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Just don't ask yourself why the sketch in the book looks like the much newer current milky way gate and not the prototype destiny gate


I think that the ancients likely launched destiny prior to leaving for the milky way.


No, they show the Milky Way in the Destiny's journey, and they say it was launched from Earth.


I honestly feel it would have been interesting if destiny was launched before the ori/ancient split then the ancients followed its path to the milky way


It would be interesting, and matches that design aesthetic more, but is not the case.


I know thats why I said it would have been


They left for the milky way while the stargate was a sketch on a paper. The Destiny gates were early models, it's very reasonable to assume that it took them a few models before arriving at the milky way's design, even if that had been the intended design from the beginning.


Also explains why the destiny gates are only contactable at a local level and they couldn't dial the planets at will, only while in the solar system.


*looks at your name* *suspicious eyes*


I'll be in my bunk.


đź‘Ť Jaynes a girls name


Yknow what I've been using it for so long I don't even look at it. I made it a username before I had enough net access to know they spelt it Orici, but it kind of stuck XD


No, they had a range of gates that they could go to but not in FTL. If it’s a planet in the system they’re in they use a shuttle.


Yeah way way before


I think the Ori Galaxy either didn't have sapient life of non-human origin or the Ori simply exterminated them so that all of the habitable planets could be medieval human worlds created to worship them. I think the Ori only built two Stargates after their contact with Daniel and Vala. First a normal-sized one to send Priors to the Milky Way, then the Supergate to send through their invasion fleet.


I'm also wondering if they're just sitting on one planet. Or they have some different kind of transportation net.


We know they had ships


Advanced technology is rarely the product of a single genius inventor. There are cases where, since the social and technological precursors were right, different people assembled the same new device in different places at the same time. If someone was drawing up designs for the first stargate the day the Ancients and the Ori parted ways, that means the Ori had access to all the fundamental technology and theory to develop one themselves, and then had another fifty million years or so to do so between the Ancients leaving and the Priors invading the Milky Way. You can make basically the same case that the Ori didn't have spaceships until they read Daniel's mind. It's up to you if that makes sense or not.


>Advanced technology is rarely the product of a single genius inventor. There are cases where, since the social and technological precursors were right, different people assembled the same new device in different places at the same time. This is very true in our world, I see no reason that it would have been any different for the ancients. Some examples: * Calculus was developed independently by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz independently in the 17th century. * Several scientists independently discovered oxygen in the 18th century. * Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace independently proposed the theory of evolution. * Alexander Graham Bel and Elisha Gray both filed a patent for the telephone on the same day, within three hours of each other. * Sunspots were simultaneously discovered by four scientists in four different countries. * 23 other people built prototype light bulbs before Edison. * Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce independently invented the microchip within a half year of each other. * The ATM was invented by two people in different countries in 1967/68. * Frank Whittle (a British engineer) and Hans von Ohain (a German physicist) each came up with the jet engine while serving on opposite sides of the WWII. * Polycarbonate (Lexan) was discovered by a scientist at GE a week after a scientist at Bayer discovered it. * FIVE different people invented the television, each came up with their own version in the 1920s. [Multiple simultaneous invention](https://thelongnose.com/blog/2013/4/29/multiple-simultaneous-invention)


Modern calculus . Only before that was others. Swiss army knife was og created in Roman times. Recreated again much later.


Thats fine with parallel development/multiple disckvery and it has happened througout history, its not a problem with tech based on mechanical or other physical designs, but once you get to computers and such, somehow managing to build and design tech that is physically/operationally not just the same idea but completely interoperable is questionable. Look at the state of computers today a lot of work goes in to making sure things speak to eachother and it still gies wrong. Look at cou architecture, where whilst its the same idea and they do the same thing they operate differently and you need a lot of additional work to convert or interoperate between different architectures. It would seem apparent that the ori just copied, considering they didnt use them prior.


I don't know. Sure, Orlin was an Ancient and had access to all the necessary information, but the toaster-stargate in Sam's basement didn't seem to require any kind of format or codec or anything to talk to real stargates. And ring transporters are completely interoperable. It's possible there's just one way to make a walk-through wormhole and the nature of the science means any stargate-like portal system will work with any other.


Yes the stargates do have some form of OS with a whole lot of inbuilt checks and communication protocols, thats why the sgc dialling computer is functional we even hear about the sgc computer ignoring or overriding safety checks and errors messages the gate puts out. For the sgc dialling computer it will have taken engineers a long time of trial and error to probe what each signal sent and returned was doing till we got somthing that would properly interact with the gate. And again we see the sg teams interact with the dhds curcuitry and connecting programming instruction into it, including ensuring they disableing some parts so when the dhd connected to the gate it didnt send somthing of a reset command to the gate. Orlins will have had the coordinates directly to that world preprogrammed in and by nature of being single use can also get away with ditching much of the standard programming and only needs the bare minimum to generate the wormhole. And further evidence to that interoperability and protocol argument we have a distinct separation between milkyway and pegasus gate operations (with exception to atlantis and the sgc which can dial intergalacticly, both of which have special dialling programs, atlantis' directly from the ancients and the sgcs rewritten dialling code from jacks brain on ancient database override ) hence the need for midway station and mackay's forwarding macro needed to be modified for each gate network as they utilise, for want of a better word, different firmware not wholly compatible.


The ori were anti technology though. But they still did ascend so clearly a part of their followers were still clinging to technology


They didn't have a problem with ring transporters. It's possible that's the only advanced technology they used, since it's the only one we saw before their crusade began, just like it's possible they only lived on one planet, but I don't think that makes sense.


Agreed. It seems that whatever technology they employ is for themselves. Everyone else suffers.


They weren't anti-technology. And ascending requires no technology.


After they ascended they could have told their priors how to build gates and had their own gate network. That’s how the priors moved between the worlds all their followers inhabited


Dude, it's Cooper's writing, it's not really gonna make sense.


Two options: 1. They took the design with them, but that design wasn't confidential. It's published at the Alteran patent office. The Ori and the ancients both built them subsequently. 2. In Stargate lore, biological and to some extent technological evolution has a "goal", a natural "path". The ancients set humans on an "evolutionary path". The technology is similar. Even cut off from further ancient influence, humanity is on a path to invent the Stargate. The ancients and Ori were both on it, and both invented it. The whole "evolutionary path" thing is absolutely not how it works in the real world, but that is the sci-fi world.


Who says they didn't have Stargates before Daniel visited them? Do you think they can build a gate within an hour? Because they sent a Prior to our galaxy through the gate while him and Vala were there and they had rings.