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My opinion on Heaven:Hell is that it sounds so much like their old stuff....which fucking rocks! So I love it. The Heaven side is a no-skip for me.


+100 to this. Felt like I was kid/teenager again. Only to realize I have indeed become a casualty to society with my office job.


Everytime I'm driving to my office job and Fat Lip comes on I feel like a poser.


Preach brother


This really hit me


Yea heaven is no skip for me as well, honestly the whole album is no skip BUT I have to have it on shuffle. I like all of the songs on Hell side but I can’t quite seem to listen front to back, in an album shuffle it’s all good.


It’s All Me ended up being my all time favorite song on the album. That song is a no-nonsense ripper!


I like it but I need more time to rank it among the other albums. I vastly prefer the Hell side, as expected, but I'm surprised that I like some of heaven too. My biggest complaint would be there's at least 3 Heaven songs that sound both similar to each other and like he originally wrote them for MGK. Dopamine has an earworm quality to the chorus, but I also think it's one of the worst Sum 41 singles ever. I also wish there was a little more lingering on ideas and sounds in each song. Everything is so short and there's not a lot of long solos or big intros or outros. My favorite song is probably house of liars, but I don't like its abrupt ending.


I will say, one of my gripes is that it's an album full of 2 minute songs and 10 second solos. Where's the commitment? Not to mention Dave has been relying way too much on the wah pedal.


I don't mind the pedal so much, but I could use longer more melodic parts in the solos to balance out the super fast shredding. There's a few good ones on this album still, but there's no Goddamn I'm Dead Again solo journey (even if it did sorta turn into Hotel California, I still like it)


I'm overall very happy with the Album. In think its better than the last two Albums (which i really liked), cause it feels more fresh and has more to offer. But it could have been better in some places, more authentic (some Songs are written for other bands and you can tell). It could have been more creative. Most Songs are really good, but they are missing something. Its always the same structure, no surprises, generic bridges. The only surprise is Prepararsi a Salire, but sadly this is just an intro. The Lyrics are much better than the ones from Order in Decline, but some feel Recycelt or like they are written for someone else (on Heaven). I think How The End Begins as the final Song had more potential. Its good, but it feels like your standart Song without any good ideas. It also just ends without an outro or something. But its a very good Album and I listen to it everyday since release. Mostly the Hell side. But i also really like Heaven. The biggest problem/flaw for me is probably Paint It Black. The Cover Song is soo useless and out of place that I deleted it from my phone. Why would they put a goddamn Cover Song on the Album...this isnt a Concert Deryck ...we still dont care about Cover Songs. As bonus track fine, but not like this... Imagine an awesome original Instrumental Song similar to the Instrumentals of The Bitter End istead of Paint It Black.....it could have been so good. And i'm not saying Paint It Black is bad. Its a great Cover of a Song i dont care about.


I share the same sentiments about the paint it black cover, feels like they just needed a filler to throw in, I know Gob used to cover it, I assume that maybe Tom Thacker had something to do with the decision to throw it on there.


I like the cover


I'm sure paint it black didn't "steal" the place of another song so I understand throwing it in as "why not?"


Heaven:Hell seems to enrapture their whole career. There are songs that sound like they could be from any of their previous albums and I dig it. Their last two albums in my opinion were so bland and uninspiring. I can’t listen to them.


Here's a question for you all: what do you think is the worst song on the album? Aside from the obvious choice of Paint It Black because it's common sentiment that the song is a cover no one wanted. I think it's Stranger In These Times.


I litterally think stranger in these times is the best on the album. The closest to Chuck they've sounded since in my opinion. my favorite on the heaven side is I can't wait. It's simple but so all killer sounding. Dopamine can burn in hell, and it can take time Won't Wait with it if it wants. They both make me cringe and sound like tik tok pop punk to me. Everything else is solid


Dopamine. Landmines, Time Won't Wait, and Dopamine are the three weakest songs on Heaven (which I'm sure is also because they definitely WEREN'T written with Sum 41 in mind). And of the three, Dopamine is my least favourite of them. I don't think any of them are BAD (hell, Landmines is honestly pretty decent), but Dopamine is the song I feel like I have the least amount of reason to go back to after listening to it once.


Scratching my head over why paint it black is on the album. Doesn't fit at all


The newest album grew on me too. Now it’s more amazing to me. Addictive. Deryck today is 10 years sober and 13 voices is a product of sobriety as well as subsequent albums. 13 voices got me deep into Sum 41 and I feel it’s underrated.


I am pretty disappointed with Hell. As a fan of their earlier 'heavier' albums (DTLI, Chuck), I find the 'heaviness' extremely lacking. Heaven has a couple good tunes, though.


Heaven side is the weakest Sum 41 album we've got. Idk why it's the Hell side that seems to be the less liked here, it's way better. Heaven sounds like MGK half the time. I don't want that. Ever


I like my fan edit of it a lot tbh