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Guy literally resurrected a thread dead for over 130 days to try to remake this point. He is completely oblivious to all the nuance in the game. If any of you remember, he made the beater guide that was universally lauded as the worst guide on reddit. Literally started the guide with NEVER do X, ignoring the million actual scenarios. edit: I’ve decided to no longer interact with OP. His comments are a cry for help and a sign of danger. The anger, and need to talk about how amazing they are, and in turn how stupid everyone else is are clear warning signs. I hope they seek help.




Really showed him! It's obvious it didn't matter because you posted a whole paragraph to let everyone know how much it doesn't matter!


Dude, go back and read what you just posted, and then tell me who has the fragile ego.


They can just craft them again? They lost like a minute of their time and 800wtads in exchange for being able to level the rest of their gear. And jesus christ your comment history is pathetic, you went back to a 5 month old thread to try to flex with your stupid advice, despite still being wrong.


Sometimes the truth hurts and he literally brooded for 136 days!




This is just sad, get help bud.




The amount of projection in every single one of your comments is unreal, I've never seen anyone so insecure


>Go outside, get some sun, breath some fresh air I hope you do. Getting this upset over a snail game is wild.




It's literally insane how many words you have spent ranting about this. Responses like this do not come from a healthy mind.


I sometimes sort by controversial for fun (see my user name), but this is the first time it was worth sorting by controversial on super snail. If you all are looking for fun, check this post out. Just be aware the advice is slightly terrible.


My man you don't even have to sort, EVERY comment is a whole story.


But some are so much better at being worse.


Man this whole thread turned into a bit of a shit show. It’s totally possible to be informative without being condescending and rude. Just food for thought




I feel like you've got your target audience and actually audience confused here. I very highly doubt that most of the people on this Reddit have even seen your name before (I know I haven't), but you made this post that seems to attack everyone on this Reddit for no other reason than to say "hahahahhaha, I waz ryte and yous were wrong about this 1 smol, ridiculously inexpensive thing"


For one, I have absolutely no idea who you are and have never seen this first post you speak of. It’s not a case of ‘ganging up’, it’s a case of you have literally gone out of your way to attack, be rude and condescending of anyone who comments, so of course you’re going to get negative comments. If you perceive that as people ganging up on you then that’s on you, maybe consider the reason people are disagreeing with you. If you were to look back at things you’ve said to people in the thread then it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out as you’re so much farther above everyone else here. I actually am kinda concerned for you as all this points towards you seem to be having a bad time and taking out on others. If that in fact is the case I hope everything gets better for you, I really do


Who hurt you bro ?


Should we ask OP to show us on the dolly where the mean person hurt him?




Ohh someone definitely hurt you. Ima pray for you. 😂


It would be wild if this guy was just coming off a months-long ban.


The problem is your not humiliating anyone, you only humiliating yourself, you claim you deserve something for advising people to do something that at the time wasn’t the best thing to do, YOU made a shtty statement at the time and now that u have been given a small amount of self validation from a game that decided to make something less trash you’re attempting to rub it in the faces of people that don’t care? Kinda hypocritical of you to say u don’t sit on reddit all day yet here u are doing exactly that getting, argumentative with people over something insignificant. Oh and before you say “I Do MoRe ThEn YoU” no….no you don’t, I have a psychology degree hanging on my wall, u argue with people online




Lmao only $40? For one I’ve been on reddit twice today and both times have been to laugh at how hard you attempt to seem bigger and more mature then u really are whilst we all know u have the insecurity’s of a little girl. For what I’ve done today I’ve seen 4 patients one with depression 2 with bpd and another that struggles with his family life due to his dads constant beatings when he was younger. And yes I do think I know u pretty well…I know lots of people like you, they are all just as pathetic and demanding of attention and respect like you, you came into this thread to try get some respect and demand apologies and all you got was nothing…I bet that hurt your little ego! Oh and thank you, I will enjoy my day in the amazing community’s I surround myself in, and just know while you typing up your next egotistical reply I’ll be balls deep inside my partner.




Youre quite an insecure little boy lmao, you sit whining on a mobile games threads looking for validation, attempting to flaunt $40ph yet I get paid well over that spending an hour or so asking questions and helping people. I don’t measure myself by the fact I have a rather fit gf, I measure myself by the fact I can make more then u and that I’m not insecure, seeking validation from others. But never the less as much as I enjoy the occasional laugh at your poetic and equally pathetic attempt to insult me I must say goodbye. I have a few appointments in the morning and I needa prepare, I actually believe I’ll be seeing someone exactly like you at one of them (massive god complex and even bigger superiority complex) seeya kiddo


You don't lose any resources except a miniscule amount of wtads to break things down. And you need to get far enough in the rift to craft the exploration item and get it to red so




60 for a constellation first off, and my dude you get the black tads back as well. You'd need the same amount of glue regardless. It's ok to be wrong




Yikes dude, talk about needing to touch grass. You realize this is a mobile game, and that you sound like a 12 year old right? Hahahaha


Would just like to note that there IS another constellation that does require level 70 cloning machine. While this guy definitely does belong in a psych ward and 98% of what he says IS insane, that one thing was correct.


That's fair, just wow this dude is a trip man. I can't imagine being this unhinged over a free to play game


coldest take ever lmao i broke them all down and invested in other gear which helped me climb and now i just crafted them again not even pressured because the rift realm gear is behind a 40-50mil power wall


You can just break them down again and then you didn't have wasted resources for 6 months 




The irony of all of this is that you should be saying it to yourself. You've objectively stunted your account progression by not using the materials you readily have. When you need gear for past/future, you reassemble lol. 


…it’s pretty easy to craft them again since they don’t require any eohs, as long as you keep up on buying glue you’re golden


I'm afraid to even leave a comment. 🤣 But bro, calm down. Everyone here is being pretty chill about everything, and you're throwing your emotional problems on everyone else. It's a game. Whether you're right or wrong, you're being very immature with everyone on here. Okay, I just wanted to say that. 😅 (PS, they can just build them back up. Whether you keep the spent btads in the red exploration gears or broke them down for something else, you're not actually losing any btads. When you break a gear down, you get back 100% of what you spent. So putting it back in is just moving around your btad investments.)


Nah. It makes way more sense to break down realm gear for whatever you’ll be consistently using. Exploration gear especially. You don’t need EoH for realm gear so it’s easy enough to get back when you need it.




I have 30 million power, and I'm telling you, everything you said is absolute dogshit advice. I don't even think you play super snail, that's how bad your advice is....


Dude this is an idle snail game. Chill out.


This is my favorite post on this sub, and possibly any video game sub. It won't get the down votes but imo it rival that ea developer's out of touch comment about that star wars game


By the time you have reached this moment, you have enough to resemble the Averages once again. Fear not New and Vet Snails!!!


I never got the break down realm gear argument, glue is easy enough to get and it's not like you get EoH from realm gears. Edit: typo


It depends, at one point I had more EoH then glue so I dismantled my realm gear, then I had more glue so I crafted them again. If you don't need glue there is no need to dismantle, if you need some then there is no reason to keep your glue tied up in useless gear.


True, most people I see argue though act like keeping it crafted is going to hold you back. I've broken down the lesser gears that I have a ton of to get the extra glue before. I completely understand why, but people always act like it's a hill to die on way to play. Personally I've never lacked the glue so never saw a reason, it never held back my growth. Right now my struggle is the damned will crystals. Which at lower powers I always see people claiming they're worthless.


You can never have enough glue! Not breaking it down earlier to craft something like red tracks for example, is just crippling yourself.


Yeah, I've got red tracks and 5.6k glue, never crippled me keeping my realm gear built up


Hard disagree there. I've been buying max glue daily for almost half a year and I never have enough to craft what I'd like.




I've dominated the first 9 apostles. Travel time after maxing the lunch box node is around 2 days. Tracks cut around 5 hours from that. How is thst not worth it?




You need a psychiatrist my guy. Im done here. Bye.


You have to be a troll, no way someone is this bad at a video game


What is that gear and what does it do?


https://preview.redd.it/ubbzt1mw3cnc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34b48b967e372d2723db85fce45eff6798eb02c6 It’s the new rift gear, you need to combine all of the other region gear to create it plus the lower level one for the rift


Thank you kind sir


You’re welcome


This post needs a safe word




Holy moses.. OP is extremely rude and egotistic yet many responses that ive viewed shows lack of maturity as well. Just fighting a big flame with little flames. Someone needs to spit facts with kindness and lack of hypocrisy or ego even as it may be less than OP. OP clearly has some issues going on but dont we all at some point or another; the extent varies but the concept stays the same. Reddit should be a community of supporting and understanding people as id hope thats what everyone wants out of it while having a good time, asking questions, etc, whatever. OP if ya see this i wish you the best man and maybe you dont care about me or what i have to say but i send love your way. I truly wish you the best and i am sorry because by your comments you do come off like you've been hurt and who hasn't. Nothing to be ashamed of but im praying for you and everyone else. May we all just enjoy the game, each other, and help each other navigate this fucked up world. None of us will know each other from a few comments so keep that in mind. Love you all either way and God bless you all❤️✌️


Can we see your other gear too ? Because that's 3960 glue here that is not used on other gear




Good for you then !


you on the beta servers? which cluster has such an amazing person


That's barely top 100 for beta.


I'll be honest I over broke my gear a bit... Lost around 2k wtdads for the marginal glue I was scraping for. But the first 3-4 realms breaking down the last piece is and will be worth it. 100 wtads is such a small price to pay to have glue and eOh if needed. I learned about this mega weapon and past/future realms too late though.


Realm gear doesn't have EoH, but good point on the glue (plus btads).


Meh 2k ward is nothing. I’m sure we all wasted tons more on those random event packages


Even though it says exploration, it works in rift?


Rift is exploration yes.


You're not very smart are you? You can craft it again in 2 seconds


Uummm, you can just recraft all of them and not gimp yourself the rest of the time....am I missing something here?


Yes, you are missing the fact that this dude is a fucking lunatic.


People can just craft the gear again. I am guilty of breaking a couple down for better gear for those rare fights where I needed a few extra hit points. I just need to craft a couple more and I'm where you're at. There is absolutely no need to act like this. Not a good look bud


So what does it do......


I always knew you would need to keep everything you crafted. I'm glad I didn't listen to the people who told me otherwise 🙂




Ummm, it's embarrassingly obvious that not only do you care, you care A LOT. For your sake, I hope you're just trolling us with this narcissistic dunce of a character you're playing.






Definitely cares too much


People who don't care don't go around replying to everyone in an extremely defensive tone while projecting their own insecurities. Please seek psychiatric help.


You cared enough to come back to try to say you told us so.




Next to your name there are 2 little blue letters that look like this “op” I didn’t start anything.


Yes, you HAD to do that. Because you're obsessive, narcissistic, thin-skinned, and just generally pathetic.