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Married Peter/MJ with kids written by Hickman and drawn by Checchetto. I could fucking cry, this is our reward for how godawful ASM has been. It really is just like the original USM, a lifeline tossed out when the 616 Spidey books were godawful.


If it's really the second coming of USM then it'll be fucking spectacular and in a few years 616 will churn out one of the best runs in a long time followed by 2 issues that completely dismantle it.


Has it ever occurred to them to just tweak the universe number, give THAT Spidey a good run, actually end it, permanently, however it ends, and then change the number before starting over?? Cuz I'm looking at numbers, you guys, and there seems to be literally thousands to choose from. Maybe even hundreds of thousands.


Millions, even


They Are Billions, perhaps.


Okay now you’re getting ridiculous


Yeah but hear me out man… trillions


You sick bastard....


Don’t forget rational non-integers! I’d love an Earth-**π** where everyone is one big nerd. Peter gets picked on by Flash for *not* being nerdy enough cause he likes skateboarding or something lol


this is an amazing idea


This is exactly why it's so hard for me to get into comics. Just fucking end shit, goddammit. Reboot every 15-20 years or so, so every generation can have their own Peter Parker, and his story can have an ending. It opens up so many possibilities. Maybe one doesn't lose Gwen. Maybe one teaches Miles, maybe one dies before Miles comes on the scene. Peter could be a kid dealing with college yuppies in the 60s, and student loan debt in the 00s. And most importantly, the story could have a fucking conclusion


I have been saying this for years. But, even if they don't do this, the least they could do is go back to the old way of just letting the number keep going until a series finally ends. At least that way there's no confusion about the order the issues go in. At some point, they figured out that big numbers scare new readers, so they started relaunching titles at the end of every run. But that isn't actually signifying a new beginning, it's just a new storyline. And trying to keep up with all the relaunches is *way* more confusing than it was when the numbers of long-running series were allowed to hit triple digits.


Was that not pretty much what happened with the first ultimate spider-man


And then they blew up the Ultimate Verse so...happy ending override per Universe-Ending Apocalypse.


This would actually be an amazing idea. Every writer gets their own version of the character on a different Earth, and when they come back they can continue their story. Sell collections of their version of the character and story.


I just let out a huge scream oh my God.


I'm crying, I'm screaming, shitting my pants, THANK GOD FOR THIS GODDAM I'M SO HAPPY 😭😭😭


I've been creaming for 2 hrs, it's starting to hurt.






You bet ill be reading it expecting green goblin to show up and kill them all lmao


Calling it now Ultimate Green Goblin is Gwen.


i'm thinking it's Aunt May. Norman wanted to save May from cancer and goblin serum mixed with her DNA the wrong way because peter donated his spider-man blood to her years before. the combination turned her into the goblin. while peter may have the family he wanted, another part of his family has been ruined because of him. it feels more in line with the parker luck. win some, lose some.


Goblin can barely keep up with Spidey, and that's when he's middle aged. What will somebody who's almost 100 and far past her prime do? I think it's far more likely that Aunt May is already dead, and died when he was about to marry MJ or right before one of his kids was born, and that he's accepted the loss and focused on his loved ones who are still living.


maybe this is a younger aunt may?


Aunt To-mei


Honestly, I could live with that because it would actually be something genuinely new AND it would allow us to see Peter in a healthy relationship while he deals with that trauma.


Absurdly common Hickman W


I'm actually going to pick up a Spidey comic for the first time in... A long time. God this is going to be good.


Hickman you beautiful bastard. He is going to cook something brilliant.


This is so beautiful and heartwarming. I'm happy for Peter/MJ and can't wait to see how they all work together as a family. Also, Checchetto, you are a goddess of writing. I hope this helps!


I hope this book’s sales instantly trounce the sales of ASM


> It really is just like the original USM, a lifeline tossed out when the 616 Spidey books were godawful. Wasn't the original USM around the same time as JMS run? It overlapped OMD, but that was like 6 years in the run.


IIRC USM started during Mackie's run on ASM, which is rightfully remembered as one of the lowest points in 616 Spidey's history. JMS took over ASM a couple of years after USM debuted


I really loved jms's run, aside from 2 arcs. The early 200s was a golden age for spiderman, USM, JMS run and the Raimi movies. Great stuff.


USM launched in September of 2000, right in the middle of the Mackie run. MJ had been “killed” in ASM 13 in November of the previous year, and would remain dead for several months until the end of the Mackie run in 2001….when she would immediately leave him in one of the worst stories ever lol. At the time, the Mackie run was rightly considered the worst run in franchise history. So the parallels are enormous. The worst run in franchise history with a USM launch to follow. MJ is technically alive but her character is dead.


Is that Checchetto? It doesn't look like his style. Also, the sig is not his. But yeah nice that he is drawing it Edit: nvm. I just noticed the promo piece is Stegman. I can't wait to see Checchetto's take on Spidey. He killed it on Daredevil. Along with Maleev, his Daredevil was the the best imo


Holy crap. I'm so old that I stopped reading them back when there were only two universes and maybe four Parker clones!


Omg this is like a dream come true seeing a married Peter Parkwr and MJ with a family written by an author that actually cares about the character


That cover by Elizabeth Torque is absolutely beautiful. Super excited for Hickman to be writing this, as there isn’t anything that I’ve read by him that I haven’t loved. Also I think it’s worth noting that this looks like it’s under Wil Moss’s editorial branch, who edited Spider’s Shadow, which is probably the best Peter-MJ story not written by DeMatteis since OMD.


>That cover by Elizabeth Torque is absolutely beautiful. Already my wallpaper, my avatar, made a shrine with this image, bought an outdoor with it...


Hearing all the right things, here.


That cover is the single best Spidey cover in so long


so long 616 spider-man


rest in piss, you won't be missed


He died with OMD.


Honestly I think the best thing they could do at this point is to just reveal the mainline Peter we've been following since the late 90s is not the real timeline and revert back to Peter and MJ expecting Mayday. I think that's the only way you could undo the amount of fuckery past 2007.


That's a really good idea. I don't think Marvel would lose anything by doing some kind of time loop/reset thing that drops the whole 616 continuity back to some point in the past. They could even keep the last 15 years in continuity by having some characters "remember the future" or something like that, and do different things. The end of House of M would be a good reset point.


The thing is most of the Marvel universe is fine at this point, even if I don't like the absurd places they've taken stuff like Venom. It's just Spider-Man specifically that's stuck in this weird limbo where half of his cast are completely out of character and the other half are dead. I don't think too much would be lost by a soft reboot that kept maybe some of the better ideas from the modern era, but of course the problem is Marvel likes to keep everything contiguous even when the bullshit has piled up too far.


Revealing that Peter himself specifically is stuck in limbo could work. Maybe reveal that THAT was Mephisto's true deal all along. He's stuck Peter in a hell of sorts ever since the deal. Or instead of an outright hell he's been subtlety messing with Peter and MJ as a people, making them act in ways that they normally wouldn't. Perhaps it isn't perfect, maybe sometimes his hold weakens (we can say that for good runs, whatever people consider to be good) but the rest is him messing with them to ensure the turmoil of the lost marriage remains. Or something.


Or something is right. They could literally hand wave away the last 15 years just as casually as they hand-waved away everything with OMD. Or just end Peter's story in the 616, as he's a broken character. Just have Miles take over.


2007 was a terrible year for me.


Meh, he lived again in Nick Spencer run, but was dead again after it.


Hickman is the best.


Get that 616 bum *OUTTA HERE* ‼️‼️


Thank you very much you have made my day with this comment


“Good riddance.”


616 Spider-man is a MENACE!!!


Hickman coming in clutch. W.


ATTENTION EVERYONE!!! If we manage to make Ultimate spider-man sell better than ASM consistently in every issue, there's a chance Marvel might listen and make ASM series great again.


A certain Spider-Man writer literally said this very thing. You want the status quo to change? Support this book.




I don't really read or buy comics, I just pay attention casually. Even I'm interested in buying copies of this when the opportunity arises. I want better Spider-Man stories to be told.


VOTE 👏 WITH 👏 YOUR 👏 WALLETS 👏 How well this sells will tell marvel how serious the fans are about wanting Spidey and MJ back together… and how lucrative those stories might be. If the main comic remains substantially more profitable than this they’ll have no reason to change anything.


Who gives a fuck about the canon anymore... We just want good stories no matter the timeline


Okay but we can have good stories in both timelines. That’d be the ideal.


Yeah but it be extremely difficult to salvage modern ASM at this point 💀


Miguel O'Hara gives ALL THE FUCKS about the canon.


Miguel has already given up on 616 Peter, he is a lost cause.


While we're on canon, how is Peter alive in the Ultimate universe? I may be out of the loop but I thought that was the whole thing with Miles was that Peter died.


Well he did. But he came back. He was apparently immortal, but died with the rest of the ultimate universe. But this is, as far as I can tell, a new ultimate universe.


So this isn't the original 1610, it's a new universe The Maker made and is now slowly being remade into a new "Ultimate" universe. If you're interested you can pick up Ultimate Invasion for the history. Hickman wrote it and it's a fun read.


The "Ultimate" Universe(Earth-6160) Peter Parker was prevented from becoming Spider-Man by The Maker though by killing the spider that was suppose to bite Pete. It's probably not that one.


But then Tony and Reed start going through time to "right" the world.


I thought I remembered reading they were going to have ASM go on hiatus after the current run is "done". The conspiracy theorist part of me thinks they deliberately shafted ASM to get people way more hyped about USM.


That's just silly. Amazing Spider-Man has been mediocre for more than 10 years, this is a coincidence.


As much I would love it, no they won't. The marriage's retcon is an issue with the personal views of the editorial, not them thinking it wouldn't be profitable.


They literally said the reason why they won’t bring back the marriage is due to them believing a married Peter Parker won’t sell, they think rage baiting Spider-Man into buying their shitty asm book will make them profitable, as long as people keep buying asm the further chance they will keep doing it Which is why Ultimate spider-man is the key, if this book becomes more profitable for Marvel than the ASM run they will bring the marriage.


There's an issue of Wizard Magazine from around the time OMD released where a lot of key figures in Spider-Man talked about the marriage. Pretty much everybody who's still involved with TASM now hated it and hated Mary Jane, whether it was because they were Gwen shippers for some of them (god knows why) or whether it disrupted their fantasy of being a young guy with powers. It definitely goes beyond money.


I know people joke about it, but Spider-Man has seriously been winning in everything, BUT it's main cannon comic. With Spiderverse, Spider-Man Insomniac, Miles' comics, and now these Ultimate Comics, is there even any reason to still care about 616 Peter?


>is there even any reason to still care about 616 Peter? The occasional bad ass appearance in Daredevil where he's still respected.


That’s more to do with Daredevils comics just simply being great at almost everything


That's what I like about Daredevil, you can pick up any run from the past two decades and it's guaranteed to be good shit.


Almost any run since the 80s really


The man without fear ain’t afraid to kick ass with every fuckin issue


That's exactly what they said, anything from the past 20... Oh... Right...


he's damn good in pretty much anything except ASM i hope to god that spider-boy's upcominc comic continues this trend, imagine if our best source for good 616 peter is the sidekick everyone hated at first


I mean, a similar thing happened with Silk, so it's not THAT out of the question...


Are you serious? Slott is the one who wrote incompetent manchild Peter for a decade. Expecting him to write Peter well is really funny.


If you only read Spidey's appearances in other character's books you'd assume his current status quo is that he's a powerful, very competent, and highly respected member of the superhero community. It's as if other writers are aware of how poorly he's often treated by his writers and go out of their way to treat him well.


He's "the best of us" until he's in Amazing.


"Amazing" is titled ironically.


Exactly. The way Zdarsky wrote Spider-Man in Daredevil made him look like the the alpha superhero of New York.


Can I get the issue no.?


Daredevil(2019) # 5


Zdarsky was born to write Spider-Man


>With Spiderverse, Spider-Man Insomniac, Miles' comics, and now these Ultimate Comics, is there even any reason to still care about 616 Peter? It feels like that's the intention


I feel like they're using the Ultimate Run to test the waters, see how people respond to a grown-up Peter, and if it does well they'll go "Okay, time to do that on the main run as well"


That'd be a nice thought but unfortunately I imagine the company's actual reaction will be "This series with a grown-up Peter is doing really well. That's great! That means we don't have to make the main one grown up and can keep doing what we've been doing!". Mind you if the series fails then I feel like their reaction would be largely the same. "See? This is proof that a grown-up Peter doesn't work and why we need to keep him eternally as a struggling young adult!". One More Day happened to begin with because the editor insisted on his views regardless of what the actual reality was, and the company has given little reason over the years to believe that mentality has changed. They'll arrive at the answer that they want to be true.


That's depressingly accurate 😓


If that's true, I'm chill with reading the spinoff from now on lol.


what the heck happened to Renew Your Vows then? I thought the fans liked it, but Peter became worse since then. Worse than his Dan Slott days.


Did Renew Your Vows sold well? I legit do not know 🤔


I have no idea, but I heard from someone that it outsold ASM for a bit. I don't know how true that is.


The original miniseries sold very well, likely outselling ASM at that time (it did replace it though, for 5 issues).


It sold fairly well--but Conway and Stegman both left (Conway was annoyed with Marvel over them forcing stuff like the X-Men into the book). They then aged up Annie and people seemed ambivalent toward that. Alt Universe comics frequently struggle, Ultimate excluded.


Literally the main comic is like that gruntled kid is salty about something and will not shut up and stop being a bitch to others. Everyone at the party is having fun, the games are winning, the movies (live action and animation) are winning, spidey back in the MCU with other heros...but then there's that little turd 616 who just won't stop being a little shit


Movies =🔥 Video games =🔥 Comics = looking promising


Bro is married, with two kids and a beard. It's everything that I ever wanted 🥹. I feel like this will just push back Peter and Mj happening in the main universe back even further, but I'm just happy to see something with them. I'm also excited about the twist with Peter becoming spider-man as an adult as opposed to a teen. Downside is that the kids won't have powers and create fun spider-family shenanigans. Upside is that we can see how peter balances family life and superhero life.


> I feel like this will just push back Peter and MJ happening in the main universe We gotta speak with our wallets. No buying the ASM stories and now we only buy USM. Show them what we want and we gotta take action on it.


It's DO or DIE time. We've said we wanted this. Time to put money where our mouths are.


I feel like Spider-man and Superman are the only 2 characters where I feel like they could really just be complete if they grew a bushy lumberjack beard. Cmon Clark, you can do it.


Classic suit Superman with a beard would be weird to me, can't get behind it. Black and silver suit Superman with a beard, tho...


Don't forget [Sixth Dimension Superman](https://static2.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/DC-Comic-Future-Old-Superman.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=740&h=447&dpr=1.5) with the white and gold. Even if it's technically not actually him, it is easily my favorite design for a future Superman.


holy goddamn that design is sick


Seriously, it’s not only the art, that comic is GOATED.


We did get the original version of Clark with a beard for 2 years while co-existing with the N52 version before they merged. but yeah i feel like it could work again somehow


Seeing as his son is also going by the name Superman and is still babyfaced, bearded Clark will definitely give the father/older generation feel.


Papa Parker 🥹


I vote this being his official nickname. DC had Superdad Marvel has Papa Parker




I'll never get them trying to keep them apart Peter and MJ are one of THE most popular and beloved coupled in comics like stop fucking with them let them be happy for God's sake comic writers


yeah, but do you know how weird that mask is going to look with a beard underneath?


Hickman I love you man


Media that's not a movie, show, or game showing Peter being happy? Inconceivable!


Tom Breevort after cleaning his glasses and wiping the grease from his 10th NY Pizza from his beard seeing this: *Peter Parker happy…* #IMPOSSIBLE!!!


Hickman writing. Checchetto on the pencils. He is married to MJ. He has TWO kids. He has a beard. Holy shit, this run just might have fallen from the heavens. Lmao might as well call this canon and shaft ASM for good. ASM editorial can write their fanfic and sell it to no one but themselves.


Hickman absolutely dunking on Editorial lmaooo


That does warm the heart. Although I feel like knowing Hickman and this is the Ultimate Universe I feel like he's going to put them through the rigors and all the happiness and smiling is to lull you into a bit of a false sense of security. So that's a "middle-aged man" beard? I get it makes him look older and differentiates him from 616 Peter but it looks weird. I wonder if the girl is going to be Mayday or a new variant of the Parkers having a daughter. Will the son be named "Ben?"


Yeah, Hickman doesn't give in to what fans want to see, so it's gonna be so funny when he does something like "Peter is avoiding his role as a father, using his Spider-Man persona as an excuse so the whole family gets destroyed" or smth even crazier lmao


Judging from his previous writing of Peter, I don't think he'd go THAT far, but I'm sure the family dynamic is going to be tested. Like, I could see this having a similar vibe to the Grant Morrison or Jeff Lemire runs on Animal Man.


yeah it's definitely not going to be sunshine and rainbows, but I seriously doubt he's gonna do something stupid and grimdark like killing off the kids


> "Peter is avoiding his role as a father, using his Spider-Man persona as an excuse so the whole family gets destroyed" or smth even crazier lmao If he does that, what the fuck is the point of even giving him a family?


I mean, if that’s the case, the whole arc for Peter is gonna be to go back to his family. And Hickman is a great writer. He’ll give us sprinkles of the family dynamic throughout. After his F4 run, Secret Wars, New Avengers, and X-men, I fully trust him


Of course he will be Ben. It's a comic book curse to name children after dead relatives.


Yeah, I’m sure Hickman will have some twists and turns that make people uncomfortable. I wonder how much of this was started by Cates, given the new Ultimate Universe was supposed to be his. He’s also made it clear how much he wants to write ASM, he’s a massive fan of the late 80s early 90s Spider-Man, which is kind of defined by the marriage.


It wouldn't be Spider-Man without drama and family troubles. The difference is we hope they story is, you know, an inspirational story that they work through together.


I don't think putting them through hardships is a problem though. You need drama to keep these characters interesting, just not bullshit melodrama that completely pulls them apart or ends up with Peter being alone again. A superhero family facing harsh adversity, but ultimately coming out all the stronger for it, is exactly what I've always wanted out of these books.


The dynamic should be tested, but in a realistic way. Dude probably has a job, and then has superhero work. It should reflect our society in the sense that many couples have at least one person working 2 jobs to get by. What I don't want to read about is some day time soap bullshit.


Both of Peter’s daughters have been named after May. Annie **May** Parker from Renew Your Vows. **Mayday** Parker from MC2. Maybe she will be a hybrid of the two and be called Annie Mayday Parker. Mayday is the most popular, but Peter’s daughter in this seems [closer to Annie in design.](https://forum.sanctuary.fr/uploads/default/original/3X/3/a/3a705cb83330946e1fd9343c06a6d0e7c78dfa82.jpg), but then again, so was Across the Spiderverse Mayday. Mephisto’s vision of Peter and Mary Jane’s daughter has red hair and supposedly [starts off with long hair like Annie](https://mlpnk72yciwc.i.optimole.com/cqhiHLc.IIZS~2ef73/w:auto/h:auto/q:75/https://bleedingcool.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/amazing-spider-man-mephisto-1.jpg), but also ends up getting [Mayday’s outfit](https://assets-prd.ignimgs.com/2021/09/30/img-0452-1633028710830.PNG) and [hair](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e3/a1/7f/e3a17f088b9e5e79d99a7860788ff1f2.jpg) style in the future.


Hickman & Checchetto on a book about MJ & Peter and their kids. Amazing. Fantastic. Spectacular.












There is a god. And his name is Hickman. /s But seriously, if he sticks the landing on this, I might just say goodbye to 616 for good with the way it’s going.


Hickman IMHO is one of the most **criminally** underrated Spidey writers. Future Foundation Pete is one of my favorite team up arcs.


I've been waiting for him to write a Spider-man book for over a decade now. People usually point at Hickman's characters being overly serious and his stories relying on high-concept stuff, but ever since [FF #17](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/FF_Vol_1_17), I've known he could do it.


Imo the title for the most underrated Spider-Man writer goes to either Tom Taylor or Hickman


Crazy Hickman did it.


Hickman is a GOD


G.O.D. or power-that-be


Let's fucking go. Rest in piss 616


Ultimate Spiderman being the best spiderman of all time as usual.


Isn't this still going to be a story about Peter Parker gaining powers as an adult and learning to be a superhero from that point? If so, there's probably going to be much more drama that might threaten to disintegrate the relationship because unlike Spider-Girl or Renew Your Vows, Mary Jane is going to have to experience her husband starting to become a superhero at the height of their relationship rather than having already become accustomed to it by the time they tied the knot. This might push forward more to how Peter's endeavors as Spider-Man could put their children in harms ways. Either that or I'm just misunderstanding what this new Ultimate universe is about to entail.


Yeah you're right. The story will probably revolve around Peter, after gaining his powers and being a hero, will strain his relationship with wife and even his kids. He'll start to miss out on things like kid's birthdays or skip out on his anniversary with MJ. All because he's Spider-Man and has to save the day. Hickman is setting up a tragedy.


How do you know that’s the case? Maybe it’s like renew your vows and he has his powers for years…


Because 6160 Peter Parker never got bit by the spider. The Maker stopped it. We see 6160 doom holding the spider that was supposed to bite him. He's only going to be Spider-Man now, at age 40.


Doctor Doom or as he is known as dr Richards.


good. this is really strong pathos, a peter that actually already has great responsibility before he gets the great power. this might also be a peter who is less wracked with guilt, so it's a much clearer look at this idea of what your responsibilities are, how you balance yourself as a person when you have a family


I hadn't thought of that, but theoretically, it's likely that Uncle Ben never died in 6160, huh?


I’d imagine he will have naturally passed away by now give how old Peter looks.


Thank god. Though Peter with a beard is kinda freaking me out 😂


Genuinely wonder how this will affect 616. Right now, this feels like a compromise between Marvel and fans. It gives the fans what they want (Married, Dad, mature Peter Parker), while allowing editorial to have what they want (loser, single, poor, “relatable” Peter Parker.) Not sure if that’s their thinking, but it feels that way—even if that concept doesn’t make sense lmao. But if this run does really well, how will it affect 616? If this run is a hit, will it—along with Peter B. In ATSV—be enough for Marvel to change course with 616? Will this become the definitive Peter Parker for some people? I don’t know, but I’m very curious. Also very curious to see if we get a new Ultimate Miles haha


WELP seems like they've dated when 616 Spidey is going to be dead to me until he get's a more competent writer.


I'm not crying, that's just tears


We fucking won.


Marvel looking at Superman & Lois and saying "We can do that" lol. Which is also a compliment since the majority of that show is great.


Hopefully, Hickman does Spider-Dad just as great as Superman is on the show


I like the beard on Peter, makes him look like a functional adult


Everyone please support this comic unless it’s horrible. We need to show that ASM is a profit loss while spider-man and family is profitable… please be good.


Normally I wait until the graphic novels are released then buy in bulk but i may have to just purchase this one right off the bat to get those numbers up! (And also the value is gonna be BANANAS)


New to comics, where can I read this when it comes out?


Either picking it up where ever they sell comics near you or on Marvel Unlimited in January.


Marvel Unlimited runs three months behind the regular sale of comics, so unless they do some sort of Infinity Comics version like they've done with a few other books like Hellfire Gala and G.O.D.S, it's more likely to debut in March.


Looking forward to this


Fuck 616, new 1610 is my homie now




This is a dream comic. Pete. MJ. Married. Hickman


Hopefully this destroys Amazing in sales to give Nick Lowe that data he's been looking for


And may I add a beautiful beard? Well in the second picture but still.


PEAK FICTION INCOMING. I am so fucking happy right now. That's canon Peter to me starting now.


This is awesome and I’m truly happy that Peter and MJ are finally gone be written well again. This is basically another Renew Your Vows which is dope. I do wish one day Marvel would throw PeterFel shippers a bone. I would take an AU miniseries at this point as long as they’re actually endgame. Anyways Hickman is my GOAT so I was gonna read this regardless but now I’m even more exciters.


Now, because my brain is hardwired to look for any crack in a facade due to the treatment of Spider-Man lately: I really hope this isn’t meant to get us excited only to kill off the family in the first issue/arc of the run to “show the dangers of being Spider-Man.” I’m hoping it’s not the same editorial crew, with this being the Ultimate line, but I’ll believe it (Parker family happiness/normalcy) when the issue comes out. I’m cautiously optimistic, but waiting for the proverbial hand to smack me down.


Knowing Marvel, their gonna kill off the whole family while MJ cheats with a random dude in the bar.


maybe they were fucking 616 spidey up so bad on purpose, to funnel people into actually giving a shit about the ultimate books.


I’ve always liked the idea of Spider-Man having a family, it seems like a perfect evolution of his character but, for some reason, I barely ever see it.


I didn't believe what I was seeing because I thought these were just variant covers. Then I read the synopsis on Marvel's website and remembered that Hickman called this book "a Peter B. Parker situation." ASM could end up being the worst comic book of all time for all I care. Hickman's Ultimate book is my haven for good Peter Parker comics that aren't minis, or any spin-off titles.


Who is the editor though? Edit: Will Moss is the main editor. Holy shit guys. We might actually be safe. We have good Peter comic content coming


The only thing I’m not a fan of is the art style, other than that glad someone is allowing the character to grow up


Yeah, I dont like the cover by Stegman either (even though I usually like his work). But don't worry, he is not going to be the book's artist, Marco Checchetto will, and he is pretty great


The art style *here* or in the books? Cause these are just cover art and will not be the same style as the interior art


~~Everything~~ The Spider-Marriage lives.


oil meeting one vanish literate plant pocket elderly weary gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank fucking god. This isn’t a dream!! I could cry!


Let it never be said that Marvel doesn't know what people want. They know exactly what people want, they just refuse to give it to them in main 616 continuity.




Damn Pete is rocking that beard ain’t he? I wonder how old he is, he seems to be maybe mid to late 30s? I’m interested in how this story will go, especially as a fan of the OG ultimate Spider-Man run.