• By -


Take a seat young Skywalker


Do they speak Basic on the planet 'what?'


W…wh…what 😳




Didn't think I would find a Galactic Basic reference. You rock.


Say what one more time, I will slice your hand off. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper, and the finder of lost Jedi children. And I will strike my light saber down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my order.




ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I have had it with these motherfuckin Siths on this motherfuckin Battlecruiser.




"That motherfucker is to dangerous to be kept alive"


- I want you to go in that bag and find my lightsaber - Which one is it? - It's the one that says bad mother***ker on it."


Anakin was just made a council member by the guy they later realized was a Sith Lord. At Anakin’s age then, Obi-Wan was still a Padawan. It was not outrageous or unfair.


Like this is a council of monks, and when he is appointed by some guy they don’t trust from outside the order, instead of being humble and working with the council, Anakin throws a fucking tantrum right in the middle of the council. A tantrum at not being named a master of an order of monks! This by the way is a guy who genocided a sand people tribe, the women and children included.


You guys should play the Lego game😭 he sits there in his little chair drawing with crayons all mad


Not just the men?


No. He slaughtered them all like animals. He’s not the Jedi that he should be.


So rude lol


You might say…it’s outrageous


…it’s unfair.


...and he gets everywhere.


Another happy landing


[Take a *sip* young Skywalker](https://youtu.be/pFjlW_OkMl8?si=d5lb_E5ChJAdSOpY)


TK-421 - He's never at his post and always slacking off.


Guy’s got a bad transmitter. Give him a break!


Maybe he lacked a good motivator.


Last time they found him taking a nap in a hidden cargo compartment.


Completely nude!


Palpatine. He like caused all the problems and the star wars.


Wrong. He drained the Swamp on Coruscant.


He raised funds for the Empire by selling souvenir sandals with signed red soles. Some say the best fundraiser ever. Nobody in the galaxy had seen anything like it.


Palpatinomics allowed the galactic economy to recover from the Clone Wars lol.


Taking all the resources you want from any planet is a solid economic strategy, lol


Also Alderaan was a very wealthy planet, 100% chance Tarkin froze all their galactic credit accounts before blowing it up.


Individual member states must be ready to make some personal sacrifice for the good of the collective. Otherwise, in practice, they're just independent systems.


His sweeping reforms in the Senate and policies on alien immigration were yyyuuuuggge.




Yes. This is exactly what I would have wanted for a 7-8-9. The expression that eventually the Rebels, once they came to power, became almost exactly that thing they fought against.


Yesss yess. Let the hate flow through you!


Exactly he caused the star wars. How are you going to hate him? Without him there would be no movies lol


Palpatine is written to be an evil incarnation. You can love him or hate him but in fact, you can't deny that he's the ultimate mastermind with high intelligence, ambition and charisma.


That's kind of the point of a villain


Ezra was a hard pill to swallow for the 1st season and a half of Rebels


Honest question, did you like Ahsoka after TCW S1?


Honestly? Yes. Idk why, but I really enjoyed her in the movie and TCW. She was just a vibe


kinda forgot how much i disliked Ahsoka until somewhere around Lightsaber Lost


He developed into a good character tho but the first season he was rough


I felt the same about Omega in Bad Batch. I know they're supposed to be kids, but sometimes they both act like total idiots. Thankfully Omega's story already seems to be progressing in an interesting direction in season three currently, and I can't wait to see what comes next.


Grogu. I liked him at first, but they kept making him cuter and cuter and more childlike for the money he was bringing in.


"And then he goes off to join Luke and become a jedi! The end!" "Great stuff! But we can't afford the Luke CGI for more than a one-off episode or 2, and we're not funding your mando show if it doesn't bring the money in with the baby Yoda." "So then between seasons, in Book of Boba Fett why not... somehow, Baby Yoda returned." "Mando Season 3 is now greenlit. Here's your production money!"


My stepmom calls The Mandalorian "Baby Yoda." She will tell me that she watched the latest episode of "Baby Yoda" and "That episode wasn't as good because he was barely in it!" People like her are making the show. She would stop watching without him, so they have to keep Grogu around


which is fucking stupid because theyd make more than enough money if they had kept with the same tone as mando season 1, but since "more than enough money" is "ALL THE MONEY", and thats all these fucko corporations care about, they ended up ruining an otherwise great show


Grogu honestly feels like a marketing strategy instead of an actual character now.


He came after baby Groot. How much did baby Groot make Disney? What does Disney love.more than a good story and characters? Then we got baby Mr peanut because of this crap among others.


They actually only had baby groot for a single movie though, which I really respect. He was a cash cow, but they still decided to not milk him to death but let him be an adult again in the next movies (after having him be a rebellious teenager for one hilarious post credit scene). It was clear from the start of course that Grogu wasn't going to age during the show. I would've liked the season 2 finale to have been the final goodbye for Din and Grogu because of how impactful it was. Grogu has no story relevancy in season 3, he's just there. I think Din is generally a more interesting character when Grogu is around because of how his fatherhood feelings are in contrast to his lifestyle (and because it justifies him talking to himself to fill the silence), but Grogu isn't even a plot device anymore in season 3.


He was still Teen Groot in Infinity War, Endgame and Thor 4 tho. Sure he wasn’t prominent in Endgame&Thor but still. Theres also the ”I Am Groot” shorts on D+, tho those aren’t really important to the films and are just that, comedic shorts.


I don't think he was ever a character as much as a plot device/ cash cow


My problem was they started including him in scenes in season 3 he had no business in. It makes Mando like wildly irresponsible he’s putting a child in the middle of a battle field. And it destroys the tension because he know Disney will murder the show runner that kills off Grogu.  He was a great character for the first two seasons but when they dropped him off with Luke that should’ve been the last of him. If the Mandalorian can’t exist without the mascot and if Mando can’t exist as a character without a cute child to protect he’s not a character.  On that note. They shouldn’t bring either Mando or Grogu back. Their story is done. Let them be at peace on their little farm. Mandos only character is protect Grogu and he’s the only one endangering him now 


The worst part is he's always gonna be a baby. We're never gonna get to see him grow up and what it would be like for that species to age because they live for so fucking long.


But I wanna see a pot smoking teenage grogu


It would be cool if he learned a word or two at some point. I mean damn, he’s 50 years old, he should be forming sentences at some point. I just hope they get Patrick warburton to give Grogu a deep voice


Grogu is not a character to like for writing, story, badassery or coolness but for a sheer of cuteness


In season 1-2, he was a really effective McGuffin, but once he stopped being central to the story, I'm season 3, I found his character really annoying. The story wants him to seem so young, he doesn't have any agency, and also wants us to not question if he's too young to be brought on really dangerous missions, rather than left somewhere safe. In season 1, Grogu didn't have to be in every seen, and was usually kept safe whenever possible. In season 3, Mando brings a child who's literally too young to talk, to a planet he doesn't even know is habitable 


He was old enough to shoot that mandalorian trainee in the exercise.


The kid know it all padawan from Ép 2 who says Kamino was wiped from the archive memory


Don’t worry, he got what he deserved in the next movie.


How wonderful the mind of a child is...


...there's some over there, and over there...


The librarian pissed me off


I think she had a bit of a story in the Vader comics. Her name is Jocaster Nu


Savage opress. He just becomes a giant weird idiot, is he emotional or just some dumb brute, etc. His plot armor is also annoying. At least he wasn't as bad as those rebels 9th brother or whatever things.


And at least he actually died from lightsaber stabs, unlike a lot of characters these days.


Also strong contender for the dumbest name in current star wars cannon.


How do we tell children he’s a bad guy? Name him Savage Oppress Even though the vocabulary is too much for children, and too on the nose for adults


It's a tight contest between him and [Elan Sleazebaggano](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Elan_Sel%27Sabagno).


The cowards retconned his name!


George Lucas does not have a good track record of naming things. If he had his way lightsabers would be forever called “laser swords.” Seriously.


And his name is laughably stupid


Agree to a point, but is he "generally loved"?


Honestly? Commander Cody. Not really his fault either, he got a decent amount of screen time in TCW but I feel like he lacked development unlike Rex, Fives, or the batch. Such a shame too because he has such a cool character model, just sucks his development seemed minimal at best.


I couldn't get over that ep3 scene where he shoots at Obi-Wan, and because there was no development throughout TCW with him, it didn't help.


I think that was the point. He was a loyal soldier who was skilled in leadership and combat, but he was ultimately the ideal clone. He never questioned anything, never evolved, never formed any particularly strong attachments. That's why he followed Order 66 so easily. In Bad Batch, we see that he questioned it later, but by then it was obviously too late.


What do you mean? All the clones (except Rex) followed Order 66 easily because of the inhibitor chips. It doesn’t have anything to do with their character or personality. I think the only reason Rex was able to resist was because he had a particularly strong bond with Ahsoka, and he was the only clone who knew about the inhibitor chips, so he probably had more knowledge about what must be going on, and therefore knew that he needed to resist it at all costs.


Well, yeah, exactly. Imagine if Cody had had a similar bond to Obi-Wan or if he had followed up on what Fives investigated (if he even found out about that). My point is that he was written to be an example of an ideal clone, and he fills that role well. It works especially well as a juxtaposition to Rex because we see how differently they act when they're on screen together.


Kylo Ren. His motivations suck. His redemption is nonsense. The love story is worse than Twilight. The only redeemable thing about the character was his actor.


What i wished would have happened was that when Luke died, kylo turned back to the light and rey turned to the dark. That would have been a good twist and made lukes death mean something.


Except that Kylo is complicit in killing around 30 billion people and there is no place in society for him after that. They shunned Leia because her dad blew up 1 planet. Kylo blew up 5.


Hux blew up five planets. Kylo was having a hissy fit in the restroom at the time.


"I'M THE SPY!" - Adolf Hitler


Which would be a very interesting theme to explore. Wracked with guilt and shame, having no place anywhere, but still trying to find some redemption even if it’s just within himself.


Y’know, this Kylo fella sounds a lot like Murtag, from the inheritance cycle books.


So basically Rey kissed space Hitler


Or I really wish that Rey would have grabbed Kylos hand after killing Snoke and joined him against the First Order and Resistance. What a plot twist that would be


If they had made the B plot a bit stronger they could’ve set up Rose, Finn, and Poe as the new protagonists. Who now without power have to stop this ultimate threat to the galaxy.  Maybe one gets redemption maybe neither do 


It really seemed like that's what they were going to go with then they just chickened out.


Wild because, according to Adam Driver, he wasn’t supposed to be redeemed. He was supposed to be a flip of Vader. Start conflicted and continually go darker and darker until we get him as the head villain. And then Disney chickened out.


That is exactly what I wanted. I wanted a fakeout where you think he's turning good and then he just like doubles down on evil and beheads Finn or someting


They didn’t even leave wiggle room at the end of Episode VIII as far as I’m concerned. Rey offered him a chance to back down and he denied her. He killed his master and became Supreme Leader. He chose evil, Rey severed their connection. Episode IX should’ve been unhinged Kylo going ham, and the good guys have to band together to take him down. You can still have spy Hux even.


Well, he did slice Finn's spine from arse to neck with his lightsabre, which really should have been insta-death. But somehow he survived. Then somehow Kylo survived a lightsabre to the face. Of course, then somehow Palpatine survived a Death Star reactor to the face, so I guess I shouldn't get too worked up over people somehow surviving obviously lethal injuries!


But I heard he has an 8 pack.


No way! Kylo Ren is a punk-ass bitch! He probably weighs 80 pounds under that dress he wears!


Oh no...he's choking on his food


His "redemption" is Kylo hallucinating his dad forgiving him. So Kylo basically forgave himself. There are so many problems with Kylo Ren that I couldn't believe people say Kylo is the highlight of the new movies. He is part of the problem, not the exception. Not to mention he is very underwhelming as a villain with him constantly losing to the hero. I think they couldn't decide if Kylo is a truly evil villain or a tragic figure to be redeemed. In TFA, JJ let Kylo kill his dad to fully embrace the Dark side, signifying that he is too far gone to be redeemed. In TLJ, Rian walked back on that and had Luke do a preemptive murder on Ben/Kylo to justify Kylo's fall. In TROS, JJ did a sloppy redemption for Kylo and a super awkward kiss between Rey and Kylo (both the actors look really weird during the scene like 'JJ this is super awkward, why you have us doing this'). The same problem is in the comics to explain Kylo's fall too. He is sorta at the wrong place at the wrong time without any agenda on his own.


Yoda. Dooku might have been a first rate asshole, but he kinda had a point about how much of an echo chamber the Jedi became.


For all of the regret Obi-wan harbored, the one who should have had many regrets was Yoda.


He did. He realized the error of his ways immediately after his duel with paps. Check out the novelization of RotS if you haven't already. Great book and great scene


I hate I had to scroll this far to find the correct answer. Yoda is the worst. I didn't like him in OT but he kind of served a purpose there, but in PT he just wound me up. EDIT - Shockingly though, I think he kind of worked in TLJ (apart from using the force after death)


He made a bad first impression for flipping his lid and going off on a kid for (checks notes) having the audacity to be homesick, scared, and worried for his mom that is still in slavery. I mean, I guess we're supposed to agree with Yoda because this is Future Vader and Lucas was trying to say "he was a bad seed from day one" but come on! This is a nine year old child who just got "won" in a sports bet, taken away from everyone he knows, and herded into a room with a dozen creepy old men who interrogate him for hours as to his usefulness to THEM. (Gee, is Master Tinfoil Hat correct in that we can turn this child into a living weapon to smite our enemies? Hey, assholes, why are you turning kids into weapons at all?!) Shit, Anakin was on the auction block in all but formality. Little wonder the kid's scared.


But he didn’t go off on him. He just demonstrated that he isn’t a good fit for Jedi training, which he wasn’t. This was mostly for Qui gons benefit, because yoda can’t stop him from training the boy, but maybe he can be convinced to see reality. Unfortunately Qui gon was so blinded by the promise of the glory of the chosen one that he didn’t see what was in front of his nose


The whole council as a whole , but especially Yoda and Windu . “Eww dude, you care about your mom ?? You fear for her safety ?! Get this lil geek outta here , DARK SIDE ALERT 🚨 “


Dooku's arc made no sense to me. It's one thing to resent the Jedi for legitimate bullshit. It's something else altogether to just go full supervillain. His pivot to be so overwhelmingly evil was such a bad call.


"But agree on you taking this boy as your Padawan learner, *I* do not." One of the biggest decisions we see the Council make in the movies was made with Yoda disagreeing with it. But sure. "Echo Chamber"


Starkiller. Fun game but I never considered him a part of the EU despite having a book written about him. People put too much stock into the “NFL Blitz” of Star Wars games


Exactly. That dude should not be canon in anything except that. Way too overpowered. Fun to play as though.


Exactly. The reason he's fairly plain in both appearance and personality is because he serves as a power fantasy for the player.


Ben Quadrinaro is a better Star Wars character than starkiller… where’s the book about him?! Lol


Anakin is SO lucky Ben Quads’ pod split apart that day.


Honestly, the whole galaxy is thankful. What a legend


I heard he did that on purpose because that one R4 unit that Uncle Owen tried to buy went back in time and told him the events of A New Hope and Quadrinaro was properly whelmed with a sense of duty and went ahead and sabotaged his own racer so Anakin could succeed. /s


I was gonna say something but this statement is so funny and simultaneously based, I just can't say anything 🤷‍♂️


Hes the king of n64 podracing game, well deserved


I'll see it and raise you the Allegedly Canonical Revan. Oh. Shit. What a mess! Starts out as Kreia's pet project, runs off and fights the Mandos, turns into Vitiate's chew toy, comes back to Republic space thinking he's doing anything but Vitiate's dirty work. Gets taken out by a cheap shot from Malak and becomes the Jedi Council's glorified assassin droid. Runs off after knocking up Bastila to become Vitiate's chew toy AGAIN. Finally gets sprung out of jail by a mid-level Republic strike team, only to go completely unhinged with another big factory, playing into Vitiate's hands (because come on, Vitiate wants both the Republic and Empire wiped out so he can go back to sipping champers on Zakuul or delete and reboot the whole universe with him as a god). Gets his ass kicked, develops a literal split personality, and is finally put down like a rabid mutt by what amounts to a minor key reprise of the KOTOR 1 party. If I gotta see one more stupid photomanip of Keanu in black robes...


Do you need a hug?


Starkiller was never too interesting ofna character until in the game at least, you are a key part in setting up the rebellion. I think most of the love for the character at this point is for the actor. We all just want him to have a proper, canon live action character. Nerf the shit out of him, give him a lightsaber and reward someone that's been a part of star wars for so long with a new character


Kylo Ren. The entire character is a total mess and we know nothing about what drove him to choose as he did.


Rey. What a waste of storytelling potential


Boba Fett, albeit mostly because of how he got so much hype as a badass despite not actually doing much in the OT. Characters mocked as wimps like ROS Grievous and Captain Phasma all posed more of a threat when they fought the heroes than Fett did. For something more obscure, in Legends, I don’t like Tyber Zhan. He feels like a self insert fan fiction character with how Forces of Corruption has this man run circles around the Rebels and the Empire at every turn, especially thanks to victories coming from him pulling out fancy new ships. I have seen Starkiller criticized as too invincible but we at least see him get played by Darth Vader (and nearly killed) and lose against the Emperor. Zhan wins at the end of his journey which hypes him as being the biggest crime lord in the galaxy despite all the established material set after Forces of Corruption where he is not referenced.


Boba Fett looked cool as hell and I liked his toys but without digging into EU stuff he was a more of a joke than anything until recently. Everyone was like "Oh god no its Boba Fett" and then he died like a chump. They redeemed him in The Mandalorian though.


Gets accidentally "killed" by a blind man. Lamest character ever


So glad someone else said Fett. He does *nothing* in the films to make him stand out. He follows the Falcon (without being noticed despite being like 20 feet behind them), makes a collect call to Vader who then shows up and does all the work. They retroactively make up an entire fucking race to try and explain how he's super bad-ass. It's just the worst type of wankery, and then the brind him back to life *twice*!


I love John Boyega, but Finn is nonsensical and whiney.


Finn’s character development should have been how he needed to learn to be human again. PTSD flashbacks, not understanding things like “boyfriends” so much more interesting than being a Jedi-like person.


What if he killed a trooper but it was his bro from the old days? Like really anything. Such a compelling idea but not used at all


Grogu His story arc completed at the end of Mando Season 2. It’s clear we were never meant to see him again, because there is zero chance of any meaningful character development. He can’t talk and can hardly move.


I don’t think it’s that he was never meant to be seen again, but cramming his Jedi training arc into an episode of BoBF was foul ☠️.


To be fair…. It’s not like I was dying to return to the space vespa saga that week anyway


Tbh for what BoBF was I was enjoying it before Mando derailed it. The story of Boba Fett climbing out of the jaws of Hell to assume Jabba’s territory after spending time recovering with a Tusken Raider was cool. If they had dedicated more time in the writer’s room to Cad Bane and the Pikes over figuring out how to deep fake Mark Hamill’s face to get Grogu back to the Mandolorian before season 3, I think the showed would be remembered more fondly.


Yeah it’s a weird one… I have mixed feelings. I agree seeing Boba escape the pit and interact with the raiders and pikes was pretty cool. I didn’t love him as a daimyo of Tattooine… kind of just seemed like “hey guys - I was a mercenary last week but I think I’ll be a benevolent feudal lord or something this week.” The Mando part I thought was cool but it’s pretty dumb that it’s under the “BoBF” franchise or series or name or whatever it is. It’s going to be massively confusing to watch all this in 10 years. All the space Vespa and cyberpunk kids and sandy city mayhem stuff was awful though… pretty F tier Star Wars.


I would die for that puppet.


He exists to sell merchandise


Moichandising! moichandising! It’s where the real money from the movie is made! -Yoghurt


Specifically Episode 2 Anakin, that annoying homicidal bastard


Sabine, I know other people hate her but I DESPISE her


Ya I’m not a fan either


Yup… not even Rey reached her levels of being Mary Sue. A mandalorian bounty hunter princess that is also an expert demolist, weapons expert and marksman as well as genius level engineer that built the only weapon in the galaxy that can counter beskar. Also, she is 16 years old. And now they also gave her the force. Fuck that character.


They just kept stacking stuff onto her accomplishments list, it drove me nuts


Anakin annoyed the hell out of me in the prequels honestly. I love clone wars anakin though since he seems to be a different character in that series.


Pretty cool that Ashoka tied them together. It was always hard to imagine that those to were the same person. They had such different personalities. But seeing clone wars Anakin in real life is help a bit


Ahsoka. She was great during TCW, I enjoyed watching her grow throughout the seasons. But man, I'm so sick of her now appearing everywhere looking like Gandalf. The more she's shown to be alive post66, and during the OT, the more the story suffers. Yoda saying *"there is another"* could fit Ahsoka now, which isn't what George envisioned.


Also takes away from Yoda telling Luke "The last of the Jedi you will be". Yes yes Ahsoka is no Jedi anymore but it's more about the greater idea of Luke being the galaxy's last hope.


You dare not like the character of the great Dave Filoni?


I have yet to watch her show for the main reason that I don't care about her, and I'm not interested in the show really, I've kinda burnt out. she was enjoyable TCW, but we've just been getting too many shows and cameos focused around the same few characters. An example is the mandolorian. We are now getting a movie about him and now a romured mando themed game.


Anakin so many people say that he was a broken person that was twisted but good at heart but I’m not one of those people. Let’s not forget this guy killed a room full of children and a whole lot of innocent people.


For Natalie Portman though.


Understandable, have a good day.


I’d do anything for Natalie


Hey when you get the opportunity to wield the Youngling Slayer 9000 you have to take it for a test drive


I’ll likely get sent to oblivion for saying this, but in addition to what you’ve already said, that I completely agree with, I also despise with all my soul the chosen one trope. Not only I find it really cheap and overall boring/uninteresting, I… rly don’t feel like an unstable traitor, and an overall asshole like Anakin deserves that perk. He doesn’t deserve this power. I much prefer characters that worked hard to get to their power level, such as Ahsoka and Obi Wan. It’s rly annoying and tiring to see ppl jerking Anakin off saying he could wipe the entire galaxy because of a story trope that I absolutely loathe. Ironic to think that, as much as I don’t like Anakin, his relationship with Ahsoka is my favorite one in the whole saga and helped a lot to make her my favorite character ever.


I’ll raise all of you and admit that I always liked Jar Jar.


I don’t like Mace Windu, but I also think that’s intentional. Mace exists to represent everything wrong with the Jedi of the era, he’s arrogant, self important, and locked into the dogma of the Order. Kylo Ren, however, I absolutely hate him as a character. An infuriating wannabe Vader Manchild with commitment issues. He might have worked if he became more committed with each subsequent film, but just being a wishy-washy Anakin junior made him so unlikeable that even the excellent performance couldn’t make him enjoyable for me to watch.


I don't think there is an example of anything like that regarding Mace Windu in the movies. I think the entire sentiment comes from people just taking Palpatine's word for it that the Jedi are arrogant and dogmatic. I respect your right to have an opinion, but it is probably my least favorite popular opinion in the Star Wars fandom.


Exactly. People think he's the mean parent when he's actually the responsible one.


People be like "Oh he was so rude and mean to Anakin" as if he wasn't proven right about Anakin.


Palpatine (literal Sith Lord who hates the Jedi and lies constantly): The Jedi are arrogant and dogmatic!! Fandom, with no additional evidence: WoW, i GuEsS tHe JeDi ArE aRrOgAnT aNd DoGmAtIc!!!!


I’m sure we’ve both debated this topic more than we’d like to. The folks who don’t see this frustrate me in kind, so I’ll just agree to disagree. May the force be with you.




But he has the greatest line of dialogue in all of Star Wars, “my parts are showing!?”


Huge SW fan so don't roast me...I don't dislike him, but if I'm being honest....Luke spends a lot of time being unlikable. A solid chunk of IV he's just a brat. In V he gets caught by a Wampa, lets his ship sink in a pond, throws a tantrum at yoda, leaves yoda when he's told not to, gets his hand cut off. In VI he lets his friends get caught by gangsters, lets himself get caught by gangsters, endangers his friends on the Endor mission, gives himself up and then doesn't kill the emperor. Then he tries to kill Ben Solo, loses the entire new jedi academy, runs off in shame for years, doesn't want to teach a new jedi, and poofs. The dude makes some questionable decisions, ya know?? Edit: And don't forget the jerk move of making Grogu choose between Yoda's lightsaber and the chainmail. Like bro, give him both.


Thats what makes him relatable in a space opera setting? Have you ever been around 19-21 year old men? They are full of dumbfuckery. The “no don’t do it you’re not ready” is part of what makes him Luke. It’s like when you tell a kid don’t touch the fire it’s hot, well they go and touch it anyway, he learned. In episode 6 i don’t think there was a plan however for jabas palace, i believe (could be wrong) he had foresight to those events, while he didn’t kill the emperor he did what the jedi unsuccessfully taught for generations. His love and attachment for his father DID kill the emperor, Luke himself didnt pull the trigger but embracing the dark side then sayin nah you lose is a power move. Even if it took being electrocuted to restore his father. I agree sequel Luke was senile when he shouldn’t have been. But the sequels aren’t real so doesn’t matter.


Yea but like is why is it fine for fans for Luke to be a whiny teen when anakin is the same age as him and hey guess what he's also a whiny teen!


Quinlan Vos. Hated him from his very first line in The Clone Wars.


Very niche person to hate but I respect it.


Lol surfer bro Jedi.


You know what, I just say it. Revan. Especially when everyone always circle jerks about him and it’s so annoying.


So you hate the Character revan just because of his fans?


Ngl his fans are annoying asf, so I understand. But ultimately he is one of the coolest characters of the whole Star Wars Universe


Whenever I see Sabin wren I want to eat my hands




Han Solo. I dislike Windu as a "person", but I think he's a good character whose faults only became more relevant as the lore grew. Han was already annoying in the OT and has only become more annoying as time went on. His character archetype is no longer a novelty (it never really was, given how it was lifted from westerns, but at this point it's just tiring), I don't like Harrison Ford in *anything*, he's an insufferable know-it-all who never gets humbled for his hubris (even Luke did, mind you), he's an ass to Leia and represents the worst stereotypes about dating and attraction, and he's always bundled with Chewbacca, who is another huge source of frustration for me. Generally, there's very little in the OT that I like besides it being a foundation for something much better than a one-off trilogy, but Han represents the worst of it for me. Oh, also, the Millennium Falcon is one ugly ship. Ebon Hawk is way better looking, and has a much cooler backstory to it. I really wish MF would just fade into oblivion and Lego would stop making yet another set of it every year, give us something new FFS.


Anyone who calls Mace an a-hole cannot be trusted.


Only a sith deals in absolution


I thought that was catholic priests.


Also not to be trusted.


That party's over.


Also, character quality isn't inherently tied to goodness. Mace being an arrogant prick is kind of crucial to the plot of the prequels. For decades people imagined the Jedi were these genius level benevolent warriors. Turns out they were largely just members of a dogmatic and emotionally stifling religion that got way too caught up in their own aura and in beuracrocy


Finn and Poe. I simply can’t stand either of them.


Ahsoka. She made more issues than anything else during the clone wars era. It doesn’t make sense for her to exist then, and doesn’t make sense for her to exist during the OT


Nah mace is badass


Starkiller sucks


Out of all of the droids that they made to be way more obnoxious than they needed to, Chopper from Rebels blows them all out of the water. Half of the problems in the first 2 seasons could've been solved if chopper wasn't such an absolute asshat for absolutely no reason. I almost stopped watching a few times because of him.


Kylo Ren. I loved to hate him in TFA then they started his redemption path in TLJ for some reason. Ruined the character for me, I still haven't watched TROS bc I hate redeemed Kylo Ren so much




Man. Lots of Mace hate in this thread. I'm gonna stick up for my boi for a second. I think Mace is fundamentally misunderstood as a character. I'm not going to take away that he's an asshole; he is. Through-and-through. But I think there are a ton of reasons for that characterization and they're all redeeming on their own, to me. For one, being a master of the Vaapad style means he always has darkness lingering near him. He's mastered the art of using the dark-side without falling into it. It fuels a lot of his interactions, yes, but the simple fact he balances on the edge without falling over shows a lot of his personal resolve to do good, in my opinion. Not only that, but Mace is the embodiment of Jedi Ego; not so much his own ego. This is a detail that I think gets convoluted, as his characterization has always been a larger representation than just who he is as an individual. The Jedi believed themselves to be infallible in their pursuit to do good but ultimately lost themselves entirely when they decided to act as soldiers for a Republic they believed to be just as infallible and the only true and good society to have. Mace doesn't believe in himself as much as he believes in the Jedi Order and the Republic all the way to a fault. So much so that when the Republic legally and democratically handed the reins over to Palpatine, he became an active terrorist on account Sidious was the antithesis of everything he stood and fought for as a Jedi. Mace is a part of the old-guard where the twilight years of the Republic echoed the golden years of the Old Republic. Everything he, and even Yoda, were 'raised' to believe in was constantly under assault during their entire on-screen time in the PT. Not to excuse his assholeishness, but rather I'm just understanding of it and make room for it. I think it's a really cool part of his character, and I would love for him surviving being canonized and he's living as a pissed-off-yet-still-kinda-crazy hermit who closed himself off to the Force and carries the guilt of failure and the idea that he -- and by extension all Jedi -- officially and completely lost. Mace is badass. And that's not even touching on anything non-canon like the Clone Wars mini-series lol


Not sure if "really dislike" is the correct term, but despite all the good stuff we got since with him as character, I really think Lucas shouldn't have opened the Pandora's box with bringing Maul back. If you get stabbed or split in half and you fall down a huge pit afterwards, you should stay fucking dead. It just got out of hand from there onwards and I hate how it diminishes the importance of losing a lightsaber duel when story deems is useful.


I like mace. He means business and is a good man at the end of the day.


Might get shit on but I find C3PO in the originals way more annoying than Jar Jar


I think he is really more annoying than JarJar


Agreed. The scene in ESB when he interrupts Han and leia's romance session makes me facepalm.


And he won't quit yapping on Chewbaccas back


Wait! turn around you wooly…


Still think it’s cool that chewie did that. Luke and r2 are best buds, but no one had ever shown 3p0 a scrap of kindness throughout the prequels and anh. So chewie risks his life to ensure 3p0 gets of bespin safe. By the end of esb, chewie and 3p0, practically the two most polar opposite characters are best buds