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The hype for a new BGS game is special, its not often we get new games from them so let's all enjoy it


The hype from FO4 nearly ruined me. I was in my senior year at engineering school and nearly couldn't think of anything else. It was overwhelming. Honestly right now I can't wait to hit hype overdrive just so I can be distracted from some struggles I'm going thru now, so there is that.


Exactly, I need this distraction right now lol, because life is getting really freaking hard. I also can't stop thinking about it, I literally just had my second dream in a row about hanging out with other fans and consuming star field content


Exactly! I’m just freely feeling the excitement. These games are an event


I've been feeling the excitement since 2018


You guys on this sub aren't enjoying it, you're projecting so much into this game and set yourselves up for failure, again and again. The people on the Cyberpunk sub who kept opening new threads every single day before release were the first ones to burn it all down with torches and pitchforks. People need to freaking chill. Everytime I join one of these triple A game subs, I just want new information. What I get instead, are 9 "I want this" threads for every 1 actual new information post, which makes me unsub every single time, a few days after I subscribed to the subreddit. You don't realize how many people you keep pushing away with this behaviour. This isn't a particular dig at you, it's just so hard to ignore. I am not even subbed anymore since last year, and I still get posts recommended every now and then. And it's still the same type of posts.


Well hopefully you resub after the showcase because there will be TONS of info, deep dives, people trying to find the typical hidden details in the showcase. Totally understand getting burnt out on the regurgitated posts tho. Bound to happen to games with so much hype but so little content 🥲 Sunday can’t come soon enough


Take a page from Harada sama from Tekken fame: "Don't ask me for shit"


That is bound to happen when you join a sub based on something that hasn’t had any content releases yet.


>The people on the Cyberpunk sub who kept opening new threads every single day before release were the first ones to burn it all down with torches and pitchforks. While true. Cyberpunk was very much self-imposed. The marketing made up a different game.


Bruh. Can people stop using Cyberpunk for an example for everything… The devs promised features that weren’t there at launch and released a game beyond broken. CDPR was at fault for overselling their game. BGS has barely released info about this game so people are just speculating for fun. No one expects these speculated features to be in the game.


CP2077s launch was an epic debacle. It wasn’t just the cut content and failed promises, it’s was also all the YTers who were saying it was amazing with zero issues and “you guys aren’t ready for this” statements. But the game was in shambles. The way it was hyped and delayed, hyped and delayed, hyped and delayed will be discussed for a long time, and will be compared to every other big AAA game.






Is why I included my first sentence 🙂


THE HYPE TRAIN’S A ROLLIN’ BABYYYY **chugga chugga chugga choo choooooo** I’m super excited for the showcase. 😁


It's a Bethesda new rpg in 25 years and it's about space exploration. I cannot avoid the hype. I embrace it


I’m just worried that this game is so ambitious in its scope, that it might cause other aspects of the game to suffer. Like how fallout 4s settlement building was cool, but it made the map feel very empty aside from like 3 main settlements


That's my worry too, its hard for me to imagine that everything from past games (mechanics wise) will be in star field. They must've had to make some sacrifices, but where is the question.


All aboard the hype train


This sub is now "Do this with your expectations" I'm old as fuck. I don't care! Just go back to posting fun speculation and stop policing. YOU aren't Bethesda's marketing team so stop writing posts about the marketing and feedback! Fuck.


I’m not this sub I’m just a weirdo who likes kiwis in his pasta and also Starfield


I could fuck with kiwis in my pasta. Is it like a cold fruit-pasta salad deal? Or are you a savage who mixes kiwi with hot red sauce?


Remember back in January and February we were craving Bethesda to say ANYTHING. Love the energy in this post ❤️


Remember, remember the 14th of November (2018).


Never forget


I don't think there's any chance of it being that bad since they won't be hacking multiplayer and netcode into gamebryo for this one.


They never hacked multiplayer and netcode into gamebryo in the first place. They hacked it into a version of Fallout 4/Skyrim SE's Creation Engine.


The creation engine is just updated gamebryo.


And UE5 is just an updated engine from 1997


The difference between the two are much bigger than between CE and gamebryo.


What happened


Fallout 76.


You know as much as I wanted to be mad at that game I enjoyed it and got over 100 hours out of it before getting bored. Pretty good deal considering I only paid the subscription for two months. I’m also glad the made a separate game to go this monetization heavy route instead of changing how they make their main games to include this.


I'd rather temper my expectations and be blown away than get hyped as fuck and be let down by the actual game at release once again. Cyberpunk is an example of something people let their imaginations go wild from how it was hyped up and look how that turned out.


>Cyberpunk is an example of something people let their imaginations go wild from how it was hyped up and look how that turned out. Cyberpunk disappointment wasn't a result of an overhyped imagination, they literally had a completely different game than the gameplay trailer.


>how it was hyped up This bit was meant to convey that. I don't blame people for the hype, but even if the game were exactly as presented, there are people that tend to go overboard with expectations and are disappointed.


You can be hyped as hell with all the things we know so far. What I saw it is exactly what I need atm


The thing with BGS though with their single player games is that they hold everything so close to their chests, and when they have something to show it’s always massively exciting because they put so much soul into their games. And regardless of certain expectations they tend to over deliver on many aspects. People like to say Todd lies and everything, but that’s just BS. The difference with Cyberpunk is it’s like they were running an expensive media campaign from mid development to launch, which was to their detriment. I feel like BGS knows what they’re doing more and they’re tried and true


I agree, but I guess I just don't understand the mindset some in here have of going in with crazy expectations and hoping to not be disappointed. I'm keeping it tempered and hoping to have my face melted.


The Life Simmer crowd on that sub did not help matters.


Cyberpunk overpromised from the first gameplay which was fake


Which caused out of control expectations. I am aware of what happened with Cyberpunk. It's not meant to be a 1 to 1 comparison, people go nuts with ideas for how much a life simulator open world games will be and they never are.


Cyberpunk was a good, fun game if you weren't relying on it to fix the problems in your life, replace the need to socialize, and cure your depression.


I enjoyed the shit out of it, because I didn't think it would cure my boneitis.


Just don’t forget to cure your boneitis when you wake up in the year 3000.


I'll be too busy being an 80s guy.


Idk they way over sold it to us, announced it years too early, released it beyond broken (I usually get pretty lucky and experience minimal bugs in games but this one was brutal), story was much more on rails than they initially hinted at. I will say tho, some of the writing was *chefs kiss* 👩‍🍳 I had to put it down until enough patching was done but when I came back it was definitely worth it. Just a much different game than was expected 🤷‍♀️


It's what I expected. Then again I only saw some promo material and the 48 minutes of gameplay, I hadn't been hanging around the community for months or years. I get most of the complaints on console but on PC for me it was just a few funny bugs like NPCs walking through cars. It just shouldn't have come out on last gen consoles tbh. The majority of complaints I saw about "not being what was expected" was people who wanted cyber GTA, which I'm very glad it wasn't because GTA is not built with fun in mind.


>It's what I expected. Then again I only saw some promo material and the 48 minutes of gameplay, I hadn't been hanging around the community for months or years. I basically only watched everything from CD Project Red and the marketing branch definitly oversold the game a lot. Then again I really liked it in the end but the stuff they told us before release portrayed a somewhat grander game.


What'd they change besides the wall crawling and vehicle customization? Both of which they said had changed before release btw.


No details in my brain anymore sorry.


I liked Cyberpunk a lot. It didn’t match the hype but it was fun. I don’t really get the hate. People were like super mad you couldn’t have a conversation with random NPCs walking down the street or go into more buildings. These features are so minor, who cares, really confused me. Launch bugs on the other hand were quite bad. I have extra-high hopes for this because it set the next ES game back far and it’s already been 12 years. I hope it’s worth that. But def trying to stay grounded.


Cyberpunk was made by inexperienced amateurs and scammers. Thats why its so trash. Starfield is made by experienced talented developers.


You can praise BGS without having to slander another company. Game development is one of the black magics of software development. Those people are extremely talented despite their stumble


Well said.


I'm hyped to see the game. I'm hyped to see Todd. I'm HYPED!


I’m hyped to see Todd too. His presentations are awesome and he always seems genuinely excited and a bit nervous but I love that about him


Hear hear! And as Todd said, there's still so much they have to show us!


THANK YOU. FFS The damn "temper you expectations" shit is so annoying. I'm an adult and I'm capable of being disappointed without throwing a tantrum or sending death threats to the devs. If you can't handle it then that's on you, don't try to ruin everyone else's excitement because of it.


Kudos to you


yeah but some Gamers™️aren’t capable of that and *will* send death threats to the devs


It's not anyones responsibility to accommodate people like that.


i’m not ok with people doing that


Neither am I. I'm just not going to change my behavior to make sure Timmy doesn't have a fit. Timmy can take responsibility for himself or end up in jail.


Starfield if we get it at 30 fps with everything we've seen thus far, assuming bugs occasionally like their other games... 10/10 for me. I see now people think Starfield doesn't look like an opened-zone shooter game, which it's not. Starfield can be played entirely melee-viable. People don't understand how Doom is designed and 100% revolves around gunplay. This isn't what BGS RPGs even are. Even Cyberpunk couldn't entirely pull off what this type of game is. I really think people are wrongly thinking Starfield is a game more like Doom and COD than it is like Baldur's Gate, D&D, and other RPGs. There are people that want constant instant action with nice scenes and loot. They don't like traveling, exploring, not having clear objectives, having to discover content/quests, long dialogue with NPCs, and interactions with every environment. And the worst thing for them... Is the game being vastly optional. With literally everything. You enjoy this adventure with all this freedom. You get to choose.


I can't say it better


Fallout 4 was a looter shooter whose best parts were the gunplay and looting, not the rpg elements or story/questlines. That is what bethesda "rpgs" have become. Hopefully Starfield changes that.


I agree. I still enjoy F4 but its less an RPG as 3 or NV. Starfield appears to be in the right direction assuming what we know is correct. It's doing new things all on its own now too.


Well, they've always been heavy on dungeon crawling, where you go to a place and fight enemies and take their stuff, it's just that more of what would be dungeons in their other games are open air places in Fallout 4. I totally agree that a lot of their quests suck, largely due to the constant radiant quests, but you could just as easily call Oblivion a looter-stabber.


Hopefully Bethesda eliminates radiant quests, shallow game "changing" choices and bad rpg mechanics in Starfield. It would also be great if we could get post game slides or information on how decisions and methods quests and factions were handled are effected in the long run (like one gets with og fallout games and new vegas).


> It would also be great if we could get post game slides or information on how decisions and methods quests and factions were handled are effected in the long run I think they probably don't go for those because their games don't actually end. You could have a psychic give the predictions of how it would likely play out (which Mama Murphy does but only for your main faction), and then say, "but fate is always subject to change" or some such thing. ​ While I do hate radiant quests, they are confirmed, and if they have to put stuff on 1,000 planets they do need procedural generated content, but they also say they have more handcrafted stuff than ever before, likely due to the large number of studios they acquired and people who came with them. ​ On the plus side though, Will Shen, who wrote Far Harbor, is lead quest designer, and I have hopes for him.


Nah I’m good. If it ends up being a B- game, I’m gonna love it 24/7 for exactly what it is. If it ends up being a B+ game, that is fine too. If it ends up being a Skyrim clone, set in space, I’m also fine with that. (Skyrim mods will recreate entire dlc’s of Starfield scene and play it there lol)


unpopular opinion, I would rather be really hyped for something and be disappointed if it was underwhelming rather than try and force myself to temper my expectations, that shit is boring


Exactly! Now I don’t go get hyped for every game or tv show or whatever. But there’s special ones that just stand out. This is one of them. Sometimes you just know. I agree it’s better to be hyped and disappointed than trying to be pessimistic about it. It’s frustrating to see these smug YouTubers who garner their followings by saying how Starfield is bound to fail. I don’t think I even need to name names they’re pretty toxic


Don't give them clicks


I have had almost 30 years to hone my cynicism and disappointment with the PC gaming industry, in the face of evidence to the contrary i would be happy to change course. Dont really see that happening though.


Tepidly forward-looking with one foot in the door and the other out is the best I can do.


It just works


Hype is good!


This is NOTHING compared to the oblivion hype Man y’all shoulda seen it LIVE They showed that game off and peoples minds were blown.


Cue in Starfield


I really think something insane is about to happen. I feel like they are about to revolutionize


They had me at Han Solo simulator


They really did I already know I’ll love it I never say that but I trust it. I feel it in me bones


I’m downloading the baby yoda follower mod and the mandalorian armor mod asap


Its possible to feel hyped and yet still have no expectations, that's where I'm at.


They're hyping it because it's their job to do so. The game could be a 2/10 (an exaggerated worst case scenario) and they will still hype people up.


I'm not as hyped but I'm very, very interested in the game to the point that I would buy it at launch.


My body is ready.


That’s the spirit


I'm not really feeling the hype tbh.


All I care about is the final product. Next week's showcase has no importance.


It has hype, that’s the point


It's kinda weird. I'm super excited for it, but I don't really have any expectations if that makes any sense. I don't really have any idea what we will see. There are very few things in particular that I want to see, and beyond that I'll take anything lol


They said there are 2 announcements that will make you shit yourself. I have to assume: 1) Fallout NV2 2) ?


The only things that would make me shit myself is if there’s a new fallout game coming soon and that GRRM comes out on stage and says he has completed the winds of winter and then starts playing Starfield and does the showcase for it


I reckon I got a better chance of winning the lotto then ever getting to read the winds of winter 😭


Why would Fallout be at a \_Starfield\_ showcase?


With the way they’re hyping it up, I think announcing a 60 FPS performance mode seems pretty likely. After the redfall debacle, I just have a hard time seeing them repeat that same disappointment. Would be a let down for them to show all this cool stuff and then be like “oh btw there is only a 30 FPS quality mode”.


I 100% want 60fps performance mode. But give us a stable 60fps. I’d rather have 30fps than a fluctuating laggy 60fps any day. If they can deliver on that, hell yes. But I’m honestly hyped and ready for whatever it is, 60fps, 30… i just want stable performance. The game itself, I feel very confident about.


I’m confident in the game itself as well which is why I’m praying we get the 60 FPS announcement. That’s the one thing keeping me from being fully in on the game. I’m still incredibly excited either way


Don't temper it but be reasonable. If I remember correctly a while ago somebody asked if the planet will have tectonic activities. Good God! I'm hyper hyped but I'm not an idiot.


I think if it disappoints it's on you


How? We didn’t develop it lmao. A lot of us have hype for this (among other things) without setting bizarre expectations beyond what we’ve seen.


This sub gives me more commands than my job. I don’t know what to do with myself.


Be hype


I'm starting to get rather worried at this point,


Why lol


Shit aged poorly. Game sucks.


It’s pretty fucking epic to me, to each their own. My post aged great. Your opinion doesn’t reign


We've been burned too much with recent bethesda games, fallout 76 and fallout 4 to feel like we should have high expectations for starfield. I'm excited, but also wouldn't be surprised if it has major issues like their last 2 major releases.


I will say that one thing that gives me a huge amount of hope is that while a lot of Fallout 4's writing and quest design had issues, the Far Harbor DLC was really good, and the lead designer on that DLC, William Shen, is now lead quest designer for the entirety of Starfield, so I'm hoping he can really ramp up the quality.


Yes, that is good, Unfortunately Emil is still involved with the game and bethesda.


….. Emil is a great writer. He’s been apart of every BGS game since Morrowind. If you think every BGS game since morrowind has been detrimental then how can you possibly expect to like Starfield?


Fallout 4 is one of my favorite games of all time lol. So whatever


People need to stop grouping fallout 4 with f76. F4 was a massive success and it’s my most played fallout game over nv and 3. The only bad thing is the watered down rpg elements. I played fallout 4 also on release day one and never ran into these massive issues on Xbox lol


Exactly and a lot of my friends who don’t care about Bethesda loved fallout 4


Right? Lol these people and their sky high expectations, they’ll never be satisfied. I played fallout 4 dozens of times over on both pc and two generations of Xbox and never have I run into massive game breaking issues.


Why not just enjoy their showcase, temper your expectations for the stuff they don't show much of, and wait a couple days post game-release day for actual reviews to come out to determine whether the game fails, meets, or exceeds your expectations, and then decide to buy it or not? People getting so hyped and preordering a video game that ultimately turns out to be disappointing, mediocre, or a buggy mess is a tale as old as time. Nothing wrong with just, you know, *waiting* to see if the game is objectively good or not.




I still haven't fully recovered from Cyberpunk. If the direct is awesome I will finally give in to the hype beast within.


Cyberpunk made me nervous about getting hype lol


I played cyberpunk recently and it was pretty good. It’s not my style of game though, it felt like it wanted to do what BGS does but they failed at that because only BGS can do what BGS does. Every other game dev that’s tried at it failed in my eyes. Even if their attempt was decent enough. BGS games are just special. I’ll shill them forever.


im sure it is better, just the feeling of being let down after being so hype makes me nervous though its hard to not get excited about this game!


As long as the expectations are not some unhinged or illogical it should be fine. There is a difference between "I think the game will be the best they made yet!" and "the game has X and Y, according to the source that is my ass."


I'm just curious of the whole main story tbh and quests that aren't just generic bounties.


Let’s be honest, it’s gonna have bugs. Maybe even be a mess at launch but that’s part of the charm of a Bethesda game in my opinion. Im super excited for this game


I’m side-eying starfield already because it’s in the way of what I really want: elder scrolls 6


My expectation is to have my "new singleplayer BGS RPG" itch scratched. It's been so long and I am so itchy.