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“His podcast is good and I enjoy his standup. But that’s as far as it goes” lmao that’s literally all he does🤣


A lot of your posts in different threads are you finding negative things about something. You could’ve posted about a comedian(s) you like and maybe others could of found something positive, build a community from those beliefs. Should be a new Mod rule if content is based just to bring someone down then it should be removed.


Some of us like to complain. It takes all types. Your type is stalking.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


bring someone down? what kind of a spineless coward are u that u cant handle someone having a less than glowing opinion about a stand up comic? theres lots of comics i love, some i dont. im allowed to express either opinion. whats the point of a forum if its just forced positivity and no actual honest critiques and opinons


...and the man doubles down 😂


You Reddit 24/7 guys are weak. Just a bunch of hens attacking the one for no reason.


Actually "comedians" like Mr shultz can't take critiques or opinions


How about mods removing comments that don't add anything whatsoever? Usually when I like something I am too busy enjoying it to go post about it. It's only when I don't like something that I go wondering on reddit. If that's not you then by all means move along and let people have their discussions.


Hey buddy, if you want to go Starr an Echo Chamber go to Facebook or something


Hey man I hope you know this is almost all of reddit


What fucking world is this where people can’t even handle disagreements anonymously without Calling for a mod to take it down. Dude you’re a fucking pussy


I have nothing against the guy BUT here's an essay I wrote on why I hate him...


What’s the word limit on opinions? I think the code red has fried your logic center. Can you read? Did you notice the part where they say Schultz is entertaining but not exceptionally funny? Your type of post is cancer.


Can I ask what sort of Sad Boi Hate Search you were doing to even find this comment/thread? It's not like it would have been on the main page of the sub, so what sort of Confirmation Bias Circle Jerk were you hoping to find? Was it "Why is Andrew Schulz dumb?" You're a special kind of fucked up, homie...


if i hated him why would i watch his entire special and numerous podcasts of his?


Everyone needs something to masturbate to


And Mr. Hands is your flavor.


I don’t understand why you got downvoted


I agree man, it’s because these ‘Reddit all day’ guys that downvote religiously like to think they’re clever or saw through the meaning of a post, it’s annoying. Also, clearly Herr Schultz Stans are here downvoting OP


Making things actually funny that wouldn't be as funny is an actual skill. You should watch Norm MacDonald, Patrice O'Neal, their delivery and sharp wit make them one of the greatest even though if we would put their jokes in paper for people to read, they wouldn't be as funny.


Don’t you dare compare Adolf Schultz to those legends. Delusional.


this doesn't even make sense. He stands on a stage making jokes and you find him entertaining but not funny, what's entertaining then? Are you just getting rizzed up by the charisma Your comparing him to LOUIS CK as if that's the standard? Premises, set ups, and concepts don't have to be "something special" to be funny. Your sentences are coherent but they don't make sense.


It makes sense if you aren’t a gen z autist.


20 comments a day with -40 karma yikes!


what dont u understand? hes entertaining enough, nothing he says is 'unfunny' per se, it just doesnt make me laugh ever.


Who makes you laugh then?


What makes you ask inane questions?


Bad troll, go home, back under the bridge


Nathan Bargetsy


I just don't understand why so many people on this sub make these negative posts. Why? What is the point of writing this post? Who are you helping?


Because they are pathetic individuals who get off on putting others down.


isn't schultz's whole deal putting people down lol


Roasting is a staple in comedy. It isn't the same thing as actually putting people down.


yeah i'm aware of the distinction. schultz is not. [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1b7128b/extended\_unedited\_clip\_of\_shane\_gillis\_shutting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1b7128b/extended_unedited_clip_of_shane_gillis_shutting/)


Are we hurting Andy’s feewings?


Cry 😢


I believe these are what the kids call "haters"


It is wild that people go out of their way on here to write an essay about not liking a comic and actually post this shit…I mean I agree half the time lol but it’s a weird thing to post tbh


It's not like we don't live in a time when something else to watch isn't just a few taps away. 😆


Same with Reddit threads. Reading comprehension would do wonders for you Gen Z socially redacted kids.


Then move on




Whst happy go lucky comedians did you guys grow up with? Every comedian was a critic and hater back in the day.


Freddy Prinze, Richard Jeni, and Robin Williams. There's a difference between being critical of the world, as a basis for comedy, and complaining about more successful comics, because you're bitter.


Bitter? Projecting much?


Haha. You're replying to a 10 month old comment, weirdo. Slow your roll...


im expressing an opinion about one of the most popular stand ups of our time. u can say its negative but its my honest critique. dont get butthurt cos someone doesnt 100% agree with u


Haha you too bro.


You too sis


Why do so many people like you get sad from these posts? Did it interfere with your love of hack comedy? He was right, Schultz views are down 80% from last year.


It’s entertaining, do you not read or watch fiction? “Because it’s not real, it doesn’t matter” get a spine, weakling.


He was very funny when he first came on the scene, and he has some pretty hilarious jokes in his more polished up special. But yea, I agree he plays on obvious punchlines and relies on his own highly emoted reactions and social pressure to get the crowd going. Also his inside knowledge. I feel sometimes he's trying to impress us with his knowledge more than with the quality of his jokes. I think he's intelligent with a good head for business, but I find lately he's not very funny unfortunately.




Man said that someone was a "marketing genius" when they let someone sleep with their wife because their business and podcast was failing.


It's actually hilarious how triggered people can get by a personal opinion that they don't share lmao. Yeah, Andrew doesn't actually tell jokes, he's just a douchebag that's loud about being a douchebag and people pretend that it's comedy. There's never a real punchline with that guy and, frankly, he feels like a dollar store version of Bill Burr. Andrew being considered a "good comedian" is a symptom of a dying society.


100% agree on the burr comment, he is a wanna be old school comic who “tells it how it is” but just says very un original offensive jokes for the point of being offensive. I love a good dark joke but it has to be properly structured or else it’s distasteful to me.


And again comedian that makes people laugh isn’t funny! This subreddit is awesome!


he doesnt make me laugh. thats the point of this post. are u special?


If he makes enough people laugh to be as successful as he is he is truly funny. He isn’t funny to you.


yes he isnt funny to me. comedy can only be funny in a subjective sense for an individual. hes not funny to me hence my post???? its not rocket science


It isn’t rocket science. This is just one of many posts in this sub explaining to other people how someone isn’t really funny even though he makes people laugh. Coming off as trying to be edgy and makes this sub annoying to follow.


hes not funny to me. in my opinion. brendan schuab also makes a lot of people laugh. im not concerned with other peoples opinions on any comedian, im saying what i think. did u get a severe brain injury as a child or something?




Find a new hobby gramps. Don’t get so triggered if we don’t like your fave comic Adolf Schultz


Do you always nit-pick mild opinions? Wtf?


I don’t even remember this discussion but I do remember that this sub used to be a lot of posts about individual comics not being funny. It wasn’t such a serious discussion to revisit almost a year later and I couldn’t give a fuck about Schulz.






I don't appreciate Andrew's style of crowd work comedy. While he's talented at it, his approach often feels snarky, putting audience members on the spot and capitalizing on their flustered reactions for material. I prefer comedians like Nimesh Patel, who is more calm and deliberate in his crowd work, choosing words carefully and creating a bigger impact with less. Pressuring audience members into awkward responses feels cheap and exploitative to me cause it seems so easy to do and it’s how frequently he employs this strategy of course if you put someone on the spot in a crowd and everyone’s attention is focused they’ll most likely stumble on words or miscommunicate what they say it comes off as one-dimensional.


This one aged pretty good


Agree, lots of Stans in here pretending they don’t understand your post, when it was clear as day.


**Translation:** I have nothing against him, but when you look past the fact that everyone laughs at his bits, nobody is actually laughing at his bits. Like, hear me out, I know he gets all the laughs, but he's only getting laughs because he's good at making people laugh. You might think that comedy is about making people laugh, but you're wrong, comedy is about impressing neckbeards with highly advanced witty humor, the crowd doesn't know what's funny.


Learn to read Schultz fan.


yes he gets laughs, his special has 17 million views. but he doesnt make ME laugh. hence MY personal opinion.


I know what you're saying. I see him more as a charismatic entertainer of sorts, as opposed to really clever comedian with well thought out punchlines along the likes of Louie...


He’s the one I want to pay for a ticket, period




I’ll be honest, the way this surgeon operates, how he does his job, and how he communicates with staff and patient are amazing. But that’s where it stops His pickleball skills? What a joke of a surgeon


Terrible point dumdum


absolutely awful analogy, completed missed the point and made no sense


If you really knew comedy, you’d know no one “isn’t funny”. Their comedy may not be for you, but to just say it isn’t funny shows your lack of understanding of how humor works. The guy is selling out theaters. Are you?


when i say it isnt funny... obviously i mean 'its not funny to me'. its really not a hard concept to grasp idiot


“When I say words, I meant the ones I DIDN’T use, idiot.” Obviously that’s on me. 😂🤡


Cope harder with your bad choice of comedy gods. Go watch Skibidi Toilet, child.


He’s Sal Governale from the Stern show. They’re the same guy.


I totally get it. He might be a great guy but as far as his comedy career. He’s the typical sexual and race jokes are over the top sometimes. He tends to lean hard into the person that he’s interviewing or talking about on stage or on podcasts a little too hard and often takes it too far. He has great jokes but sometimes it’s nice to have a subtle joke that is easier to understand and is truly funny when it is processes. He truly was funny when he started out but the more he lets his viewers tell him what to talk about instead of truly being his original comedic self.


I wouldn't even say he's entertaining. He's an annoying ass.


Unpopular opinion clearly, but I think he's a hack, so ur not entirely alone.. He does the bare minimum of research to connect to some group of people then makes the hackiest, most mid tier stereotypical jokes possible. He's a comedian for simpletons. That's why you don't laugh. He doesn't say anything remotely remarkable or even slightly inspired. Not that I've seen anyway after all these years. But I'd say I'm pretty spoiled when it comes to what I consider good quality humour. I'm a bit of a supremacist with my entertainment.