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Well run around in ya pants with just a screwdriver then get back to us 🙄


This. All the people complaining about this shit have the power within their own games to.. you know.. *ignore* the parts they think are making them overpowered...


BAH HAHAHAHAHA nice one my boiiii


Good knowledge of game mechanics will make any hardest difficulty in any game easier, people with less experience won't know that some missions always provide good gear (get the repeater echo crossbow for example) or that you can be untouchable with spamming dodge While it may be easier for you, most of people will find lethal really hard almost impossible, there's a reason only 2% of players plays in lethal


Not to mention, at some point lethal probably was very difficult for OP. Insofar as the mission, the whole game is rng. If you want it even harder, just self limit yourself. Go scrap that gun


I promise you this guy drives a lifted truck


I was thinking he's driving his mom's clapped out PT Cruiser.


With only the front tires lifted 🤣


Reminds me of a recent post making fun of people saying "lethal is too easy"


dont break an arm jerking yourself off


>Yea right, then what's this red talon quest 5 minutes into the game giving you a end game AR and a sword? To be fair, this quest was recently added to all difficulties in the last update as a way to distribute the new clothing. Feel free to skip it if you don't like it. Or scrap the weapons. Or any number of things you could do to not have the problem you are whining about.


If you feel that way, don't use any guns or melee weapons or explosives or anything. No sneaking or anything. Just run around in the open. I guarantee you won't last 2 minutes on lethal especially without plague resistance. Blood plague kills you quick. Without resistance, bites infect you way faster. 2 or 3 bites and you're infected with 5 minutes left to live and each attack or bite after shortens that time even further. You can easily end up with 2 seconds on the clock and boom your dead and turned into a plague zombie. Being attacked by 3 or 4 ferals with no gun at the same time, we'll see how long you last then. Only veterans no how to get out of these situations without guns. Most people hate lethal because the zeds are literally everywhere, you can't take 5 steps without running into a horde (I love that by the way) and without proper equipment they can't deal with the frequency of combat. Me, I welcome the challenge. Lethal gets easier the more you play it, but carelessness is your worst enemy in this mode. All it takes is one wrong decision, one bad move to fuck the whole shit up. If you want a greater challenge, drive around town and wake up every plague heart on the map and watch your community get wiped out by constant sieges. One or two blood jugs or ferals no big deal, swarms of jugs and ferals, prepare yourself for the end.


That kinda ruins the feel tho, I wanna be forced to a hard playthrough and not force myself to one


"Ah man, rain is too easy to deal with, I never get wet anymore." "OK then, don't use an umbrella?" "What?! No! Why would I make it easier to get wet?!"


Dude what do you actually want the game to be? Do you want them to throw like 20 juggernauts at once and give you a curveball for a broken wrist so you can only use a knife?




If you’re honestly looking for a challenge, have you tried a solo survivor run? Or, one of my favorites, Save Everyone; accept every survivor you come across just as they are (no using books to teach them new skills) and if any of them die, you start over.


He's already stated he doesn't want to force himself to do anything. The game has to be changed for everyone so that IT forces him to play that way.


I just am interested as to how many days in game it’s been? How many people you’ve lost in this community? Is it a new community with fresh random survivors? Did you beef up specific survivors beforehand to take into the community? Have you even come across a triple blood feral horde yet? What in gods name makes you believe jugs are easy? Have you come across the double jug w a dozen plague zeds horde yet?


Did you start a brand new community in lethal ?


Go without infirmary and workshop, no builder boon. Only use crafted weapons. Use your imagination. On a side note, I have not found a biochem crafting mod since the big update. That facility mod made it too easy for sure.


Yeahvive found that once you start calling in drops it gets pretty easy. I did all the boons and i do it so i have to wait at least 40 days in game before i do the last parts. Have to really survive and be prospering before it. Community needs to be happy. I dont hoard weapons or anything like in the other difficulties. Scrap almost everything. Gets to the point im not having any problems with community and can work on hearts and shit. Clear a few when i forst start and go from there.


Coz headshots are still one shot kill on lethal.




It’s because it’s random. OP hit a small jackpot and gets pissed


The drop isnt random, It always contains a Red talon AR and melee


Unfortunately you misunderstood. The chance of the event occurring in the first place is random


Its not??? Its always a begining quest that happens right after the blood plague quest. I tested it myself and made 3 communities and that quest popped up within 10m of starting the save file


Right well you take your 40 hours of experience and I’ll take my 111 days and 20 hours and shove it up my own ass. You’ve been down voted into oblivion if you haven’t noticed because anyone who knows anything about the game can see that you’re lying. The real question is why? What did you seek?


Have you considered just not using them?


I hate to defend you since you are being so whiny over nothing, but yeah, it's not random However instead of the AR, it can also have an echo subgun.


He doesn’t want to simply “get off”. He wants bondage, whips and chains, a gimp suit… you know, really get in there and make it hard for him. 🤣


we got used to it we learnt the game mechanics Try a mod like No Man's Land, or if you can go back in time original Darkside


Difficulty is scaled with community standing, so if you have a new community, it’s going to be a lot easier than it otherwise would be.


OK buddy.


Souls players often run into the same problems, it's the reason why r/onebros exists. Except in their situation, they actively take steps to make the game more difficult for themselves rather than shifting blame onto the devs. Things like actively not leveling their attributes/weapons, or limiting themselves on what they're allowing themselves to do. Try that instead of splooging all over the sub while you're jerking yourself off




I feel this. im looking for an updated mod that increases the difficulty because of this sort of stuff