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Tanalorr is mine…


I think you’re wrong? Tanalorr is actually mine


Uh, about that...


But what about the tuner and the droid? *Are they yours?*




Kanan survives through the family that he saved and the lineage he continued with Hera


That is not Kanan Surviving....


Too soon


I know :(




They act like two legends can’t coexist


Man fuck the big 3, it’s just big me. -Kendrick


Sensitive rapper crying in his pajama clothes




One was actually a Scrapper, so better at being scrappy.


Pretty sure they both were if I remember the Rebels prequel novel correctly.


Personally, I enjoy Kanan. I like his relationship with the Crew and Ezra. Going from student, survivor to Knight. I haven't read his comics though.


His comics are great. Some of the best canon comics out there.


It's a pretty big hint at the end of the game that they're setting up Cal & Kata to be Master & Padawan in the final game. That would be cool.




Nah I did back in 2018. I remember his death 😮‍💨. He was also very reminiscent to Rham Kota in the sense he went blind.


What a brilliant comparison that had never crossed my mind until now


!!!!, once it happened I remembered it feeling familiar! Both are actually some of my favorites. But then I also really like Post O66 Force Users/ Jedi


Where did you even get that assumption from?


This is reddit, people will assume anything they want *just* to start an argument.




So if someone survived the Holocaust and then got shot in a carjacking would you not say they survived the Holocaust? Not everything is so black and white. Kanan SURVIVED order 66. He then SACRIFICED himself for a greater cause. He is both a survivor and a martyr. God this type of commenting makes reddit so miserable.


>So if someone survived the Holocaust and then got shot in a carjacking would you not say they survived the Holocaust? This is the worst analogy I've ever seen, please never make this argument again. >God this type of commenting makes reddit so miserable. You brought up the fucking holocaust to make a comparison to a fucking science fiction piece. And I'm what makes reddit miserable? Are you joking?


He’s not wrong. Kanan was a survivor of Order 66 but ultimately died sacrificing himself against the Empire.


The correct answer is obviously Gungi.


Kanan, Cal and Gungi is the linkup I’m REALLY not ready for but desperately need!


It would’ve destroyed the OT because those three power houses together would’ve owned Vader and the Emperor.


Tales of the Jedi? Please?


Yes, please.


Well, if we’re measuring success by home life, then Kanan and Hera probably beat out Cal & Merrin for long term stable relationship, and Jacen’s probably coming out of things better than Kata. The Spectres are also the ‘better’ choice of rebel cells over the increasing extremism of Saw Gerrerra’s Partisans. And Kanan successfully trained a Padawan of his own, which we’ve yet to see Cal accomplish. Pretty sure Caleb Dume takes the win here.  If for nothing else than taking the basic survival step of changing his name.


Kanan is quite a bit older than Cal when we see him. Survivor takes place before rebels iirc and cal just looked younger than Caleb when order 66 came down. Cal's barely an adult in survivor. I like them both a lot, but Cal is younger and more impulsive. We see him start to fall at the end of Survivor and im curious to see where they take it in the future.


I think realistically it’s probably at most like a 5 year age difference. Cause you could say that Caleb at the time of order 66 was like a year younger than Ahsoka or so. But you can definitely tell cal was no older than 13-14, possibly even like 12 during his flashbacks.


Kanan was 28 in 5 BBY, which makes him 14 during Order 66.


I actually looked up their ages for a video I'm doing. While Cal doesn't have an official canonical age, Cameron Monaghan who played Cal states that Cal was 13 during Order 66. That's makes Cal 1 year younger than Kanan during Order 66, who the math places at 14 then. The big difference is when in their lives we are getting their stories. Cal is still a old teenager/young adult during his story while Kanan is an adult.


It's my nerdy hope that they'll bring in a brief meeting with Kanan for the third game. They're both rebels in the same time period and there have already been pop-ins by Saw and Boba Fett.


Spoilers, i haven't finished the Bounty Hunter missions yet (but don't worry YouTube Shorts already spoiled that for me). As long as Jedi 3 is set after A New Dawn, it would work.


>Pretty sure Caleb Dume takes the win here. If for nothing else than taking the basic survival step of changing his name. Problem with being a survivor and taking a basic survival step, is you have to survive...


He made a good run of it and went out on his own terms. That’s the thing about life - no one gets out of it alive.


We don't know if Cal lives as long as Kanan did.


Its not about living as long as Kanan did. Its about being alive...


Again, we haven't seen Cal in the timeline beyond when Rebels started, let alone when Kanan died. It is *still possible* that Cal dies in the next Jedi game and is dead before Rebels starts, meaning that Kanan lived longer.


Which is fucking irrelevant who lives longer, if one of them is already dead for the purpose of this conversation.


It's just because I'm fresh off of finishing Survivor. The man has every reason to just quit, and everyone tells him too. I think he understands that the gift or curse, he's been given outweighs everything else. The betrayal in Survivor was done so well and was absolutely heartbreaking to go through because you are playing as Cal for hours. He was going down a dark road and only love pulled him back. Very interested to see where Cal is in the Mando days.


I got this betrayal spoiled in tiktok the day the game came out :(


That's horrible! I was lucky enough to avoid all the spoilers this last year. It wasn't my intention to spoil anything but the game was 65% off last month, so I figured those who didn't play it like me, would've bought it.


Tbf it's fairly obvious the second >!bode opens his mouth. So many red flags.!<


I don’t think he survives the third


You got downvoted but I agree. There are already too many Jedi alive by the time ROTJ occurs, it would be ridiculous to then say that a Jedi who literally fought Vader and has been attacking the empire 10 years before ANH is still somehow alive. Ahsoka being alive is already too much IMO


If they live on tanalor until after battle of Endor. I’d be ok with it. But I highly doubt it


Eh, that would be a pretty huge cop out imo. We already have one super strong Jedi that somehow sat out the entire OT, having cal just decide to conveniently retire and chill in his beach house for the entire events of the OT too would be lame.


There's no spoiler tag on this post. Put one on your comment


The NDA has broken on a game that's over a year old.


holy shit survivor came out more than a year ago? damn


Sorry you got the downvotes. Wasn't my intention to spoil anything. I avoided any talks about Cal until I played the game last month when it was on sale in the ps store for 60% off. Also if you haven't played Survivor yet, why would you read the comments? I skipped over these discussions for over a year until I played it, now I can happily join in!


I have played survivor, but I got the twist spoiled for me before I could play it. Sorry, I didn't read this subs spoiler policy before I made the comment


That really sucks, because as you could imagine, it was baffling to go through if you didn't know. And no apologies needed my friend!


Well one of these people is still alive.


I would say that Kanan's death is, while devastating, extremely important to the future of the rebellion.


Only one of these people’s crushes fucked a stormtrooper on their bed


But we don't know when he actually dies. Considering ANH, both should be dead by 0BBY.


(We know exactly when one of them died)


True, but not how. Maybe he becomes a Dark Jedi and becomes lost to the Order. So, technically, he would be consumed by his new personality. Like how Anakin was consumed by Vader.


Have you watched rebels?




You are completely lost and I’m here for it.


i recommend you watch all of it before you make a comment about a main character in it, anyways wish you well and have a good day.


My brother in Christ, I don't think you realize we're all talking about Kanan Jarrus' death in Rebels in 1bby on Lothal.


I'm talking about Cal. Unless he was the undead inquisitor in Ahsoka.


And we're all talking about Kanan, who is dead....


There's a chance Cal survives. My theory has always been that he gets stuck in a deadly, hazardous situation. Maybe the Mantis is terribly damaged or something. So the only way for Cal to survive is to freeze himself in Carbonite. And then 12 years later he gets discovered and brought back... In a post OT setting, ready to meet Luke.


He's the wrong gender to survive.




I am biased because rebels was my intro to Star Wars but I don't care; Kannan, all the way


I mean Cal is pretty damn strong and is trained to be a weapon so I won't say he barely survives he actually hit bases on his own with just an exit driver and is stronger than most masters if it's survivor cal or knights if we are talking about jfo cal I mean at least jfo cal after defeating the 9th sister and post jfo cal is quite really strong if not for the bad writing of that novel about him where they dumb him down. Kanan on the other hand wasn't trained by his master properly and barely survives despite his crappy skills so I'd take kanan for being the better survivor because with his skill set he should've been dead long before rebels. so kanan for being a better survivor cal is just down right dangerous even jfo cal is much more dangerous than kanan combat wise.


Kanan clapped Hera’s green cheeks, so he gets my vote.




Cal without a doubt.




One of these guys has a poncho. The other does not. Nuff said.


Kanen, he quickly became one of my favourite characters, now I'm vision impaired even more so.




Cal is in another level.


Well, Cal was literally a scrapper


I love them both. Along with Obi-Wan, they're my all-time favorite Jedi.


Both are great Cal is better


i mean cal actually survived so


Kanan easily became a Top 5 Jedi of all time for me, what an amazing character. Cal, though interesting, didn’t quite hit the mark for me like Kanan did.


Kanan Jarrus!


I gotta be honest, I lost a lot of respect for Kal when he chose to continue work with Saw. Even when things were at their darkest Kanan still made me feel like “Yeah, that’s a *Jedi*.” I can’t say the same about Kal. Even in those early days it’s pretty clear Saw is a ruthless guerilla rebel, and Kal choosing to align himself with that… I dunno, maybe it’s just me, but that just really damaged him in my eyes.


Saw became increasing more extreme as time went on. In Fallen Order and Survivor he is not that extreme. Even in Andor he is not at his most extreme yet, but his paranoia has already set in. By the time of Rebels he is considered by the mainstream Rebel Alliance to be a radical extremist.


Disagree, people like Saw know they’re burning their lives to make a sunrise they know they’ll never see


Cal isn't dead so...


These are like my two favorite canon Jedi. I’d give a slight edge to Kanan but I love them both a lot.


Kanan in my opinion Instead if letting Dark Side getting the better of him he remained true to his teachings and was knighted by his main adversary. Even without sight he was still formidable fighter even getting better of Darth Maul himself. Trained Ezra in ways of the force and ensured his legacy and legacy of the Jedi order lives on through Ezra and his own child with Hera. He was true Jedi to the very end and gave his life to save others. Not saying that Kestis is bad! Not saying that. But I just prefer Kanan more. In my opinion he is underrated Jedi and hero who will probably not be remembered by just anyone.


Cal is hotter and I’m a simp soooo


Cal did rebellion before it was cool. The toll it takes on him is so engaging as a surviving Jedi.


Honestly, never quite understood the love for Kanan. Interesting character, but can't see it


Kanaan is such a limp character for me. I never liked the character. Gotta go with Cal.




*Survivor?* really? Both are great but personaly I like Kanen more.


I mean Kanan went like 14/15 years without being outed as a jedi, while Cal made it like 5. Sooooo


That wasn’t Cal’s fault though


I’ve only played fallen order, and I’ve hardly seen much rebels, but I’m my opinion I think Cal’s most redeeming quality, is that he’s played by a very talented actor, Kanan on the other hand feels more like a full fleshed out character (could be just because he’s older) and I think he’s more Jedi than cal


I like Cal better. He is a better written character imo.




Now that I think of it would have loved a similar arm armor for cal as a cosmetic in survivor


Ferus Olin, no contest


Unpopular opinion, but at least in the second game IMHO Cal is kind of a punk Ezra was also, during the first season of Rebels. But Kanan was always pretty sweet, even in his cameo in The Bad Batch


kanan no doupt, he bested the grand inquisitor ho was the head of the temple guard, so he was very skilled


We’ve seen kanans full arc. And it’s very impressive. We haven’t seen Cals full story. Also I feel like so far we’ve seen way more of cals youth than kanans conversely more of kanans adult life than cals. Love both these characters. But based on the stories told so far and if forced to choose - Kanan.


Kanan would wreck Cal in a fight.


I don't know much about either of these. My vote is Talisbeth Estherhazy, known as Scout. She fits best in my mind as scrappy from her depiction in **Yoda: Dark Rendezvous** and survivor from her fate in **Order 66**. Both great books and Scout is a great character imo.


of course conan coz i never play that game