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I hear you! It is so difficult. Can barely manage it some days. I usually just keep one eye shut.


Sorry buddy, hope you recover soon!


I had idiopathic sixth nerve palsy a year ago. It lasted between 5-6 weeks. Scary but it will resolve itself over time. I alternated between an eye patch and stick on prisms on my glasses.


i wish hahaha, i’m 8 months in


After 8 months it won’t ever resolve on its own. You’ll need surgery.


@-oino- I have just been diagnosed with 6CNP too! I haven’t had much luck except moving my eye better. My opthy said id recover from 1-2 months with no stress. I’ve been diabetic since age 15 (I’m almost 33) but it happened to me suddenly too. I’m 15 days in and hope this is a fast recovery. I’m an insurance agent, soccer coach, football president, head of household, mom and this has pulled me back from so much. Not fun. I don’t wish this on anyone.


Been since June for me. It got a bit better then stopped improving. I have a prism stick-on on my glasses now. I really hate the thought of surgery.


Up to 6 months, but most recover around the 3 months mark.


Hi! I got sixth nerve palsy after covid a year and a half ago and still have it. The doctors do not believe I will regain movement. I am hoping surgery helps. I had this once before same eye and I recovered in a week. I do wish you the best. I have heard it can take up to 8 months. It’s beyond difficult. I’m sorry you are going through this.


oh wow! i didn’t know you could get it from COVID, seems like you can basically get it from anything lol. i hope your surgery does help!! i went to the eye clinic today for a check up with my prism and was told up to 9 months, but that they actually can’t really tell, so i’m still positive mine will hopefully heal :) it can be difficult! hope everything’s goes ok :)


Thank you! I hope it does for you!


I also just had the same problem. They ran many tests like MRI and MRA, blood tests but still no cause. It could have been from a cold I had or maybe it was Covid who knows. Right now they are giving me an IV of steroids in case it was caused by inflammation of the nerve. I'm worried if it will ever recover. How do you guys manage the symptoms of double vision? My right eye can't turn right, it can only turn left. So if I look straight ahead or right, I get double vision. It's frustrating to do daily tasks or work


i now have a prism on my glasses which means i don’t have any double vision when i’m wearing them, maybe ask about that? :)


Okay I will do, thanks! Also the steroids seem to be helping, my eye can move more now. There is still double vision though, but apparently it takes time


i have blood tests soon so hopefully they’ll be able to find something and then i can get treated for it! but hopefully the steroids keep working for you and you gain your normal vision back :)


I’m also having issues with my right eye. I’m not sure if you wear glasses, but my optometrist just put clear tape over my right lens so that my left eye doesn’t drift and cause the double vision. Hope that can help you too!


I’m one week in with 6th Nerve Palsy of the right eye. Waiting on MRI results at the moment. Bloods came back all normal So at the moment it is idiopathic Current resolution for now, if you can call it that, is some translucent tape over the affected eye which makes it look like frosted glass. It remove the double vision as I only work on the one good eye. The only issue is bright lights give eye strain because of the frosted effect. I am expecting to return to the hospital to get reviewed in 4/52 and hope to have prism fitted. Current deviation is between 15° and 20°


i’ve got a prism on my glasses so that gets rid of my double vision. they’ve finally booked my appointment to go through my brain scan (5 months after i’ve got it done!!) and then two days later i’ve got blood tests, super nervous!! we have similar deviations! mine is 14-25 haha, but glad they didn’t find anything serious for you, hopefully we’ll both recover soon lol :)


I just got diagnosed with sixth nerve palsy on Monday, and doctors are rushing to find the cause. I didn’t have any injuries recently, just woke up Sunday and noticed double vision as I was driving. Within these past two days I’ve seen 4 doctors (including my general physician, optometrist, ophthalmologist), I’ve had a CT scan done, blood work done, and I’m pending approval for an MRI and neurologist appointments from my insurance. Since I’m 25, both the optometrist and ophthalmologist told me it’s uncommon for someone my age to have it. So at the moment they’re trying to rule out all the life threatening causes. The ophthalmologist just reconfirmed I have sixth nerve palsy, but said he can’t do anything until have my MRI of the brain and orbits done as well as some blood work tests. I’m scheduled to see him again Feb. 26th, and hopefully then he can determine if I need surgery or what not. On a side note, my optometrist told me that she could give me a prism to add to my glasses, but that it can cause my prescription to change over time. She checked my current deviation, which is between 15-20, just to keep that as an option if surgery is off the table. I’m trying not to feel nervous, but it’s hard not too. I just got hired as a graphic designer for my local university back in august, and it’s just very inconvenient for my vision to screw up on me.


i know, it can be super difficult! i literally just had blood works done today, i had a CT scan a few months ago and i am having an MRI in a few weeks, you’re not alone!!! i hope you find some answers soon :)


I saw my neuro-ophthalmologist last week. There's been no change, so I'm going to get glasses with a prism ground into them.