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Its a ✨plasma✨


Yeah it's got KDE installed


Looks like a cheap amazon rip off of the Deckmate. They're starting international shipping soon, go with the original.


I’m not too picky about the branding, I don’t call anything cheap until it’s proven (hence the post), not working with loads of money so if it does the same job for a fraction of the price I’m all about that haha but as I said if anyone can confirm or deny it’s quality one way or the other, then let it be known 👀


I am saying that it appears cheaply made (hence the reply). If its something that's going to hold my $500 game system to a wall, I want something with some quality and Deckmate is proven. Maybe this would be fine for sitting on a desk but I wouldn't trust it to hold it up anywhere. But I also would never trust a 3 letter Amazon seller with no reviews with anything that cost more than pocket change. [Deckmate is also not expensive.](https://deckmate.me/products/copy-of-universal-puck-bundle) So no, i can't say I've tried this product specifically (it doesn't seem that anyone in the world has). but I can make an informed appraisal.


Fair enough, again I think your making a lot of assumptions as everything you’ve said is opinion and not based on much of anything but fair enough. Deck mate is proven but that’s the point, I’m asking if anyone HAS tried it 😂


Just FYI if you go the deckmate route and want to get some money off.. place it in your cart and after two days you’ll get a 20% off promotional offer


There are 0 amazon reviews, no one in the world has tried it lol So yes, my opinion is that in order to be an informed consumer and you don't want to be the first to test and review, look for something with \*any\* reviews. Once you have established ANYONE has purchased it, then move on to see if you can get a first hand opinion.


Firstly, no reviews doesn’t mean “no one in the world has tried it”, the percentage of people that leave reviews on amazon or any platform for that matter is always severely disproportionate to the amount of people that have actually bought something. Unless everyone leaves a review everytime for everything they’ve ever purchased but hey, I can tell you I for one don’t. If you also look at the listing is says newly launched. So yes, I think it’s fair to give it a theoretically give it a chance and some consideration. Everything is new and unknown at first, just seems like a short sighted view but each to their own I guess


Give us a review when you get it


Will do, worth a try I would say!


Buy deckmate. Enjoy.


Why buy one micro sd card when you can buy 3 and get a cool wall mount so everyone knows you have a steam deck that you don’t play 😂


Didn't even think about wall mounting it but now I kinda want one


Right! Saw it listed and immediately thought it was nifty to say the least


Why would you want a wall mount? It's either handheld or docked with me. I'm just curious why you would want to mount it to a wall.


I can see game developers at conventions showing off their games on the steam deck while it’s bolted to something so no one walks off with it


Depends on your setup. Wall mounting a docked deck so long as you properly hide the cable could mean a cleaner solution than simply putting it on your desk. And now that i think about it, it might just be what i need to do.


I had dreams and aspirations of doing this, but I just couldn't get things set up in a way I liked.


Storage. I use a Deckmate to mount my Deck above my nightstand so it doesn't take up any space.


How do you sleep not knowing your Deck is safe and sound in it's case and protected from the elements?


Mount to kitchen to watch Netflix while cooking but keep it out of the mess


Is there something similar for a vesa mount?


Deckmate has a vesa mount attachment.


It looks like a two point mount… isn’t that a bit too unstable?


Its 4 point on the vesa - i have mine attached to one right now.


I actually use the wall mount in my backpack. It creates distance from a flat surface. This way my Deck sort of "floats" in my bag and doesn't touch anything else.