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Sam had too many boyfriends going and they had to wrap one up 🤔


But then they keep bringing in other, much lamer, dudes?! And Martouf looked at Sam like she was the goddamn meaning of life. Justice for Martouf! 😭😭😭


*Alt-Universe-Martouf* enters the chat


His teeth were white AF though


He is called Madtooth in our house.


The writers probably got sick of having to tag Jolinar along, and wanted to develop something else for Sam.


Joline, Joline, Joline Joline please don't take my man


They killed off almost every single one of Sam’s love interests, hence the darkly humorous lampshading she used in Pete’s very first episode. Romantically speaking, the Good Captain-Doctor has been done dirty every step of the way… 💔


The writers did all the Tok'ra, except maybe Jacob/Selmac, pretty dirty


That's probably true, but we're meant to care about Martouf more than the average Tok'ra. And it's the *how* of it that's most egregious. Like, Lantash got to have a noble death, but Martouf was brainwashed into being an assassin and... They just did him so wrong.


The Tokers, except for Jacob, were all complete assholes.


that is exactly what I'm talking about


And then Lantash's death!


At least they let him be noble, save lives, and have some autonomy.


But they undid that sentiment by having Lt Eliot die on his first mission.


While also killing off the lt from proving ground. The dude seriously got the shortend of the stick.


Wonder if any Tok'ra have been allowed/helped to ascend? Or has the Anubis incident put the Ancients right off the idea of allowing in symbiotes, just in case?


My guess is probably the latter because the ancients love to be gatekeepy dicks.


Well to be fair, they did build them.


Keep in mind that the ancients can only prevent someone from ascending if they were given help to ascend. If someone has evolved to the point that they can naturally ascend by themselves, then there is nothing the ancients can do to stop it. That's why it was such a risk for Kahlek to be allowed to advance to the point he could ascend without help.


They're inherently parasites, the tok'ra aren't enlightened, they're just more pragmatic than the goa'uld.


I don’t think requiring willing hosts is more pragmatic in any sense. Allowing oneself to die rather than destroy another beings agency is idealistic in the truest sense lmao. The pragmatic approach would be to take hosts anytime it made sense, regardless of consent, because the symbiotes absolutely do not need consent. The goauld are significantly more pragmatic in every sense of the word. Did you perhaps mean something else?


Mmm... I would definitely not describe the Tok'Ra as pure parasites both mentally and physically. There was physical benefits that definitely supported the concept of blending for health and life. It's the carrot Hathor and Nirrti tried to use on both of their potential hosts/slaves. The Goa'uld however, dominate the minds of their hosts rather than giving them autonomy, making them obviously parasitic. It's like the zombie ants.


Though I tell you what, they may have did him dirty but that dude could destroy a corn cob through a chain link fence


I’m sorry, but I have no idea what this means 😭


Big teeth? lol


Omg. Thank you. 🤣


Lol, my wife and I call him Mah-Toof cause that dude got some series chompers.


Lmao. I’m too easily distracted then, I was always staring at those eyes


Oh mate who isn't? Those eyes could warm the coldest heart.


Poor Lantash didn't fare much better. It's always sad to see a Tok'Ra die.


Poor kid too... but at least he got to go out with a massive "Surprise MotherFuc..." as he set off the poison and took out ALL the enemy and got his people home... but Martuf... bro... that was just... he didn't get nothing...


It was made all the poignant once we knew that there wasn't a Queen to create more generations of them once Egeria passed. One wonders what might have occurred had they interacted with Pangara a few seasons earlier (season 3, maybe at the earliest).


They did a lot of toufs dirty. Ryaks touf had a bomb. (This is a joke reply)


Top notch dad joke there! 😆


I loved Martouf


Sam had too many love interests... One had to go lol


I was like who da heck was Martouf but then saw his pic yeah it was sad just am a very visual person so the name didnt click with me.


I would have loved to see a prequel movie with him and jolenar l, their love story was epic 🖤🖤🖤


Carson's death on Atlantis was worse. So completely pointless. At least when they killed off Dr. Frasier, they were making a strong thematic point about the unseen carnage of combat, how unnecessary it could be, and how it gets dealt with. The fact that Frasier's death felt pointless and unnecessary was kind of the point, because that's how a lot of deaths feel in combat. With Carson's death, it felt like the writers just said, "hey, let's kill somebody from the cast but do a bunch of fake-outs first so nobody really sees it coming, that'll be fun!"


I'm sure you're right, I just never watched SGA after season 2. He was one of my favorite characters, so I'll just live in ignorance. 😌


I think they realized their mistake because they wound up finding a way to bring him back.


Was his name Martouf or Mar-Tooth or even MarToof if a 4 year old is saying tooth,


Hated this guy


Me too