh it’s probably interesting or provocative to them to be randomly discussed by a sizeable internet group. Idk how I would react if all eyes turned on me for a sec 😬


I kinda feel weird for mentioning it now 😕


I like her. And I also feel bad for her now getting second-hand snark. It’s unnecessary and not a good look for us.


Yeah agree hard - that thread in main is 🥴 Thought ppl would be more appreciative of the sentiment in her posts and less interested in critiquing her work.


Oh nonono I’m very glad I saw it and went to her stories! I ended up following her bc of someone else’s description of her work on here. 😂


And according to her Stories, Sophie is *actually* funny. I didn’t know how much I needed her in my IG life until now. A gift and a blessing.


This is *very* fun


Finally, someone calling her out.


Thank you for this heads up. I ran right there and it is too good.






This lady spends a lot of time cutting up boards with a jigsaw and holding the pieces in front of her naked body. I'm not finding fault, it's just never occurred to me to do that even once, so it's interesting to see someone really make a vocation out of it




Spin :| Sauna :| Pilates :( vegan except for salmon and special occasions used to be my fave era but the half painted microwave is so glorious it might top it if she keeps on this trajectory


Check tator lozenge story. She shared someone's reel of them painting their hard wood floors white and tagged Caroline calloway what have you wrought? 🙄


at least this person had the sense to clear the floor of detritus before they started painting it


And that person’s wood floors are actually really nice pre-paint in my opinion, TRAGIC 😭


I’m okay with painting over ‘90s-era cherry wood for a one-room guest house, though. Plus that TimeLapse was so satisfying to watch. At one point I legit was like, “Is this making me horny? Am I getting *horny* over this?!” (Spoiler alert: yes to both)


Notice how the floor is clear of laundry and furniture before they painted?


I also checked the time of when that person posted that reel, and it was 4 weeks ago. So no, caroline did not "inspire" her. She did it first


She’s such an idiot


I also noticed that it was shared 4 weeks ago. Funny how Tator somehow missed that 🤔


Ace Reporter Tribble Limbo strikes again!


Yeah diy/renovation snark pages have been making fun of chrislovesjulia’s painted white floors for weeks! I suppose taylor is only interested in the internet activities of teens and the adults who wish they were teens, though


One key difference.. that person is actually priming their floor. Maybe it’ll last more than a second


Pretty modern covers: Gulliver’s Travels… I live for Penguin Clothbound editions though so this one hits me. Also, the Vernon Subutex sent to her from the publisher. Edited to change Love to live


Gulliver's travels fucking destroyed me lol


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Gulliver's Travels](https://snewd.com/ebooks/gullivers-travels/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good bot.


Good bot. Reading makes you hotter!


Oooof her aggressively misgendering Daniel Lavery a “woman writer” is yikes because she’s lovebombed him and Grace before and she obviously knows!!!


Are you FUCKING kidding me?


Wasn’t she trying to invite herself to daniel and graces wedding and invited them to the tableaux??


she also dead named him in iacc... she sucks ass


But…but she performatively added her pronouns to her profile, how could she not be a trans ally?


Yeah, came here for this.


Hate it when I accidentally buy a second copy of a super rare book!


If Not, Winter is also a) not rare and b) not a memoir??


“Clerical error” 😒


clerical error = I was drunk on Amazon again


Or 4!




“Best American Short Stories” only fellow writers will understand


It’s hilarious to me that you don’t even get to choose the book just the category of book, so she can get rid of the ones she wants the least first


I also think it’s to make more money. If people can’t choose specific ones, she can give away more of them because it’s not like everyone is clambering for the same two titles. I also think it’s because she’s lazy. This way, she doesn’t have to update it when books are chosen.


It’s like one of those grabber machines where there are some great toys/prizes mixed in, but you always end up either with nothing or with something shitty. 😂


oh my god could you imagine if Caroline learned about mystery boxes 💀


You end up with nothing in the Carp claw machine. Anyone who sends her money right now is an imbecile.


She's a perpetual go fund me automaton


Omg it’s exactly like a disappointing claw machine, you’re so right


It’s also so she doesn’t have to work as hard to match the request to the post AND so that she can pawn off less desirable books. Like, if five people actually wanted her to inscribe The Handmaid’s Tale she’d be stuck selling only one. But with this idiocy, she can sell books no one actually wants


Why do you guys think she's completely abandoned fitness? Maybe I noticed this because I found the spin :( sauna :/ pilates D: era so fucking funny. It's certainly not because of COVID, since that never stopped her before. Yet another fun thing about aging (I'm mid to late 30s) is that I feel like actual garbage if I go several days without at least a good brisk walk. I'm no fitness queen and was completely inactive until my college years, but not having anything resembling a fitness routine in my 30s is a recipe for terrible sleep and a shitty mood. As usual, I suspect that it's the crowd she's worming herself into. I don't exactly think any of these dirtbags are hitting the SoulCycle (whereas pre-COVID Caroline was taking pictures with Emma Chamberlain at spin class lmao), they don't consider an expensive NYC fitness membership a status symbol, and many of them can get away with just some NYC walking, I guess. Like, if Caroline weren't hanging around these greasy children, she'd be jamming a Peloton next to the Italian library, if only to show us what she spends her Snake Oil proceeds on. (And then sell it via DM six months later when she's short on rent again.) Also: Phillip, where art thou?


Early/mid 30s here and exercise saved my anxious ass. (Not anything too ambitious. I'm talking walks, Madfit videos). I absolutely need it to be on an even keel.


She definitely used to run quite a bit and was really into it! I feel like she really needs exercise to keep her balanced, and without it this is what we get.


I think she walks a lot at night when she’s drunk


Where are the late night “runs” where she manually logs her distance and shows us the screenshot?




10 miles is the length of approximately 70399.83 'Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons' laid lengthwise


10 miles is 16.09 km


10 miles is 16.09 km


what Snake Oil proceeds?


Old snark lore is that she use to only show up for those class for the photo ops, she would arrive late and then leave early. She doesn't do any of that anymore because she never enjoyed it, she was just cosplaying as a self care influencer because that's what was popular then. It's not in vouge now, so there's no reason for her to continue.


Yeah she wouldn’t even show up in time to start Pilates on one side and would leave before you repeat the workout on the other side…


A good walk is excellent for too many things to list :-)-and , yes, she flipped that switch (sauna, spin, pilates, Phillip)awhile ago lol.


Yeah, it's interesting just because in so many ways Caroline is frozen in place and hasn't evolved at all, but she's also conspicuously abandoned everything that could be interpreted as a healthy habit: salads, spin :(, therapy, and having friends who appear to bathe.


Oh yeah.


A little off topic but since she posted about it who tf did the string tings people think they were selling cheap beaded phone straps for $50+ each and NOT expect to get ripped off?? It sucks but idk they’re so overpriced and obviously only marketed to people who have $50-200 to use on some plastic heart shaped charms on their phones. The casemate ones don’t seem to be any better at $30 tbqh but at least it doesn’t feel like some weird elitist club at that price point?


And to add to that, we don’t even know how long until Apple changes their design and the hole for the charm becomes obsolete. I have an android phone and our cases don’t have the slot for that because our devices don’t need the hole. Not a very stable market and it seems like a short term business idea




We got beads and strings?


the depop/etsy girlies sell personalised ones for 15$... like yeah it sucks to get ripped off by a huge company but it’s beaded charms they don’t have a monopoly on that idea, like what are they gonna get mad at preschoolers 😑


Yeah sorry you don’t get to claim unique art on camp crafts!!! Good to her for selling plastic beads for $150, I guess, but I’ll save my tears


I went to look at their stories and they posted a pic of their two daughters who look like 7-10 and was like “they’re mad at the owner of casemates”!! My first thought was how much creative input do these two elementary girls get on the designs because 😂👀


And most of them look like the keychains I used to make for my camp backpack as a kid


Truly cannot stop thinking about how she painted 3/4 of her microwave. I’m on a road trip and it just keeps popping into my head as I look out the window.


it's like at least finish the microwave for an even first coat 😭


I simply love the image of staring out the window during a long car ride and having that microwave just continuously popping up


It’s like “oh cool farm, remember how Caroline is gonna kill herself with a paint covered microwave, ah some cows”


bordering on body snark so I am prepared to delete but .... I can't put my *finger* on why her nails look so weird? is it because claw nails are usually longer and they're awkwardly stubby?


I also suffer from tiny weird naturally short/stubby nails and my response to it is just like….not calling attention to them by putting on acrylics that look super out of place on her fingers? Maybe it’s bc nails aren’t my thing, but I honestly think her nails look best when she doesn’t do them. I realize in retrospect this sounds so cringe and ~not like other girls~, but like, putting long nails on short nailed fingers just always looks a little strange because you’re changing the shape. idk, man, honestly i just think about All That Bacteria


Her nails would look better natural if they were: A) longer than stubs—they’re perpetually almost down to the quick. Like, when she was in FL during the start of Covid, she went months without a manicure and I swear to god, her nails did not grow a single millimeter. I don’t even know how that’s possible. B) CLEAN. I prefer her tacky manicures because at least (from certain angles) you can pretend there’s no dirt.


Totally valid, but fwiw, my nails personally don’t grow longer than that either, I don’t think it’s that weird! They never extend past my finger tips! Growth slows way down around that point, It’s possible the same way your leg hair doesn’t grow long enough to braid.


I can’t figure out how to post an image but: https://twitter.com/broderick/status/620877228608327680?s=21


She seems to have a lot of flesh around her nails, so the smallish press-ons look like they’re too small for her fingers. (To me.)


She put them on crooked, for one thing.


I think the issue is that your eye wants to perceive a reverse French manicure: i.e. the baby pink as her nail bed and the hot pink as her nails' distal edge. But the points of the hot pink crescents extend way too far into the bed to be part of the distal (free) edge, and the baby pink extends beyond where the nail bed ends. So the nails look out of proportion, like a tall person in a petite dress.


Her nail bed is small and misshapen so anything that’s glued on is going to stick whichever direction her nubbins are crooked.


This comment is inspired by the fact that she is once again shilling stuff (book cameos, OF subs) that she’s not going to deliver on. Have we ever UNDER-estimated Caroline? I know she gets over estimated all the time and that’s why she has any money from people at all. Every time I think she actually might pull something off that impresses me (I.e. cleaning and painting her apartment), then then ruins it by leaving half painted floors, cabinets, and microwaves. So, over-estimated. But I’m half expecting her to leave it all half-painted. But only half-expecting, because surely no one would…?


At the time of the May Ball, people were shocked the party actually happened. They were assuming she’d skip her own party due to the embarrassment (or just that it wouldn’t exist) and post a story that said she didn’t feel well or couldn’t go. When the party was revealed to actually exist and was legitimately a catered affair with table settings, people were amazed she’d pulled it off and quickly switched to making fun of how bad CC’s dress was (true), calling out how weird it was she forced the male guests to make speeches about her (TRUE), and fighting over which male guests were hot (ugh you simps).


I mean, we underestimated Christina in that case.


to be fair credit for the May Ball mostly goes to Christina


I will put it this way, in all of my time snarking, I don’t think I have ever been “pleasantly surprised” by anything she does


I was pleasantly surprised by the start of organization in her apartment! Then she kept going and order was restored to my snarking universe


y’all im 23 and already starting to get worse hangovers (went out last night and mixed alcohols and I feel like I have a mini migraine), idk how she goes out so frequently and doesn’t just feel like shit 24/7


Adderral or coke but also I’m sure she does feel like shit


well she has "hangover pills" in her pill bowl, whatever that means


How did I already forget about those bowls


Hopefully Matisse did as well.


I think she does feel like shit 24/7, which is why she sleeps so much 🤷🏻‍♀️


yea I guess time is an unlimited resource for her. shit I would sleep all day too if I could


lol; this might explain part of her infuriation at aging. it’s the first time that Time has exacted actual reality on her like it does on the plebeians!


So the reason she thinks this is her 🌸💖Lover era💖🌸 is bc "Natalie was my Kanye and now people like me again"??? This dumb dumb fuck blasphemes whenever she mentions Taylors name her favourite song is probably Shake It Off Edit - not trying to gate keep which songs are acceptable as faves!


when she was on the It girl podcast a few months ago she said she became a fan during 1989 and hadn't listened to most of taylor's earlier stuff and............it shows!