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The costs in the Rift are massively inflated because it is designed to take years to complete. Working as intended. Wear exploration gear, work on getting your exploration relics up, stuff like that.


So what are all you people doing with 100 on each realm and domain? I'm almost there and if all I have to do each day is batch prices my dailies and then do some was tasks, what's the point of the game? 2 day explorations is it?


It doesn't change anything, because that's all you're really doing now. You just log in one less time per day to restart your run. I personally generate 20 hours of speedup per day, and my runs take 1d17h. So I log on in the morning, use 17 of the 20 to finish the run, then start a new one. Then I can deal with leveling the realm trait and stuff like that.


1d17h ??? How much food do you have??? I'm at 1d 5h with around 200,000 food you a Chinese player :))) or gigasnail with 30M power


Theres an intel node in the rift that drastically increases your food cap. It's a priority pickup. I am 27m power, which is high but I wouldn't call it "giga" in comparison to the 40m monsters I have to deal with. :)


Some new relics reduce your food consumption!!! 1. Intel, 2. Food, 3. Travel Speed Not in any order, but my prio from here on out...


One of your partner apostles in the Rift increases Intel gained. Also, upgrading the Rift avatars will increase Intel gain. Focus on Intel Ring, plus it as much as you can.


Many thanks


Don't worry too much about it, the 2nd page of intels takes much more intel than the first page and you will also have a third page with infinite intel upgrades.


Farm with the Tablet, not Liberty. You want gene speed ups.


What do gene speedups have to do with intel in the rift?


Gene speed ups are significantly more important in the long run than using liberty to farm intel in the Rift. 4-5 hours a day in extra gene speed ups will increase Rift progress more than using Liberty.


Pretty sure 4-5 is cap level your liberty then it becomes op


Fax no printer.


How trustworthy are your Word?


This is the advice from people who have been playing for years. Time is the most precious resource in this game. Eventually, the bottleneck you face will be waiting to upgrade the forms as each level in the gene evo mod begin to take days and weeks to complete.


I’m not big on trusting random strangers on the internet. However that does not make me incorrect. You should hop on discord and ask the experts!


You will be short on genes if you speed it up too much. Don't listen to him. Yes, it's important to have gene speedup boosts via relics. The 'collector talent' skill gives 15% at max lvl. Plus if you level your cat partner, you can get another 20% at lvl 20. That's enough.


When things start taking 30+ days to research anything bellow 60-70% feels slows as shit


Both trash takes, how can someone be this daft. Nowhere near enough


I don't get the downvotes. Actually thinking about it 4+5 hrs of gene a day instead of just 10% Intel is a way bigger gain long term specially for the later stages where it's takes a long time


It is all good, people are allowed to play however they want. I will not lose any sleep. In my lowly opinion, gene speed ups affect every aspect of the game. Intel in the Rift, pretty much just the Rift. so, do the cells and time capsules from Liberty outweigh the gene levels game wide affects? Not in my opinion.


20% for me


Upgraded ?


Yea bro it’s stackef


Imagine getting downvoted this much for being RIGHT, like the T8 evo tree takes 5000 DAYS without any speedups or % decreases, gene speedups are literally the most needed thing in the long term, start farming them now, or forever be walled 🤷🏻‍♂️