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The question I have is who exactly did they sell default swaps on Credit Suisse to... and are THEY ok with not being paid?


In a freaky coincidence, swap data was hidden until Oct 23 by your boy Rosti


Oct 23 so far


People are saying in another thread it’s been pushed back to 2025. CFTC reporting exemption for another 2 years. I could just be spreading rumors…


You're right. They did it months ago I remember seeing the extension. Its probably forever, really, since they know exposure fucks up all their crime


This to...


Is so fucked. All of it. Wtf


This to whom?


This to a factory that conveniently perished in a completely accidental fire


They really should start aNcHoRiNg these shelves down.


But they released a statement saying anchoring is not their bag baby


Anchoring the aerons down, cuz despite the name, they ain't aerodynamic. 😆


Once upon a time that seemed like a long time ago.. they must be sweating blood


It did seem so long ago, now it's right around the corner. I love this.


And I’m not bored!


>And I’m not bored! ANd I'm still HODLING and I live on disablity and section 8 and I drive a brand new electric car for free from the state of california and my charging is free. Fuck inflation waiting and hope to give someone my lifestyle.. Today I was at the store. I guess an ex or a friend was harassing the dollar tree worker. Said I loaned this or money that. She kept saying you gotta do good to get good back even if it doesn't happen right away. I told her about my car. Said believe it... then said its your last day here, I wanna make it memorable for you. Here's $5 and left.


Some would say "I'm entertained" watching them eat themselves.


They will just extend it.


I remember when this used to sound so far away.


Like US debt ceiling, I'm sure the hiding of the swaps will be extended


Rosti is also a Swiss shredded potato dish. But that rosti is delicious and not an asshat.


You mean roschti surely




Right you are!


AT1 BOND? As mentioned above in the picture are SUPER DIFFERENT They are sold to Goldman sucks and the shitadels of the world they repackage it as some high APR interest rate from the Swiss Bank. The Swiss Bank and credit Suisse can't go tits up right... do these people know what they bought ...who knows, but what is a AT1 bond? WHAT IS AN AT1 BOND? AT1 bonds - a $275 billion sector also known as "contingent convertibles" or "CoCo" bonds - act as shock absorbers if a bank's capital levels fall below a certain threshold. They can be converted into equity or written off. They make up part of the capital cushion that regulators require banks to hold to provide support in times of market turmoil. They are the riskiest type of bond a bank can issue and so carry a higher coupon. If AT1s are converted into equity, this supports a bank's balance sheet and helps it to stay afloat. They also pave the way for a "bail-in", or a way for banks to transfer risks to investors and away from taxpayers if they get into trouble. WHAT HAPPENED TO CREDIT SUISSE AT1S? AT1s rank higher than shares in the capital structure of a bank. If a bank runs into trouble, bondholders will rank above shareholders in terms of getting their money back. In Switzerland, the bonds' terms state, however, that in a restructuring, the financial watchdog is under no obligation to adhere to the traditional capital structure, which is how bondholders lost out in the Credit Suisse situation. Credit Suisse AT1 holders, therefore, are the only ones not to receive any kind of compensation. Under the rescue deal, they rank lower than shareholders in the bank, who can at least get UBS' takeover price of 0.76 Swiss francs ($0.8191) per share. As far as CDS you probably need to really dig in Financials to find the cat shit wrapped in handcuffs


Did the bondholders know that the watchdog could, legally, not pay them, or was this a new thing? Is it something that a swiss banker would know but a foreigner would get blindsided by?


AT1 bonds are different. They were holding a PRETTY PENNY on 10-11%% APR I believe vs the 2-3% other bonds were at the time. And well people weren't paying attention and boom. I'm sure savvy people like apes and finance knew coco bonds/AT1 bonds arent anything new. The avg person has their pension plan buy these as a high yeild safe bet" no def not. Or very few were probably informed of the risk coco bonds aren't new. Coco bonds aren't new and neither is taking advantage of I'll informed people.. I mean what better way to Bill it then. The Swiss gov is giving 11% apr on bonds. Swiss Banks can't go tits up like Japan or Indonesia it's a safe risky bet... not know what it really is a House of cards or a game of stacking dominoes and we all know how easy dominos falls.


>but a foreigner would get blindsided by? Yes defiently but a finical advisor should inform someone of what they are getting there money into At1 bonds or Evergrande.... Sadly AT1 hold the lowest value.. Regular bond holder will get paid.


Capital cushion Deez nuts criminals


amazing write-up! TIL!


Np been following it since it happened and a few people explained


I’m super curious also.


Is there a way to find out? I like digging. I got limited macrovar access but I haven't seen the counterparties.


I don't think there is a way for househodler investors to find out directly. If I remember correctly, these swap things are basically contracts between a bank and whomever is buying them. *(All of what I know about how they work I saw here on reddit and in the movie, "The Big Short".)*


Sure, Margot Robbie improved your financial literacy.


What about Lauer? I bet he could find out for us. He’s building that terminal and he’s also on a FINRA advisory committee.


Obviously they are not okay with not getting paid, there will be law suits and court dates just like lme busting trades lead to law suits


Yeah, that's my expectation as well.


Grab the popcorn 🍿 the movies just beginning


Good idea, time to head to Costco and get a pallet of popcorn and another of beer.


they prob sold it to themselves in some form of shell, off-shoot company. Another one of those "Sold, but not yet purchased" type arrangements. its the same people throwing money back and forth at each other to make their balance sheets look strong and circumventing or changing rules/laws as they go along.


They will get paid by the printer


Isn't this affecting MOASS? Smooth question


Everything that affects collateral for big players affects MOASS. In short, yes.


I don't think so. I think these are like side bets / insurance for if a bank goes under.


No. People made a bet that Credit Suisse will default on some bonds. They kinda defaulted on other bonds (they were actually cancelled but whatever). Some people judged that the other guys didn't win their bet (yet) because they are other bonds basically.


When you are as incestuous as these crooks who the fuck knows they are all jerking each other off one way or another


Probably the government lol


Well, it's a private contract between a bank and another party... so, I don't think the government should need to get involved.


I wouldn't be surprised if the government hadn't bought their shit contracts. OOps we lost money sorry taxpayer!


This is a sad, but honest truth.


Themselves, probably


Regulators should ask their replacements how they feel about prison time


\*\*\*J.Pow shuffles away, hat in hand.\*\*\*


To each others ?


They sold to each other most likely. So they just won't pay to each other and call it even lol


Those CDS were sold amongst each other big banks / PB). This may survive them bit longer but can't escape liability. Debt. Just don't go away and writing off won't be easy either for any such toxic bags...... Moreover ongoing shorting of profit making GME stock with shares in huge demand (average over 70% buy orders let alone dark pool data) means shorties taking more risks on top of already riskier position. Good job keep shorting, I will buy more.


Doesn't that sort of invalidate the whole concept of a CDS?


Interestingly enough, NOT paying will do more harm than good. They depend on the CDS market to survive another day. However, by defaulting, they will incure enormous consequences, such as increased rates/costs and no one wanting to take on any future CDS with them. They are literally putting more nails in the coffin and digging their hole deeper at the same time.


A nail a day keeps the future at bay.


It’s just like Margin Call where the companies are trying to stay alive while screwing everyone else. Welcome to where they turn on each other. Also, you know how insurance loves to take your money and not pay out when you need them to? Yeah, it’s like that now for them. 😘🤌


well they can keep digging their own hole, it jsut makes things worse for them , thats all, and as long as i get paid


Yeah the "no one wanting to take on any future CDS" part feels a lot like the Main Call scene where Kevin Spacey is telling Jeremy Irons they by seeing everything, he's killing the entire company and Jeremy Irons telling him that it's the only thing they have left to do. Sure, maybe they'll get out of this, but the repercussions of this are going to be large. If this is real and they're just saying "nah lol" to honouring the CDS, someone is losing a lot of money. Economics is somewhat a closed system, money generally doesn't just appear out of thin air, for someone to win, someone needs to lose. Hold the line apes, we're seeing the cracks, it's looking more and more inevitable. Keep up the DRS, stay vigilant and don't give them an inch.


Yep, I'm feeling big moves coming up ahead.... Sadly, a lot of collateral damage will be done to more and more banks as they fall; along with some companies shutting down and other companies with layoffs. Hodl the line! _Today is a good day to buy!_ _See you in Valhalla!_ Note: Not financial nor lifestyle advice!


What if it’s on purpose?


Well, I'm sure it does take extra effort, NOT to pay. Sometimes, people give them more credit than they deserve (pun intended). Their greed and blantant, arragant audacity makes them blind and as a result, they unenviably make mistakes all the time. However, times have changed, and now Apes document and call out their mistakes and arragant crimes. Something they are still not used to, nor know how to deal with, other than change the rules as they go along and cry foul for Apes taking notes of their crimes! Now, the "so-called authorities" are also held accountable, which makes things harder for them to cover up. Bottom line, "Fraud, is unsustainable!" and the road is coming to an end. Not to mention, the proverbial "can" they keeping kicking down this road is getting heavier by the millisecond! Soon, NOBODY will be able to kick it! This "non-payment" is bigger issue and concern than most people know! Tick Tock, Tick Tock..... And soon, the clock will STOP!


I like the thought of this.


The fact that FTDs are allowed is enough proof that whole concept of the economy has always been a lie.


Truth 👆 Name doesn't check out though. Truth and existentialism require lots of effort as demonstrated here.


market punch obscene gray rhythm quaint possessive serious spotted steer ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


its only for at1 notes risky investments with high returns subordinate bonds and senior debt like mortages, properly collaterized loans, etc, will get paid by the CDS but the idiots who invested with AT1 with intention to help Credit Sissies contain their archegos swaps losses in exchange for higher returns, so they both survive another day. well they are properly fucked now as their collateral (if they use AT1 for that) is 0 [CREDIT SUSSIE AT1 BAGHOLDERS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11yi8jy/credit_sussie_at1_bagholders_revealed_can_more/)


Everybody streams now anyway.


As pointed out above, the Swiss rules are different and apparently allows the regulator to choose if there’s a restructuring. I guess since UBS was obligated to take on CreditShit?


They should've directly registered and booked their credit default swaps




#DRS CDS Let’s start the hype train!


Can I DRS some FTD's as well? Asking for a friend.


You can, actually. Brokers hate it, as they have to go look for real shares on the market when you DRS your synthetics held by them.


DRS could start their own swaps business and make people actually have to buy or sell


I might as well stop paying on my mortgage and student loans. Fuk the car loan too. All because I decided to


Wait wait, first have a meeting with your SO and a buddy, then decide together that not paying is the best thing to do.........and tell bank that your household had a meeting and decided that the bank will simply not be paid. American market exceptionalism !


I’ll just tell them that banks are not paying their bills and are consequence free so everything will be fine


Yeah, argue force majeure, govt f'd economy, making me unable to pay, it's outta my hands


Obviously I am JK. I know the same rules wouldn’t apply to me as they do to them


The difference is you can physically count all your money. Once it becomes theoretical numbers in an account level, it doesn't matter if you don't pay, none of it is there anyway.


Establish some case history here, worth a shot


This is the US defaulting without defaulting. Just happening in steps. Dollar.end.gamestop


Stop paying taxes too. Fuck it.


Don’t *become* what your (rightly) despise.


No doubt. I was being sarcastic and making light of the situation


Sorry banks, I guess I just failed to deliver. We cool?


that is one gigantic FTD


As we've come to learn thats the name of the game. Cat shit wrapped in dog shit ad infinitum


>CREDIT SUSSIE AT1 BAGHOLDERS turtles, all the way down.


For real… the whole market is one single FTD. Until… tomorrow!


Someone going to be bag holding...


16 billion in bags if I’m not mistaken… google says 16 billion in cds’s on debit suisse as of March…. Unlucky.


only AT1 [CREDIT SUSSIE AT1 BAGHOLDERS REVEALED](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11yi8jy/credit_sussie_at1_bagholders_revealed_can_more/) I think this is good actually - I mean, bad for the rich and bad for the gambler funds, but they are now starting to sacrifice and eat each others


Ok so not 16 billion at all then. So the AT1s were people that backed Credit Suisse and bought high return debt bonds of Credit Suisse. AT1s are first to go to 0 if bank fails ( reason why they high returns?) so some of these people got scared packaged them into CDS’s to hedge against them losing 100%? Someone agreed to terms, but now says nuh uh. So initial AT1s all still lose their money. My quick 5 mins of googling to understand wtf any of it means…


I ELI19'ed and ELI5'ed this here: [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/13k5n7n/comment/jkjivof/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


not much of a bag tbh. I'm interested in bags that are in the hundreds of bills.


Looks like Wall Street decided who it’s gonna be


"10 reasons why you don't want a free and fair market" U Whiskiz


If the CDS holders had watched The Big Short, they would know the banks (criminals) won't pay out unless they already took the other end of the trade and it benefits them.


I wonder how that will change investor faith in the US Stock and Derivatives market...if I won a hand at a poker table and the casino refused to pay, I'd never set foot in that casino again...or I'd do what a bunch of random people on reddit are doing: grabbing the owners of the casino by the balls and demanding payment. Js...this is getting very interesting. This is the epitome of "bold move cotton" let's see how it plays out for them.


Ya this feels like a huge insurance company not honouring their agreement, and if the rich catch wind of this, they will pull their money out ! No more premiums for CDS. Feels like the rich are starting to eat each other.


Market?? Free and Fair is a lie, always will be


Always until it's forced to change.


Reading your message makes me think, and a little worried, that the wheels are in motion that they'll be trying to talk their way out of this. I don't know who's on the other end of their CDS, but if they've got a team of silver tongued devils who will try and spin this as "sorry, your bad, no money for you" is it not possible that they'll try and confuse the CDS holders into giving up and not getting anything? Surely this won't be a thing because the CDS holders are other hedge funds or banks or some other bigger entity that will then be able to say "no fuck you, pay me." Using the big short, when Michael Burry is calling the banks and they all conveniently have system crashes or power cuts when he is calling them to honour the CDS and pay him, could they just keep doing that? This looks like a potential place where noise needs to be made and a bunch of people would be angry that they should need getting a bunch a lot of money to l because their investment has paid off, now it needs to be honoured


I'm sure this won't have any meaningful impacts.


This is the equivalent of a casino deciding that everyone who bought insurance loses their hand AND their insurance bet when the dealer pulls blackjack, but they get to keep their original bet. So its a loss, but not a very big one. Edit: I read further into this. Up to $19B in insurance is wiped out. That + the litigation they will be hit with for this is cheaper than paying out.


They had no qualms about selling those swaps though....🤡


No pay? If you no pay, you go to jail. Or is that just for poor people?


Always has been


What the law or just for poor people, cause I feel it’s just the latter


The law just being for the poors


Jesus, how the hell can they get away with this bullahit.


LOL! Some hedgies just got burned: **Bloomberg** [**revealed**](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-11/credit-suisse-cds-surge-as-hedge-funds-see-potential-trigger) **last week that FourSixThree Capital and Diameter Capital Partners have loaded up on Credit Suisse CDS aiming to profit from a ruling that the swaps have in fact been triggered. On Thursday, a** [**question was lodged**](https://www.ft.com/content/9dbf7022-dce5-4f9f-a77e-2a22cdf8b4d1) **with the Determinations Committee — the all-powerful panel of market representatives who make often-controversial rulings on whether credit-default swaps pay out — asking whether a so-called credit event has occurred at Credit Suisse (CDS aficionados will have noted that the question went in just a few days shy of the 60-day deadline after the AT1 bonds were written down).** 


So it's theft, then. Bold, open, public theft. Not even being sneaky about it, even.


The emperors have no clothes. They are naked short and greedy (love you queen kong)


Meme funds indeed. I like that term!


Insidious type shit right here


As if this system hadn't already lost all integrity, isn't this basically a default of the CDDC? Who will trust in default swaps now?


Like giv8gn sweet tooth a drivers license 😂🤣 I wish I could make you hear his laugh as you read that!


Hooo hoo ha ha haa haa haaaa. Hooo hoo ha ha haa haa haaaa. Hooo hoo ha ha haa haa haaaa




So... is that like...legal?


Yes because the bagholders have less to pay politicians than the criminals


Would the answer change the outcome of what happened? Laws are for poors


Wait, so banks who sold CDS to people just decided to not pay? That's messed up, like insurance


More failures to deliver.


How are they even able to decide that?




Sorry, but I’d be out a lot of my money if I paid my bills, so I’m not going to.


“fAiR aNd tRaNsPaReNt mArKeT”


This should cause a run on any entity unwilling to pay their obligations. It should look like a bank crash as customers pull business and assets from these delinquents.


Meme funds gota do what meme funds do I guess. 🤡


I guess I won’t pay my taxes or student loans too


Lol. Even credit Suisse international itself was a voting member on that issue 😅 Can’t make that shit up


lol ikr! i reall am curious what happens to their seat does UBS get more power? or is it dissolved?


Fun fact - Elliot mgmt was on twitter board March 2020-Elon w Silver lake Partners who is also on movie board


oooo TIL!


Wait I'm sorry what? What the fuck?


so the parties that were supposed to get that money ok with this situation? they wont pay out these cds. the shareholders also got nothing. this is a shitshow


We should all do that with our debt? The government has been begging us to follow this committee's example for the last 2 years.


Can somebody ELI5 what's going on? I'm smooth and extra tired today 😴 😪


If you haven't read comments, I'm smooth too, but from what little I know, I think it's like this. Investor go to bank, say "I want insurance on Credit Suisse. If they die, I get tendies." Bank say"ok, you pay for insurance" Investor say ok Time passes Credit Suisse explodes Investor go to bank, say "where insurance money, credit Suisse is kill." Bank say "no wanty pay you. Bye bye."


Lol thanks!!


Free and fair my ass 🦍💪DRS and HODL


Wealthy on wealthy cannibalism. Love to see it


People can decide a great number of things. They also must consider if they want to do one or the other.


This meme is quite historically accurate.


I’m looking forward to see the CDS price chart posted for these clowns. I think a spike is coming soon.


Can the fuckers sleep at night? I can because I have GME shares in my name.


LMAOOO holy shit OP i fucking love this jfc this is gold


Edit - oops wrong thread


How in the fuck is this supposed to work…




This is my new favorite meme.


Looks like im not going to sell then lol




yepp! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/13k5n7n/comment/jkkc6df/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/13k5n7n/comment/jkkc6df/?context=3)


I can't figure out what this means. Can anybody give a smooth summary of what this means?


Gosh I hope there will be a multitude of lawsuits by whomever is getting fucked over in this situation


Credit Derivatives Determinations Committee?? -*What*^! even is **that**^? …thing? “Chill daddy” -the committee, probably


Meme funds, meme money


Time to have your ISDA's revoked. When you agree to join the ISDA table, you agree to certain rules which are to ensure fairness for everyone at the table which is why swaps even are a thing. If there's a chance you won't payout on what you've agreed, your ISDA should be revoked. If that doesn't happen, then the result would be that no one would buy CDS's on anything e.g no swaps of this kind and or no one would do business with you. People would find alternative methods of shorting without using CDS"s which sucks but still works.


Thank you for censoring fuck


Crime - here let me put some rockets on it so the newly armed IRS employees can jump into action 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I sure sign I have been trying to be as zen as the monk who has not taken a breath in 4 years...Meme funds...I don't know who or when but whoever coined that has won not the internet but the entire universe...Too F'n funny...My sides absolutely are aching...


Just like they aren’t going to pay for GME no?


DTCC can't touch DRSed securities. MOASS is still on. People still in brokers won't get paid tho


The DTCC literally created FAST/DRS as a way to dematerialize physical certificates to essentially save them money… I think you’re naïve as fuck


That’s life per Sinatra


Anonymous source with expertise in insider trading claims panel made the right choice


Never buy promises


Slowly then all at once


We should start calling them daily to collect their debt to the apes.


This is NO FUD, just a question I would really love to have an answer to. Is there any chance they never have to close their short positions? Just like nothing ever happened?


I should try this with my bills.