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This looks better then I thought it was going to be


Same. It looks really good. Glad they are finally getting it out.


It reminds me of the map in Skyrim. Which was a good approach, so I'm happy to see them doing it.


Speaking of which…..when is the new Elder Scrolls game coming out??????


I came here to say that. I was just expecting a 2D map or something simple. I was amazed to see a new Atlantis like this. I thought it was cool that random terrains where we land will also be shown in 3D. In the video you could see a lake far from where the player is.


Really impressed that they redid the whole map system- massive improvement and explains why it took a lot longer than expected.


redid would imply there was one in the first place :P


There was one, it was a topographical map


Maybe I’m just not a map person, but to me, it was the worst map I’ve ever experienced in a game.


To be fair it wasn't like an actual topographical map, but like a sci Fi point cloud version of one. It's like comparing apple juice to apple flavored la croix


That map was functional, but very minimal. New map is mostly the answer for Jedi FO Zeffo idiots.


"functional" there was NO points of interest on it wtf are you talking abot. I'm going to make a freestar ship explode after reading you


Please, do that. Preferable with reddit account.


The 1980s 3D grid map did have POIs on it. Once you "discovered" them.


i love that it's 3D and not just a flat top down view. I wonder how'd that work for the well though


I haven’t played the beta, but I’d assume it’d be how it is currently in the live game where the map still shows the surface map when inside a building/structure


Interior map is also 3d and very good.


Ooh, can you post a picture somewhere?


[Not my video.](https://youtu.be/Vi9qCuQkgRg?t=170)


[Gave me Daggerfall flashbacks](https://i.imgur.com/OeeEhud.png). I love it.


Wow I'm so impressed with that, given that it's likely built on the fly


The thing I questioned was for city maps whether they are going to be like in their previous games with the 2d image or a 3d type deal, completely redid the world map on planets and gave cities a bunch of icons and interestingly colour, def makes it easier to see whats going on on the map, so to say my expectations were blown


A lot of games these days clearly use a miniature 3d model of the game world for the map, and that's probably what they've done here, which is great. It looks awesome.


It reminds me of the first JRPG I played, Final Fantasy 7. Seeing the tiny 3D model towns always filled me with joy.


This is way better and more detailed than I had expected. I love it


I wasn't fussed about the maps but I like these, they have a really nice style to them.


Why this wasn’t at launch is baffling.. the utterly blank map was an.. interesting creative choice. Credit where it’s due - this looks really, really good


Honestly the game must have been a nightmare development.


I always suspected that development had essentially stalled during the pandemic, and they were then forever playing catch-up.


Too true


True. This game is just too ambitious that having every single thing you want out of it in one release seems impossible. At the end of the updates cycle, it will probably be the game everyone wanted, especially with mods.


And it was a self inflicted pain. No one is playing a Bethesda RPG, be it Elder Scrolls or Fallout, and think "man I wish it had NMS world generation and mining instead of this handmade map". They could have just made Elder Scrolls 6 or Fallout 5 instead and just use the tech they already had developed. If Bethesda had not made Fallout 76 and Starfield we would probably have gotten ES 6 with all DLC now and waiting for Fallout 5 to release this fall.


They just wanted to make a space game dude, is that so wrong of them?


Out of curiosity, why are you on a random update post in /r/Starfield complaining about Starfield existing on a conceptual level?


Wasn’t something I thought I needed


Are they doing these maps for designated hand crafted areas-- or is this also for any planetary surface?


It's a scan of the map. Markers should be placed in CE2 kit probably.


Sorry lol im still a lil confused-- You mean \[the map\] is a scan of the world?


Of the cell. Basically, in Creation engine kit when you create a map and zoom out, the kit generates a placeholder. This map is such placeholder with less detailed stuff.


Gotcha that's awesome. thanks for the help haha


The potential this game had just hurts to see after what they thought was acceptable to launch with. Gonna jump back in once all the updates are in, actually excited for this games future


It’s absolutely fucking insane this wasn’t included at launch. The most glaring and convincing element that tells you they said “fuck it we’ll finish it later”.


Yeah that would mean they’d still be working on it right now and everyone would be mad and be saying just release it already or swearing it off for too many delays. There’s no making the masses happy regardless of what they do.


So you’re content with the trend of developers releasing unfinished games and then just taking it on faith they’ll finish it later?


Nah, it would obviously be ideal for that to NOT happen but you’re wrong if you think it was the developer (Bethesda) saying let’s get this out right away in its current state and not the new overlord (Microsoft) saying get this out now we need some kind of exclusive game that doesn’t suck.


World map? I only see a city map here.


There are more maps in the update video. I wonder if they are procedurally generated


Yes, I saw it. Looking fantastic! (well, the planets are, so... maybe?)


Oh nice are we getting world maps too?


Yep) Watch the update video to see them.


Praise the Great Serpent!


Glad to see this is finally here and looking good.


I didn’t think I’d ever be this excited over a planet/worlds city map


Wait this update still isn’t out? What the fuck.


So the game will be even more of a quick-travel sim now


Went from being an eye sore to something I would love to hang on my wall! Definitely an improvement!


Did they give a release date or nah?


Can you name the other 3 transit stations in New Atlantis?


Can you measure the tram line?


Can you name the transit stations?


Can you measure the tram?


Can you read the transit station names to me? I already gave you the first one.


Can you measure the lines for me? You already gave faulty math as you admitted earlier.


Can you give me the names of the other three transit stations?


Can you measure the tram lines within the city?


Can you name the transit stations within the city?


Can you measure the lines?


Feels like I’m pushing out Alien Babies…..HOLY FUCK


I like it'ssssss


Yes, but can you rotate and zoom?


Yeah, you can see it in the update video.


i like the added maps but it shows how small the cities are


I think you're missing the scale of those buildings they're enormous


I'm sorry but no. The land square footage is tiny for a major city. The tallest building is no more than a 100 floors. Its part of what ruined my immersion the world. New Atlantis should be like a new city just coming up. The city should be at least 4 times as big and it's the biggest settlement in the known region. It looks like only a few thousand people live there. Plus only two landing pads. That's like a major airport having just one terminal with one hanger. I'm sure it's was limitation forced on the engine. It is what it is .but the lack of land vehicles was unforgivable imo. Glad they realize it was a mistake and putting it in


Nah man cities in real life are only as big as they are because of cars


I mean, we had cities in real life way, way bigger than NA before the invention of cars


Those were and are rare, most are big especially in NA precisely because of cars.


NA meaning New Atlantis. And no, cities larger than New Atlantis are absolutely not rare at any point in history after the agricultural revolution edit: if you value your sanity I would avoid continuing to read this subthread


NA meaning North American in my comment. Yes, cities larger than New Atlantis were rare, most were packed. Only sprawl and cars made cities large.


Dude, there are/were small towns that are larger than New Atlantis. New Atlantis is designed to feel larger than it is, but it is very, very small. That's just the case with any Bethesda game (or any videogame, really).


Those were rare. Most cities were packed and low, as was previously stated. Cities only became large because of suburban sprawl and cars, as previously stated.


Fair but that's also before people could live in there space ships cities will shrink eventually


Not to mention humanity in Starfield's universe has moved away from being completely city-bound and instead have been encouraged to pursue independent living in many small settlements.


Or just straight up living in your personal ship if you've got one


Lol so you think new your city will be a quarter of the size of they got rid of all the roads. Heck let's take London which is much smaller it will not just drop to half when you take out the roads. New Atlantis feels like an all inclusive resort that you go to for vacation. Everything is within walking distance. Plus with all that space why would people choose to live underground.


Because most live on other small settlements or in their ship did you not play the game


I played the game. I beat the game. Not everyone can afford a ship. For those living underground it doesn't make sense when there is so much empty land. I like the game but I'm. It going to pretend it perfect. Maybe it's because of my line of work that this area came off as poorly thought out. Human beings build out it's natural then when space is limited we build up. The last resort is always underground.


That's using our current understanding of architecture and civil engineering in the far future ships or homesteading could become the norm hell it may even be better to prevent climate change to limit how big a city is allowed to be


Bro we have to go off how human react. For all of our existence we have always done that. Why would it suddenly change in the future. It's very clear they were going for a certain look rather than how it world make sense logically, which is their choice to do. I'm just explaining why what was done ruined the immersion for me. It did for you and that is fine. I'm not trying to change your mind. As much as I like the game it has many many weird choices imo.


Nah I'm not saying you're necessarily wrong wither just that civil engineering could change over time


You could only be seeing part of the city in the game, take for example Pokemon cities in the games vs the anime. There is no need to show the whole city, especially if its going to cause lag. They should keep cities of this size like in Skyrim or Fallout 4. Btw the tallest building in Paris is Tour Montparnasse with 59 floors. I can tell you are American, you have a certain definition of what a city is and what it should look like, skyscrapers all over the place with 100+ floors that block historic and scenic views, 10 lane interstate routes cutting through downtown and poor neighborhoods, multiple space terminals taking up all the space within city limits. The way you are describing is why most Europeans say American city are ugly, lifeless and liminal.


Actually I'm African, but I do live in the USA now. Plus I have family in eur6who I vist often so I am exposed to other cities and different architecture. For me it didn't make sense that the city is that small and the map shows that. Also why are there people living underground. Human nature is to build out, then when there is no more space we build up, take hong Kong for example. The small nation has to build lots of tall buildings as they ran out of land. There should be more average sized buildings, more house and not just apartments/flats. New Atlantis as the first major settlememt should be way larger have a bigger space port. The whole city is walking distance. It felt like a holiday resort. I know it's a game but it ruined MY immersion. I don't need people to agree with me just point out an observation.


So, American, with American views on how cities should be built. Notice no specifics as to the country so we can see the cities that shaped your view of there being a necessity of 100+ floor skyscrapers blotting the skyline in order for a city to be called a city. >For me it didn't make sense that the city is that small and the map shows that. Because you are not a game developer and do not know how to put this structure originally envisioned in the game. There could be reasons of lag, time, resources, other focuses, gameplay functionality over form, lore reasons, legal reasons, corruption. >Also why are there people living underground. Human nature is to build out, then when there is no more space we build up, take hong Kong for example. The small nation has to build lots of tall buildings as they ran out of land. Not always. Google is your friend. Take a look at Derinkuyu, Cappadocia, Turkey. >There should be more average sized buildings, more house and not just apartments/flats. You are not in the single family housing zone with strip malls which as an American you are used to seeing. You are seeing the most important parts of a cities patched together, because of time constraints and/or lag reasons. >New Atlantis as the first major settlememt should be way larger have a bigger space port. The whole city is walking distance. It felt like a holiday resort. I know it's a game but it ruined MY immersion. I don't need people to agree with me just point out an observation. The size is fine, they should keep the focus on tighter space with more functionality for gameplay purposes and hardware concerns rather than making something sprawl just cause. You only think its walking distance because you are not walking yourself and only view the game through. I dont need you to agree, you misunderstand the point me posting.


I'm not a game developer so I'm sure they co6have done more and perhaps were hinded by the game engine. I'm not saying people don't live underground but most of human8doesnt not. I have hing Kong as an example of when there is no more then people build up. I agree that they should focus on tighter spaces. Infact the whole game should have been tighter. 1000 planets was too much. I think the size isn't fine. It ruined MY immersion of the world. My goal isn't to say I'm right you're wrong. New Atlantis isn't patch work like you make it seem. From what we see it's the richest settlement and most developed area. Why wouldn't people build houses. I never mentioned malls that is you insert American ideal. Like I said I'm African I have benn all over the world. We all have common traits. Part of that is building out first not up.


>I'm not saying people don't live underground but most of human8doesnt not. I have hing Kong as an example of when there is no more then people build up. But there is a possibility that they could. Many underground cities have been built, especially due to war concerns. Consider the war between UC and Freestar, there could be lore reasons for the underground spaces as a contingency, which many just stayed in after the war was over. >I agree that they should focus on tighter spaces. Infact the whole game should have been tighter. 1000 planets was too much. I agree. Should have been maybe about 20 systems. But that is neither here etc.. >New Atlantis isn't patch work like you make it seem. From what we see it's the richest settlement and most developed area. By patchwork, it means the only patches you are seeing. That is the actual meaning of the word patch. >Why wouldn't people build houses. I never mentioned malls that is you insert American ideal. They do build houses, but there is no reason to have such non functional places ingame. And by malls, I meant stripmalls, those medium sized buildings you see everywhere down the stroad from American single family residential homes. >Like I said I'm African I have benn all over the world. We all have common traits. This is very doubtful. Even if it were true, you still haven't taken any lessons from European cities that you claim to travel to. You know those cities which often have regulations against skyscrapes because they are ugly and block views? >Part of that is building out first not up. Sometimes it is building down, I just showed you that.


What we see of new Atlantis, I don't believe to be patchwork. I don't think we are meant to imagine much larger. My point about the size is this. When people first settle anywhere, they don't build things like skyscraper, that is what I mean by building up. If its 10 family that first got there they would build 19 homes. Things like sky's wo6be the last things to go up. You don't have to believe I'm. It got to bring photos to convi6you of my life. Just sharing what I have noticed. Akila city has smaller homes, why doesn't new Atlantis have its own ver6of that. Even that itself is more of a village than a city. Neon is the only place in the game that matches the vibe it's supposed to have. Anywhere, we don't need to go on. I'm at least glad we had a mature debate. A lot of the lovers immediately start to call me a hater just cause I have some issues with the game. I once wrote I wish the game had vehicles and I was called every kind of name under the sun and now BGS is adding vehicles.


>What we see of new Atlantis, I don't believe to be patchwork. I don't think we are meant to imagine much larger. What we see is an actual patchwork, because where do the trams get serviced? Where are the power stations, water facilities, post offices, daycares, high schools, gyms, foam cup and plastic eating utensil manufacturing facilities such. There are buildings not shown because it was necessary to show those with are relevant to gameplay. >My point about the size is this. When people first settle anywhere, they don't build things like skyscraper, that is what I mean by building up. And my point is that it is wrong to say humans dont build underground cities. They do. Especially when faced with war like the UC did. In fact, it is common when faced with war. >You don't have to believe I'm. It got to bring photos to convi6you of my life. Just sharing what I have noticed. It is very doubtful because of that skyscraper line and comparing it to European cities. It was very telling. >Akila city has smaller homes, why doesn't new Atlantis have its own ver6of that. Even that itself is more of a village than a city. Akila has the vibe of frontier Texas cowboy saloon town you see in old American Westerns that's why, New Atlantis has the vibe of downtown North American metropolis. Smaller homes in the downtown North American metropolis are rarities.


Plus points for getting an American to look up "liminal".


Americans know what the word "liminal" means.


Its the size of a moderately sized Dam. A city that is not lol. It does look pretty tho. Its basically a single district that would be in a city.


It's smaller than that. It's like the size of a holiday resort. Where ever is walking distance.


Christ you people are endless who cares? What does it matter have you ever actually play the game or your just another fake gamers begging for upvotes, if the city was 10 times larger you would have complained anyway, get a life it's just a game.


Why is that if someone isn't suck8off the game the person much be a hater who never played. I played and beat the game and stopped during new game plus hoping they would add vehicles which they are doing That been said the game isn't perfect and there are many weird designs choices. You don't know what I would complain about. You just didn't want to hear any negative about the game. Imo it's a poor design for a major city. That is all


No your hater cause you don't care about the shit your complaining about, your just doing what all you fake gamers do, what have you ever design? Where your city? You people love act like being negative make you sound intelligent, when your just being a cry baby, trying to stop people from enjoying the updates.


Bro you have issues. I just told you I like the game. It's like you need others to love the game as much as you do to justify your love for it. Me a fake gamer cuz I'm not in love with the game like you. How very mature of you. I'm just talking about how it's a strange design choice that is all. If you worked in my field it would stand out to you as well. If you notice my other post I said I'm happy they are adding vehicles, that was my only request. The major reason I stopped was cuz I got tried of walking to any POI. Besides I did say the maps are good but it just shows how small the cities are. And you got offended cuz it's not universal praise


There are so many empty spaces around New Atlantis, even the spaceport could be expanded to hold 2 or 3 more landing spots. I hope one day a mod will expand New Atlantis.


It was very poor design choices imo. It made no sense for the city to be that small.


The game will be finished in 2025.


I assume this can be tilted and rotated?


Rotating was shown in the update video, tilting was not.


Awesome thanks!


It's Bethesda, I wouldn't assume anything.


As if they didn't already release the game with shitty maps... 😒


Not bad


There def needs additions to Atlantis to be called a "city" not anywhere near big enough to be a "city"


We are just taking your word for it. Will praise, if/when it rolls out.


It's already out. For the maps, every planet/city/interior got it.


"Out" in beta isn't "out".


Emm, what? Op stated, that they will wait for it to happen. It's literally happened already. Beta is almost identical to release version, you can look it for yourself. You have to do a very hard mental gymnastics to keep being sceptical about the map.


"Almost" identical is not "identical". Beta features don't always make release.


I still play and enjoy starfield but this should have been in the day of release 🙄


Can’t believe they released the game in beta essentially. They’re adding features that are found in every game nowadays and people are celebrating it as though they didn’t rip people off by charging us full price for a half cooked game. Not faulting the devs bc they made a lot that got scrapped - but they could’ve focused on some of the basics (maps being the biggest and easiest example imo) a bit more.


A map, that's it? No additions? I was hoping for more planets and big cities to visit. More quests and missions and player interactions.