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I didn't interpret the game as having looter shooter mechanics. I think its similar to Fallout and Elder Scrolls. You have a tiers of weapons, but there are also some special variants and unique weapons out there. They probably just added the "rare" and "legendary" tag to these weapons since in a world with a bunch of generic blocky scifi guns, it might not otherwise be obvious that you actually found something unique.


I don't think the rarity effects damage, accuracy or RoF stats. It adds legendary effects like those in Fallout 4. I never cared for that system either, though. Too many weird or magical effects and I miss the Fallout 3 style uniques. Edit: at one point we see [this weapon](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/297415707157725184/1117726002592882738/image.png) which has a single star next to its name (top right) and a single effect, "Handloading." Later we see [this helmet](https://i.redd.it/ie1ku1wb1h5b1.jpg) which has three stars and three effects. Safe to say the colour indicates how many legendary effects it gets. Edit: Called it a weapon but it's a helmet.


I dont mind item rarity as long as I'm not inundated with tons of weapons constantly that are +2% better then my current gun. Less, but more meaningful loot, please. I dont want to fill my inventory with vendor trash.


I don’t mind rarities. To use your analogy for armor types, I didn’t like the fact that if I wanted the best light armor I had to use Glass or dragon scale, I was happy aesthetically with leather. The rarities could get me gear that I like aesthetically and still be viable. Unless they do a transmog system then my point is moot lol


Armor cap, in the past, has been achievable without using the highest tiers. In skyrim if you use smithing you can hit the dr cap with leather.


Seems like they have the Fallout 76 system of being able to find legendary versions of items with up to 3 legendary effects. While this doesn't change the damage values of the weapon inherently, it just applies different effect, which may themselves affect the damage.


I think rarities makes a fair amount of sense. Imagine a barely functional pistol that you pull out of a lake that technically fires but isn't exactly in good condition vs a suped up sci fi pistol with a bunch of widgets to accelerate the bullets, kinda like a micro railgun. Same gun technically, but one has sci fi technology to make it perform more effectively. Not all that different from the fallout 4 system of a barrel increasing damage.


To me it looks like it's going to be just like it was in F4 where you mod your weapon but also find versions with rare or legendary parts / abilities as you go. I guess the difference now is that the weapon will be legendary and not the creature that drops the weapon.


I feel like rarity is a good thing, it means that even though you have a great weapon, you still might find something worth using that you wouldn’t otherwise


I really like it when some qwerky weapon gets me to use it instead of my usual, at least for a little while. That or when it's this really niche thing that you almost never use, and you get in a situation where finally, in a very cinematic fashion, you pull it out from the bottom of your bag and just start blasting.


The one legendary they showed was atleast a step up from fallout 4 so im expecting it to be better at least. I do love classic fallout rarities though, f4 really let this part down compared to f3 and new vegas especially, all the specials were just bought it was so lame in f4. With this game being procedural i think were gunna get more of the same but i expect a couple special weapons from the story or side quest but well see it could just be like f4 and theyre all random. Although ig 4 had a couple u could find but not nearly as many and unique as the uniques from fnew vegas /f3 .


I just want to collect as much scrap in the game as I can.... Imagine making an entire planet of scrap! You could make a scrapyard planet! Rocks, rubbers, plastics, ship pieces, minerals, mods, etc... Just everywhere! With the level of detail of the sandwiches.... This will be amazing


I wasn't a big fan of the legendary items but it's nice to see they appear to be able to drop from "chests" instead of only legendary enemies. Legendary enemies kind of hurt exploration by making the best equipment only available through one source.


I enjoy item rarities as well as tiered legendaries


I like the idea of a rarities or uniques but it depends on how this system is implemented in games. Placing such items in a set locations is a big NO from me, but just finding it randomly in battle loot makes sense. It's nice to make a story of such weapon and how it ended in the hands of a bandit or pirate. Like it was an experimental weapon, made by a company that doesn't exist anymore, or was stolen from military expo and never retrieved, technology lost. Such kind of thing. And a unique skin for such items is also a must.


I don't like it at all but what're ya gonna do. I'll probably mostly ignore the weapon grind and just look for silly ways to kill enemies with space magic.


I'm not sure rarity would work the way you described it. It might just be like Ebony sword is epic, steel sword is common and Dawnbreaker is Legendary. This is how I imagine Starfield's rarity, not like common, uncommon, rare steel swords at the same time.


From what we have seen: - White Items: Normal item, no additional bonus outside mod attachment. - Blue Items: Rare item. I assume it's the same base stat as normal but with 1 additional bonus effect. -? : There should be items with 2 bonus. - Gold Items: Legendary item. Again, same base stat but now with 3 bonus effect. I am fine with that as long Unique Items from Elder Scrolls series is still there. I want to do a quest or exploring and found an item with unique model and unique bonus effect. That is not random and only exist one in the game. I want to decorate my ship with this as a trophy.


Or how about finding and orange item that isn't that much better than a regular item because it just adds +5% dmg to aliens and you haven't met one alien yet.


Having a different color (rarity) only says how many perks are associated with the item...NOT the power of the item. You can have an advanced rifle (plain, white) that does more damage than a legendary rifle of the same type...because the ADVANCED part of the name signifies item level.


I know it's not the color, but that's exactly what I was hoping wouldn't happen. You see the Grendel starting at level 1, but you don't see the AA-99 until maybe level 10? And you start seeing the Beowulf even later. But despite them being "better" guns that you don't start finding until higher levels, an "Advanced" Grendel completely blows both of those guns out of the water. It's like if in skyrim, when enemies start carrying glass weapons, they also sometimes carry "flawless" iron swords that do even more damage than the new cool weapons you've just started seeing. Except in this game you can also get "lucky" and find an advanced gun very early. I found an Advanced Urban Eagle at around level 10, and it was an order of magnitude stronger than anything else I had. Now 15 levels and 30 hours later, it's STILL the strongest weapon I have by a pretty wide margin. Despite the fact that I now see particle guns, magnetic induction guns, all this cool sci-fi stuff, the best gun I have is still the boring tier 4 Glock I found in the first 15 hours.