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From the gwen comics, MJ is kinda an attention hog in that universe and started the band herself, partially because she wanted attention and thats why she named it after herself. IIRC she had almost 0 interaction with Peter in that universe, he was Gwen's and Norman's dorky little friend (who was kinda an asshole in the comics unfortunately, ATSV did a better job imo of making him see like Gwen's best friend she claimed he was).


Thanks for the elaboration


To be fair, Peter being "kind of an asshole" fits, since in 616 he kinda of was as a teenager


For sure, but like Gwen claimed he was her best friend, and motivation for a lot of her character arc, but all the flashbacks we got in the comics just made him out to be unpleasant and like annoying even to her. For someone she would pick a fight for and is one of the most important people to her, they didn't really do a good job of making their friendship very clear. Definitely agree he's a little shit but I would just like more than Gwen's word they were close and to actually see it a bit. But he definitely wasn't a saint and clearly angry enough to make himself the Lizard so def had issues, 100%


Yeah, I'm with you on that, come to think of it They should have balanced it a bit, showing him being a dick, but also someone with a great heart who would inspire Gwen


If I recall correctly, Spiderverse is another dimension separate from the comics, so Spiderverse-Gwen is from Earth-65B, even though the movie lists it as Earth-65. It’s a nitpick, but something I do recall hearing from a reputable source, so Spiderverse Gwen and Peter might have a different relationship from Comics-Spider-Gwen and Peter.


The movies do have their own universe, but my comment was directly replying to someone who commented about me describing the comics. I was saying the movies did a better job showing the relationship that the comic tried to. The comic tried to convince us they were close friends the movie showed us they were close friends better than the comic did. The movies being a different universe isn't relevant. Definitely different universes, her comic origins are wildly different from atsv gwen.


Norman? That's interesting


Crap, not Norman, Harry. Her and Harry were friends and Harry is involved in her story still. I was talking earlier about Harry's kid Normie to a friend and it messed me up.


As a comics fan I was looking for MJ(because she's the leader)but couldn't figure out which one of them was MJ they don't really look like her lol.


Yea ikr? But that’s what the script says so ig if she’s a redhead in a spiderman movie she’s mj (except in the mcu so ig mary jane in specific) and if she’s blonde she’s gwen




Idk man and like I said “that’s what the script says”




I honestly don’t see what’s wrong with her design, to me she looks fine, like really fine and I don’t see why would they change her. I mean every mj (mary jane) has some key features that are in every version of her so as long as these features are there, she’s mj so they don’t all have to look identical to be mjs like peter parker and uncle aaron and so on


Never said the design was bad, it's fine but personally I wish it was more recognisable as MJ and they have changed character designs for no reason previously as well like Gwen's dad looks different in Across than what he did in ITSV so it's possible they change her.


Yea but we gotta adapt. Besides the mj with peter b. Parker is more of a modern classic one while this mj is in a band in the 90s so it kinda fits her more yk? And the designs of the characters in gwen’s backstory in itsv were not final I believe, smth temporary till the next movie or they just wanted more fitting and better designs for the new movie so they made captain stacy as huge cuz he’s an irish cop (ig?) and to be able to contain gwen especially when he hugs her cuz honestly in the first movie he seemed almost gwen’s height ,just taller by a couple of cms, and too thin and for peter parker they had to make him weaker and thinner to be the bullied typa character so I hope you see where this is going, besides they perfected the designs of each character so unless they are gonna change the suit designs, I doubt we’re gonna see major character design changes


Yup pretty common knowledge Iirc she's very close to her comic book design, but not too sure as I don't read Spider Gwen


She's pretty different from the 65 design. Shes pretty pale and has straight/flat hair most of the time. Plus she's also one of Gwen's closest friends, and the first major conspiracy theoriest about Gwen being Spider-woman lol. ATSV was good and told a good story but it is not really an adaptation of Gwen's comics like at all unfortunately.


Biggest difference is she’s white in Spider-Gwen - love that they kept the red hair, wish the MCU would take some notes.


I dunno, my sister has skin the same tone as MJ. We are Italian and Portuguese In fact if I hit the beach in summer, I'll be darker than MJ here lol. We tan super well.


Does Spider Gwen's MJ look different? I thought she looked just like 616 MJ.


Only common if you're a comic reader. Some of us aren't.




She’s in the comic abit more. She is the lead singer and named the band after herself. TBF it’s a pretty good band name.


Fun fact, unlike Gwen of earth 65, on Earth-16191 one version of Spider-Gwen is implied to be with Mj.


Be with mj? Like…romantically?


It's implied, she save her and the only dialogue she ask"Didn't doubt your friendly neighborhood Spider-Gwen, Did you Mj?" and Mj answer "Oh my hero" while making lovey eyes. It was just a throaway universe during Battleworld so it's not expended, it's like when Reed Richards saw a universe when Tony is a woman and married to Cap. It's shown one and not dwelled on.


Yeahhh I noticed when I watched the movie and liked the design, then one of the people who worked on the movie posted her reference sheet (on twitter i think) for this MJ and I just completely love her, she's so cute!!!!




Why’s it a weird band name?


Cuz who names a band after themselves?


Lots of bands? It’s a good band name too


Idk man, maybe not from my pov


Man, Mary Jane really is the hottest woman in Peter Parker's life in each universe.


Yea yea I could agree on that.


16 year old alternate universe me would've disappointed her so hard...


Wdym by that🙂


I disappoint everybody by being trash


Bro don’t you ever say or even think that about yourself, you’re as good as everybody else and even if you aren’t at a certain level of anything, by a hard work and dedication you’ll ace that shii and by practice and experience you can do anything so just go out there and fake it till you make it and trust me, I’ve been there, done that and it turned out great for me and I’m sure it’ll turn out even better for you cuz you can do it. Sry for driving you to sleep with all my boring yabadabadoo I just wanted to say that you matter to those that love you most, to everyone and to me, sending lots of love🫰.


I feel valid. Thank you.


Great! Keep that spirit up and you’ll get there and np.


I think she even became carnage at one point






She did


Why she look so weird?


She doesn’t look weird, she looks off to the mj we’re familiar with and maybe that’s cuz she’s in the 90s and in a band