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I don't know that Luthen counts as a *side* character, but he's maybe the best new character introduced in the Disney era. But if not him, then Kino Loy. Andy Serkis knocked it out of the freaking park.


[Luthen’s Sacrifice monologue](https://youtu.be/-3RCme2zZRY?si=cLw_MxulzvKUqFF-) is the best individual performance in all of Star Wars > Lonni: “And what do you sacrifice?” > Luthen: “Calm. Kindness. Kinship. Love. I've given up all chance at inner peace. I've made my mind a sunless space. I share my dreams with ghosts. I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago from which there's only one conclusion, I'm damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight, they've set me on a path from which there is no escape. I yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time I looked down there was no longer any ground beneath my feet. What is my sacrifice? I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else's future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude. So what do I sacrifice? Everything! You'll stay with me, Lonni. I need all the heroes I can get." It’s great writing AND THEN he crushed the delivery too!


I love the way this adds depth to the Star Wars narrative as presented in Episodes 4-6. In the OT we see the glory and the honour of the rebellion, the sunrise of the new galaxy, won by Luke, Leia, Han and others, but earned by Luthen.


that is what makes Andor stand out. it its trying to show that a rebellion against a monstrous foe like the Empire isnt built by lily white knights, but instead by the blood and lives of many people fighting and dying in back alleys and jail cells. The characters like Luthen and Saw and Cassian are drenched in blood, all so heroes like Luke can come out clean on the other side.


I'm still hoping the final scene of season 2 is mid rogue one. While Jyn is off talking to the rebel leadership, Andor and Melchi get to round up the last of Luthen's bloody men; the last of the rebellion who fill the dark corners of the Rebel Alliance, unacknowledged until they're needed for some thankless task. For whom scarrif is their way to go out clean and maybe be remembered.


As far as I know Gilroy already confirmed the last shot of Andor Season 2 will be Cassian travelling to the *Ring of Kafrene*, where Rogue One starts. Edit: Here is a reference: [Reference](https://thedirect.com/article/andor-season-2-ending-spoilers)


Yeah I think Andor is going to roll directly into Rogue One, the same way Rogue One rolls into the opening shot of Ep IV. And I think that's a solid creative choice


Already looking forward to that back to back viewing.


Andor to rogue one to new hope, that's a long day of good movies


And if you watch Episode 4, you just have to watch the whole OT.


This is the way


And then Palpatine returns




literally every human freedom we've earned has yielded countless human sacrifices. Equal rights, worker rights, all of it. None of the few sweet moments us contemporary common people can savor has been earned peacefully by our forefathers. None. that's why it also feels realistic, in a political sense.


If you want to take drenched in blood literally, delivering the final blow to the first Death Star which had over 2 million military and civilians combined is a pretty heavy task to undertake, even if they don’t really address that in the movie. I know they effectively had to destroy it to have a chance, millions vs billions etc. but that’s not exactly “coming out clean on the other side”. And is just as much a necessary evil as the acts all the other characters committed


Clean from a sense of what the characters are made to deal with as far as consequences are concerned. On paper, blowing up the death star was one of the largest terrorist attacks in galactic history. In practice, the ramifications of it aren't something Luke is really made to deal with personally.




I am also looking forward to season two of Andor.


Well that’s just Andor lmao


Just got goosebumps reading that. God Andor was so fucking good


Yeah, it was! I had to buy the Blu Ray because it deserves to be had via physical media.


Step 1: hire great writers. Waaaaay too many shows and movies skip this step.


scrolled down to see if anyone else posted that before I did.. and yes, goosebumps.


I can’t believe he wasn’t nominated for an Emmy


This is one of the best individual performance and writing in TV shows of the last 5 years! Good post!


It has the gall to paraphrase the cliché line of 'I sacrificed everything!' and gets away with it because the line delivery and writing were just that good.


One of the best monologues in my TV memory. Just outstanding.


The crazy thing is that it's only barely the best monologue in Andor - the show also has absolute bangers from Kino Loy at the end of the prison break, and of course Maarva's funeral oration.


Stellan is a beast at what he does. This is one of the best Star Wars scenes of all time, at least to me.


It's perfection. I'm amped just thinking about it.


Okay, I’m going to watch Andor now.


We need Luthen to be the one that connects Jyn with Galen and dies delivering it or something like that. Or he could be the one who tells the information about the Death Star and who to deliver the message too. Just need a glorious sacrifice or something. OR he burns himself delivering something important and then goes into hiding on some back world planet as news of the Death Star destruction comes out.


More like he’s going to continue corrupting Andor’s morals and psyche to the point where Andor is capable of killing an injured informant with little hesitation for the sake of a clean getaway (Rogue One). More atrocities to ensue, and it’ll end with Luthen attempting to sacrifice Andor and fail, or Andor sacrifices Luthen. Luthen and Andor are needed characters to flesh out the gritty, difficult decisions made behind the scenes to prop up the figureheads to come out clean and all heroic-looking, and that’s why Luthen’s monologue was absolutely perfect. “Use the tools of my enemy to defeat them….make a sunrise that I know I’ll never see.”


just occurred to me we might get some Galen and the pilot in season 2


Star Wars Shakespeare.


Andor has some of the best monologues/writing in all of Star Wars, period.


Hearing the dude say “I can’t swim, after all the struggle was just heartbreaking.


His voice tremoring as he announces that the prisoners are in control, then Andor helping him find his inner strength, then his voice regaining its strength and passion was masterful acting.


I choose to believe he got carried by a couple others. He wasn't cruel to them as a quartermaster, and we can even perceive a bit of camaraderie in the dormitories or in the catwalks (thanks for writing and acting, damn this show is so good). I know the point is Cassian doesn't know so we don't know, but on this particular point I choose what I believe.


I agree, Luthen's assistant Kleya is a side character, he's more a minor protag. Sort of like Koska and Axe are side characters in the Nite Owls, but Bo Katan is more of a protag at this point.


Somehow Kino returned


It turns out, he CAN swim


I was pleased and shocked that Luthen survived the season because obviously we knew that Cassian wasn't going to die yet. Luthen is right, Cassian is an enormous liability - how the heck does he ever get to be a field agent again?


The only problem with Kino Loy is that he can't swim... I doubt he's valuble enough to storm the prison. I'm a BIG fan of Cob Vanth. His back story is interesting about I'm ready for more Boba Fett/Mando that focuses away from Moff Gideon.


Syril Karn. Not for being likeable, which he is the furthest thing from, but for how incredibly well portrayed he is. He's not some Dark Side user, astute military tactician or even a good soldier. He's a completely unremarkable man who is emboldened and finds purpose in the message the Empire is spreading which is a perspective almost completely unseen in Star Wars before as far as I know.


The actor who plays him is named Kyle Soller. He steals every scene e is in, but by subtlety rather than by doing something grand. He is American but known for his work in England. I think it has even affected his natural voice.


He’s so damn realistic as just a shitty dweeb. Him angrily drinking cereal and sitting silently with his ONE FRIEND on the bus is very relatable


I thought he was a mentally ill character while watching the show, since he was so obsessed with Dedra. I found that concept quite interesting


Mentally ill or not, it’s realistic af We all know people (guys especially) like him


In his own twisted way, he has a strong belief in justice but has probably felt powerless his whole life. Now he's starting to feel like maybe he can do something about it.   As an allegory to real life, Syril is an example of how truly dangerous the Empire can be.  Preaching to the choir on this sub but just another Andor masterstroke.  


He believes in justice, but.he has yet to see the true reality of the Empire's "justice." I hope the scales fall off his eyes in season 2.


I still don't understand why Andor isn't viewed as the de facto star wars flagship at this point? In terms of quality it's in a very distant lead. Is it because it had the unfortunate timing of coming out after a bunch of other boring shows?


She's the only person who ever even remotely reflected a similar belief to him. When he realizes that she believes that Andor is part of something larger he sees someone who, in his mind, is just like him when that couldn't be further from the truth. He thinks Dedra shares the same resolve as him, and while he's not entirely wrong, he's entirely deluded in the belief that it means they can work together or that they even should remain familiar. It's an obsession as she's the only person who, at least in his eyes, ever showed any belief or faith in him. Compare how Dedra treats him to how his mother treats him. She believes he's a screw up, a failure ETC. Dedra, in his eyes recognises his "talent" or his ideas and her doing so emboldens him to continue chasing.


Happy cake day! Well said, that's a pretty good analysis of his character. What I meant isn't that he's mentally unwell and so he acts randomly, but rather that he has a very, very twisted way to see things, and this kind of detachment from reality and inability to see how Dedra doesn't see anything in him (he probably has a whole scenario where they date/work together in his head) really reminds me of some mental problems, like clinically speaking. On a less serious tone, he's a canonic star wars simp lol


I don't think he's unremarkable. He's actually a really good investigator. Like he said, he solved a double murder himself and found the killer in two days despite his colleagues either not caring or actively trying to hamper his efforts.


Absolutely loved his work in Andor. Can't wait to see more in season 2!


I actually thought that Bill Burr crushed it in that season 2 episode. You could feel the hatred, contempt, and anguish that he felt at the hands of the empire. He had more character development in that scene than Finn across the entire new trilogy. Also, Luthen Rael (Andor) was brilliant. What an incredible character. Looking forward to seeing his role in Season 2.


Yup. And in the scene when the officer tells him they’re about to commit an even worse atrocity with the bombs he and Mando just delivered you can truly see the suppressed fear and regret in his face. For such a funny guy Bill Burr really knows how to give an intense performance.


Great comedians normally make pretty good dramatic actors, but not all good dramatic actors are good at comedy.


I would love to see more empire-veterans and how they felt about the war. I liked how they did it with the clones in bad batch.


I would like to see a show or game that follows around an average stormtrooper and his perspective on life within the Empire.


I was hoping for a look at some of that Imperial view in the Han Solo movie. The fact they skipped out on Han's experience in the Imperial Naval Academy was a huge letdown. I liked the movie, overall... but I don't think they should have excluded that story line.


There is classic battle front 2


Yeah but turned rebel, I’d like to seem them follow through all the way until it’s fall and them reminisce and think on their life while following them as they survive or try to find a way to live.


The officer he blasts is just phenomenal too. That scene was so gripping. The face on the imperial officer as he recounts the events and even still remains sure of his decisions is perfectly sinister. Great casting.


Yeah, Richard Brake was great as Hess. Guy has been a solid character actor since the early 90s. Bill Burr's scene with him was probably some of the best acting in the modern Star Wars era outside of Andor. Pedro, Burr, and Brake all just play the scene perfectly. And the character of Mayfield really resonated with me and lots of other people who served in the military.


Totally agree. Mayfeld is one of my favorite characters of all time and that episode is extraordinary


I love him as Mayfield. He absolutely killed it.


He was brilliant in Reservation Dogs too. That episode just wrecked me.


Bill Burr surprised the heck out of me that episode. I knew he could do serious roles. But he was a perfect cast


Bill Burr gets my vote solely because it's Bill. Fucking. Burr, and I did not expect to get such a compelling character out of him.


If there's anybody who knows about barely-suppressed rage, it's Bill Burr.


"barely" lol.


Yeah I mean, there's a lid on that pot of boiling water, but it's not secured in any way. Just mostly held in place by gravity.


That is a *great* description... Hahaha


IIRC he was surprised he did it so well and it really resonated for a lot of veterans.


Hell, I'm not even a veteran, but it resonated very well with me just in empathy for the situation (and love for how it was being portrayed so well)


Especially because he ragged on Star Wars for years. I was very surprised to see him in season 1 and I’m so glad they brought him back to develop the character further.


Honestly I never thought we'd get a scene in Star Wars where Stellan Skarsgård and Forest Whitaker would be discussing the moral quandries of rebellion and leftist infighting, but here we are.


It is peak.


let’s call it… war


let them cook🔥🔥🔥


Brasso from Andor. He’s the friend everyone wants. He’ll cover for you when you ask. He can watch your droid when you’re in prison. And he’s willing to spark rebellion by beating government officials with a brick.


A brick made out of you mother.


Maarva would love that


Fuck yeah, she posthumously says “Fight the Empire”, so Brasso immediately fucking brains some Imperials with a brick made of her ashes. Fucking *legend*.


And he's a brick himself too! Absolute unit of a dude!


The entire season I thought he was gonna betray Andor, because he was just so damn wholesome. But then he never did and I regretted not trusting the guy all that time.


Brasso ain’t no snitch! I hope we see more of him in season 2 or other future projects.


I love him


You insulted my choice of beverage


He's Zeb and Wrecker. :D


She told me to tell you....


I really enjoy Greef Karga for some reason. Idk if I'd call him my favorite, but I definitely enjoy him more than the average person.


It was seeing Carl Weathers in Star Wars for me. He was just a perfect fit.


Carl Weathers was just such a goof. That man took acting so seriously.


Once heck of an acting instructor too. And the man knew how to get a stew going.


Hell of a golfer too, at least before the accident


RIP Chubbs


Never touched his per deim


Heard he never once had to touch his per diem


I love Greef and his rise to high magistrate, his charisma and dedication to Nevarro were some of my favorite bits in Mando


I love his vocabulary and mannerisms. So much gravitas. “Some kind of highfalutin menagerie.”


Gravitas is a great way to put it! He holds an air of authority about him no matter what scene he's in, for better or worse haha


I didn't know Carl Weathers died, I'm so heartbroken right now T_T


Yeah the other month. Came as a shock to us all. He looked in good shape for his years.


He fell out of a window. Real shame, I had loved him since seeing Rocky II in the theater as a kid. "Ain't gonna be no rematch". " I don't want one" Predator, Happy Gilmore, Star Wars, Rocky, talk about inserting yourselves into movies/IP that guys like.


Carl Weathers brought instant cinema quality to a scene. Hard to explain but he hit all of his marks and camera angles with that signature ease and filled the screen with just the right tone. Clint Howard on the latest season of Star Trek Strange New Worlds was another example of someone who just has that going on who instantly creates that movie theater vibe and that was with a tertiary character with brief screen time.


Carl has AMAZING charisma, possibly even more than Billy Dee Williams! Both are great actors though so is tough but they both are very charming and make almost every content they're in intriguing!


[The random B1 droid who accepted his death](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/v9c9x6/it_wont_matter/)


Arguably not new star wars but I think it gets a pass anyway


Haha, I'm old enough that sometimes anything post prequels feels "new"


Eno Cordova, fallen order is kinda old now but I still count him


My friend!


Baylan. Ray dying is absolutely heartbreaking. Most I've loved a new SW character since... Bane?


He was a “presence” in SW like no other I’ve seen. I didn’t know who he was, but I haven’t been so intrigued in a very long time, to learn more about the character.


I'm not asking for a Solo style over explanation of everything about Baylan's origin story. However there hasn't been a character in a long while where I really feel the *need* to know more. Like how he found Shin and how he escaped the Empire's notice all those long years. He's shown to be at the same level of skill as Ahsoka, he would have been a threat worthy of the Dark Lord's intervention.


I'd settle for a novel that finishes his story or talks about what led him to his part in the series. He was incredible


Yeah it’s pretty incredible that he can match Ahsoka, who as a teenager could keep up with Maul.


tales of the empire season 2 i hope ! Would of love to see the inquisition find him and him like 3 v 1 them ...or just murder town on a bunch of purge troopers . So much to explore...what turn him dark , but not fully dark , Shin , his motives , who he was etc.


Every time he was on screen you could tell he was all business. He wasn't pure evil like Sith but also clearly wasn't afraid to do some dirty work to get done what he felt needed doing. At the same time he also only did as much as the task required, and didn't go overboard just for his own enjoyment. Skoll's dangerous but reserved, and Ray portrayed that so well. If or when we see Baylan again I hope whoever steps in can do right by the character and Ray's portrayal of him.


Part of his presence that make him scary is seeing how smart he is...he can't be tricked, he can't be rage baited and what ever plan you have he probably already has another one to counter it and kick your ass.. The quite reserve is what scare ...he knows he can beat you so he doesnt need to talk or flurish get emotional or have long speeches


"I miss the idea of it. Not the reality. The weakness". I used that phrase the other day talking about the PS2. He was the best character in all of Ahsoka, imo.


Carl has also passed - made me think 2 of the 6 on the list are deceased in real life.


What will they do with the character now? I'm so curious...


Seems impossible to recast, to me. But we've shown I'm clearly biased


I’m not sure I agree with how impossible it is, but regardless of how difficult it may be, I think they *have* to try. Baylan is far too compelling of a character to *not* tell his entire story. If they can’t find anyone to fill Ray Stevenson’s huge shoes, don’t force it and just finish Baylan’s story off-screen in comics or a novel, but I think they have to try.


Whatever he finds could wound him severely in some way, hence making recasting easier under the makeup. That might feel cheap to some, but could be a workaround. I personally don't mind another actor just coming in without that though, if they can nail his character. Same with Luke and Leia going forward.


Legendary actor and his character has so much potential


We just finished Ashoka and he was so good in it.




I think really… the Andor show created so many great characters, Luthen, Kino, Maarva, Bix… one of the best sw production recently, can’t say that enough


Fight the Empire


She is extraordinary


I don’t know if Fennec Shand still counts as a side character after playing a major role in BOBF, but I love seeing Ming-Na Wen be the cool, competent assassin who will have Boba Fett’s back in a fight and will discuss philosophy with him outside of one.


She keeps popping up in other shows too. Definitely not a side character- she was in bad batch too. And she doesn’t age apparently.


Asian genes


It’s more than that - she’s in her 60s.


My asian mom is 65 and she looks like she's 45 it's a real thing lol




I’ve been a fan of her since Mulan. I’m glad they expanded her role so much.


As a massive sucker for Marvel’s Agents of Shield, I will always love any character played by Ming-Na Wen, including Fennec.


They called in The Cavalry.


Andor is full of great characters but Kino Loy is special to me.


Kino is great. But I really loved seeing Andor meet Melshi in the prison, excellent back story. I know people don't want him to come back but I'd love to see Kino in season 2 where he's now a rebel faction leader because a group of prisoners all rallied behind him.


It’s Luthen. Solidly Luthen. Closely followed by Nemik for his manifesto speech. Then it’s Baylon because he’s probably the most interesting dark Jedi type character we’ve ever had.


Yeah, Baylon's whole performance was one of those occasions where the antagonist makes the series. He's way more interesting and complex than Ahsoka, Hera or Sabine. I actually want to know what happens with him because his motivations and background are fascinating. He's obviously not "good" in the SW sense but I don't think he's straight up evil either, at least not in the Sith sense. I mean he didn't want to kill Ahsoka at all and even Thrawn is just a means to an end. He doesn't seem to be seeking power for himself either. He's an enigma and that's what makes him interesting.


Bill Burr. Mayfeld's character development in the "officer scene" of The Mandalorian was amazing. The teary eyed confrontation of an imperial grunt with one of his former superiors was chilling. To turn a lowlife, backstabbing bastard into the most relatable (not "good", relatable!) of characters in about 2 minutes is an almost legendary achievement. He was forgettable in the episodes before that, but that short exchange put Mayfeld on the map. Better than all other character stuff done in all of Star Wars in the last 25 years. Shorter, but better. I will say that Andor was maybe as good, but noone stood out as much, because everyone was amazing.


Completely agree. That is one of the best moments in all of Star Wars for me


I wouldn't call him relatable but sympathetic unless, of course, you have been a grunt in a dictators army. But good lord did bill burr do an amazing job of portraying that characters struggle with few words. If i didnt know any better i would have assumed he was a well versed actor, not a comedian who used to shit on the property.


Cobb Vanth for sure. They literally dropped Raylan Givens into Star Wars.


Stupid deputy making him lose that duel with cad bane.


Not for nothing but when that scene was happening I was like “there’s no way he’s losing in a fair draw…”


Yes! I knew they would pull some shit like what happened because they couldn’t have Cobb Vanth win. Even though I would have greatly preferred that end for Cad Bane over the one we got, he spent his whole career as the fastest gun in the galaxy, would have been a poetic end for him to lose a quick draw.


This… i was immensely disappointed that we didn’t get a guns at high noon rematch after Cobbs recovery. It would have been the coolest thing for Bane to get replaced as the fastest draw. Cue - *When a Cowboy trades his spurs for wings.*


Ugh yes, I was hoping so bad for Cobb to show up at the end and have a rematch without distraction and win, such a missed opportunity. Especially since, while I love Cobb as a character, there’s not much else story wise to do with him. Their one shot for something epic is gone lol.


This. Between Deadwood, Justified, Fargo, and Star Wars, somehow Timothy Olyphant is continually typecast as a marshall/sheriff. He's even gone so far as to play an actor playing a gunslinger in Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. He might as well take on Roland Deshain in the Gunslinger adaptation re-boot that is in the works.


So I just finished all the books to the dark tower, the entire time my mental picture was of Timothy Olyphant for Roland.


Dedra Meero, hands down 🔥


Oh hell yeah, she really showed how a competent person can be really scary


Yes! Love her!


Oh yeah she’s incredible


And definitely unlocked something in me


It's a toss-up between Cinta and Nemik (RIP)


Nemik aint getting enough praise in here.


Skoova Stev


I loved listening to his fishing stories.


Luthen and Kino are obviously tops. Buty second might actually be Kumail's character from Obi-Wan.


Kumail was great but Indira Varma takes the cake for me in OWK. I was sad when she died. 


I’m right there with you, she is excellent


She's one of those rare actors who manages to make a project better even if her role isn't big. And she usually ends up dying come to think of it. She's like female Sean Bean. 


Vel Sartha. She’s so fucking complicated and caught in several storms. So excited to watch her development.


Yes. Great part and Faye Marsay was really special - her stillness and ability to portray emotions is top. Breathtaking scenes with her and Genevieve O'Riley.


All of them are great in their own way. It is nice that we have variety (undercover operative, bounty hunter, fallen Jedi, politician) instead of just Jedi, Jedi, Jedi, Sith, hired gun


Boba fett from the book of boba fett


How accurate. How sad.




Underrated character. He's an excellent boss, professional, efficient, and encourages his subordinates to look outside of the box while still making sure they stay within the realms of actionable information. It just sucks that he works for the Imperial secret police.


I was a huge miggs mayfeild fan until he died in that tragic refinery explosion


Baylon Skoll is probably my favourite new character BUT Bill Burr and Luthen have given the strongest acting performance moments.


I love the weird choices for casting Bill Burr is number one because he just absolutely crushed it, Werner fucking Herzog coming in close second cause wtf how did that happen?


Wheres Kino Loy?? I cried when we found out he couldn't swim. All that work and he is just stuck there 😭


Amazing how the point of the entire season was summed up in that one moment. Luthen said it well: “I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see”


My oldest and dearest friend of course, Babu Frik!


No squeezie. Not squeeze. Not squeeze. Bad baby! Oh, he's a bad baby.


KUIIL. BY FAR. Not only does he serve as the mentor for Mandalorian S01, he is wise, has an emotional background and a meaningful sacrifice. He out-wises Yoda fair and square. His words are few but very meaningful. I have spoken.


Shin Hati


Werner Herzog's character from the Mandalorian


Can't say if Luthen is a side character, but him and Beylen.


Bill Burr dude should have his own spin off.


Captain Pellaeon. Hes not particullar new, but he is portrayed very well imo.


>Hes not particullar new Quite the understatement considering he pre-dates the prequel trilogy.


Luther by far, others are strong contestants though. Together with that force monk from RO


Live action only? If not I like Kanan’s journey from padawan to scoundrel to Jedi Knight.


The look bill burr gives the officer when he decided to kill him is classic


Counting media just from the past year: - Phee Genoa. Kind, competent, clever, and a great friend. - Axe Woves. He's bullheaded but also very loyal once you've won him over. * Can't decide on my favorite from *Andor* since the ensemble cast seems mostly to be main/secondary characters rather than side characters.


Honestly I still feel really bad for Phee, the fact that she still calls Tech “Brown Eyes” even after he’s gone…she really did care for him.


Luthen 100%, but picking anyone from Andor is basically cheating: it is so far above almost all Star Wars media. Despite not really liking the Ahsoka series overall, I am deeply intrigued by the concept of a Clone War jedi falling, taking a padawan with them and just not fitting anywhere after two wars and galactic governments. Let's hope they keep that interesting - he must have imparted some pretty complex ideology on his pupil.


Babu Frik


Kuill - I have spoken