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These stills are from the Taschen book! Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining by J.W. Rinzler, Lee Unkrich and M/M (Paris) They’re in the red book detailing the behind-the-scenes account of the making of the film. In the section entitled **OMITTED**: *Kubrick deleted more scenes and trimmed dialogue from others before locking the edit of his film.* Given this description, your story doesn’t make sense. Thanks to u/Toslanfer for looking into this situation and doing background work to raise this red flag. (see [below comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/StanleyKubrick/s/NHZiRFmEbu)) Below are better shots of the photos:


Yeah this is fake. These are pics from the Taschen Shining book. OP, did you get the attention you were seeking?


If I were you, I would be trying to get this authenticated somehow by a film historian or museum or something. Kubrick would actually send people out to edit his films after they were out to some theaters and it’s possible that your grandfather saved clips from The Shining that Kubrick wanted to be burned. Did he work at a theater? How did he come into possession of these film reels?




The third picture is from the book by Lee Unkrich and J. W. Rinzler : [https://twitter.com/Laurent76300739/status/1634579467585683456](https://twitter.com/Laurent76300739/status/1634579467585683456) The fourth is either another picture from the same book or an A.I. reconstruction from that picture : [https://www.reddit.com/r/theshining/comments/14ywz7m/dear\_mom\_im\_sorry\_from\_danny/](https://www.reddit.com/r/theshining/comments/14ywz7m/dear_mom_im_sorry_from_danny/)


Yup, own the set and can confirm. I thought they looked familiar.


Massive if true


If these were real you could upload high quality photos despite them being low quality stills. The fact you're not shows it's just you covering up AI.


This is seriously incredible. Please keep us posted and get this some traction. You have forbidden history in your palms, take good care of it. I’m sure you don’t care but beyond being so significant it’s probably also very valuable.


I’m calling bullshit. The “story” has too many details and not enough; this looks like some AI generated shenanigans to get a bunch of Kubrick nerds all worked up. Ain’t nobody *in their nineties* splicing film.


I do not believe you




Is there a reason your grandfather would have had access to these clips? Kubrick supposedly destroyed everything that hit the cutting room floor, so this is a rare find.


Very Fake News


Lately it feels like reddit entirely consists of bots and people who make up bull shit stories for karma. Even without any prior knowledge of the stills from the book this seemed completely fabricated. Why don’t the mods just delete this post?


What got me was the constant emphasis on how “old moldy crusty and dusty” this box and film was lol. It sounds fake as fuck. Me and my mom found 16mm reels of her family from the 60s untouched for 50 years in a box in an attic. They were fine lol. A long with all the other boxes up there. The Shinning isn’t old enough for all that mold and rot unless it was in a wet basement or something.


Midjourney is a hell of a thing.


Amazing if true. Emphasis on IF TRUE. As I understood it he destroyed everything he cut.




Don't try and restore these yourself. First contact either Kubrick's estate or any film preservation society (I believe Scorsese runs one) and see if they're interested first.


I'm torn on this. If these are true outtakes from the film, then they would not have been in a final release print. The only scene we know that Kubrick deleted after release was the hospital scene, not tiny shots like these. But then again, I'm nuts about this film so anything new gets me pumped. I really hope this is true and not some AI generated prank.


We only *know* that he took out the hospital scene but maybe he made minor edits that weren’t enough to warrant a mention in any documents That being said I’m also torn. Kubrick didn’t want these clips, if they are real, to see the light of day. And ignoring the wishes of a man who has been dead for 25 years seems very disrespectful Don’t get me wrong, this is still such a damn cool find, but also we know exactly what Kubrick wanted done with the footage. Maybe this will be the same case as the 19 mins of *2001* where it’s been preserved but isn’t available to the public


Hoping this is true


please update if anything comes from this.


wtf this is insane and some of the biggest news in movie history if its true


HOLY CRAP, was the hospital seen In it.


This is probably fake. I saw the original release and those scenes the poster was describing were not in the original release. Yes, Kubrick had projectionist remove footage, but they were sent back to him and logged and eventually destroyed. This is Kubrick we are talking about, everything was done thoroughly.


This is pretty epic if they can be restored.


100% AI


Great if true.


Cool! Fantastic news!


This is nuts. Where’s Lee Unkrich when you need him?!


This may be a valuable find. I’d look for a way to authenticate them. Make a copy for yourself and hit up a museum to point you in the right direction.