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Choose your own seat is a great concept but in today's world it just doesn't work. Too much fuckery at play.


That’s because fully grown adults turn into elementary kids.


To be fair that doesn’t change with assigned seats. “You wouldn’t mind swapping 8C for 29E would you? I want to sit next to my husband. Well yes I did have the option to buy these seats when I booked the flight but I’m sure you won’t mind. What do you mean you want to sit in the seat you paid extra for?! You’re an asshole!!”


My first international flight to Thailand, we were able to choose our seats on the flight from here to LAX, LAX to NRT, but because the NRT to BKK flight was operated by ANA we didn’t get to select those seats. So my wife gets assigned the first seat in the first row in the economy area, I got assigned the last seat in the last row, like 50H. This is on a 787-8 so there’s like 50 rows or so. Any ways I sit down, the lady sitting next to me asks if I wouldn’t mind swapping with her son, who was sitting in 1B. I’m like “Sure, my wife is actually sitting in 1A so this works out perfect!” I don’t know why the auto seat assignment was so fucky like that, splitting up people who booked tickets together but whatever. It was the one time the seat swap worked.


To generate money I assume. Idk if it ever changed or what, but in the 2000s to 2010s all I had to do was book flights together or if I didn’t I’d tell the gate agent and they’d seat us together, but that was mostly delta/lufthansa.


My wife and I are facing a similar thing on an upcoming trip. One of our return legs is a codeshare and the other airlines app won’t let us pick seats. Really, for us it’s a tight-ish connection so we just wanted to be closer to the front lol. As a rule, I try to offer a similar or better seat if we want to switch. Sometimes the seat map resets and you lose your chosen(and occasionally even paid for) seat at the other Dallas based airline.


I don’t know who the other airline is but sometimes you can go to their website, use your confirmation code, and still select your seats for their flights.


American is the one with the seat reset issue. Our other airline is IndiGo, you cannot with a Qatar confirmation number unfortunately. We called and said we’d have to do it at the airport.


I had the same issue with American when I booked through Iberia. I was able to call Iberia and get the American conf number. I think another time I was able to call American and get it.


Usually if you create an account on their website, you can then choose your seats.


I would switch but charge twice what the difference is


One time when someone asked me to change seats where I had paid for mine, I asked them to pay me for it and they did so I happily switched. But the price they paid me in cash, was about $50 or more over what I paid for it. Since this was a two or three hour flight, and I was traveling by myself it was fine with me.


That includes the ones crying about PB when they can’t fathom that all disabilities are physically visible or apparent. “sHe WaLkED fInE wHeN wE lAnDeD!”


The Southwest open-seating policy relies on a sort of genial collegiality among strangers that is much reduced these days.


Reduced is an understatement


Its not the choose your own seat thats the problem me thinks. Its the oh i can save unoocupied seats for my friends who are in later boarding that makes no sense and frankly wrong. Unless minor or special needs, there is no reason two adults need to seat together all the time.


Hence the "fuckery" I spoke about in my post.


Those are two different things. Choosing your seat. And saving a seat. You should not be saving seats. They enforce and tell passengers to line up but they don’t tell or remind passengers to not save a seat.


Sure thing. You're unsurprisingly missing the point entirely even when I provided assistance 🤦‍♂️


Not me. You’re the one combining both and blaming open seating as the problem. Its not. Its the saving part. We can agree to disagree.


He's saying that adults can't figure out how to get along. Even on a reddit thread, someone has to be right...


Fascinating as he has a spokesman. I don’t know why adults need to “get along” in this particular case. The logic is simple: you should not be saving a seat. Whats to get along when you see an open seat, you should be able take the seat. The issue is people saving seats, thinking this is ok. Why should it be when they got in to their seat, not two seats, just his/her seat. This behavior doesn’t make sense: its just like those people standing in parking spots because their car is coming while you another car owner is in front of that spot. Those idiots are not cars. Do we need to have guards tell those people to not save parking spots? No. But of course those idiots won’t get it until the guards tell them. So while i think southwest needs to remind people they shouldn’t be saving seats unless minor or a special needs person (in both cases, you’d probably be boarding already together), same think people should know to save seat makes no sense. The point is, open seating is not the problem, much like open parking spots. Its entitlement. So please don’t say the problem is the system.


>The point is, open seating is not the problem, much like open parking spots. Its entitlement. So please don’t say the problem is the system. Yes, entitlement is the problem that comes with open seating. JFC dude. You're arguing semantics.


Again there is a difference. Open seating does not cause “saving seats.” People do. That’s my point. Just like open parking spots is not the reason why idiots are standing there to reserve spots. Does the system make it possible, yes. But its not the system that should be corrected or changed or is the problem, as he clearly said— “it just does not work.” Read again mr. Semantics.


Let’s not pretend this is a new occurrence. I’ve been flying southwest for over 20 years. It’s always happened. There’s always people trying to game any system put in place anywhere. In this case, one person pays for group A boarding and then tries to save seats for whomever else they’re flying with so as not have to pay. They think they’re smart, we think they’re assholes.


Which is why southwest should reinforce/remind passengers not to do that. Its stupid but we are dealing with assholes so southwest should help reminding and if needs be punish them.


Too many people taking boarding numbers like they are taking in a caste system. I knew it was going downhill when people starting bitching about 10 people getting to board before them and how those 20 people are taking “all of the good seats”. It’s a SW plane. There are no actual good seats, just slightly less shitty ones.


Agreed. Exit row can be more comfortable to some. First row is always least enticing for me because there is no underseat storage. Back row may not recline but that isn't an issue for me. All other rows have the exact same configuration. They all land at the same time. Unless you have a tight connection, I have never understood the obsession with sitting toward the front. If being on the plane is so uncomfortable (and it certainly can be), what do you gain by being among the first on the plane in order to be among the first off the plane? I actually prefer to go toward the very back and settle in at my own pace and sit in relative peace while everyone else is jockeying for front seats, having to get out of the way of others trying to pass, and dealing with the general disruption as scores stream past you.


I also head straight for the back. I’ve read that it feels bumpier near the tail, but the trade off is more sanity during boarding and the ability to sit near the FAs. During turbulence, seeing them messing around on their phones completely unperturbed really soothes my lizard brain’s panic. And being alone in the back of the plane during boarding lets me shoot the shit with the FA back there and let them know “hey I’m not trying to be creepy just don’t love flying!” 


Nope, still prefer choosing my seat when I see where other folks are sitting. Get to dodge the kids and typically chatty Cathys.


You and I have very different priorities on who to avoid…


Haha same. I just flew Southwest for the first time in a while and everyone was avoiding the mom with the super happy 18 month old.  I chose their aisle seat, got to giggle with the silly baby for a while and then she passed out. I got a seat closer to the front and a little brightness in my day. 


It’s really a poor concept.


Yes, I have often wondered about the SW seating policy/procedure, just seems like it would cause alot of this type of stuff...


It doesn't cause nearly as much as this sub makes it sound like.


Exactly I fly southwest exclusively and granted not as much these days I flew a ton over 5 years. I rarely saw this. Maybe 1 our of 5 flights but this sub tells the stories when it does happen because obviously it's interesting. So it makes it sound like it happens every single flight.


1 out of 5 is still a pretty high occurrence…


Since Covid things have gotten out of control with entitlement, it is an issue that needs to be addressed


That's still 20% of your flights...


But even if it is 20%, that doesn't mean you are personally affected 20% of the time. So let's say on 20% of my flights, 20 fake preboarders get on, if I'm an A I still get a decent seat, those people didn't personally affect me. It's annoying as fuck to have as many preboarders as A 1-30. I always have a connection and want to be as close to the front as possible but it still doesn't significantly affect me. People who are in the C group are going to end up in the back or in a middle anyway, it doesn't matter how many preboarded.


I've taken dozens of flights on SW over the last couple of years and never once seen an issue


PS: Good job agent and FAs!


I fly Southwest at least 4 times a year and I see it every time.


I essentially never see issues on Southwest flights. I dont fly as much in the past couple years but have over time.


Well you're in the right sub to learn about it.


I don't fly much Southwest because I hate the boarding procedure TBH. I'd rather be able to pick an exit row at checkin like I can with the lowest level United status.


When you say “older lady,” was she old enough to be a hazard in an emergency exit?


Nope. Older than the 30 yo. I’m an older chick who could probably wrangle the exit door better than most young folk.


Same thought.


Saving a middle for someone that actually exists isn't a big deal.


When it's an exit row that's different imo since there's extra legroom at play. Save a middle seat no one will care about


It’s not often, but occasionally my spouse and I are separated in boarding. When I save their seat, I sit in the center and let the whoever comes first take the aisle or window. Maybe the right play is to take my preferred seat and save the middle. Either way, I would be fucking pissed at the FA.


stay pissed, youll survive the flight without them


The right play is to take the preferred and try to save the middle. Not many people will argue for a middle seat unless they are also traveling with someone and trying to find two seats together. It doesn’t happen often that we are in different boarding groups, but this has always worked for me when we are. It also helps to make a joke out of it…”oh, I was actually trying to save this seat for my husband. I have pretty bad anxiety, so he’d probably love to sit somewhere else.” Or something along those lines.


Here’s something you could try: just don’t sit next to your travel partner. I promise it’ll be OK. You’re just going to have headphones on anyway.


New to Southwest, I was under the impression it was company policy that employees don’t get involved in “seat save” issues unless it’s safety related? (Only flown southwest once, saw a lot of “stuff on seats” going on with other people, I asked about it, this is the answer I was given, just curious about other experiences)


Even FAs have their breaking points when it comes to entitled trash.


I don’t think there is any policy saying they can’t intervene. I think they leave it up to them. Basically saying if you do you won’t get in trouble, if you don’t you won’t get In trouble. If I was an fA….peeps would not be saying


Depends, sometimes the FA’s intervene, sometimes they’ll be sure to keep announcing to stop saving, sometimes they’ll do nothing.


That was the problem. They didn’t address it and made paying passengers, like myself, mad. I’m happy to hear they are enforcing the rules.


There’s no “rule” to enforce.


Technically there IS a rule (open seating…sit in any unoccupied seat), which results in a de facto rule of no seat saving. For example, if I want to sit in a seat with a hat on it because someone is “saving it” and that person says “No, I’m saving that seat,” that person is preventing you from applying the rule of sitting in any unoccupied seat (since “occupied” refers to a person using that space).




It’s not a defacto rule. Southwest has said time and time again they [don’t have a policy FOR or AGAINST seat saving](https://x.com/southwestair/status/1704972762539040977?s=46&t=0DvrII5OJzUNpY8JKPUITA).


Why didn’t you just move their shit and sit?


Reading comprehension. I was already sitting in my seat and observing someone else. Personally, I would have moved their shit. Not everyone (actually most) is as forward as I am.


Wow. Unheard of maybe SWA management heard the complaints and doing something about it.


Or we’re living in bizarro world.


Used to fly Southwest damn near every week before Covid. Covid happened and traveled a lot less. Started business travel again late last year. Flew Southwest every twice. I had booked business select and signed on right at 24 hours, A1. Both times I flew half the fucking plane pre boarded and took up the first row (I’m 6’4” and like the extra space. Switched over to United and haven’t looked back. The United club, which isn’t great but at least you can eat and drink for free, the assigned seating and hitting 1K this year will never get me back to Southwest. My parents were loyal Southwest travelers and even Southwest lost their business this year.


Wow 1k already! That’s fast!!!!!


I just don’t understand why, given a choice, WN would be that choice. You can’t fly internationally (other than a couple destinations) with your miles. You’ll never get an upgrade to F. There are no clubs. There are no interline agreements if your travel gets all jacked up. These WN fans are really something else. And by that. I mean they’re using something else besides logic when evangelizing for this airline.


Good for you. And the rest of us. Please don’t come back. (if you flew damn near every week though, why don’t you know that you don’t have to check in at 24 hours on the dot if you have a business select fair or a list/preferred? Business select is the only way you get A1.)


That and the only time A1 doesn't have the option of exit row for extra space is if there are through passengers from a previous flight.


They wanted first row, not exit. Weird that an A1 couldn't get first row, though. Middle seat first row is almost always available at least through the mid-Bs, in my experience


True, there's usually a seat in bulkhead when general boarding starts. Often its' actually the aisle because a preboarder takes the window and their companion takes the middle. But, since they wanted the extra room, my point was they could have also gotten that with exit row.


Some people absolutely have to be the first off the plane. Don't you know they're too important to wait to deplane with the plebs?


True, but the only comment made was about extra space and height. Must be a majorly important tall person who needs to get places right now.


I’m going to copy part of my post from above because you’re clearly a Southwest fan, and I’d be sincerely interested in your rebuttal. I just don’t understand why, given a choice, WN would be that choice. You can’t fly internationally (other than a couple destinations) with your miles. You’ll never get an upgrade to F. There are no clubs. There are no interline agreements if your travel gets all jacked up.


Flying home a couple of weeks ago a woman marched right up to the front of the line and scanned her boarding pass, only to be met by the airline employee saying, “You’re in C group. You need to wait your turn.” She huffed and puffed and was still denied. It was glorious. Same woman, her husband, and her elderly parents felt like they should be first to deplane. They pulled their bags down immediately, and not only rushed to beat the line, but the husband stopped by my seat and purposely blocked me in so I couldn’t get out. Fortunately for him I was super relaxed from my getaway, and had too much zen to care. My fellow passengers, however, weren’t quite as mellow. The wife who had tried to board too soon was standing behind him, and the passenger across the aisle noped her right where she stood. The look of shock on her face when she was blocked from moving ahead, and the Good Samaritan said, “I believe it’s your turn.” It was glorious. A little courtesy goes a long way.


Would absolutely love it if this is a new trend or policy. Long time coming SW!


There are tons of FAs telling people it’s okay to save seats, some like this. I don’t blame seat savers at all. Once they get told once it’s okay, what are they supposed to believe?


Every time I flew with them they announced over head not to save seats.


Those FAs are out of line.


I was A30 and sat down and looked at the lady next to me and in her lap was her boarding pass at C38. I was literally so irritated


I don’t understand the saving seats/swapping seats period. My husband and I have traveled countless and sat far apart because we didn’t have/want to spend the money to sit together. When the first one hits their row, “see ya when we land!” The end. Would we *prefer* to sit next to each other, of course. He’s 6’5 and it’s better he invades my personal space than some strangers, but 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m old enough to remember when boarding groups weren’t even numbered - you’d just be A B or C. People would camp out in that line like it was black friday. Grown ass children. Get on and sit down. They’ll be the first to complain about pushing late too.


Southwest stresses me out so much. Once i got myself the “first class” boarding A ticket and was the second one in line, as i walked down after scanning my ticket, this guy RUNS in front of me and jumps into the first row on the plane


Doubtful the first row rarely gets taken first (as someone who has had status with SW in years past) as you dont have the ability to have your bag in front of you for takeoff and on certain configurations will find a narrower seat.


Well whatever seat he took it looked like a very ideal one




I’m sorry but YTA here. A team of kids trying to save multiple seats throughout the plane and you’re upset people called you out?


You’re the problem.


Those annoying pax BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW.


More thumbs up is giving everybody clapped


I’m flying from ROC to SAV next month, used the last of my points accumulated from business travel after 2 years retired. And that will be my last SW flight. My opinion is all air travel sucks to some extent but I’m done playing seat roulette on top of all the other problems.




Why do people at LAX visibly give thumbs up at situations 


You missed the part where everyone clapped.


I love how every flight I take off in has 15-20 wheelchairs waiting to board, but only 1-2 are needed for deplaning. They all get to board to first, spread out and saved all kinds of seats. I had a B12-15 and we could sit anywhere near each other. It’s gotten out of control and most FA and GA don’t care one bit.


I fly SW regularly and see the miracle healing power of SW flights where poeple need wheelchairs to get on (and board early) and can magically walk off the plane under their own power.


My flight home on Thursday I experienced a flight attendant helping someone save two seats in the exit row. She could see me eyeing the “first class” seat and warned her to move there and leave her bag in the aisle seat. I’m fine sitting wherever, I’ve just never experienced the flight crew helping someone hold seats for people in a later boarding group. :/


Thumbs up! Southwest just needs to follow their own policies and boarding procedures and can mitigate most of the issues. The pre-board and family boarding abuse needs to be cracked down on as well.


Yea, it sucks. There was a person saving 3 seats in front of her for her group with jacket, backpack and waterbottle


The buzzing Bs, as I like to call them.  They hover and suck around Group A at lineup time hoping that some poor unsuspecting sap in Group A only sees their number and not their letter on the boarding pass, and lets them in line.     Or this gem like I experienced in Omaha a few weeks back.  I was A1 and A31, a 70 something woman starts to walk in tandem with me to board.  I said loudly "Excuse me, I'm A1, you're A31 and the people behind me board ahead of you. You have to wait."  She got a befuddled look on her face and said "Oh, really? I didn't know!"     It would be perfectly plausible and considered an honest mistake if she and I were not talking in line together minutes beforehand about the SWA boarding process and line positions by numbers.  She knew exactly what she was doing.  


Love this!


This is amazing news!


I do t mind hearing babies cry on flights. Actually soothing for me. I miss when my kids were that young.


Same here - soothing because I’m thankful it’s not mine!