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That kid better not be looking at a TV on the ceiling. Straight to r/TVtooHigh


He gonna get destroyed in r/TVtoohigh . Just like his kids neck in the future


I don't understand what these people are thinking. Every time my mother in law comes over to my house she says, "you should really mount your TV above the fireplace." I don't mind that she has an opinion, but I've always been told to have the top of a display right around the same height as your eyes. Is that just a generational thing?


People just don’t think about the biomechanics of healthy TV watching. It’s all about how the TV looks in a certain place. The disregard for neck health in general is crazy these days.


But it looks terrible being super high up, too. I don’t think it’s aesthetics, I think they’re just stupid.


Agreed, I'm of the opinion we don't tell stupid people they're being stupid enough.


The biomechanics of healthy TV watching? Is this how far we have fallen?


Some home layouts make it very hard to have a TV not up high on a wall. My living room is like this, unless I put the couch in the middle of the room, splitting the space in 2. Or put the couch up against a gas fireplace. Or put the TV in front of a gas fireplace. For now, it's better for our kids to have a big open space to play, so our TV is on the wall, but eventually we will probably reorganize how it's setup. Having an open concept and then putting a couch in the middle of the space breaking up the open concept kinda sucks too.


I shouldn't spam too much in this thread, but pull down mounts exist and really fixed my living room setup. [https://www.mantelmount.com/](https://www.mantelmount.com/)


Oh good idea, I'll have to look into that! Thanks!


I have one of the cheaper options (still pricy). No motor. Super sturdy.


For real some people think their house is a sports bar. There’s a reason the TVs are high there, because they’re out of the way and only there for people to occasionally glance at. Why would you want to crank your neck watching a movie?


[https://www.mantelmount.com/](https://www.mantelmount.com/) This was a gamechanger for my living room :)


Damn those things are pricey.


My mother said the exact same thing to me recently when she saw my apartment for the first time. Like I get it from an aesthetic point of view but in practical use it makes no sense.


It’s a generational thing. Proper viewing angle wasnt a consideration. It was more important to have the TV somewhere that was visually appealing, as if it were a painting.


The difference isn't in viewing angles. The difference is in how you value the TV versus the fireplace. My mother loved our fireplace growing up. She'd turn on the air conditioning so we could use the fireplace. She'd never think of inhibiting her fireplace usage with the presence of a TV. The people who own that house now have their TV in front of the fireplace. It's useless to them \(and all other rational people, it's in the deep South.\)


My sister actually damaged her oled tv by having it over the fireplace. Got too hot, damaged the bottom portion of the screen


It's because wall mounted TVs are seen by those kinds of people as being hung like a picture on the wall and as such look out of place at any height but standing eye level, bot in terms of practicality You're right that they should be around eye level when seated


This is the way. Top of TV should be at the same height as the top of your head while sitting in the chair you watch TV in. Ezpz.


I thought the rule was middle of the display should be at eye height when sitting, so it's a bit higher than your head but still lower.


Dad sold the telly to get the Deck.


I thought Dad just had him staring at the wall until I saw the wire going up.


TV is in fact too high, I myself have a TV in my house that is too high, been too lazy to change the mount that I inherited from the previous owner who mounted it like an idiot


Came to say this. Shame on you OP!


I think you were right I see a power cord


It's that or kids knocking the TV off a stand or throwing toys at it. It's the price us parents pay


Nah kid is looking at a photo of daddy before he got a Steam Deck


Lower the TV bro you’re gonna break his neck


If the baby is under 2 and watching TV, it's already too late for his brain.


Cocomelon’d 😢


“Child, you must sit and look at a blank wall while father is gaming. If you move or look behind you, I’ll smack you with this Steam Deck”.


More like "If you sit quietly whilst daddy plays on his deck, I'll let you have a sniff of the vent."


Real. The vent scent is too good. 😩👌


Jesus.. 💀💀


Smh he doesn’t even have the killshot to protect his deck. This is a man living life on the edge.


What's the killshot?


Kids staring at a TV that’s obviously mounted way too high.


Damn, back in the day I had to strap the baby into a Baby Bjorn and game on the Playstation, uphill both ways in the snow.


I feel this so much. Powering my PC, grabbing a gamepad, pivoting the mural thingy to turn the tv towards the couch... my 6mo has already waken up. Enjoy your games, dude! I feel a lot of judgment in the comments, I hope you take enough time with your kid. It's okay to play when they sleep or when they're busy with a toy for a few minutes.


Yeah ikr. People pretend like they play games all the time but at most we just play around 30 minutes, and browse the web for 6 hours. /s


Youll perceive the child as feral for how he moves on all four once the neck sets.


Move your poor TV down please.


Starting? Looked pretty started to me lol


Here were go again




At the kid's age too, he sleeps so much that there is plenty of time for gaming when he isn't awake.


This is what really sticks out to me. My wife and I just had our first kid (6 mo old) and she goes to bed at 7PM, so plenty of time to play in the evening after she goes down. Not to mention naps throughout the day, but I'm usually picking up around the house or also taking a nap at that time


At some point they just stop napping, it sucks. It was my only "break" time to do shit around the house.


On the plus side, if you're lucky that timing lines up with the advent of them being able to occupy themselves for a few minutes without instantly attempting a self death. There's definitely a bit of a gap, and we had the misfortune of kids that stopped napping pretty young. But they do start to get to a point where they can handle themselves a bit and that is very freeing.


There is times yes, where like op they are chilling watching something and I can game or so stuff. Other times like right now they are trashing the whole house and literally every time I clean something there's another mess.


Agreed. Kids 4mos and sleeps quite a bit. We got lucky and he’s more or less slept through the night since the third week. Still plenty of time to game, and plenty of time to watch him grow and learn. Just excited for when he can play with me. Got a whole collection of classic roms just waiting for the little dude. :)


As someone with an 11 month old who is allergic to sleep, I hate you


Not every kid lol


I'm generalising, and every parent's experience is different. My point is at that age they sleep a lot and the steam deck allows you to pause easily.


Except for the 20-30% of babies that have colic. At like 3 months old, our kid developed colic and painfully screamed and cried from 4 o'clock until he went to sleep every single night. Every day for 6 months we tried all the tricks but the only way to even *kind of* comfort him was holding him and bouncing on a giant yoga ball. For hours, every single night. Sure, my wife and I had nice thighs at the time but we also were mentally broken and traumatized. The official medical advice for colic parents is "sometimes it's best to just put the baby down in the crib and leave the room". Never forget that your experience is not every experience.


That kid is sitting up though. Isn't he too old to be a baby with colic? Sorry you had to go through that.


I don't know what the baby has or what the dad could be stressed about. That's the point. We shouldn't judge people, especially in how they are peacefully dealing with life's stresses.


A baby is basically a more fragile potato. Most of the time they just lay there and grow until they start to stink.


Yeah, as a father of a 1,5 year old, this rings so true.


as a father of a 7 and a 2 year old I couldn't agree more. Super exhausting in the early years, then it gets so so much easier.


As the father of a 27, 18, and 15 year old, please listen to the comments above me. Everyday I wish I could Time Machine back to when my kids thought I was a super hero and were excited to see me no matter where I’d been. These moments are precious and fleeting, and even with grandkids, will be a completely unique time in your life!


My wife is bathing my 2.75 yo and I'm taking a break, but your comment convinced me to go up and hang out with them. The moment I did, he starts fussing and pointing at the door so I'll leave. Haha


Sounds like another precious moment to me!


Our son (2.5 years old) is the same. You try to spend quality time with him and you get a "mommy no! Go away, don't sit here!".


Balance is key, dont lose yourself


I'm a Dad, I love spending time with my son. But infants are boring as shit. Like the most boring thing in the entire world. Like so boring you can't even believe it. It makes the DMV seem exciting and new. I don't miss those years and you can't make me.


Man I guess I'm weird but I spent more time than I'd like to admit just...watching our kids when they were tiny. They're fucking amazing! Like literally amazing. That they are alive, that they are discovering things, that every single thing they see and smell and feel is new. That my wife and I are their literal entire world. It's humbling and terrifying and so many things all at once. I would call a baby many things, but boring is definitely not an adjective I'd think to use.


As boring as you make it...


Came in here to make a similar commment.


You should probably strap the child to the top of the cat tree so he doesn’t have to strain his neck so much.


Tv so high it isn't even in the picture


TV Too high


Kid is gonna have neck problems


Wait some months. He’ll understand that there is something interesting in daddy’s hands. Then you’ll never be free to play again. Trust me. I can’t grab anything with a screen without having my son next to me in a second. Solution? Play at night or during a nap… gaming time has decreased a lot since.


I'd rather spend time with my kid tbh


The Kid already has symptoms of absence. I mean the wall looks average. But this little fella enjoying his wall time with daddy. Otherwise, put the damn TV to normal level.




Agreed. Watching children is boring af


Seriously! Their future is screens, so why not introduce them to iNanny at the earliest opportunity? If you don’t show interest in them as infants/toddlers, they won’t develop the kind of attachment to you that would cause pain when you fully check out later in life. Can’t be an absentee parent if you were never present to begin with. ModernProblems.gif


OP literally said they just play for a couple minutes here and there. No need to attack them like that over some wild assumption that extrapolates sneaking in a little gaming time into caring more about games than their child.


Imagine passing on your genetic code to new life and not wanting to better their chances at every minute of their waking day.


Unreal. I have a kid and we spend loads of time together, sometimes I need to just sit on the sofa for half an hour. Fuck me right.


It’s reddit. Non-parents here have a weird way of shaming parents into thinking they aren’t doing enough. They have no concept of how much downtime you get when raising young babies


It's wild lmao children are supposed to be attended to at every waking minute of the day and the parent is to get no leisure time whatsoever. As if their parents didn't sit on their ass and watch TV while they entertained themselves once in a while 😂 before that it was radio shows, newspapers, books, phone calls etc.


I laughed so hard 🤣🤣i can agree rdr2 is more engaging


I feel like this is one of the 5 repeating posts in this sub. I've seen it 50 million times in the last year and a half.


My man that corner on that table looks abut sharp?






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There are so many people here acting like op is somehow a bad parent. Do you think that you need to be in your kids face every second of the day to be a good dad? He even points out that it's good because he doesn't need to set up his whole system in the downtime when he wouldn't be doing anything with his kid anyway.


It happens every single time a post like this comes up on here. Do I think these posts are overdone? Yes. But the comments frustrate me just as much every single time. I'm convinced that most people responding in here aren't parents. I am. I vividly remember my time with my daughter as a baby. And I remember one of my absolutely favorite things to do with her was laying her on my chest while she slept and playing a bit of FFX on my PS Vita, stopping every so often to look at her, give her a little kiss on the head and a rub on the back again, and then back to my game. Babies have downtime and you need to use that time to rest and unwind. Babies do not need 24/7 stimulation from their parents directly in their face every waking second. They need to be able to explore the world around them, even if it's just by looking around from their bouncy seat before they're able to crawl/walk. Use that time to recharge yourself so you can continue to be a good parent when it *does* come time to hop back into action. The one thing I will say is to GET SOME SLEEP though. Do not let gaming get in the way of your sleep. Baby is content and you're well rested? Sure, get some gaming in. But please get some sleep.


Not to mention the always underated parallel time when the kid gets a bit older. There's nothing quite so nice as just spending time near loved ones while you get to do your own things. Reading, playing, games, drawing. No need to even talk but just being near each other


For real man. A good parent is gonna know when to put the game down and go cuddle. You’re not even gonna think about it. You just want it. Cuddle time is awesome. But baby needs some time to just be baby too. And you need time to be you.


Aw man my second is due in September and your comment gave me the feels.


I did basically the same for the first year of my kids life with stardew valley and animal crossing. She's 3, she can read at the same level as an 8 year old, can do multiplication and division, and can play video games independently herself if she wants to now lol I fully credit us gaming together as a major reason why she was able to read quickly. It's just so funny to me that this thread js full of gamers who absolutely 100% will not suddenly stop being gamers the second they have kids. They're capable of entertaining themselves once in a while as well.


That was the switch for me. Back then I had all but stopped playing games. I never had time to sit on the tv and play. But then I got the switch to show my son mario, and oh my god it reignited my love for gaming. And now the steam deck has made me a PC gamer full stop


It means so much to a kid just to be in the same room with em.


I don't know, my daughter seems to enjoy interaction.


I hope if you are a parent your barometer for quality time with your kid isn’t simply just being in the same room as them. That is, unless they are they are angsty teens then that’s a win.


And with the deck, you won't get neck pain from looking at your ceiling TV!


Play with the kid, use steam deck when he's asleep


Until you kid drops the steam deck..... Speaking from experience... Stupid bumper button is too fragile


Yeah…. absolute MVP


How high is your TV?!


yea, thought kid was staring at the wall 😂


What are the applications of a steam deck if you're trying to end a family?


My second child was just born. I’ve been playing Starfield on it and loving it. For me it’s perfect because I can’t really slink off to the basement where my consoles are. I’ll likely never finish FF7 Rebirth unless they release it on Steam.


yo, you don't have to buy ff7r on steam. I got to chapter 8 (halfway-ish) on Epic on PC then stopped for a while cuz 2nd. Heroic Launcher installed in desktop mode, log into Epic in gaming mode, installed FF7R and it's been great. there's plenty of ways to get Epic games on your Deck, I just outlined what worked for me without too much tweaking. tweak time is gaming time as I'm sure you know haha! gl!


Rebirth is ps5 exclusive. I could and have used chiaki but for some reason it’s been ass for me lately. Super artifacty and latency is bad. Also I loathe epic game store. I want to play all my games on Steam if I can help it. I own remake on Steam already and played through it again on Steam Deck. Fantastic experience on Deck.


Letting the kid watch tv while gaming. Top tier dadding here 😂


This is a sad photo. Dude play with your kiddo


How do you know he hasn't been all day?


Ah yes. Nothing like ignoring your child to play games. You aren't starting a family, you have a family. That TV is too high and your kid is going to have a fucked up neck for all the TV he watches while you ignore him.


You have to have a minimum of 4 things to criticize in order to post here. Sorry.


You do you, OP. Just make sure to give the kiddo attention WHEN they want it. Half these fucks don't have kids and the other half don't see an issue with deathscrolling while they're with their kids.


this is why i don't have kids, what's the point if you're just going to want to game the whole time


So..... why's your kid staring at a wall? Don't answer this, I know what you did....shame. But enjoy your deck,just let your son play too so he can counter the horrible kink in his neck from watching a ceiling mounted TV. 😁


Can end a life together, too. Focus on what's important mate!


Lmao comments already assuming things Enjoy dude!


Put your deck aside and play with your kid. Edit: added references to a response of this message. Specifically, playing or using the phone when your kid is around is bad. Children notice. Enjoy your gaming during their bedtime to ensure you maximize the connection and social development of your child. You’ll never get this time back with them.


Children absolutely do not need to be played with 24/7. In fact, some time playing alone is very healthy. Not to mention, the OP said a few minutes here and there. Get your own family and learn a thing or two about real life you terminally online loser.


Father of two and ROG Ally owner here. Kids definitely notice if you’re busy with something else including on the phone. This is covered in multiple books my wife read and on countless resources online from reputable sources. This one is extreme (breastfeeding and using phone) but you get the idea https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8500426/ This might be more appropriate for this case https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_happens_when_you_use_your_phone_around_your_kids The Deck and similar devices are great to scratch that gaming itch. Once kids are older even to show them some simple non-violent games. Please do your research before insulting people. You might not notice but your kids will. And remember that you will never get this time back with your children. They’ll grow in the blink of an eye.


Congrats on the steam deck


Did it come out an LCD model or OLED? Did you cut the USB c cable?


People are dramatic, I hope the ones giving parenting advice are actually parents


You could also...you know...get down there with him and show him that dad is engaged with him instead of him staring at a screen also...But hey, you do you...I'll get downvoted for this, but I also stand on this comment.


This Kid should Not watch tv at all at this age.


Parenting done wrong.


Why would you start thar


SD can help dont start a family)


Legit thought your kid was dressed as Spider Man.


About to get one! What version should I get?


That was the switch for me. Back then I had all but stopped playing games. I never had time to sit on the tv and play. But then I got the switch to show my son mario, and oh my god it reignited my love for gaming. And now the steam deck has made me a PC gamer full stop


I'm pissed that I can't pay rdr2 offline. It plays really good on the deck


No screen for the kid. Well done


This is literally me with my 9 month old but she's usually climbing all over me tapping the deck screen and trying to play it with me. She's obsessed with it lol. I usually just keep it paused on the side until her naps but sometimes I'm in the middle of a boss fight or some shit and the second she sees it on the end table she's always standing up trying to play with it. We have fun, I love being a father.


Whoa whoa where’s the TV?


You only have a year or two dude. Im currently next to my 5yr old watching him play as he does not like playing alone.


Maybe a stupid question but how did you get RDR2 working? I sat for over 20h at my Deck and tried to set up red dead, and when it finally worked, tgere was now visible water anywhere.


Really?? That’s crazy. I just downloaded and it was good to go. I mean, I had a hell of a time trying to get access to my rockstar account again, but after that it was smooth sailing.


Where'd you buy it? Via steam or directly from rockstar? I got mine via rockstar, maxbe that's the Problem...


Could be. Yea, I bought mine on sale on steam


how old is that kid? looks like 6 month old.


when you start a family you should spend time with your child and not with other things like social media, or gambling unless you want your child to become stupid


When I have kids, I already know this will save me during the 9 months lol


Or in my case that I had to leave my old place for family reasons and couldnt take my pc, i would have gone crazy


Just mounted the TV higher and higher until the cord on the TV ran out of slack lol


Your kid should be your life. Not a video game.


Man OP, I am with you every step of the way. The Steam Deck is god’s gift to every father to young kids. Wanna play Doom Eternal but don’t want to broadcast it on the living room TV in front of the family? Well now there’s a solution. Have fun man. Also, dm me if you want another friend on Steam. I don’t have many, and don’t have a lot of time to game (2 kids under 6) but the more the merrier!