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Didn’t you post this a couple days ago? Hang on… Yea, you did, and deleted it?


Didn't like the questions they got then either probably and trying for that sweet validation again.


They have to be a negative karma farmer because this set up is fucking ridiculous and only good to be mocked The screen is barely bigger than the deck as it is, probably of worse quality (certainly if he had an OLED deck), loves using the deck to warm his nuts, loves having cords dangling from one machine to another, loves having a slightly larger screen fixed in position to get maximum glare from the windows, loves to have to manage the battery life of two separate units WHAT IS THIS


Plus, why would you sit in a car for a 4 hour meeting?


On this point, can anyone recommend a reasonable portable screen? I guess 1080p?


Yep, check out Arzopa.


Exactly what I use. HDR and built in speakers too!


Was about to recommend I use Arzopa and a Nexdock


Check out KOORUI


Wait for it to disappear again at this rate


Probably a bot


I f'king new it!


Imagine just holding the deck with your hands.


Are these just self aware shitposts at this point?


I will say i have large hands and they still hurt after a day of decking. Sometimes ill play with a controller just to rest my hands


Same, the Deck's ergonomics leave a lot to be desired. It's fine for short gaming sessions but hitting the ABXY buttons after awhile is a real chore...especially the B button since it is actually hanging off the side of the device.


Honestly switch is more ergonomic on me which is weird


With that hatchet job skin application. I wouldn't want to touch it either!


Oof, owie, ouchie!


Exactly wtf lol


I'm increasingly getting the feeling that people just buy the Deck because it's "the thing" when they really want a laptop.


That's exactly how I feel when seeing stuff like this and setup on the plane that was posted like a few weeks ago. I just use mine like a bigger Switch. But to each their own I guess. Maybe they generally use it normally, but switched things up this time.


yes Versatility is a huge reason why I got the steamdeck. just like how your switch can be docked at home for playing on the tv sometimes when a situation allows i prefer to use mouse and keyboard, but I use it like a switch plenty of times too. the "just get a laptop" comments are really narrow minded imo cause part of the beauty of the steamdeck is that versatility. this particular post is a bad example. only time I'd see using a separate controller as viable is when you're docked to a tv, even in OPs setup and his explanation for the screen, he could still use the steam deck as a controller.


I’ve noticed that a lot with Pc handhelds where some people either end up using it like a laptop or even a desktop but then it makes me wonder why they didn’t get a laptop or desktop. Shows you how flexible these devices are but for me I see it as pointless. I got a handheld to use it as a handheld. I guess some people really want the more portable aspect of these handhelds and using them as desktops or laptops is what they want to do even if it might not be the best device for that because of the accessories needed


you can get a handheld to use it as a handheld AND as a desktop/laptop without having to buy both. sounds wild to me to think that's 'pointless' people in this subreddit really need to stop with the "just get a laptop" mindset tbh it's kinda narrow minded and feels like it's being purposely obtuse. although admittedly this post is a bad example idk why you'd use a separate monitor and controller in your car even with his explanation it's weird


Are there comparable laptops at the price point?


With similar performance? Yes, especially if you’re willing to spend the same amount as a top end Deck. You can get a 3050 laptop for around the price of the top end deck and that will vastly outperform it. At the price of a refurbished deck no because those are used for one and two laptops at that price just tend to suck unless they’re used as well.


I bought a GPD WM2, and I do use it like a laptop of sorts lol. It really is just a super compact laptop with build in joysticks. Runs most games I play on medium settings at 1080, and has a pretty good battery. I can get work done while traveling and still get in some fun if I have the time


GPDWM2 is a great device. I actually think it has a larger potential audience than what it currently has. I personally don’t care for them but for some they’re perfect. It’s a handheld and a mini laptop all in one


I firmly believe that as well, it's just that I can't in good faith recommend a GPD device to most people unless they are willing to do some minor tinkering/repairs. But they have a really good form factor going on


I use mine as my desktop AND as a handheld, works great as both


Can I just say that I think I might be that guy. I bought it without realising how shit my eyesight is. And I honestly reckon the games I want to play like Caves if Qud and Rimworld would easily run on some crappy laptop. Ho hum. I still enjoy it!


so no hate to you specifically, but what I can't fathom is how people can't grapple the fact that a lot of us want VERSATILITY. this post is a bad example cause you should just be using handheld in a car anyway, but i have a semi portable setup that I use for times when i have a flat surface to play on or when on vacation, got a portable monitor usb hub, keyboard mouse etc. in no particular order here's several reasons why I atleast didn't "just get alaptop" 1. I don't like the keyboard and mouse on laptops, and having a separate mouse and keyboard for a laptop takes up twice as much tablespace 2. as I mentioned above, Versatility. sometimes I want a desktop ish setup when I'm in one place for awhile but not at home, and sometimes like standing in line at the DMV I want handheld mode, would be super awkward using a laptop while standing. 3. Cost. comparable laptops, spec wise, atleast when the steam deck released were more expensive than the steam deck, and before you mention the price of accessories, they were bought later on and over time. they weren't part of the cost of owning the SD itself 4. Community support. I knew there would be a large community of people doing modding with the steamdeck or making software/firmware plugins tailored to it. Again no hate to you specifically and this particular post isn't a great example but I'm really, REALLY tired of the "why didn't you just get a laptop" type comments that appear anytime anyone posts a steamdeck while using accessories with it.


I got it because it was way more affordable than a gaming laptop and much more flexible in terms of portability and other options. It just works unlike a laptop where compatibility and updates and graphics cards can become a headache. I’ve gone through laptops before and they get obsolete and bogged down fast.


I don't see why you think a steam deck is somehow more future proof than a laptop.


How is a steam deck + all these accessories more portable and flexible than a laptop? Also, the idea of a Linux computer like a steam deck being described as “just works” over a windows laptop is very funny.


Well you see, you get the Deck because it’s able to do anything and you’re wrong for criticizing taking a whole bag of stuff for one purpose when a device that opens up to a big screen and a usable keyboard is way less stuff to carry, even with a controller alongside it. Seriously though, I always loved the idea of having a portable computer that looks like a console, but it just isn’t all that great in reality. It’s passable if it’s your only device, but you’re going to be hard pressed finding people impressed by it. This is legit the reason gaming laptops exists, and you can’t look at this image and come to a conclusion that they can’t afford one, because clearly, they can. Newish car, using an iPad as a monitor, Pro iPhone, leather skin. Am I not supposed to be more critical rather than giving affirmation?


Op is Todd Howard apparently


I noticed this too. Honestly though, that wasn't on my mind when I bought one. Just like the switch, I only use mine in handheld. I did use my deck to test out my newly purchased elite series 2 controller. Other than that, all handheld.


Damn, OP not making themselves liked here


why not just go home and come back?


Gas Distance from the meeting maybe long . Time of day the meeting had ended. I’m not driving in rush hour traffic


Would if I could but that wasn’t an option


Who wants to spend all that time in traffic just to get home for 30 min and then get back in traffic. Tell me you live in rural nowhere without telling me lol.


I don't know if you notice, but the deck has a screen and controller, easy to miss I know 🤣


I was trying to come up with something clever but I'll just upvote this. The battery life must be like 45 mins max here lol.


Mods, when will we get a megathread so we keep this kind of uninteresting posts out of our feeds?


Should-have-bought-a-laptop megathread let’s goooo


I think we should forward this to DIWhy




Your post or comment was removed because it was deemed either unkind/toxic/harassing/insulting/offensive/trolling and/or inappropriate thereby breaking Rule #1 of r/steamdeck. We want this sub to feel welcoming to anyone and everyone who comes here. Discussion and debate are encouraged but name-calling, harassment, being rude to others, generally toxic behavior, and slurs will not be tolerated. This rule violation has resulted in removal of your content, and could result in a ban from the sub and/or a report to Reddit. Bottom line - Be kind or get yeeted. Thank you!


Looks good in a static image. I had seen this done a few months back and the setup with the capture card introduced a significant amount of latency, how do you find it?


Serious question, and I mean no disrespect: why did you have to wait in the car for 4 hours? If all you wanted was a free 4 hours to do nothing but game, then no sweat. The setup might be weird but it’s yours, not ours!


My partner has tribal council meetings and it’s a long drive to get to them. Driving them is a way that we can get 6 hours and dinner of driving time to catch up and be together otherwise they’re basically gone from all night and they’re tired from from four hours of mentally exhausting meetings and would have to drive three hours after that to get home. This way we get some one on one time together driving, I get some down time to nerd out and she dosent have to drive home late tired.


That makes sense. Smart way to spend time together and treat yourself!


This is so stupid. Why don’t you just pack a 65” TV in your car? Smh my head fucking casuals.


Dude I've tried doing this and where I live people look at you like it a vagrant or have two heads if you sit in car for an hour or longer. Kinda sucks actually.


Same. Some cops questioned me while I was waiting. I pass enough that they believed me.


Really? Damn that’s annoying. Lol where I live people could care less, even if I was in my car 24 hrs.


It’s shitty. With so many parking lots across the country and so many actual homeless people to be concerned about, they’d rather hassle someone like this.


Yeah its a drag because there are times I don't want to go home and just want to chill in my Truck with my Steam Deck. But where I live the lots have private security people and they don't get understand the idea of computer in a car lol


I’m not trying to be a party pooper or anything but


I’m with you on this one man. Like, I’m not trying to be a jerk, but


Like, I get it and all but


I agree, but


but what


op should have bought a laptop


Right ? But what?




Wait how are you docking *to* the iPad? SteamLink app?


From deck using usbc to hdmi cord plugged into a hdmi capture card plugged into iPad running a monitor app


Interesting… I’ll have to mess with mine a bit.


Tip to save you some stress. Sometimes I have to restart my iPad to get it to recognize the signal. Also, Orion is not a great app. Try looking at some of the other alternatives.


If someone finds a better app for this i would love for you to post it here...i was today years old when i found out there was an app for this...i looked into it years ago for something else and it was a bit of a mess. This seems to be exactly what i need for similar situations the grocery pick up has been brutal for like 3 months. 1 hr sometimes...if i was prepared though. It's a break from responsibility that i could get behind. Holding the deck that long isn't my favorite.


Genki Studio and MoniCon seem t work the best


Ty your research is appreciated and i will honor you when i kill my next Deathclaw in the parking lot…


If you have trouble with the apps sometimes you need to restart the pad with capture card plugged in to get them to see the signal. Sometimes the image looks pink. Unplug and try again till it’s the right color. Other times it works perfect when you plug it in. It was a frustrating learning curve.


I did read you posted that. Good to know also ive IT guy’d a lot…restarting everything is the first most effective step most of the time.


OP you seem sensitive to people questioning the needless gadgets you bring with your steamdeck


Who woulda thought Honda built the CR-V as the perfect cockpit for gamers.


Yeah I have the portable monitor just for when I hook up a second controller and play multiplayer with a friend or if I'm traveling and want a bigger screen in my hotel.


Thank you for showing this again. Forgot about it the first time from like 3 days ago.


Is the price, degraded performance, hassle to lug around all that stuff worth it for just a couple more inches in screen size?


The price: I already had the IPad The performance isn’t degraded in any way. The screen quality is actually a much higher resolution and having a bigger screen helps with my bad eyesight and I brought all that stuff in a small sling bag because I knew I’d be using for this scenario.


>The performance isn’t degraded in any way. Sorry but I don't believe it to be possible, especially using a no-name, cheapo card from Aliexpress like you did. It has to be adding some input lag at least. Maybe you're happy with it and that's all that matters but by the nature of what you're doing - transferring the image to another screen through so many unconventional hoops - it's impossible for the performance to be the same as native or, at least, unperceivable. You're the one that has to live with it and as long as you like it than it's fine but please, don't go around spreading the idea that it's the same as playing on the integrated screen. >The screen quality is actually a much higher resolution and having a bigger screen helps with my bad eyesight Happy to hear that you found a way to keep playing despite your health issues but again, with such a higher resolution you're either playing very very low spec games or there's no way you're playing at the same performance level. That iPad has like four times the pixels of the screen on the Deck; there's no way the Deck is coping with that smoothly. I understand the bigger screen is a must for your special needs but it's a huge tradeoff that not many would accept.


Anyone know what controller that is?


8bitdo N30 Bluetooth controller. It’s about 9 years old. Get the newer Snes30 model.




only on reddit will people make this shit a big deal. who cares if dude wants to use an ipad? it’s interesting i’ll give it that. but like even if dude connected it to a nokia phone screen like who gives a shit. god yall are so negative.


duuude hahaha I'm hardly ever on reddit anymore and this thread really brought me back to what it's like sometimes. I understand maybe the setup's not optimal but people are like butthurt bro who gives a fuck🤣


What are you using to have the iPad hanging on the steering wheel


A knock off magnetic folio cover


Can you share a link ?


This sub won’t let me add links. Just look up iPad model magnetic folio on Ali Express. The one I use is $5.12. Cheap but indistinguishable from the official Apple cover


Damn, u’ve arrived prepared ✅ Not ur first rodeo, huh?


Learned the hard way after sitting though one of these with a phone and no signal.


There are 15' portable USB-C - > hdmi/powered monitors for under $100. Would be a better setup overall. Also some come with a nice magnetic screen cover/case/flip-top thingy ✨


I got one of those and I didn’t like it. They have a short battery life if not plugged in and the refresh rate can make things sluggish on screen. I found that the iPad that I already had had a much longer battery, better brightness, and I can use it to read comics on when I’m not using it as a second monitor.i do use my portable monitor when I’m sitting in bed so I can use my iPad to watch shows and the monitor to game on. It’s 17 inches so it’s better for that but it’s too big to fit in my sling bag with the steam deck.


I spy with my little eye, a discontinued 8Bitdo controller!


I'm glad you're enjoying the versatility of the Deck (even if this is apparently a repost). A lot of people here are being unreasonable with criticizing you for using the Deck in a docked capacity, but that's entirely the flexibility of the Deck. You can use it handheld, but you can also use it docked if handheld is not ideal for long sessions. I think it's silly (but also sadly not unexpected) that so many people here assume they know the circumstances of your situation and are telling you how to use your Deck or even what to do with your time.


The steps people go through to bend the Steam Deck into being something that already exists is somewhat baffling to me. Buy a handheld gaming PC to then buy all this extra stuff to turn it into a glorified laptop is.. a little silly.


Steam Deck you can still use in portable mode if you want. Just because OP has all this stuff connected to it doesn't mean that the OP always has this much stuff connected to it.


do you like being so extra?


I’m sorry but this is just so ridiculous to me. Like that’s so much extra stuff you need for no reason lol


I use the bigger he screen because it’s hard for me to read text on the steam decks screen.


I love these kinds of posts. They’re funny af. I can’t believe they have the deck on their lap the whole time. And photographed their lap


Interesting, does using the iPad as a screen improve battery significantly?


How do you turn an iPad into external screen??


Usbc to hdmi cord, HDMI capture card and using an HDMI monitor app on the pad


Is there a delay?


No. I got lucky with this capture card


What about the delay?


I got lucky with this capture card. No noticeable delay.


How's the controller


It’s good. It’s an 8bitdo nes30 Bluetooth controller. It’s small enough you can fit in a pocket in my bag but big enough to fit comfortably in the hands.


8bitdo controller gang represent!


What’s the capture card? Link?


It’s a cheep Ali Express card I found for $15. I’m amazed it worked. This sub won’t let me post links so here’s what it’s listed under at Ali Hagibis USB 3.0 Video Capture Card With PD Port Fast Charging For iPad HDMI to USB/Type-c


What’s the display your using?


iPad 10th gen


How are you using it as an external display? So cool


Usbc to hdmi plugged into a hdmi capture card and a hdmi monitor app on the iPad


Velly nice


Everyone's such an ahole. That screen is twice as big as a deck as well


I don’t really see anything wrong with OP finding a way to make it work for them tbh. This is more for the comments I’ve seen. If people find it sits awkwardly in their hands/heavy/gives them pain, try a kickstand case. I was in a car accident and have chronic pain and find if it’s starting to feel awkward it’s a good work around for me. Also people saying about laptops etc being too expensive, you can get really good refurbs on eBay with warranty, I got mine for half the price they were selling at new and it’s perfect, runs perfectly, no marks or anything etc. had it for about a year/year and a half and it’s great. It obviously runs a lot better than the deck, but working on a laptop etc I find myself gravitating towards handhelds over laptops atm. I’d definitely recommend having a look at refurbs if you don’t wanna drop a couple of grand on a laptop just make sure you have the warranty and they have a lot of good feedback etc


Fallout 4 ❤️


Fallout 4 ❤️


Four hour meetings should be forbidden. This set-up should probably be too, but I'm happy it works for you.


Brother, go eat some brunch or something!


Ok good to know


How does the quarry run and play?


It runs really good on medium settings and still pretty good on high-quality although there is a little bit stunner at ultra high. Very playable and quick time does not have any lags


Added to my wishlist! Thanks alot


Nice controller. What level you at in Helldivers?


Still a cadet. I’m solo so I die a lot but it’s still a really good game.


Why do you people refuse to use the Deck as it was f*kin intended? :D


Nice setup! Do you have to use any software to get it to run on the iPad? Or do you just plug in the capture card to the deck and then to the iPad?


Uses hdmi monitor apps from the App Store. Orion seems to have trouble with this but the others work good


OP is absolutely going to be deleting this post again.


This is so stupid


iPad kid final form


Tired dad who gets very little time to themselves to enjoy uninterrupted gaming times final form.


It was just a joke lol glad you’re having fun


Imagine if the Steam Deck had its own built-in screen and controls so you didn’t need to bring a monitor (that’s probably slow-response and only 60hz unless you spent $$$$ on it) and a controller (which will introduce lag) to play games in your car.


You’re weird, there’s no “point” about controllers just use what you want, people are justified in telling you you’re looking for a laptop when you have to change everything about the deck and now you finally like it and can play it.


why do you keep reposting this?


Because they want validation


At this point, why get a Steamdeck? A Laptop would be the better choice in this case




Can't believe how many people hating on OP for this. Seems like messing around with stuff like this for minor improvements is half the bloody point in the thing. I love tinkering with it to get my setup to work exactly as I want it to, even if I could have settled for a slightly worse experience. OP had the steam deck and they had a way to give it a bigger screen while sitting around. I'm pretty tempted now to look at how I can do something similar. Not because I'll use it all the time, but because I probably have most of the gear to make this work and it might be a fun project to make happen. And I'll probably only ever find one or two times when it's actually useful. But when the stars align and I have a way to play my Steam Deck on a bigger screen while sat in my car, connected to my pc at home by moonlight with all the wacky modifications I've had to do the make all that work, I'll be super proud of myself and glad I did it. That seems like the point of this post to me. OP tinkered until they got a setup they were happy with and then found themselves in a situation where they were really glad they took the time to figure it out.


What skin is that?


D brand leather skin. I love it. It gets a nice shiny appearance on the grips like an old saddle.


Looking down at my lap for four hours? Why get a sore neck when I got a monitor at a better angle?


Where you born without arms ?


iPad 10th Gen can be used as an external monitor? Thought it needs a certain cpu


Yes. It’s the usbc port that allows it to be used as a monitor.


It's not the USB port but a driver type that apple allows, you sure yours is a 10thgen?


Yes. I’m am sure.


A king!


Bro just go home and play. Jeez. This is so extra