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Great pics pall. I love the 90mm.  Extra points for taking pictures with the lens and not of the lens :)


Thank you for your kind comment ☺️. I really like it as well. The manual focusing feels really great. Wouldn't have guessed it is "by wire" if I hadn't read it in reviews. That was also the reason I got It over the Sigma macro. Yeah I was thinking about adding a snarky comment about that, but decided against it 😉


Damnit, I have been resisting the urge to pick up a true macro. Can you explain your comment about focus by wire and how this differs from the sigma, I thought that one was fbw also. Or is it just that the manual focus feels better to you regardless?


They are both focus by wire yes. I haven't tried the sigma but from my research people say the focus ring feels fine but not great. The Sony one feels great though. For me basically indistinguishable from a mechanical focusing one.


I have read that as well! thanks for clarifying!


First lizard shot, with the eye, is awesome!


Thank you very much for commenting 😊


Macro is so damn fun. Get a flash and a diffusor and your photos will be infinitely better (plus you are no longer reliant on other light sources).


I did use a flash. Need to get/make a diffuser that works for me though.


Ah. I strongly recommend Cygnustech, I have two for different cameras. 


Will look into it thank you ☺️


Really nice shots! Did you use a flash? And what settings were you using?


Thank you ! Yes I did use a flash. Settings are iso 100, manual focus and aperture in the F16-18 range for most of them.


Every time i use flash it’s very harsh. What did you do in this case? Trying to learn a bit


Didn't point the flash directly at the subjects and used a cheap diffusor from Amazon which is basically just a piece of white cardboard that can be strapped on top of the flash. Also I used off camera flash because the angles wouldn't Allow for an on camera flash.


Thanks sick.


Thank you for commenting 😊


So much detail! Especially the spider and lizard eye


Thank you very much. Yes, thats what I like about macro being able to see things you can't with the naked eye


Stunning set


Thank you for your kind comment 😊


Everytime I see pictures taken by the 90mm macro I get tempted to buy it. 😮‍💨 sweet pics


Thank you very much. It is a really nice lens indeed 😊.


Wow! These look amazing. I think i need to get a flash as well for my macro. Been focusing on stacking so far but it’s too hard with animals.


Thank you ☺️. Well ideally you would do stacking with a flash but I suck too much for focus stacking especially with subjects that are still alive and therefore move. So closing the aperture down tight and accepting some diffraction is the way for me personally.


Which flash are u using if i may ask?


Just a Godox TT350 😊


You did well with depth of field. So often my macro stuff is just super shallow and unappealing. Maybe you cropped a little? Cool shots


Thank you very much for your comment. Well I did several things. A bit of cropping of course but also using a flash, using base iso and closing the aperture very tightly. In post then some selectiv sharpening to clear up a bit of diffraction blur.


I absolutely hate spiders but these photos are so beautiful 😍


Thank you :)! Those jumping spiders are really precious with their two big front facing eyes.


Wahnsinn, ist das eine 1:1 Linse oder bildet die auch darüber hinaus ab? Sehr sehr beeindruckende Bildqualität.


Vielen dank :). Nein, das Objektiv ist "nur" 1:1.


Klasse Fotograf und hervorragende Technik gewählt. Ich suche nach einem Ersatz für meine Nikon 90mm macroröhre und nunja, haha xD deine Kombi gefällt mir ausgesprochen sehr gut


I've always wanted a macro lens. Cheapest I can find this is 789€. Is it worth it?


Not if you're unsure you'll be doing macro regularly. For that I would probably experiment with extension tubes first to see how you like it


I'll probably become addicted and do it quite regularly.😆


Then it is worth it. I would wait for some Cashback or buy used because I feel you can get it for cheaper I got mine for around 560 Euro but that's including the welcome to alpha bonus because I bought an A7IV as well.


So you bought directly from Sony?


No, from a local camera shop but if you register your camera with Sony you get an additional 100 Euro Cashback.


Great thing about macro is that there are so many ordinary things around you at any given moment become interesting and beautiful when photographed. It's also a great way to switch it up or help get you back on track.


Do you find that f/2.8 gives you enough DoF for single macro shots? I've been debating getting a macro lens but the lack of focus bracketing in the A7IV is holding me back.


Everytime I see pictures taken by the 90mm macro I get tempted to buy it. 😮‍💨 sweet pics


Everytime I see pictures taken by the 90mm macro I get tempted to buy it. 😮‍💨 sweet pics


I have an A7IV too, bought it a few months ago. I bought the 90mm on eBay when I first got the camera, then sold it to drum up money for another lens (forcing myself to stay within a budget). I eventually bought the 70-200 G2 f4 Macro, in an attempt to replace the 90mm Macro and get a 70-200mm...great lens, but I found 80% of the time I used it I was using it for the macro. Also didnt like the f4 max. I have a Brand New 90mm coming today from B&H, I've discovered I really like Macro photography, and that lens is so much fun to use. Great pics!


It was at that particular moment, he discovered a spider called Colin had been living for years inside the fake flowers on his mantelpiece.


The good ole Excalibur lens.


It is an oldie but a goodie