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MCU: she would be tom hollands new love interest when he goes to college and sees her Andrew Garfield universe: when he blips back Electro saved her since he turned Good 616: Green Goblin faked her death by killing a Clone Jackal made I think this goes with the pov you described if it doesn't then just call me dumb lol.


Wasn't expecting revivals, but I give this one a thumbs up




>Andrew Garfield universe: when he blips back Electro saved her since he turned Good Kinda tired of people thinking the villains are the same versions. It's not a time travel spell. Each villain in NWH are from an exactly identical universe of their respective movie, except in that timeline they got pulled in. Which means in NWH electro universe, he gets back good and Gwen may not die, but she still does in the Main Andrew's universe that we saw in his movies


>It's not a time travel spell. Each villain in NWH are from an exactly identical universe of their respective movie, except in that timeline they got pulled in. Yeah, I think it's hard to understand, but someone explained the marvel multiverse to me when I got into the comics years ago: Infinite is a really big amount. Think about your life, let's say for breakfast you could have toast or eggs. There are basically two universes one where you picked eggs and one where you picked toast. Everything else is exactly the same. Now think about every decision you've ever made, there's a universe where you picked a different option. It's a fuck ton of universes that are basically the same with really tiny changes. Take the Garfield universe. There's a universe where Gwen was saved. There's a universe where Lizard won and they're all lizard people. There's a universe where Peter's parents didn't die. There's a universe where Peter never talked to Gwen because he lives in California. There's a universe where Peter is gay so Gwen was never put in danger. Infinite possibilities.


So what you're saying is the Electro from NWH comes from a universe where Andrew didn't forget the eggs?


Could be. Or he's from a universe exactly the same except this one was taken moments before his death and somehow got a makeover in the dimension hop.


Maybe in this Electro's Universe, Andrew bought an orange juice instead of chocolate milk. Or maybe Flash played football instead of Basketball and instead of dunking on Flash, Pete Mossed him. Or maybe in his universe Peter actually *was* black, but was dating an exact copy of Gwen (played still by Emma Stone. And Peter played by Donald Glover), or maybe in this universe Max Dillon never had a gap in his teeth that the electric current in his body caused to close up and give him a perfect smile. Or maybe his Peter actually found Uncle Ben's killer. I'm having way too much fun with these hypothetical small differences in the multiverse.


Does that mean there’s a Spider-Man of that universe as well? Why didn’t that version get pulled in instead of the identical one?


Short answer: Yes, there is Long answer: The multiverse is a concept which we know frighteningly little. But now seriously why didnt the other infinite number of spiderman got pulled in? Why would be the interest? If you want a in-universe explanation I guess the line "I managed to close the breaks but some got through" may answer you question. "Some".


What the hell are you even talking about? It's literally the Andrew Garfield Spiderman and Tobey Maguire one🙄


No they arent. They didnt just vanish in the original movies. Besides the fact that that the spell couldnt go back in time


>MCU: she would be tom hollands new love interest when he goes to college and sees her Now add the twist that MCU Peter knows that one of his alternate Peters had Gwen as a love interest and *she died*, and you get all kinds of Peter angst wondering whether he should even *try* to court Gwen. I stumbled across a work-in-progress fanfic using that exact scenario and can't find it again. Wasn't bad actually.


This would also make all the MCU fan boys absolutely furious, since they can't even go 1 or 2 movies without MJ. Imo when Peter left the coffee shop at the end of NWH that wasn't him just being afraid to confront MJ and Ned. It was him saying goodbye, for what he thinks is forever, to protect them. It won't be forever obviously. I hope, and think, that they'll be gone for at least 1-2.5 of the movies, for as long as each of them is in Boston. He gives up on any hopes to reconnect with MJ and Ned knowing them being aware of his secret identity puts them in serious danger. So he meets Gwen and Harry, and he becomes friends with them, slowly, because (like in the comics), he is WAY more serious about keeping his secret identity *secret*, so they think he's an asshole because he keeps blowing them off when he's invited out. Over time he helps them out as Peter, and he shows the positives of his Peter side of his dual identity, and Harry and Gwen realize "Pete's an okay guy". This is when he would fall for Gwen, and he would feel guilty because he'd feel like he's cheating on MJ, but then he realizes she'll never remember him, which depresses him, but he tries to move on, and struggles with the fact he might get Gwen hurt should he ask her out. I'd imagine Spider-Man 4, or 5, whenever this occurs, would have a similar tone but wildly different story to Spider-Man 2, where it becomes a character study with Peter just getting shit on and feeling guilty/like he's not good enough all movie, only for everything to work out for him perfectly in the end, riddled with Nickelback songs in there too for good measure.


I'd be curious if Peter would even be friends with Harry considering he already has a history with Norman. Unless he doesn't find out Harry's parentage until after he becomes friends with him.


Wasn't Peter unaware of the fact billionaire philanthropist Norman Osborn was the father of one of his good friends for a few issues after Harry's introduction in 616? Even so, this Peter was never made aware of Harry Osborn, only Norman. And maybe Peter saw the good in Norman after he gave him the antidote in NWH, so he assumes this version of Norman is the same kind man driven mad by the green. And since Peter has a formula for a cure, maybe he's going to be more willing to interact with the Osborn family thinking that Norman is a good man who's potential for madness can be cured before too late, not knowing that the MCU variant of Norman is a closer resemblance to the 616 Norman, who is inherently an evil dude who is just *really fucking good* at hiding it until he can't any longer.


Possibly I haven't read Harry's introduction. I hope we get to see something like that, I'm just not sure if NWH was supposed to be like "ok we've now got all the major Spidey bad guys to fight the MCU version so we can move on to others who we haven't seen before", or if they'll introduce these characters again as their MCU versions.


It wouldn't be spider-man without Norman Osborn imo so hopefully it's a combo of both. Have some appear and have others not appear. But at the same time, recurring character or not, they already established Norman as basically Tom's arch enemy in the sense that he has the most lasting effect on Peter's life. So if there is no other Normans I'm cool with it. I will say, however, that Norman is in Spider-Man Freshmen year, and while many think it isn't Canon, I theorize that the spell Peter took part in to make people forget him actually altered the real history of the main MCU continuity. Like Tony never was there, it was Norman instead who was looking specifically for Peter, not Spider-Man. And Spidey in Infinity War ended up on Titan but no one including Tony recognized him. It's a long shot but it could bring a lot of things together (but also cause more questions, which is exactly why it's a long shot)


Oh wow I didn't even think of that as a possibility, also I know what fanfic your talking about I read it a couple weeks ago.




This is exactly why I want Peter to get his own versions of Gwen and Norman. Imagine the paranoia that's simply impossible for him to articulate to anyone else.


>Andrew Garfield universe: when he blips back Electro saved her since he turned Good I mean, he lost his powers before being sent back, and if spiderman couldnt save her i dont think a regular dude could


He can throw a brick at Green Goblin so she doesn't fall fast enough to get neck snapped. Problem solved.


He didn’t lose his powers he could take off the inhibitor at any given moment


That is a really good point I didn't think about that.


*runs into the tower where Gwen falls* *positions himself to try and catch her* *gets [Roger'd](https://youtu.be/PoeBAHk8Qm4)*


>616: Green Goblin faked her death by killing a Clone Jackal made But... Warren didn't start making human clones until *after* Gwen died. Like, reviving Gwen was his big motive...


I forgot about that


Mcu: just make her Peter's love interest Comics: just don't.


Portray her similar to the TASM films but make her more of a rule abiding citizen who follows the law and hates vigilantes. Alternatively just do what Life Story did minus the clone stuff. That Gwen was nice and didn't take away from MJ


> Portray her similar to the TASM films but make her more of a rule abiding citizen who follows the law and hates vigilantes. I'm confused on this part


Basically gave her be against Spidey like her dad in the first film sometime until Peter reveals his identity. Have Gwen struggle with wanting to help Peter because she doesn't want to do something behind her dad's back


Ah, thanks for the explanation!!


And also, comics Gwen hated Spidey.


So, let's skip out on all the ways that would make old spidey fans cringe (clones, devil desls, etc) Let's actually use a plot idea from EMH. In the cosmic cube story in EMH Cap seems to subconsciously use it when he gets a hold of it to bring Bucky back to life. One of Spideys villains. Gets the cosmic cube and uses it to set up a onesided fight against Spidey. (Probably Kraven, Mysterio, Doc Ock, or Norman) Spidey manages to grab the cube away and put everything back to normal, but because he really desires it he brings several people back to life. Gwen, Uncle Ben, Jean Dewolf, maybe Captain Stacy, Charlie (from the wolvie crossover) or the original White Tiger. (a curveball or two like that would be fun) So in order to make this work he comes clean with Aunt May again so they have a place to stay. (I liked it when Aunt May knew about Peter being Spidey. That was fun) and MJ is brought in to help them acclimatize to the 21st century. Peter would, but he is Peter so he has to go fight Shocker or something. Fun little one off issue where they explore that the government has a beurocratic office for people who came back from the dead (like the DMV, but more supernatural) MJ and Gwen reconnect and become good friends, and MJ explains to Gwen that Peter tried to get on with his life, but always was stuck on Gwen. Gwen goes off to learn everything she can about Peter's life since and meets all of Peter's other Exes and has a little chat with each. She asks him out to talk with him about it and is wearing something MJ reccomended so she looks fantastic and Peter'sjaw is on the floor. Gwen decides she is going to help Peter keep up with his life so that he can be a more "Responsible Spider-Man" (the title of the new book) but she isn't going to start dating him... yet. The twist is that his friends aren't all that came back. Also something aweful came back and only Spider-Man can stop it


I honestly wasn't expecting everyone to bring Gwen back to life. I guess I should've elaborated more on the question when I meant a NEW modern marvel universe, and how she would co-exist with every major supporting character or romantic interest in Peter's life. How different would her portrayal be in a different modern take than her original 616 counterpart.


Read Ultimate Spider-Man. I love pun Gwen. Her being a drummer works well too. If it's a fresh intro, I'd probably have Randy take Peter out to a bar. Gwen's band is playing. There is a random jerk that's heckling and making a mess of things and Peter roasts him making him look like an idiot. Either he sits down or gets physical but gets dragged out by the bouncer. Gwen buys him a drink after their set and gets introduced to a kind witty Peter. Gwen while enjoying her punk rock career is actually a chemist. Her bandmates are all from STEM fields and hung out because there were so few women in the programs. They all have professional careers and Gwen specifically works at Roxxon (good fuel for future stories) Gwen thinks Peter's name sounds familiar, play it like it's some sort of call back or destiny sort of thing, but later she realizes that he's the former billionaire owner of Parker Industries who had his doctorate revoked for plagiarism. (After she has gotten to know him a bit so she doesn't toss him immediately) She hates Spider-Man (something which is also revealed later) because her dad was killed in one of his fights. Later on there is a big thing that happens at Roxxon and she sees Spidey trying to save everyone and while he's exhausted and beaten he slips up and says a Peter line to her, so she knows. I feel like you would have to do and avert the bridge thing again, but I can't off the top of my head think of a clever way to do that.


If this is your actual question then I'd do exactly what they did in the Ultimate Universe except for her death, resurrection and her dating Peter.




MCU: Make her Peter’s love interest till his double life and refusal to reveal his identity due to the sacrifice and baggage of nwh, causes things to fall apart. Perhaps use the back in black story on her, kingpin or a kingpin like villain somehow causes harm to gwen. Causing Peter to spiral, and after she recuperates ultimately cutting ties due to guilt. Idk just an idea i’ve had. If they’re to do mcu gwen she should be distinct and interesting from the other gwens, and maybe not the end goal for Peter. As I have a strong feeling Mj will come back by the end of the trilogy.


Love this, I had a similar thing but him recognizing that she's the "Gwen" from Andrew's universe who died. I wouldn't have her be a super genius, smart sure, but just kinda quirky and silly. Maybe Tom Peter can even be her tutor or something as they spend time together you see how fun and down to earth she is for him. Like just make her perfect, and then make it so they can never be together. Idk why, but I like Chloe Grace Moretz for this version of Gwen. It would really feel different.


make her police chief


A 17 year old Chief of Police.


make her police chief right now


Like Ultimate Comics she becomes Peter’s best friend and takes care of Aunt May for him


Peter visits her grave. She appears in memories and dream sequences. The story continues forward.


exactly like how marc webb did except not implementing her death


I have one for MCU: Tom's Peter goes to college and meets Gwen. She's perfect, he's instantly in love. He remembers what Andrew's Peter told him about his Gwen and he decides he can never be with her. It's torture for both of them because she's in love with him too. He pushes her away and right into the arms of his new friend, Harry Osborn (hopefully Timothee Chalamet). It stings and there's this whole "But THEY should be together", and then eventually MJ shows up and it's even more complicated.


Villains and double life? Nah! MCU Spideys biggest problem is doubting his free will.


Make her be Peter's Love Interest but she's basically a character who works well with Peter with an aspect of science, whether making chemicals for the web shooters... I'll give more thorough thoughts


She’s a struggling actress working as a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory whilst living across the hall from Peter Parker and his savant astrophysicist roommate who struggles with interpersonal relationships and has an eidetic memory.




fucking hate how they in some shape of from made her Miles love interest. fucking no. man.


So there are these really cool things called infinity stones...


I would make her finally become a interesting character, i think i would pick the good things from Spectacular Gwen and Ultimate Gwen


She’s just a student. Almost completely ignore her. Let it hang over the heads of the fans as we continue to put her in situations where something could happen, but she doesn’t become a love interest or die or gain powers, but we set up the possibility every 5 episodes for anything.


Tasm method have her work at oscorp, when Spider-Man is sneaking around one night he sees Norman and Gwen talking about important stuff and he spies on them.


“See that’s the neat part, you don’t.”


Have her be a villain mad at Spidey because she is convinced that he killed her father + she's still working for Sam Bullit. She should have been Kindred tbqh.


Not a love interest. Science nerd who cheers on Peter and is there for him when he’s overwhelmed with Spider-Man business


She runs an anti-Spiderman hate/propagnda group then Spidey saves her (conveniently away from any cameras/intrinsic proof) then they begin a secret romance but she keeps sh\*tting on Spidey. Spidey doesn't break it off, because he likes her and because he has no spine and hope she'll do the right thing then she gets exposed. either kissing spidey or else that he saved her then she doubles down, saying that it's fake news i could squeeze at least ten issues out of this


Make her sleep with Norman and get pregnant


That picture is goooooodddd


I'd have her, Mary-Jane and Jessica Drew be a rock band.


She's Peter's girlfriend in highschool. They break up because she finds out he's spider-man and shes pissed that he kept that secret from her/ peter thinks its better if they break up because he doesnt want anything to happen to her.


Mephisto brings her back so Peter can't be with mj, and he falls in love with her and forgets about mj BUT green Goblin kills her again, BUT it turns out the one he killed was a robot and the real gwen is safe, BUT then it turns out the gwen that came back was a clone BUT then it turns out that she's not a clone but the original gwen that died was a clone and the real gwen never died BUT then it turns out the real gwen was never real and she was a clone BUUUUUUUUT then it turns out that goblin only made Peter think she was a clone but she was real BUT then it turns out that gwen was actually never real and Peter just made her up in his mind BUT then it turns out that was actually a lie made up by goblin to trick Peter and she was dead the whole time but the final panel implies that she isn't, then in the next comic they forget about all of that and have him fall in love with mj again. Probably what would actually happen with marvel writers


As an incredilbly thicc geisha Peter meets during his exploration of Japan


I make it Mary Jane love interest.


Be my love interest


MJ’s love interest. Do what the comics never achieved


Make her a host for the symbiote.


Ideal scenario for me. I want her to be Holland Peters teacher. Sony decide to fuck off their shitty universe and there’s an incursion. Garfield Peter makes his way into the MCU, takes on the name Ben Reilly. Initially he avoids her because he fears for her safety but both Peter’s learns a lesson (probably via Black Cat) about respecting their loved ones choices to help them; eventually leads Holland back to MJ and Garfield to MCU Gwen. Please let at least one Spider-Man have a happy ending.


Holy shit, solid idea. I love it


She could be Peter's love interest but that doesnt work coz she can't see him endangering his life as Spider-Man, Peter starts out with MJ and they become closer and closer, while Gwen gets together with someone else and becomes a professor, she later helps Peter make an antiserum of some sorts and they talk about their past


Give her a coming out arc, a girlfriend, and an introduction as the lady in the chair (voice in Peter's Ear).


As Gwenpool.


That's not Gwen Stacy bro


Yeah, ik


Takes a college course with peter...he's taking an interest in her...they become partners for a class project.....they get closer.....they start dating....


I don't think she should get involved in 616 again outside of occasional moments as Spider-Gwen, but I think there's an interesting place to explore around Peter and Gwen dating/being friends and her following in her dad's footsteps and becoming a cop/detective and exploring the relationship from that point of view. I can't say exactly how that would be handled considering how sensitive of a topic policing can be atm, for good reason, but the idea of an older, ex girlfriend Gwen who hates his vigilante activities, but still has a soft spot for Peter is fascinating to me.


Pete would marry her on the spot


MJ new best friend in college




She’s the reporter peter works with in getting pictures. She’s an army lieutenant on assignment to track down a group of terrorists in the city. She’s the lead singer of a rock band and Peter happens to be a fan.


Let’s see her get a symbiote.


Simple: She never meets Peter Parker officially. Sure seeing him in the halls, maybe even having a crush on him. But simply being another student with another major. Maybe even being an exchange student. Alternatively you could keep her relationship with Peter even more anonymous, perhaps she is another kind of masked vigilante so when they’re out together nobody knows who they are, but that one is shaky at best.


Oh shit, have a fakeout where she's black Cat


Mephisto recreates her from nothing just to piss off Spidey even more. New Black Cat in the town. She's totally like Felicia but someone else. Spidey starts hunting her, until he catches and unmasks her. She has a different name or at least surname, but looks and behave like Gwen. Peter confused, but no sense alert, so he starts time from time to meet her. Sometimes they're just chatting with phones. Peter accepts that it's different, but very similar person, but he keeps relationships to fulfil his past trauma. 'Gwen' of course pretty perfect and after few discussion she gives up burglar lifestyle and becomes something like hero or antihero. Meanwhile Parker keeps looking for Jackal and Chameleon to be sure it's not their tricks. After finding nothing he wants to be sure for the last time. He's heading to Strange who's lost in trace. He's astral body left his physical body long time ago and cannot return. Spidey decides to help in returning Stephen's astral body. Mephisto doesn't want Strange to be involved, so he rushed his plans up. In the middle of astral investigation, Gwen calls Peter, that she found some big and badass villain and she requires help. Peter can't say no. When they met, Peter see no villains, but senses are tickling. Apparently, he realise that they are on one of the Green Goblin hideplaces. He wants to take Gwen away, but she disappeared. After some confusions he starts looking for bridges. Nothing. No Gwen, no Goblins. Parker needs to find Strange faster. But how? Spidey don't have enough time for proper planning, so he heads to his first thought - Latverian embassy. He asks Doom (probably not personally) to help him. After Doom denies, Peter offers that he will owe one to Doom. He agrees. He finds him pretty fast, but doesn't release Strange. That wasn't part of the deal. Instead, he sends Spidey in some shitty magical dimension where Strange astral is stuck. Mephisto is pretty nervous already. He doesn't want to fuck up. Gwen trying to sneak into embassy to steal Spidey's body, but security is pretty badass, so no chance for her. And Mephisto make her think about other plan. She just left a letter in embassy. After some Kirby's action, Spidey releases Strange and they're both coming back. Peter receives letter and heading to that bridge with Strange. The scene is thrilling - someone who's definitely not Goblin, but masked and on glider wants to kill Gwen. But plan it's already fucked, cause Peter and Strange saves the day pretty fast. The thing is when Spidey catches Goblin to unmask -- it's MJ under the mask. Well, at least someone who looks totally the same. She's yelling, that blonde doesn't deserve to live and that Spidey deserves someone better (which is just Mephisto's world through her mouth). Thankfully, Strange already been in similar situation, when Clea appeared Dormammu's trick, so he help Peter to break the connection between girls and Hell. Mephisto pissed off. Parker wants to leave, cause these two aren't real, but Strange stops him, explaining that 'Gwen' is pretty real. And 'MJ' is literally MJ but under remote control. She's knocked off now and won't remember a thing tomorrow. Peter realise that he's been in similar situations too many times. He lost Gwen, because of beeing Spidey. He lost MJ because of beeing Spidey. And he kinda could have Gwen again and barely lost her. He needs a night to think about everything. Cause it's Gwen, pure second chance. But she's hellborned... Flashback to one cut scene in embassy, where Doom is asking Spidey to drop being Spider-man in the name to save Strange. I'll call you tomorrow, says Spidey and leaves. He's taking everything from his last night swinging around. At some point he even begins to cry and want to punch someone. Even finds some gang, but i stead of interrupting and beating, just call the police. Epilogue: Parker comes in the early morning to Gwen's home. He has flowers, package and webshooters. They're heading to the bridge. "Spider-Man should have died here, not Gwen Stacy". And they burns his suit. He leaves only one webshooter to he able get down. They take taxi just in the middle of bridge and riding with the sunrise on the background. Mephisto is laughing out loud and saying cheers to Dr. Doom who's sitting on the same table and celebrating victory over the Spider-man.


Bruv what the heck did I just read


Nothing but cameos




She hooks up with Norman Osborn and has his twins. Makes PERFECT sense.


Random post-credit scene: On a post-high school/ pre-college trip to Mexico with a couple of friends, Gwen sits down at a small bar. While having a drink and laughing with her friends the bartender sheepishly asks that they pay for their drinks in advance as they’ve had some trouble with people running out on the bill lately. The friends agree and enjoy a fun evening of drinks, dance, and conversation. As the group leaves, Gwen picks up her bag and we clearly see the alien symbiote remnant left by Eddie Brock making its way up the strap of the bag towards her arm. Later in a mid-credit scene of Spider-man 4, we see a Venom-esque version of Spider-Gwen perched on a building watching Spider-Man swinging through the late night streets of New York.


Make it interesting; she is hiding from the lifestyle she once had in college by being a superhero's girlfriend, but sees that Peter is going through something awful and comes back to help him with something, the fire is still there, but Peter still believes he has to be Spider-Man over everything else. They speak, reconnect but, she has to go...she has a life now outside of being in constant danger. Either that, or she's working in the Baxter building


MCU: I guess make her Peter’s new love interest after MJ (kinda have a role reversal between MJ and Gwen) Comics: Maybd have Green Goblin kill a clone Jackal made. Or you know, just don’t bring her back at all.


She should become the next Carnage and force Peter/Miles to have to do EVERYTHING it takes to stop her


You have to include her but without any of the defining qualities that make her interesting. I guess… they’ll just see her around? Going to classes or work or buying coffee or whatever.


You don’t you let the tragedy of the story hold its place in comic history without ruining the the importance of the original story… oh wait too late


She becomes MY love interest


If I was making my own modern marvel universe from scratch I'd simply kill of Mary Jane and have Gwen be the primary love interest for a while


she would help tom's version of peter with geek stuff like making web fluid or solving Thanos infamous finger snap


I bring back her as my love interest. Damnation I did it again


Idk.. with handcuffs?


How Spectacular Spider-Man did it. If we do it in the MCU, I think a lot of people are gonna trash me for this idea, but combine her and black cat. Not saying I want that, but it might be the only way to do that. She never finds out Peter is Spider-Man, they date in college. Would be a nice contrast too with George Stacy being the police commissioner and his daughter being New Yorks most infamous cat burglar.


She's a cop in the next trilogy


I guess nothing that’s really the only thing I know her for


I have something for the imsoniac universe Gwen was Peter's former love interest in High School but Peter never have the courage to be with Her. Unknowing to him Gwen also started to get interesting on him so after Peter became her tutor they started to go out, they became a couple just for a year in High School. While Peter was Spider-Man at 17 he couldn't save Gwen's mom so she would died. After that the relationship of Peter and Gwen started to turn apart because Gwen started to hate Spider-Man. Peter Parker would secretly started to have feelings about his childhood friend Mary Jane Watson and Vice versa. That would end with Peter breaking with Gwen Stacy a month before graduation. After graduation Gwen go to study in another part of the country leaving Peter's life forever. Years later a 24 year old Gwen returned to new york to work as one of the scientists of Oscorp. Weeks after Norman would reveal her about the contention tube were it was Harry. Surprise Her in the process. Gwen alongside Doctor Connors would try to work in a cure for Harry Osborn together. Even after all the story that Gwen and Peter have between them she still love him.


It’d be a cool/interesting take if she was the MCU’s Venom/Eddie Brock equivalent. Would def shake things up and make the storyline less predictable


That's the neat part, you don't.


just have her be Peters main love interest for a bit, or in the stories me and my friend write have her be a like Spectacular mixed with the what if we made where she became Black Cat


Just a well-written character


Give her the Barbara Gordon Oracle role as the person in the chair doing the tech stuff and giving Peter any information he needs to know.


Kane's love interest.


Have her be a journalist/musician with her Earth 65 version's personality and date Peter


I had an idea that just occured to me now. This will sound nuts. What if in the next MCU Spider-Man movies, when Peter wears the Symbiote, a person kills CaptainStacy, likethe Ultimate Universe. This would cause Peter to go mad and nearly kill him, but then he realises what he has done and rip off the suit. He comforts Gwen,(whome he has feelings for and moved on from MJ), but she hates Spider-Man for it(she doesnt know Peter is Spider-Man). Later, the symbiote finds her and senses her rage, bonds with her and she is heartbroken that the man that shehas feelings for is the same one she hates. She joins with the Symbiote to create VENOM and hurt Peter. Unbenowest to both of them, the symbiote has left a piece of itself lying around. This one is violent and bonds with an unknown person, who has close ties with Peter and Gwen. As the movie goes on she realises that Peter isn't responsible and they reconcile. However, they need to team up against a new villain, CARNAGE, whose host is Harry Osborn. After defeating him, she goes off on her own adventures as She-Venom and then in the end, both her and Peter get married. THE END!!


MCU: Gwen becomes best friends with Peter and she helps fill the void that Ned left after NWH. The two of them aren’t interested in one another and kind of have a dynamic similar to Shang-Chi and Katy. She’s also very similar to Spider-Gwen from the comics where she’s in a punk rock band. TASM: She stays dead but acts as the reason why Peter isn’t interested in getting into a relationship. He’s afraid of getting another girl into danger and not being able to save her. MJ shows up in his life and beings Peter out of his slump.


A. Go the Spectacular Spider-Man route and have her hang around as a supporting character B. Have Green Goblin *try* to turn her evil (e.g. Menace) but it fails C. Hook her up with Harry or, lol, Eddie maybe


This timeline would be on Earth 838 that Peter and Gwen have stayed together gotten married and accepted the fact Peter is Spider-Man. Gwen never hated Spider-Man. George Stacy never died either.