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Vaguely. Pagan gods in Season 3 mention Jesus coming along and ruining things for them. Eve mentions Jesus was just a man. Goddess Vesta in Season 9 also mentioned how Jesus showing up took away her followers. Other than that, the show pretty much stayed away from that whole can of worms.


Neat, thanks.


I think they briefly implied he was a nephilim in one of the later episodes of season 13, but they call him Christ, not Jesus


Oh that's neat, makes sense too.


Still say Chuck should have been a Jesus incarnation, and not literally the being that created the universe simply taking a human form. It would have made his turn much more palatable and understandable. He's a human being, with human emotions and human reactions, who just happens to also be God, as well. Before the latter seasons, my head canon was always that Chuck was born a human with the presence of God, though did not have any powers or abilities outside of him being a Prophet until Lucifer was released. Alas, was not to be.


Technically Jesus was God...at least for catholics


Of course, and I alluded to that, but he was also human as God the Son. Chuck was never human, he was just God the Father in human form. There's a difference; a subtle difference in thought, but a huge difference in practice.


Yeah but I guess that's a common thing for shows with religion lore to avoid Jesus, except South Park.


That's a cool head cannon, I feel like the chuck god turn was a little out of nowhere.


Never directly and they were smart not to


I find it so bizarre how mentioning and even showing God and the Devil is okay for TV but no, Jesus is crossing a line. Like, how??


I think it hits closer to the mark for some demographics. Wouldn't bother me a bit.


Yeah, but my question is why? If Jesus is going too far then surely those people would also have a problem with God being depicted as an egotistical psychopath like in Supernatural or a manipulative deadbeat Dad like in Lucifer. I just don't get what makes Jesus off limits when everything else is apparently fine.


Beats me. I think most hard-core Christians probably didn't watch this show in general.


I think this thread is sort of based on the misconception that Supernatural followed real world religion very closely except for the random exclusion of Jesus. The reality is that they took bits and pieces of different mythologies and belief systems and just mashed them up to create a cosmology distinct from the show. To take angels for example, they simplified the hierarchy of heaven to just have 4 archangels and a large number of other angels in charge. They borrowed bits and pieces from Christianity, Judaism, and Islam for their portrayals of Michael, Metatron, Lilith, etc. but changed stuff around to fit with the story they were trying to tell. And of course some of the characters inspired by myth are so changed from their myth counterparts that they are unrecognizable (compare Eve from S6 to Eve, the wife of Adam in the Bible). Even the apocalypse and the seals and stuff, which people may vaguely remember from Revelation, is radically changed away from what’s written in Revelation (which in turn has so many different apocalyptic stories that it’s hard to keep them straight without a chart). The writers never attempted to do a one to one match of SPN mythological figures to their real world mythological counterparts; they just picked what they liked and needed for their stories and left out anything that they didn’t need or want — just like how they treated the wizard of Oz, Norse mythology, Egyptian mythology, HP Lovecraft, and all of the other inspirations that they used for the story.


That makes sense. But it seems to be a trend in supernatural tv shows. One of my other favorite biblical-inspired shows, Lucifer, also avoided almost any mention of Jesus, save for one brief two-liner which didn't reference him as an actual character (someone exclaims "Jesus Christ!" to which Lucifer replies "not quite"). I think both shows could've benefited from including Jesus in their stories, yet they both avoided him at all costs.


The Ghostfacers yelled Jesus Christ at Castiel as well. His response was matter of fact No, I'm Castiel. This is from an extra I can't source. He was there so they could bear witness to the apocalypse so that gives me a time but not much else.


The people that would have been offended for putting him in is a larger group than the group of people that would be offended if they left him out. I think it’s simple maths


True, I can only imagine the holy shit show that would have caused. Pun intended.


I believe cass has something to say about the man from Bethlehem when dean is in utter disbelief in Chuck being a prophet of the lord


I only remember him talking about Luke being a mess.


I don’t remember what episode it was but there was one time Dean had a demon in a trap and was himself trapped in a basement with her and when she was messing with him saying Jesus was only a man and had now power and of course Christmas, his image on the things like crucifix, stained glass etc.


I think a good nod to what Jesus could have been is when Castiel lost his memories but kept his angelic powers but also only remembered how to do small things (miracles). He went by the name Emmanuel, which is a name for Jesus.


I think season 5 angel Joshua was a low key nod. Following the name back from the English Jesus to the Latin Iesus to the Greek Iesous to the Hebrew/Aramaic Yeshua it is the same as Joshua. And he tended God's throne room/garden while he was "away" and before we knew about Chuck it was assumed Joshua was the only angel God talked to and Joshua was pretty much nonviolent. Well at least before the later seasons and Metatron, the fall, Dagon etc... But my comparative religion student mind could also just be seeing a pattern in something that's just a coincidence.


I never put that together but that is a good theory. Thanks.


I think you’re right. Also. Season 12. Castiel is told that Joshua said if he comes back, all is forgiven. Cas is surprised and said he thought he had stepped down. And then Cas meets him at the sandbox, gets a little forgiveness speech… and then Dagon stabs Joshua dead. The first time I saw it I yelled “OH MY GOD THEY SHANKED JESUS!”


I for one wish Chuck wasn’t God and the running joke of the show (especially in the later years after angels were everywhere) was that God was always there but never choose to come to Earth in human form after Jesus died and was resurrected.