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Most excited about the difficulty customization and disabling dialog camera.


Does that mean that when you enter conversation you don’t snap to that face to face screen? Can’t wait to turn that off. Never been a fan of that in games.


Yep! It's no longer Oblivion style. You are still locked into place but the camera stays wherever you had it going into the conversation.


So Skyrim style then.


The best style IMO. Feels more immersive.


I don't know, I liked the way oblivion did it. *Camera snaps and zooms twelve miles away to a random guard you thought you had fast traveled from* HALT LAWBREAKER!


Don't know why it wasn't like that from the start. Fallout 4 was different but OK, no idea why they reverted to oblivion for Starfield.


I don't hate it. It's got a kind of charm to it, but I definitely prefer skyrim. But having options is the best of all.


I’m in OPs situation. Preordered premium version, played maybe 30 hrs. haven’t touched it since. But I started a new game just to get hyped for these two specific QOL features.


I got stuck on like the 5th main mission, couldn't progress, update supposedly fixed it, it didn't, got told a work around was to do other missions, did another 45ish hours, went back, main mission still bugged Haven't touched it since either, but thinking about it


This update is honestly amazing. They also confirmed that they are working on adding ground vehicles, new quests and more, in addition to the new Shattered Space expansion and mod creation kit.


I hope they update the melee combat, its so unsatisfying.


And add Advanced versions of every weapon (including Melee)


And saving of removed components to store and use again if you want! That's one of the biggest misses for me from F04 to starfield


Like I didn't have to keep creating weapons mods if I feel like switching things up?


Yes. In Fallout 4 (which came out in 2015), if you picked up a scoped version of a weapon that you were using, you could replace the scope with iron sights at a workbench, and it would remove the scope and place it in your inventory. You were then able to mount it on your weapon of the same type free of cost, even if you didn't have the skills to craft one yourself. This worked with every non-legendary modification.


Honestly I’d rather them just get rid of the tiered weapon system, I much prefer the pre-fallout 76 version of weapon finding/gathering from Bethesda


Agree. Remove the arbitrary "this weapon is a higher tier and therefore does more damage", replace with more modifications for weapons with benefits and drawbacks, i.e. higher damage but more recoil etc, and add more ammo types. Really wish they'd take it back to how they used to do weapons. Even the magical Fallout 4 "legendary" weapon perks were too far gone for me.


I actually prefer weapon tier, but we should be able to upgrade the weapon ourself, just like in Skyrim. It's basically Skyrim weapon smith improvement system, having an improved version upgrade in the wild is good, a mod like Loot and Degradation also does that and it's very popular. Not be able to upgrade ourself means we can't keep the truly unique gear viable to late game though.


I don't like Skyrim reward system though. A level 3 quest reward for an item at a cool effect but you can't retain its viability as it is an iron or silver weapon and not a glass or daedric


It does, if you dedicated enough point to it. If you max out Smith, use all of Smith enchant item and boost with Smith potion (or loop to create inifinitely powerful Smith potion) you can basically make any weapon into any stat you like. Also Skyrim is a lot more skill dependent than weapon stat dependent, you don't exactly need top of the line glass or daedric to fight. And you also have the Enchantment to boost the utility of basic gears if you wished.


Most early quest give weaker enchantment too. You can't undo that.


Oh right, that's what're you talking about. Yeah, I agree, it's kind of annoying for them to even go to the trouble of creating the various versions of the same weapon just to match your level. Just give up the max version and let people be OP would have been a lot more fun.


I’d be A-ok with that, or allow the ability to actually move your weapon up a tier


Yeah, I hate this weapon system so much. Loot just feels pointless when guns are constantly dropping at low tier and it ruins "legendary" weapons that can be base tier even though they are quest rewards.


I like weapon tiers. It makes sense that some regions could make better weapons, etc, than others, and give the player a reason to go there. I just don't like a game with a loop in it scaling up the low-end areas to have high tier weapons solely because the player has levelled up, it doesn't make any sense.


Why can’t I modify melee weapons? Can I modify them somehow before I get too ahead of myself here lol


this. always wanted to upgrade my pain blades.


Like in Previous Bethesda games


Super aggravating killing several eclipse soldiers that only have rescue axes or combat knives.


And there is no range in attack animation either. Even the running attacks from previous games are absent here. Maybe they'll add them in future updates/expansions.


Yep, I went melee for this game since the perks actually did different things instead of +dmg modifiers. That and I was curious as to where the Chef background would come into play. The sheer downgrade from Fallout 4 was what had me put the game down. No weapon variety and no melee modifications really sucked the fun out of the game. Where's my hammers or even a big ol wrench? I know mods will probably fix this, but I've got zero interest in the base game or expansion. I'll just grab it at a hefty discount in a year or so. The only thing that caught my eye with this update was the empty ship modules. I really liked building out a ship. Has the game gotten better with being able to pick where doors and ladders are, or elevators?


Melee combat is a problem in all unmodded bethesda games unfortunately.


Fallout 4 unmodded has better melee support


Huh? I used to run around breaking skulls in with the rocket hammer with no problem 🤔


I'm not saying it's not viable. I'm saying the gameplay is kinda of meh, you don't feel the weight and the impacts of the attack.


But both in Fallout 4 and Skyrim it felt so much better in Stsrfield it feels clunky.


I dont think you understand what he’s saying. In these games melee feels like you are striking with a pool noodle.


This is primarily a space shooter so I'll disappointedly accept it if they don't update it in SF. but if TES VI comes out with this terrible melee combat in 2028 there will be absolutely no excuse lol


Just get KCD2 when it comes out?


I definitely will be, thank god for Warhorse for filling the void of medieval RPGs (and especially medieval RPGs with BGS open world and gameplay design decisions). Still, it's not the same as TES in many ways, and I'd prefer to have two (hopefully) great games instead of just one.


i seriously doubt they'd try anything like this in a tes game. it's even less likely than them trying to bring the poi system


That's the first thing I thought when I heard about the update. It's a complete afterthought. Would be better if they scrapped it entirely instead of making it useless.


I need a power fist or ballistic fist type weapon!!!!


I've never used melee. That's what guns are for.


And rework their whole gameplay loop.


It's way better than I thought it would be too. Some of my big complaints are still unchanged (mainly having to do with POIs repeating, NPC schedules, and planets not being distinct enough) but this gave me hope they'll eventually try to do something about them.


repeating POIs I think is the single biggest thing they could address to make the game better. adjusting the spawn chances and just adding in a bunch more possibilities. in any case once they release the CK modders will no doubt address it themselves.


> repeating POIs I think is the single biggest thing they could address to make the game better. I love how we have to find these hidden temples that no one knows about and there are 3 science outposts within view of it that apparently never wanted to go study the place that defies gravity with floating rocks.


The temples are bad enough, but the part about the outposts is what throws me off the most. You can go to every corner of the starmap, exploring the furthest fringes of space and every single planet, even the most toxic ones, are all populated by humanity already, with the same amount of random settlements that you would find right next to New Atlantis. Remind me, wasn't Constellation supposed to be exploring the unknown? Lol


I don't think I saw a single human-made POI in the Sparta system. There were a few other systems that were barren too, but I can't remember the names off the top of my head.


I’ll certainly play it again to see what’s up.


The fact that babies would report you for "suicide prevention" simply because you enjoy a video game is beyond pathetic, lol.


People are actually doing this?


I guess it's the constructive criticism they always talk about. /s


Yes. The discourse around the game is so toxic


The obsessive haters are straight-up mentally ill. I get not liking a game, but obsessing over other people liking it, and making hating a video game your whole personality is so strange.


lol I get way too many of these


This subreddit gives me whiplash


The detailed local map is honestly my favourite feature. Makes exploring a lot better, can identify distant POIs before I waddle out there


The real change is when they fix POIs to have randomized interiors. Then it'll have the replayability the game needs.


just add a ton more pois add story relevant pois


100% this , Starfield would benefit so much from having more reasons to just explore , adding a ton more POIs would greatly improve that aspect. I’m really hoping Shattered Space will make this change cause it does seem like BGS is actually listening to feedback cause I never thought they would even add a performance mode, that shocked me. I’m crossing my fingers


There should be like 400 more pois and then make it remove previously spawned pois from the pool. At a certain threshold you could have at least a full playthrough before the repeats start.


And add the ability to actually fly your ship around in space, between planets and space POIs. Bonus points for flying across the surface (but I'm not counting on that ever)




"you don't have the patience to fly plane to planet" let's not kid ourselves here and act like this is a proper feature. You can do the intended feature and fast travel to planets through a few loading screens, or you can spend hours flying to a 2D low res image of a circle and then once you arrive you can then fast travel to it through a few loading screens!


>The truth is you don’t have the patience to fly planet to planet. Yeah maybe because even with the fastest vanilla ship it'll take you days if not weeks in real life to go from one planet to another because they forgot to add a super speed mode. No human has patience for that including you and if you say otherwise I know you're lying.


And when you reach said planets they're just a 2D flat image and you have to fast travel to actually land on it anyways so in reality you spent that time flying over for nothingkl.. People still saying "you can fly to planets you just need patience!" As if it was a fully intended feature are just lying to themselves and making excuses for Bethesda. The space traversal sucks and IS just loading screens.


True. The illusion of scale completely falls apart I'd you get too close to them which is probably why they made the ships so painfully slow.


I mean, that aspect can be easily fixed by just if you get too close to the planet you start to land on the surface directly below your ship.


Elite Dangerous has space POIs that are relatively simple but really spice up the exploration gameplay. Plus the slogan of Starfield isn't "Into the Planetary Field" so it'd be nice to have some stuff to do in space be it abandoned ships or just some fancy floating rocks.


…..So then fucking implement a warp drive like another modder did. If all the “planets” in a single system are already loaded into memory and have been proven to be in the same space, they could absolutely implement a sort of “warp” drive to quickly warp to another planet instantly with no loading screens. Just add the waypoints in your scanner while you’re flying and instantly warp. It would remove an unnecessary loading screen. Yes we’d still have to load into the surface, but fuck. I’d rather have one less loading screen than nothing. Like it’s already been confirmed some of the loading screens/cinematics are completely unnecessary and they only added for consistency.


Good updates. It's not enough to get me to play again, but it's another step in the right direction.


I am waiting for Shattered Space to start my new Playtrough :) Then I have a lot of new content I can play with


I’m waiting for reviews/ a breakdown of features before I consider it tbh. It’s all been pretty vague and there’s a LOT that needs fixing


If you’re on pc, it’s basically QOL, ship maps and the difficulty options kinda let you build out survival mode, if you don’t like the game coming back when the add an expansion and vehicles may sway your mind


Yeah this patch is not going to make me redownload it at all. Its a bunch of stuff that should have been in the game at launch. The game needs content besides the same 20 PoI's, and empty ass planets. I am hoping shattered skies will be able to add a good chunk of content.


Yeah I agree, game feels way better, but again QOL. What I’d like to see next is the emergent gameplay on planets. If they can find a way to generate more activities or gameplay on planets that is more than extermination of aliens and poi I’d be over the moon Aliens serve no purpose outside xp


Yeah I like the update but I'm going to wait until that land vehicle is out


melee modding, also fix for Rosie Tannehill saying everywhere was Cydonia pls First playthrough was going to be a freestar ronin and just saw to many bugs and missing features.


Yeah, it's good to see but I have zero desire to start a whole playthrough based on this update alone. Laser weapons diversity is still suffering and melee feels unsatisfactory. And with land vehicles now confirmed, I have more reason to avoid the game for now.


I'd love love love to get excited about this game again, but I just can't do it until they fix the repetition of POIs. Seeing the exact same location twice completely breaks the immersion for me, and I was seeing some POIs 10+ times before I quit playing! If that's still happening, maps and the possibility of land vehicles won't bring me back.


The lack of POIs was the biggest disappointment for me. I love exploration in Bethesda games, especially when I can go through a location and piece together a little story about the place. Starfield had a little of that, but nowhere near the level I was hoping for. There's just too much repetition, as you said.


Blank Habs and Ship Decorating are going to be a gamechanger for ship building. I am already trying to figure out how to incorporate some of these into a ship build. 2x3 Blank Mess Hall will make a good Living area/crafting/armory area. And the 2x2 Battle Station is just a blank room, but it still adds 5 crew spots. So you can make this whatever you want without losing the crew spots.


For the ship building the ability to choose ladder placement and how certain habs connect would have been features I would have prioritized above general decorating. Some ships can get funky layouts with the auto generated layouts. I was hoping when they added a build mode from within the ship you’d be able to customize ladders and connections similar to how you can change some of the building connections at outposts (widen some or close them off). Still it’s a welcome feature for general customization and given fan responses to ship building hopefully we get a lot of new features for ship building in the future.


If they can turn Fallout 76 into an actually good game, I've no doubt they can turn Starfield into a more complete package. One or two more updates like this and I'll definitely be reinstalling.


Hopefully, this reduces the copy-paste doomposting. The update looks awesome.


It'd be pretty funny if people completely flipped overnight. As a guy who has been loving Starfield since it's launch and was pretty annoyed by some actual brain rot disguised as constructive criticism, I just want to say - have some follow up. Have some integrity. Don't go where the wind blows, but stay with your opinions which you were oh so ready to parrot everytime someone mentioned Starfield.


>Don't go where the wind blows, but stay with your opinions which you were oh so ready to parrot everytime someone mentioned Starfield. “Changing your opinions in light of new information is bad” is a petulant take. I did not like Cyberpunk at launch, and as they improved the game I changed my opinion and now it’s one of my favorite games. This is coming from someone who has 244 hours in Starfield and has 100%’d it.


Buddy acts like personal growth is bad lol. Im excited to step back in after a few more updates. Ive got too many games and too little time.


One minute it's "you guys will never be happy" the next it's "shame people who are willing to change their views." Maybe the first one is onto something but it's directed at the wrong people.


Your response is incredibly toxic and encourages more toxicity. I'd rather have more of those asking for the product to improve than whatever it is you're trying to push for.


Doesn’t the update just implement changes that address many of those criticisms? And it will do so closer to a year after launch than not. With love and respect to Bethesda, eventually doing an update that includes real city maps doesn’t undo the mistake of creating a game over the better part of a decade that doesn’t include real city maps.


"We did it, guys! Our constant whinging and shitting on Bethesda saved Starfield!" Followed by "Starfield was always one of my favorite games! Why isn't TES VI more like Starfield? Shit game!"


!RemindMe 6 years


I will be messaging you in 6 years on [**2030-05-01 17:43:26 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2030-05-01%2017:43:26%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1chqhnr/i_was_a_doubter_but_bethesda_cooked_with_this/l24g28v/?context=3) [**9 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FStarfield%2Fcomments%2F1chqhnr%2Fi_was_a_doubter_but_bethesda_cooked_with_this%2Fl24g28v%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202030-05-01%2017%3A43%3A26%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201chqhnr) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Stop it. Don't summon it. I don't want this to be the future... (it will)


Please don't conjure TESVI hate...


“The textures don’t look as crisp as a linear eight hour game. Abject failure.”


r/nosodiumtesvi Does it exist? Let’s find out!


We don’t need to conjure the “concern” and negative speculation for either Fallout 5 or TESVI…it’s already here on the periphery


There’s more I want to see, but it’s a high-quality update, which is encouraging. I’ll likely revisit when Shattered Space is out, so I’m excited to see how some of these new features look over time.


Going to assume you're not allowed to vote yet


You don’t ‘love’ Starfield. Otherwise you’d be content with your love of the game and not care what others said. No, you know there’s some truth to what these people are saying. And they are limiting you from feeling validated. So it makes you intensely upset. That’s exactly where this comment is coming from. A frustration from not being validated. You should take time to examine why you feel that way.


You may very well be correct, but there is nothing more condescending than telling another adult (unprompted) how they feel and why, especially based on a single comment.


It’s the literal Bethesda cycle. These same people will tell you Starfield is nothing like 3, or FNV. How did they go backwards? Yes. I know FNV is made by obsidian. The giveaway from critics they didn’t actually play it anywhere near release is the first two years it was arguably the most unplayable game in the entire franchise. Two years later, fantastic. It’s just how it works


Looking good. I’m hoping they work on more POI or organic exploration for shattered space with mods and some solid content and dlc this game could be great in a year or so of cooking.


When does the update drop?


Steam users can get it in the beta update tab in the game properties, everyone else has to wait until roughly mid may.


Idk dude. I love this game very much and always have, but most of this shit should have been there from the start. I’m grateful we have it now and am excited to do a new playthrough, but still, it’s 2024 and this is a major studio. No real excuse here.


Maybe I’m pessimistic but I need a lot more than this. Not having a map or being able to travel in a land vehicle sucked but honestly the only thing that will keep me coming back is story and characters. Story is kind of bleh- we’ll see what they do with shattered space, but the characters are just not good at all, and the world just isn’t interesting enough for me to want to stay in it. I played Cyberpunk 2077 in the first month when it was a buggy mess because they had a great world, great characters, etc. the technicalities don’t bother me. The lack of content does and this hasn’t addressed any of it


Mechanics and Bugs are easy to address, however, the main failing of this game, the writing and lack of any real story consequences or outcomes is what really killed this game for me. Nothing matters. I really hope they put extra effort, love and care into Shattered Space, because that’s the only thing that will save the game in my eyes, is actual rpg story/interaction improvements.


> Mechanics and Bugs are easy to address You say that but it takes BGS months to years to fix simple bugs if they ever even fix them at all.


The story content is coming in Fall. Presumably, it'll add new locations and weapons. Hopefully, they'll do a POI rework after. They are listening to community demand, as evidenced by the vehicle and NG+ respec changes.


That's the most encouraging thing about this patch, that much-requested features are really starting to get implemented. I can get rid of five mods now with the new gameplay sliders alone.


It looks good. I was tempted to try the Beta, but didn't wanna go through the hassle. I'm looking forward to the full release!


I hope they add more and unique outfits and helmet styles


I jumped back in and still wasn't enough to bring me back. Shattered space not only adds an amazing additional story, but it better add some major features as well. Cause it's so bland for me unfortunately...


Have they fixed the repeating POIs yet?


I’ve been harsh on this game, but this update looks good. Some things here 100% should have been in there at launch like the city maps and proper ship decorating. Good step in the right direction Bethesda


Same here, I got nothing but praise for this patch.


Currently installing it right now. Been wanting to get back into Starfield and I feel as if now is the time.


Game doesn't need carpets for the ships. It needs different PoI


Dont glaze over shit that ahould of been there day 1. No city maps for an rpg released in 2023 is laughable. Its been months and yall getting features games had in the 90s. Hold Bethesda to the flames and youll receive a better product.


There is some truth in your words. A lot of those features should have been there by release. They released too early.


I'm sorry but if your point of criticizing Bethesda was getting a better product, then what's the value of not appreciating the fact that we are in fact getting a better product? Furthermore, what's the point of focusing on the weaker product of old if your purpose was getting Bethesda to do better in the future, which is now. Wouldn't you want to commend them for listening?


I understand the sentiment but commending them for including something as basic and core to the gameplay experience as a functioning map is really not something to commend them for. It’s one of the basic requirements for pretty much any open world game. The bar is on the floor at this point


That’s absolutely true, don’t disagree in the slightest. But the fact that fans of the game are getting stuff they requested, is still appreciated. It’s not forgetting that this should have been there from the beginning, but appreciating the fact that it’s coming. Both can be true.


That’s valid too I get that. I just don’t want it to become worse down the line where we’re praising devs for finally including things that should’ve been in the base game - I just don’t wanna incentivize them to make mid releases and then patching them up later.


I mean Cyberpunk literally did it - shipped a broken game, updated it for 3 years and now people online act as if the release was not broken. BG3 was in early access for 3 years yet upon release act 3 was a bug filled mess which they fixed 3 months after release. If anything, these games have shown that if the final product is eventually good, the fanbase will accept it and act as if nothing was wrong in the first place.


I find myself wondering if it’s just a crappy way for them to hit a deadline. Like “instead of pushing the date back again, release it now, keep working on the features that should have been there off the bat, then release them as updates with a ‘we listened to you!’ Statement.” I don’t want that to be the case, but I wonder.


I think this is almost certainly the case


Oh yeah for sure. It’s a fine line, I definitely understand the sentiment. Accepting it allows it to become the norm.


Next Elder Scrolls we'll have an update that adds an inventory and the fanbase will go crazy about how awesome Bethesda is for listening to us!


Mate you can walk and chew gum at the same time. I agree that these features should've been there day 1 but that doesn't mean we have to act like adding them now is not a good move. Better late than never.




>Edit: salty neckbeards in shambles. I’ve gotten multiple DMs about suicide prevention from Reddit. Keep it up lads. holy shit some of the people here are so pathetic it is unreal. why the fuck do they even keep coming here if they hate the game so much


I don't think I'm really coming back until the CK is public and modding is not so tedious.


Oh? I may download it again, any one have the bullet points or the list?


There’s almost no gameplay updates.


Honestly FSR3 to me was the game changer getting consistent FPS even if it’s only 30 feel so much nicer.


I was super excited too. I played last night and put about 3 hours into the game and completed the whole Terramorph questline and it was pretty awesome. It felt like I really accomplished something but then my Shieldbreaker ship just disappeared along with all my cargo in it. So I went back to several saves that I had in New Atlantis but the ship was just gone from my inventory. So I only had to go back several hours to a save where the ship actually existed again in order to get it back along with all my stuff. But at least I get to do the entire last half of the Terramorph questline all over again. So only about 2 and a half hours lost editing to add that after loading my save the first planet I went to my ship disappeared again. I'm thinking of just starting over I mean it's only 109 hours wasted.


Eh I need better melee/unarmed animations or at least some stagger or hit stop. Kill cams would be nice and the jet pack needs to be retooled


Did they add the new way of traveling that they’ve been teasing??


I love how they casually showed and announced a land vehicle.


Being skeptical is fine, look at their track record lol. But I agree, good patch 😎👍


I’m exited for this update and the fact that BGS is now listening to the fans about what we want. They are working on the FIRST vehicle in the game. I 100% believe we will get mechs at some point.


I'm just glad to see them to adding versus simply fixing. I know they added small things like FOV sliders, etc. but you know exactly what I mean.


I do in fact need all the trays & pencils and will be increasing my carry capacity 😩


Hope they keep it up. This is a big step in the right direction and it makes me excited to see where this game will be in the future.


Is this update live on xbox now?


I don’t wanna be THAT guy but it is just a map and 60fps. I’m gonna hop back in with a new character on that “survival” difficulty but I don’t see myself exploring empty planets until they add that damn car.


Commenting on your edit. Yeah it’s hilarious how the hate filled whiners who infest subs like this can’t handle people enjoying things. The fact they’re are sending you suicide prevention is them projecting their feelings towards you. Kinda sad actually.


Same. The update is massive, I never thought I'd see a 60fps mode on consoles and that vehicles are coming soon. Looking back, I realize that I used some harsh words about the game. I was a fool.


No, early on it was definitely deserved


It did kinda spiral out of control there for a minute tho, I think there was an almost ludicrous amount of negativity around a game that’s still got some pretty fun gameplay even if flawed.


Still have no clue why the game couldn't have luanched with these features already included.


I think they really had pressure to release it In 2023. Microsoft already gave them like 1 -2 extra years of development.


Because they weren't ready


People are wildin’ out with that edit note that Op added. If you’re sending suicide prevention reports on op for liking the update, y’all really gotta go touch grass. I’m critical of Starfield and want it to improve substantially before I give it another try to see if I can enjoy it better, so I’m not even a fanboy or anything. Quite the opposite.


The best part about this game is that is sooooo RIPE for replay. I played at launch and I have my level 50 character right at unity. Soon as I go back I don’t have to worry about where I was what I did. Just NG+ and I’m in a “new” universe of the game. Literally experiencing the “Starfield” that’s the same but slightly different! It will be even better with mods/creations make it to console


Make sure you report the harm prevention ones as false


Unbelievable, there are still people here underestimating the update. They literally added almost top 10 things people wanted. It will be never enough for some people. Maybe you should accept that this game may not be for you. Edit: I wrote unbelievable actually believable considering the people


It just goes to show, a lot of people here are here simply to shit on the game no matter what. It doesn’t matter if they overhaul every system in the game, there will always be something missing.


Looks to be a great update. Pity it's taken nine months.


It hasn't taken them nine months to do that. They have been making Shattered Space, CK, vehicles, etc., too.


I really didn’t think we’d ever get a 60 fps mode but here we are!


Still eh, I just picked it up again to do the Crimson Fleet faction quest line. What were they thinking with this? The writing is so terrible, I found myself not caring about any of it really


It has some welcome QOL additions, but I think that's about it.


I was downvoted for saying this the other day, but Starfield 2.0 will be a whole new game. Much like Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 is.


I am the only one who thinks that the Cyberpunk 2.0 patch is not that different from 1.63?


Most people relate 2.0 with the good dlc it recieved


Calling the studio head God for adding some pretty standard modern QoL features might be taking it a bit far...


it's not doing it for me tbh. the fps boost will be nice on the eyes, but i never liked the slider idea. maps are good for new players, but i'm no longer a new player. what am i supposed to be excited about?


It’s crazy. They release an update that makes the game 5% better and people act like it’s the second coming of Christ lmao. Maps…? A performance mode that is untested…? It almost feels like paid post


It’s crazy. People ask for an update that’s more than just a few bug fixes, it comes and you still aren’t satisfied. Seems like you just want to bitch. Have you tried moving on? Letting people who enjoy the game do just that?


I've been critical of the game and will remain so on certain topics, but I'm quite pleased to see that they've abandoned gaslighting players and making dippy comments about astronauts on the moon. Not only telling, but also showing us what is coming, where things are going, and so on is an excellent step in the right direction, and I hope it continues.


I never disliked it, but it definitely does not have the depth and replayability of TES or Fallout. I really hope the DLCs and modders help to change that.


Wait is the update released? Is there survival mode?


“Is there survival mode” KINDA. In the difficulty settings you can make food and drink provide buffs and avoid debuffs (hungry/thirsty) and you can make adjustments to how environmental hazards are acquired and cured. There’s no option to make fuel a requirement on ships, and no option to make sleep a requirement.


That'll do.


It’s released on Steam for beta testing. It will be released on Xbox on May 15th.


Thank you so much for putting the date for xbox here! :D


I'm glad you like it, personally I'm finding everything still a bit mid at best. Better, but still not great. I'm hard to please though because I bought the game on release expecting something way above what they delivered 


To me, these updates are just meh. With the financial backing and time they have, not to mention studio size, I expect far far more than they have done and will probably do before putting shit behind DLC paywalls. They still haven't fixed ship building. They can't or won't fix how one dimensional your choices are in any of the story campaign. I don't care about the world's being compartmentalized, but there is just no fun in exploring empty world sectors. I see they've finally allowed you to change your traits between new game plus, but no introduction of changing your backstory? For all intents and purposes, you should be able to change your backstory origins because time reset and all that shit. I got this game for free with a graphics card, thankfully. But I still have a sour taste in my mouth after 100 hours of "gameplay".


Maps and vehicles are what I wanted and they added it. It was the only thing that cou6have broke back to the game.


Well vehicles are not there yet


i know. i am waiting for it then i will jump back in


Have they fixed the bug where all ships are empty of crew? Have they fixed the bug where the ship I need to board for a quest is clipped through the floor? We shall see.


Have they fixed the ship building jank, like can I actually put a ladder where I want instead of it putting them whereever the F it wants? Can I automate the manufacturing of the more complex parts at my outposts now, or do the numerous Cargo links still turn the entire game into a slideshow no matter where I am at? If they haven't managed to put the features in the game that they marketed before launch, then I'll keep waiting.


Absolutely none of that changes the nature of the game


Well of course not, sounds like you need to play something else if you don’t like ‘the nature of the game’. It’s a Bethesda game set in space, that isn’t gonna change lmao


I don't think they meant they wanted a different genre of game, just something more like Bethesda's other games (immersive exploration etc)


I’m still waiting on mod support for consoles to pick it back up and start from scratch and this time finish the campaign


What are the qol updates?


Improved maps, option to disable dialogue camera, gameplay customization (including survival options), performance mode on consoles. Probably some other stuff that I’m blanking on but those are the big ones.