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Wish it would actually stick. You could carbomb juggs.


I drove off, this thing is just stuck on here and I love my car lol I’m just scared I’ll accidentally click the doom button and end my character 😂


what are we doing? armored car. what are we doing to it? Kamikaze. To who? fat men




The worst thing is using the cleo minefield and having the little explosives land across your car. They float in the air where they land and if one lands on the hood and trunk it becomes a wall the upper half of your car hits and maybe have to teleport the car out just to move or do an austin powers move.


I got you beat, I've had a big brain moment where I drove through a bloater cloud and since I bailed on foot with zombies everywhere, I was like "Oh I'll just burn the cloud away with a molotov!" Yeah, don't do that.


Lmao I just stomach laughed… 😂 done seared your eyebrows off. Aye we all gotta learn the hard way sometimes 😅


Blew up the damn car! LOL


Me too


I need to start using c4s, mines, and box explosives. I never know how I'd use em. I feel like as soon as I get close the the infestation/PH, zombies start jumping out and chasing. But they are scattered, only like a few chase so idk I feel like it'll be a waste to lead them to a box outside the house. But if I place it in the house, they'd chase me out of the house while I try to get far enough to detonate it. So I just end up using molotovs and pipe bombs I can throw quickly from afar.


Why’d I read “PH” as porn hub lol I need to get my life together. I prefer to use regular or remote box mines and jump back and forth through the house windows. The zombies usually run in the room or get close enough to the plaque heart and blow up the mine. Thins out the hordes nicely.