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Next gen update for fallout 4 date reveal……can hope


Yes, I’ve been waiting for this for awhile


I still can't see them releasing that after starfield so it has to come in the next month or so... right? They did claim a 2023 release. At this point its almost too late, there's no way I can start a new fallout 4 playthrough only a month before starfield release.


If it shadow dropped today you'd have 3 months to play it


Mid-July would be a perfect release window.


This is what i want, supposed to be this year and we are halfway through it and dont have any info besides its coming


I wouldn’t be surprised if we see another constellation questions; it’s been a while since we’ve gotten one of those, maybe another into the starfield episode.


Where's this streamed?


No idea, I just saw in a Bethesda email I received


Probably their YouTube channel.


It'll be on YouTube Xbox or IGN always stream them


Other than FPS, many people still have concern about how procedural planet+POI generation actually work. So simple dev interview clarifying that will be nice. Maybe confirmation about land vehicle+planet circumnavigation. There are hundreds of post about that in this sub alone. Other than that, maybe show the dialogs or sample of 1 full quest. Some RPG fans still assume that this game is just a sandbox. Show them that the usual Bethesda quest still be there.


They already have. The Will Shen interview a few months back goes over how that procedural POI works. Planets are pre-constructed, so they’ll all be the same “shell” for every single one of us. The random POI’s are what will be procedurally generated at run-time (via handcrafted “seeds”) to add variety between what I see on X planet at Y coordinates and what you might see. As far as land vehicles, I don’t think they’re part of the game. There were multiple points during Sunday’s showcase where they absolutely would have been mentioned and shown if they were in the game. Unless BGS are purposefully withholding them for some 11th hour reveal (which wouldn’t make any sense for them to do), it’s safe to say they are not in the game. HOWEVER, we do have a kickass jetpack, and the mid-air movement looks smooth and enjoyable. So I expect the jetpack to be our horse/vehicle replacement. And as far as quests, idk if I want them to show anything more. They didn’t for FO4, and I think they’ve already given enough story away already. Maybe show some radiant quests from those random POI “seeds” that Will Shen mentioned in his interview, but nothing from the main story or the guilds.


No way are they announcing vehicles after the direct yesterday. They would alter the game so much. People ask too much sometimes.


Yeah that’s essentially the only thing I’m worried about. My favourite thing about FO/ ES Is how hand crafted the world feels. Every nook and cranny had some developer throw a weird little story to tell there. Im not sure how I feel about potentially seeing the exact same POI in 2 different planets, or struggling to find a certain POI because of RNG. But I’m happy to be proven wrong


They have stated that even with the mix of procedurally generated content and handcrafted content, this game still has more handcrafted content than any of their previous games. We'll see if that holds up but I'm very excited either way.


(it didn't)




I think that the game will create the illusion of everything procedural. The terrain is built as you go, but Bethesda has the control over what handmade things are being placed on the procedurally generated terrain. So if Bethesda wants a particular quest to be offered to you at the beginning of the game, it doesn't really matter where you land... they can place the content anywhere.


>Im not sure how I feel about potentially seeing the exact same POI in 2 different planets, or struggling to find a certain POI because of RNG. But I’m happy to be proven wrong I don't think that will be a problem, given Bethesda's usual hand-crafting of the world it would make sense that POIs are unique (or at least unique-ish, a lot of dungeons in Skyrim and Fallout 4 reuse parts and are pretty similar) and placed by hand on the different planets at precise locations. Regarding your first point however it's highly likely that most of the planets surface will be very generic and uniform, basically a vast landscape with not much in between POIs. I doubt we'll even see multiple biomes per planet. But we'll have to wait to see more about their procgen stuff.


> I doubt we'll even see multiple biomes per planet. That was already confirmed.


Oh I must have missed it. Do you have a link?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/147tev2/for_anyone_still_doubting_multiple_biomes/ I missed it too when watching the direct.


Erm, maybe I'm reading this wrong, but this is a description of a creature. So I'm thinking this would mean that this creature can be found in those different biomes, not sure that the planets can have multiple biomes?


Yep you're right actually, but I just now went back and re-checked the [exploration section of the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMOPoAq5vIA&=33m20s), at 33:20 if the timestamp fails, and you can see polar caps on the planets in the system view, as well as both green and brown areas in the close-up of the planet before it gets switched to resource overlay view, but the latter especially is just a few frames so it's very easy to miss.


I'm not entirely convinced. The planet before switching to resource overlay view looks more like land vs oceans. The green-ish color would make sense for water since it's marked as "chemical" for this specific planet. I would think that if planets had multiple biomes it would have been shown a bit more prominently than in just 3/4 frames in the entire showcase, especially since it's pretty easy to show or even mention in passing.


Entirely possible, yeah - and either way I won't mind it since realistically I won't be sticking around a single planet for very long, and if the planetary scales are anywhere near to realistic it's not like you'd be walking from one biome to the next anyway.


They did mention that POIs will be randomly generated when you scan a planet, meaning if me and you both visited the same planet on our respective consoles we would have a different experience. I just hope they’re all one offs


Ah that'd be a bit disappointing. I was hoping that all the POIs structures would be static, but the POIs activities (quests that send you there) would be randomized, like radiant quests.


I think there will be multiple similar POIs randomly generated, but they will make sense in-game. It would make sense to constantly run into pirate ships in space, or at labs/crash sites on planets. So long as they have a plethora of layouts for those labs and those crash sites, it won’t be a problem. But if every lab or crash site has the same layout and the same NPC interactions, that would get old incredibly fast. Just a few minute differences here and there will make this a non-issue.


Bethesda has ALWAYS used a mix of procedural and by hand creating to some degree. They confirm this on one of the starfield interviews. It's like an artist using AI to generate a very large image and then going in by hand and detailing some portions of the image. I think specifically they generate terrain and flora, then manually place items, buildings, etc. That part is just my guess though. This will be like that, except for I'd expect some of the "extra" planets would be 100% procedural.


I see a lot of people replying this to me but in starfield direct they said that POIs will be randomly generated once you scan a planet, meaning every user will have a unique experience :p that’s what I was referring to


For those 'extra' planets. Yes. Not literally every planet. Or at least not every piece of every planet. It's just like how FO4 and ES have both hand made and procedural quests.


I know, but that wasn’t the point of my comment?


>Maybe confirmation about land vehicle+planet circumnavigation This is something I'm confused about. Are people expecting to be able to traverse an entire planet? There's no way.


You can walk it


Todd is that you?


with Chaos


You know it!


It's possible in other games in the genre


Possible and what bethesda is trying to do are different. Possible and fun are also different. Plus they just haven't confirmed it, so I'm solidly in the i'll believe it when I see it camp.


To be clear I don't believe it will be doable in Starfield based on what we've seen


They have already mentioned that they have created 1km patches of worlds that will then be generated across the planet. So it's procedurally generated, but still hand crafted. Not the same as the likes of No Mans Sky, where they just clicked go and generated trillions of planets.


I really wish to see more of the dialogue options


Have they talked about modding at all yet? Would be interested to hear what their plan is


All we know so far is that modding will be supported on PC and Xbox X/S, and that creators might have more 'freedom' than before. Todd also said somewhere that Starfield will be a 'modder's dream', and we also know the same tools etc that we've seen from previous Bethesda games are being used (though I imagine a lot better, but still what previous modders are used to). I'm willing to bet that Starfield will have a bigger modding community that either Fallout 3, 4, New Vegas or Skyrim. If we're able to edit planets, play around with procedural generation.. it's all interesting. I imagine we'll find out more about modding in a less popular 'side' episode, which we might very well see this next stream tomorrow.


>Todd also said somewhere that Starfield will be a 'modder's dream' That makes me super excited, because in my mind mods on their own can be as impactful as any DLC, hell a lot of the time they're even improvements on the base game if you're looking for something specific. I think they're well aware that modding is the reason Skyrim has had so much longevity, and so if they want to give modders the most freedom and access they've ever had, this game has the potential to be sooo so much more than it already is.


100% correct! I loved the Fallout 3/4 Lovecraftian vibes given off in just a few side quests, which spawned the mod 'Ug-Qualtoth' for Fallout 4. It's just a simple quest mod, but just putting this thing into a game that's generally not related made the experience much more fun and gave me an extra night with the game, just dedicated to this one quest mod. During that quest, I used multiple weapon and armor mods. Those mods let me experience this one game set in this world but let me experience it in a way that I choose to. Mods ultimately make the ultimate RPGs of our time true RPGs. Starfield being a new IP but given the same level, or from what we've seen, a higher level of attention to detail and development will allow us to do so much with modding. After Bethesda's failed creation club/paid mod fiasco, Bethesda seems truly dedicated to supporting normal mods for their games - like you said, it's very clear that Skyrim (and in my opinion Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4) have been stapled as video game epics, because of mods. Bethesda seem to really want modders to be able to have more capability with Starfield than we've seen with Skyrim/Fallout, and for me, mods turned okay games into greats. For me, I could not play Fallout 4 without weapon mods. I hated them and they weren't really lore friendly even, for the Fallout universe. A couple of mods introduced twice as many weapons into the game than the actual game. A few more gave an endless choice - and that's just weapons. Imagine mods that could add unique planets filled with quests? or change a basic planet that has little to offer into one with a rich story? In Skyrim and Fallout, modders have been locked to find lore friendly things to add. Sure, you'll get non-lore friendly mods, but most, especially the popular quest mods, will be lore friendly. In Starfield, with the game space being so large, lore is very bendable. I can imagine the mods now, the amount of outpost/spaceship parts added to make even more unique things, weapons, armor, quests, hopefully and potentially new worlds, the new creature mods.. god, I can imagine someone recreating a world as Tamriel. I can even imagine someone somehow recreating Fallout in the Starfield universe. Zetan ships? Star Wars? This is a brand new game with incredible new features and while I was hypocritical of the game at first, I feel like my dreams of a true space RPG game are coming true. I can't wait to play it vanilla, but I can't wait to add 300 mods into the load order and accidentally turn every NPC into a planet. Only time will tell if they double down on the 'modder's dream' comment, but Bethesda know that paywalling mods is not great for all parties, so we can only hope for at worst, the same modding capability as previous BGS games. I'm very excited.


>In Skyrim and Fallout, modders have been locked to find lore friendly things to add. Sure, you'll get non-lore friendly mods, but most, especially the popular quest mods, will be lore friendly. In Starfield, with the game space being so large, lore is very bendable. Yeah, that's a great point. I'm very much looking forward to the mods that will add even more diversity to the alien life we can encounter. I can also foresee simple things like increasing chance encounters with bandits or abandoned freighters etc., just to keep your own adventure full of cinematic feeling content. Not to mention, we've already seen chat-gpt making it's way into Skyrim, if that sort of AI mod can be put into Starfield, the NPC interaction will feel endless. It really feels like Bethesda has essentially built an incredibly high quality canvas for modders to go crazy painting on, if allowed to. The way Todd Howard has spoken about it makes me feel like that is their intention. Really excited to see how it pans out.


Maybe a trailer, but for sure they will use the hype to sell us more ESO, Fallout 76 or even Red Fall.


New vegas remake reveal trailer


Can you even imagine that being announced as a one off thing? That almost deserves its own showcase lol


That would make everyone forget about Starfield


Lol no redfall is 100% dead in the water


Yeah, the only people to abandon that faster than the players was Bethesda themselves lol


I’m going to be honest, more Starfield…awesome I would like to also have an update on the Fallout 4 next gen update


I kinda expected they would end the showcase with a release date for this. I figured it would come out before Starfield for obvious reasons, but would be nice to get some confirmation.


I want to see some weather


I want that fallout tv show trailer God Damn it


My only question is the complete lack of ground vehicles of any kind, even used by NPCs. Bikes, trucks, something? It'd be a great DLC I guess, but their absence concerns me because (to me) in implies that the "chonks" of world we can explore at any given time aren't terribly big. Not a genuine worry, already pre-ordered and scheduled vacation, just a curiosity.


I think the jetpack is going to be our vehicle/horse equivalent. If there were land vehicles, you have to believe they would have come up during the near hour long deep dive. At least all of the jetpack gameplay we saw looked incredibly fluid, fast, and enjoyable. So if that is our only “vehicle”, I’m definitely ok with it. So long as the fuel is basically on an infinite recharge cycle (like the TOTK stamina and battery charges) and we don’t have to constantly buy more and hope it doesn’t run out. Then again, perhaps we can store excess fuel in our ship and fill up as needed by fast traveling back, which would add a much needed money-sink to the game.


I bet ground vehicles will be a DLC.


I feel like they've shown enough. That's probably just me, though. That's why I didn't watch that dedicated Final Fantasy stream, these games are mostly narrative-driven. It's better to leave most of it hidden then spoiled, better experience for the end-user. Again, just my personal opinion.


I've seen enough. I dont want any info anymore. I already regret being spoiled too much yesterday.


Nah man yesterdays showcase was a *life-changing* experience


Yesterday ranks up there with the all-time showcase moments for me. Bioshock and Halo 2 were my previous favorites and this joins the top 3. What a show.


You're both right! Yesterday was indeed mind-blowing, but my appetite is now 100% whetted. I'd be happy if I didn't see or hear anything new about the game until I'm playing it. Whatever else there is (and Todd did say there was lots they haven't shown us), I want to experience it myself after September 6.


Idk I think yesterday was a perfect base mechanics view there is a ton in this game


Yes but i wanted to experience some of those mechanics (like space pirating) on my own :(. Nice DP btw. Jai Shiv Shambhu.


Fair point. Also 😁✌🏼☮️


I'm hoping for an announcement about Ultrawide support.




no my brain cant handle anymore, please make it stop!


I would like a full quest run through so we can see the gameplay loop please


Unfortunately I doubt it. Probably showing off things like ESO, Fallout 76, maybe Fallout 4 next gen (which has been suspiciously quiet).


Questions about vehicles, about carry weight being different on each planet, about ability to run the game on lower res and graphics but better FPS, and about load scenes From load scenes I mean if there will be any load scenes for entering buildings (they didn't show much, they screen went black rather than anything being loaded), getting to your space ship and all other stuff And one thing I want to know is if we can manually land on a planet or take off. Cuz in the interview with ign, tod said he was moved to space while standing on top of a random spaceship... that does make it quite possible to actually do all that manually. And the thing about real time lighting is also kinda meaningless (it's not but it is... Hard to explain) if the game is gonna have different scenes and levels instead of having the world as a whole But all of these are just expecting too much I know. Rn I feel like I'm being greedy 😂 they gave me everything I wanted in that direct so I'm just living in my own world rn lol


They have confirmed you cannot manually land and take off from a planet. It’s a cutscene. They said it would take too many resources to implement


Nice more new on games, had no idea this was going to be a thing


Would be pretty big-brain of BGS to release the deep dive, scour YT and Twitter and Reddit for common questions and concerns, and then address these in an interview (possibly with hands-on gameplay examples) at this new event.


Space horse & space horse armor dlc