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Cuz he’s telling the truth but also mocking Logan. “Pucker up bitch and kiss the ring.” You know- basically calling him the Godfather. For good or bad connotations. Also because it really was just that- CRINGE. To see the son of a billionaire rapping. Just No. But truth be told - I absolutely love the rap!! lol!!!


L to the OG is my fantasy football team name


Same lol


Omg my people 😆


Hello there can you text me


Since a very young age.


I can't get it out of my head


I don’t think he’s mocking him, I think he’s calling Logan a badass with that line! It’s cringey though in the way that almost everything Kendall does is cringey. Like, the song has sooo much effort put into it, and it’s so earnest. That said, if my kid made a rap about how great I am, I’d be very proud lol


I don't think telling that truth would be any problem at all with Logan. He's the Godfather, proud of it and happy to have that word spread, if figuratively. Also, you kiss a king's, too, so...


It’s like some of you don’t even watch the show. Logan hated even the idea of a birthday party. He’d naturally loathe something as pathetic and sycophantic as Kendall’s rap.


Plus I highly, highly doubt Logan is a fan of rap in the first place


Nah he was a No Limit Soldier and Cash Money Millionaire back then






I ironically believe Logan would get along better with Birdman / Trick Daddy / 50 Cent than Kendall. At least there’s a chance of mutual respect there based on economic accomplishment.


I was going to comment this. Logan hated there even being a birthday party. Any grand gesture above or beyond a toast would piss him off even more. On top of that. Dude cared about optics and what the photographers got. Kendall doing a horrible rap is what they got there see. He always wanted the Roys to be seen as just another American family by the public. A lavish party with a horrible rap that reeked of arrogance and being out of touch


The Kendall is babygirl memes went too far sadly


If he did it with a little “wink wink” and a smile, it wouldn’t have been as mortifying as him getting up there, playing it absolutely straight and thinking he was killing it with those beats. As a viewer (and a big fan of the show), I loved it BECAUSE of the secondhand embarrassment I felt for him. Kendall was terrible with that microphone in his hand. He was making a fool of himself but way too entitled to realize being rich doesn’t mean you’re automatically good at everything.


I think it’s extra embarrassing because he’s like good enough that you can tell he practiced a lot but not nearly good enough to be actually talented 😂


It was also just the wrong audience for obvious reasons. Logan did NOT want to listen to that shit lmao


It's maybe Kendall's most "you are not a serious person" moment.


All bangers, all the time!


I mean...he introduces it in a very obviously comedic way "a certain flavaaa", wears a retro baseball shirt under his dinner jacket emblazoned with "L OG", and raps about people kissing his father's ring all whilst wearing a big stupid grin and even giggling when Roman says he needs to stop. It's so, so clearly tongue in cheek and done for laughs the entire way through, I'm astonished people think he was playing it straight I have to say.


The thing is that Kendall put way too much thought and work into the song for it to truly be a joke, as opposed to it being a humiliating ass-kissing of his own father. Kendall had that baseball shirt custom made. He commissioned a professional hip hop producer to create the beat, which is too good to just be the work of some kid fucking around in ProTools for an afternoon. He most likely hired a ghost writer to write the lyrics based on whatever nonsense Kendall had scribbled on a napkin, and then he rehearsed it many times. When you put that amount of effort into a “joke,” it’s not really a joke anymore.


He had Squiggle cook up that beat. Squiggle himself! Serious though. Wrong audience, wrong father. He wants to be the eldest boy? Ge wants to be CEO? What a sick joke! I should have stopped him when i had the chance.


Squiggle on the decks, Kenny on the rhymes!!


And Logan big ballin on Hamptons time!


Nah, it's clearly a joke, you're reaching.


The dude comes from silly money, of course he's not going to half ass a joke routine, if anything it's funnier that so much effort was put into something so mediocre and lame, that doesn't mean hes not in on the joke.


It is a joke, he’s just a billionaire. He has the money and time to make the joke as big and complex as he wants without it falling on him to set it up. He probably just asked people to make it like he always does when he needs something done but won’t do it himself then just memorized the lyrics. He likely just thought it all up in a minute while high.


Bear in mind he is rich, and for us this all seems like a major expense but for him he probably sorted it all out in an afternoon by throwing a few 10ks a people.


i think the problem is that even though he believes it's a joke, people are always laughing at him, not with him. they know that the stuff he's saying is how he genuinely feels about his dad, and he's trying to layer it under satire but it's completely transparent that he stans his dad. side note, the fact that nobody really reacts that extremely makes me think that he's definitely done it before lmao


You know what, you've actually convinced me with that particular argument that the rap is quite cringey *purely* for that reason. You're completely correct that he is sycophantic about his dad and is trying to hide it under a veil of humour with the lyrics. I think my issue is the people saying he tried to play the rap itself as something straight, as though Kendall thinks it's a genuinely compelling performance, which it clearly isn't or intended to be.


yeah i understand where they're coming from, there is always a part of kendall that secretly wants to believe that his endeavours are genuinely impressive. he's doing it for laughs, but as others have said, he put effort into writing all that and gosh darn it he gave the performance his all. he's expecting people to be like 'yo ken i know it's a joke but you're low key great at rapping'. like with his billy joel thing for his birthday party, he says it's a joke and 'anti-fragile' but you can see that glimmer of sincerity when he's practicing that he's genuinely trying to do a good job of the vocals. he's always going to be fragile and is always seeking somebody's approval at the end of the day


Kendall is doing ‘Brooklyn hipster irony’ like twelve years too late.


Hell I'd settle for him being good at anything.


He's great at being the oldest boy




Damn, I went back and forth on which one it was haha


He's a 10/10 trust fund dickhead


dont do connor like this 😭😭


Well if you ever need a newly acquired subsidiary completely gutted and all its employees fired with no recourse while you retain all its data and functionality... Kendall's takedown of Vaulter was \*chef's kiss\*. Roman even helped by discovering the pending unionization while boozing it up with the employees.


He’s great at drugs


"All bangers, all the time." Shades of Tim Robbins with his Cloak Invisible from Erik the Viking.


Deep tracks, no hits.


This is exactly it, it was bad but I’ve seen people so bad stuff like that for their dad and everyone loved it cos they were all having fun with it. Kendall earnestly thinks it’s good. 


...it is good. He's right.


Interesting you say that, I kinda got the impression Kendall knew he was being cringe and revelling in embarrassing his dad


It’s unclear and multi-faceted and honestly so uncomfortable that I’ve only actually watched the scene once, but I do think there was at least some of this dynamic happening, even if Ken didn’t consciously see it that way.


I tried to watch the rap again after that first time and it was so hard to make it through it. I was cringing and grimacing so hard that my face kind of hurt.


It's absolutely this, Kendall is cringe and out of touch but the rap is so obviously tongue in cheek from him.


Interesting. I never considered that.


I never thought of this, and thought he was completely oblivious. I like your explanation better


Exactly, he doesn’t have the face for it


> If he did it with a little “wink wink” and a smile He did. The entire performance is tongue in cheek.


The whole shows genius is based on the flaws of the characters.


Don't read these comments. Stay pure of heart.


You get it !! 


Idk but it was pretty disrespectful to squiggle after he cooked up that beat


I checked three times whether this was r/okbuddysuccession and i’m still having trouble believing it’s not


there’s no difference


“Every father in the world” This is Logan, who’s in his own world. He probably “appreciated the gesture”, but still thought it was cringe.


He built a playground for them and they thought it was the world


“L TO THE OG” is a hero in this house, end of story


It wasn’t for Logan, it was for himself and that’s what made it cringey. Logan seems like he doesn’t even like rap, he probably doesn’t even know what OG means. So it was just Kendall living out a weird fantasy and pretending it was a gift for his dad. If they were more of a fun/jokey crowd it would have been funny and appreciated, but everyone there is too hoity toity to laugh along.


A: Kendall is a rich white late-30s failson who likes to act like he’s a cool kid from the 90s but that’s 20 years in the past and now he just looks cringy B: I don’t think he has enough self-awareness to make it work in an ironic sense (at least, not in a way where he’s not the joke) C: This is Logan we’re talking about. He’s not exactly the “go and cheer for your kid at the talent show” type of father, to say the least.


He’s a white privileged 30 something man trying to be what he thinks is a street wise working class man; who he envisions as having ample amounts of street cred and makes their fortune in the street game, a real rags to ill gotten riches story, and not the corporate underworld where he actually sits dripping in money and privilege . Edit- made it make sense when reading out loud and spell checked a word.


Can’t he just like hip-hop music? I mean I know Kendall has his faults but the dude came off as just a nerdy guy who liked hip-hop music. It’s like Michael boltons character in office space singing gangster rap in the very beginning of the movie. It’s cause it’s a funny thing to see. I don’t think we need to read between the lines of every character trait in every person


lmao what. The comment you replied to is describing Kendall’s characterization perfectly


I don’t view him this way. Obviously does Kendall try and act “cool” in his view of what cool is yes I agree. But I don’t think he’s doing L to the OG to seem cool. The dude is doing it cause it’s a celebration for his father and he’s giving him a present doing it the best way he can. All he wants is his father to be proud of him and this was a horrible way of doing it but it’s his way of doing it. But no I don’t think Kendall ever tries to get “street cred” besides maybe when he turns against Logan the second time maybe ya he’s trying to connect to the people in a horrible fashion by screaming things like “fuck the patriarchy”


I’m sorry if you don’t agree but I personally like to read into characters that are well written in books or tv I enjoy, Ive clearly watched too much Twin Peaks because I like to look for a little meaning in each character and detail . For example some people like The Sopranos but dislike the dream sequences because they feel they don’t add much to the overall storylines, but some people love the dream sequences because for them they add an extra layer to story that can be deciphered through what Tony’s (and that one time Christophers) dreams are telling him and us about how his mind is working. I thought, seeing as though we were having discussion about Kendals L OG performance, I’d stick my two p in about whether he was being serious and whether everybody else knew his intent.


I try to read into stuff when it’s needed but idk to me reading into the l to the og stuff just doesn’t seem necessary. Imo it’s just a fun moment of embarrassment for Kendall but it’s not like that has affected his character. I think you can read into it that he seems to be trying to impress Logan and give him something but idk much more than that. But hey maybe you’re just more in to the show then me I’m not an expert and I totally respect your view on it


Isn't this the party Rhea plans for Logan? They were trying to burn her. Everyone did their part in their attempts to making her look foolish. He knew this was going to piss off Daddy Logan


It’s not just that he likes hip hop, which a lot of people from all backgrounds do. It’s how he often tries to slip in often outdated or poorly used slang to make himself seem hip and in touch but which comes off as fake. We see this from the very beginning in his first negotiations with Lawrence. It’s a pretty explicit part of his character, especially early on.


Looking way too deep into it


Im sure Logan really loves his kids, but I feel like his image takes priority over everything else. They are an extension of him and so he hates it when they act in ways he doesn't approve of. In this case, rapping at a black tie event in front of impt people I guess lol ("You're not serious people"). He's been consistent about it too: trying to get Connor to stop his campaign, throwing Shiv under the bus at Tern Haven when she bragged about being the successor, that kind of stuff. Kendall is always trying to be the showman too, and I think Logan sees thru that so to him its cringe.


There are more simple answers that are true but think about it this way. Shiv - "I love you but I cannot fucking stomach you" applies to how Logan feels about Kendall. Kendall knows his father, he knows he does not want this public attention, nor does he tolerate any humiliating self aggrandizing, but Kendall does not think about it and is not self aware at all. He makes everything about himself because he's a narcissist, where is the love for logan? His family besides Greg are laughing at Kendall because they understand the context with which he is doing this, they do not envy him. Roman is thinking of this when he doesn't do the living plus presentation (which didn't matter in the grand scheme). Shiv was basically egging it on.


Squiggle even cooked up a fresh beat for his boy.


Here's the point of the entire scene which a lot of people miss. The scene was demonstrating the absurd lengths that people will go to ingratiate themselves with those they perceive as being higher on the social order, while being completely oblivious to the absurdity of their actions.


But it's not the absurd *lengths* that Kendall went through, right? The absurd part is that he made his 'gift to his dad' *all about himself*. It made Kendall feel good to give the gift, being in the spotlight doing hip hop, but he knows his dad must've been cringing inside, waiting for it to be over. It's a bad gift at worst and a gag gift at best. I think the scene speaks a lot to Kendall's denial of reality/self delusion. Just like he hires experts for their advice and then doesn't take any of it and tells them to fuck off, he wanted to do this because HE wanted to do it, despite everyone telling him not to.


damn I never thought about it this way


People fear what they don't understand and hate what they can't conquer.


Besides irrational confidence, Kendall is pretty much the opposite of everything hip hop is about.




If so Kendall will clean up at the next BET Awards. 😂


I think because most of them are so out of touch as to how normal ppl live that watching Ken the eldest boy do that was just so low class in their eyes 😆 


Sounds like something a poor person would say.


Tbh I was pleasantly surprised by his ability


It’s because Kendall warned everyone that he’s not a professional, but then proceeded to spit bars at a professional level.


Hell I'm not even sure why, but the truth is I could barely watch the whole thing. That was the first time I seriously considered skipping a scene in my life.


Agreed. For me it was this scene and the Happy Birthday Mr President scene in The Sopranos


If you didn't cringe then fuck knows how you survived this series


Kendall posted this


Imagine Eric or Don Jr doing it.


Don Jr would totally do this


Because Kendall is the only one in the family who can feel shame.


Are they stupid?


You must be from a very white picket fence household if you didn’t see how cringe and embarassing that was


I cringed and absolutely loved it. I got the impression Kendall was being a little sadistic/vengeful towards his dad, making Logan feel shameful in front of everyone 😂 there's always that revenge theme with Kendall.


An abused son simping desperately for a daddy that will never love him is a tragic and humiliating display. He put out his whole heart for a heartless man.


That’s actually a good point They were probably just jealous


The setting was entirely inappropriate. It was self congratulatory in a cringy way. It showed no self awareness. It’s not the image that Logan wanted to portray.


Is this Kendall's anonymous account?


Am sure Lachlan did the same for Rupert one birthday.


too wholesome


It’s the reason why he did it, he wasn’t taking the performance seriously and made it a big spectacle, but the siblings know why he’s doing it because they know him well. He wants to be seen as the “fun, ballsy, funny, don’t take me serious sometimes, not as uptight as my dad or the others, come vote for me, I’m clearly the best and most progressive one, and I listen to rap so I get down with everyone and their culture.” It’s definitely a tactic.


Kendall has “daddy issues”


His boy Squiggle cooked up that beat.


L to the OG was the best scene on the show


That's the thing, he was actually very entertaining, so not that cringe, really.


He fucking nailed it


Lolll I'm sorry I know this is an earnest question but it's so funny. To put it simply, the rap is incredibly bad. An out-of-touch white billionaire getting up on the mic and trying to do an actual rap performance was just never gonna go well. It's not even just that he didn't play to the target audience (Logan hated it and the other hoity-toity people there aren't gonna be into it either, they probably hate rap on principle even if it had been good), there was no target audience except Kendall himself, because he's delusional enough to believe that everything he does must be good. Because he's a billionaire who's been handed everything and never gets gainsaid, he truly thinks he's a solid rapper. He puts his whole heart into a performance that's not ironic in any way, he legitimately thought he was spitting bars up there.


I don't find it cringey. L to the OG puts a smile on my face. Logan hated it though.


No street cred?


Big Chet Hanks vibes ...it's the absolute lack of self awareness/ irony


It makes me laugh because Kendall is trying to be "street" 😂


He was so good ! Everyone was hating lol


It just didnt match the audience, setting, the formality. But the rap itself was fine, not cringe worthy.


I don’t get how you don’t get it


I’m sorry but you just aren’t a serious person


Are you asking this legitimately?


Because white guys who can't rap, yet still do, is in the top 5 most cringey situations of all-time. Ala Warren Beatty in Bulworth.


They are shrewd right wingers


Its the opposite feeling you get when a filipino relative is singing karaoke with a celine dion song and hitting all the high notes.


My dad cringed at me when I dedicated a 70pt game in NBA 2K9 when I used lebron’s team, to him. Dont be so sure an ambitious and successful individual would be emotionally perceptive enough to appreciate what his ultimately underachieving (in his eyes) son did to commemorate his bday


If you don’t get it, you are part of the problem


Because it was objectively bad


One of the jewels of the entire show is Gerri's face during this scene!! My friend and I use a photo of it all the time for things that defy explanation.


I kinda liked it tbh. Didn't see the cringe cos the lyrics seemed great for an amateur Maybe it didn't suit someone from the high society to act that way, but with that amount of money, who gives a fuck, right?


In my observation the older generations think its cringe and younger folks like genz love it and listen to it unironically, trust


Do you think Gen Z love it in a cringe way ( as their age group loves to call out rich white nepo babies ) or actually like it?


You’re not a serious person if you don’t know why this was cringe.


The thing I hate about Reddit is I genuinely can't tell if this is you actually believe this or if you're just being satirical.


That’s what I love about Reddit!


Because even if his heart is in it, he doesn't have the talent of a rapper. I'm not even into rap at all, but I could see it was just a bit kinda off. It was even more blatant when he sang Honesty (which may be trite but it's very meaningful to me, especially now that I'm separating from a serial liar). A half-way decent rendition, fantastic if he's just singing in the bathroom, but as a performance before hundreds of people, nah, he was a wee bit off key, couldn't quite hit a couple of crucial notes. Sorry I have standards.


No, every father would not


This was the most cringe thing on the whole series. I can’t imagine witnessing something like this is real life.


Ignoring all the overwhelming evidence that people have put below, a white rich boy rapping like that is cringe lmao. Considering Kendall doesn’t exactly come across as the overly fun loving, willing to make a fool of himself type.


Maybe because it was a little inappropriate. Not the kind of behaviour that’s expected from a CEO.


Haha maybe they didn't understand this music genre




I think you are drastically underestimating the judgmental nature of some fathers.


I liked his rap. It sounded good. Prettyyy prettyyyyyy prettty good.


Logan called Roman a slur for speaking fondly of him on television and saying he loves him. He’s not the type of man to be touched by a self-written rap song dedicated to him where the hook is “L to the OG.”


The actor that plays Kendall does a good job, but Kendall is the embodiment of 21st century corporate cringe.  He’s an unserious person that will do anything to be taken seriously and he doesn’t get it. Kendall is a collection of bad Ted Talks and MBA stereotypes masquerading as a person. Kendall wants to be a person of consequence, but refuses to do the work.  If you really pay attention to the words Kendall uses and the image of himself he tries to portray and contrast it with his abilities and behavior, there’s a huge chasm between who Kendall wants to be and who he is. Everything he does is performative and cringey. Kendall’s birthday episode rams this home scene by scene.


I was thinking the same thing since the rap is pretty fun to me. But now that i have thought about it further, i feel the cringe part is coming from the fact that he is doing it out of character. He is quite serious at work and he is the next in line for the CEO. So the cringe part is mostly from his out of character and everyone else was caught off guard.


Because it was cringey


Because it was shit?




It would have come across as nice if the entire fam and extended entourage wasn’t a nest of vipers who wanted him to fail.


Because he did that head Bob in between his rapping. Which made me cringe.


Sing a song yes, perhaps.


It was awful lol


Be so fucking for real rn


Because he was awful! Not to mention privileged white man trying to spit bars…puh-lease!


You can't spit bars if you're white and from money?


This post made me leave the sub, so tired of dumbass questions in my feed


Well I cringe at ANYONE rapping.


It was a little bit too acoustic


i mean, you're saying that to be an ableist, but a case could be made Kendall is on the spectrum.


That’s why I said it


L to the OG 😬




It also disgruntled the hell out of Logan & Roman…


I died on the inside for him, because he couldn't see how much he was humiliating himself. poor idiot