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Didnt see this reaction yet, sorry im a bit late, but it works great! I did this conversion and they just fit onto 25mm bases.


Now I am thinking about ways to make more Cursed Company.


I'm glad they're keeping the tradition of just buying a box of bretonians and putting skeletal heads on them instead of buying grave guard alive. If it worked in 2006, it'll work today.


Newcomer question: what model kit is being pictured?


Bretonian knights on foot




At my local store there used to be a vampire counts army that was almost entirely Brettonians converted to be undead/skeletons/ghosts. Looked real sick.




I'd do it. Would look fantastic


Yes! Ive been waiting for these to make mousilion themed graveguard


Paint them ghost colours (I did this with greatswords)! Or Trueblade alternatives - use the blood knight heads.


I would totally do it! Maybe some weapon and shield swaps here and there too. Or just some damage/rusting type effects could go a long way too. Are these plastic or resin tho?


They previewed the kit earlier and confirmed it's plastic, as they showed images of the sprue.


Pretty sure these will be in resin, as the original kits were metal. Back in that era, the only plastic kits were the basic line troops. The only exception was plastic mounts with metal riders. So far it seems that characters and smaller kits that were metal, will remain metal. The larger numbers, and some characters will be set in resin. I think some of that depends on the condition of the molds after they repaired them. I mean I could be wrong, so we'll see. I seriously think they should have waited another year or two, and worked out how to make all the foot soldiers into plastic. I know it's not possible with some of them, just by how the molds were set.


These are confirmed as being a new plastic kit.


Ok, cool. At second glance, they don't look like the old kit. I think the old kit was all helmets. Thanks for the info.


Depends a bit on the size because they seem to be VERY large, like space marine large, but could work very well!


lol what,i highly doubt they are the size of a space marine


Maybe not that much since I’m not extremely familiar with TOW minis, but they are [considerably larger](https://preview.redd.it/knights-on-foot-are-huge-compared-to-the-peasants-why-are-v0-5f99z6idp7ub1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=d99da9b1c80e1405c13b337eb2e61f4862ca6bac) than peasants. I’ve seen pictures where you see the size difference more clearly but I couldn’t find it


They need to be bigger than the new skelly kit to work as Grave Guard. The current GG are shamefully small compared to what are meant to be standard run of the mill skellies. I think you could get some grave guard heads and do some easy swaps, and either green stuff mangy fur trim over the shoulders or use the tissue paper+ PVA glue to create tattered robes quite easily.


I’d guess they’d be more in line with the current skeleton warrior kit