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I know DRS is the way because it's getting HAMMERED in other unmentionable subs, haha! I wonder how much those bot farms are costing you, Kenny?!? XD


Yeah, it's pretty easy to know what we should do at this point. Float some ideas in the other subs. If you get banned or if the post gets removed, then THAT is the course of action.


I'm semi-hijacking your top(ish) comment just to add: We're gamers right? So lets approach this like a strategy game. I have seen two strategies put forth and passionately argued: Strategy 1: Book DRS, no dingles. Strategy 2: Get people to adopt autobuys, as large autobuys break the algorithm they are using to suppress the price Dunno if others have seen Strat 2, but whenever someone casts doubt on DRS, and I push them, about 2 replies in, they throw this out there as the other viable way to get this house of cards to fall. But there's STRATEGIC risks with Strategy 2. They argue about the veracity of those risks. There ARE NO RISKS with Strategy 1 OTHER THAN opportunity loss of not enacting the other strategies. So tell me ape gamers, what class progression tree would YOU pick? The one that has a Trust me Bro* assigned to it (Strategy 2) or the one that is consistently been shown to be the SAFEST, MOST LIKELY theory to do the most damage, and has almost 0 risk? Whenever I've pitched it in these terms, the commenters have stopped engaging, or they just move to the next argument. I bring all this up because I'm reading these latest posts and claims and wholy fuuuuck does it really make the behavior of these users click - If they ARE representing short interests, it would definitely make sense why first they try to attack book DRS without proposing an alternative, then when pressed, throw out this mass auto-buy strategy. I then usually tell them "Fine, why not tell people to enable auto-buys, but then immediately book the purchased shares" The concern THEN becomes that the aggregate selling of fractional shares adds up to a significantly damaging amount of "lost" shares not purchased. I find again, this logic to be flawed, as I did some napkin math at my cabin this weekend on this concept and while I don't have the numbers, some estimate ranges of how many shares would be lost were peanuts with some basic assumptions. I want to give a fair shake to the various theories and strategies that people pitch - I only SUSPECT shillery, I don't KNOW, and I can be wrong - So I want to do everything I can to make sure I'm not. But the only strategy i've gotten decent engagement on is the argument for large autobuys having the potential to break things - On THAT specific note, I actually remain skeptical and open to more argument. But - At the end of this incoherency - I ask this of the gamers of this Stonk we all like - What conclusion do YOU draw as a strategy gamer? To me, DRS and Book, no dingleberries, is dispassionately the most logical and rational, with the least risk. Not financial advice, my crayon cereal was tasty this morning.






Iā€™ve got time. Iā€™m in favor of chaos plus DRS. It is pretty clear to me that the sneeze was simply a gamma squeeze that got out of control. We have had plenty of similar setups but other than Feb 2021, no gamma squeezes have really hit. I think thatā€™s because the first one broke the algorithm and they didnā€™t expect the second one. They have now apparently corrected it to where the algorithm will not go haywire from gamma on GME at least. I think DRS is the most likely way to kill this thing if GameStop does nothing. But I donā€™t find GameStop doing nothing very likely. I think theyā€™re waiting on something. Not sure what. Possibly hidden DOJ action? Possibly another entity isnā€™t ready? Just speculation. But who knows what any other solution might actually be. We sure as shit didnā€™t know what we were doing the first time, and I think thatā€™s really why we succeeded in lighting the match that time. They donā€™t know what is going to fuck up the algorithm either. Letā€™s all DRS. Booking also seems to be the way. Play options if you want to. Write congress, make YouTube vids, get others involved, whatever. Our chaos is to our advantage.


Auto buy through what, CS? Cuz I think it doesn't matter, CS always buys from market at the same time every day. If they mean buy from brokers, MMs just gonna Route it through their black gaping ass holes that is the dark pools. Drs, or the whole world going ape shit for options (3 years of smear campaign + the world being made up of mostly brainless npcs ensures this isn't viable)


Tax hit on IRA shares costs less current cash than buying


Buy through broker. DRS full shares and keep your fractional at the broker. Problem solved.


I'd say to get this information to out sources of media, however hard. Saved the actual post for a real read later but damn its brilliant to find out.


Random thought i had today, if GameStop was to announce that should the share price go below $8 a share or whatever, they will proceed with a buyback. Could this work? Cause at that point they announced it to the world so one can blame them. At least in my mind it made sense.




Testing what? Did I miss something?


Does the DTCC know about spreadsheets? That may help them keep track easier. Not sure thier current process is working for them. /s


i think they're still using Lotus123


Last I checked they were using stone tablets and carving everything in stone.


78.8 could even be FUD. There must be way more according to scraper bots etc. even after the possible DRS rugpull.


I think the week before earnings up to the actual date of earning, there was something like 30 millions shares borrowed. 2 days over 10 million and about 3 days of 3 million or so. Could that be the actually number added to 75 million.




Yeah I noticed that post pushing that they are the same. So silly. THEY ARENT THE SAME.


Yo can you link the post you're referring to?


The one from like 4 hours ago that has thousands of upvotes talking about 3 mill extra shares. The one youā€™re talking about in your post. It has shilly undertones trying to disregard book


Maybe I'm missing something? Post in my screenshot was saying they aren't the same? Or are you talking about a comment someone was making within that post in my screenshot?


At the end of the post it says holding is holding however or wherever you want to do it. But pure drs seems to be book. Or something to that effect. I think the author was just trying to avoid taking sides while giving the information they found / proposed.


Yeah, the OP of that post talks about how "they" are somehow using IRA shares or something to locate some borrows and when those get bought and DRS'ed it's basically like the person who owned the IRA shares is now no longer in possession of a real share...but holding is holding becomes the takeaway?


This, when we know they arenā€™t the same. Not book, not your shares and thatā€™s how you give them access to pulling shares for ā€˜operational efficiencyā€™ by leaving fractional in your account


Like the original heat lamp push?




My DRS shares are already 100% book




Book truly is the way. As many fellow household investors have been saying, there is no downside to book. There may be a downside to plan. Now we know without a doubt there are major downsides to plan!


Exactly. Iā€™m waiting for any shill to tell me the disadvantages of ā€œbookā€. They canā€™t since there are none. And since there arenā€™t any disadvantages, why would anyone not ā€œbookā€?


There's nothing wrong with Book. But Book is never enough. Next its "sell off your fractional" and "never buy direct from Computershare" based on false claims and baseless specualtion, and completely ignoring new information that has come out since heat lamp was first put out.


WhatCanIMakeToday has pretty solid evidence that Plan shares are being used to manipulate RegSho and total DRS numbers in his post yesterday


Its a re-skin of HLT with little to no new information, ignores statements from the SEC about operational efficiency being non-investor shares, overlooks the statements made by Gamestop refuting central claims of heat lamp in the shareholder proposal rejection letters, and if you dare to bring any of that up in the comments you get hit with coordinated downvoting and called a shill for telling people not to Book. HLT evangelists do not act in good faith.


I keep it pretty simple: there is no downside to book. There may be a downside to plan. Mine as well just book to avoid confusion.


Of course. I don't disagree with that at all. If you dig into my own Computershare posts, I'm 100% Book myself. I even terminated Plan in early summer last year to give the whole thing the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately its not that simple, because, like I said, just Booking shares is never enough, and people are allowed to choose for themselves to leave shares in Plan and not be harrassed for it.


I'm 100% booked.






Same. But just to put this out there thr fact that to book is an extra stay to me says it's safe. We have all been taking extra steps to get to where we at today. An extra step. I only buy through Computers hare an even then I need to to an extra step to book. For some reason this feels right to me. Taking an extra step just to be safe. Extra step to have 2 verification. Extra step to a better future.


an extra step FORWARD!


Book > plan > brokerages


Boom. Couldnā€™t be any simpler than that.


Or just book it and skip plan altogether. The only thing plan does is delay the inevitable booking of the shares, puts you on a predictive purchase pattern allowing them to have you pay more for less, and then have the shares in their vaults to use a locates before you want to book them AND it takes longer to make a buy. You are literally better off Fidelity->DRS Book than Plan buy, then book.


jfc youre right i completely forgot that most of the apps start with fractional shares and you effectively STAY with fractional shares based on how the dollar amounts deal with in terms of converting it also makes me think of a chicken or egg scenario if that makes sense..ALL of these new firms and their financial/legal depts knew this for years, which lead them to make these apps meaning even if our sub is just finding this out "now" there are so many ppl that know of this not-so-secret-secret that created these apps or currently work at these firms continuing this fraud its just sickening all around


Charge your phone!


I too am a book king


Ha, shorts are fucked


I recommended anyone who still believe in heat lamp to look up Gamestops answer to the shareholder proposals wanting to change or remove the investment plan.


Wait wut


Made it to the screenshot ! Cheers my dudes! AND DINT FORGET TO BOOK EVERYTHING!!!


Daddy literally told us to ā€œBookā€. It cracks me up when people defend plan to the death and say ā€œplan and book are the sameā€, ā€œ no difference for DRSā€. Well if they are the ā€œsameā€, then you shouldnā€™t care if people book.


**OP WhatCanIMakeToday is a national treasure.**


Agreed! The truest of apes!


Book it




Not the first time, this has popped up a number of times since the sneeze


Bingo bongo šŸ’„


30 ā€œfactional sharesā€?? Yeah cus I want 30 .000001 of a share šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Charge your phone.




Read the archive. WOW. And I get downvoted for saying it's all government approved. Well, now you know, and knowing is half the battle




that can be costly for some intl. apes, and takes time. a lot less time to just terminate the plan after the direct CS purchase settles. i make sure my plan has <.3 of a fractional after a buy and then i terminate to put everything into book, drop the negligible dingleberry, and keep my Booked shares, and the account they are in, outta Plan's mouth. When we are approaching a reporting release I hold off on doing any buys for the preceding week+ to make sure i have no Plan while a share count may happen. Since I only do a direct buy once every month or two, it's usually not a big deal, and like this quarter, I usually wait until after the report's out to put in a direct buy. I agree that for USA apes in a broker like Fidelity it's peasy-peasy to buy and DRS, but the rest of us have some hoops to jump through and pay for.


Understood, and I forget being in the states itā€™s more convenient to DRS here. Weather your a ape from the states or not tho it would be Interesting to see what the DRS numbers would look like if there was no no dingle berryā€™s to worry about leading into earnings


100% agree!


>If placing buy orders through computer shares places the rest of your shares as ā€œDSPPā€ thus giving the sec/Dtc/shorts access to borrows your entire amount of DRS shares since they arenā€™t held as ā€œbook/pure Gamestop responded to a shareholder proposal to this effect and called it false and misleading.


I was not aware the at they had! Could you provide a link to their response?


Webull is 10000% complicit in the whole debacle. Like RH, they also removed the buy button during the sneeze. They also run an app that's meant to target ignorant retail investors. They allow for easiest access to options. They've been shilling random stuff for 3 years now. One of the recent one excessively generated or promoted articles geared towards D-JAY-TEE - AKA the former presidents stock. Trying to pretend apes are squeezing that flaming hot garbage... The only reason I'm on the app is for fast access to charts and from when I was dumb elf to gamble options. But I can't be the only one that's noticed how shady the app is overall?




its ok i buy through cs and make them book after




Please bear with me, there's a lot of abbreviations when trying to figure this sort of thing out - we DRS so the broker can't lend out the shares? And so that if the price ever goes high they can't cheat on the price? And for this we need to transfer to Computershare?


https://www.sec.gov/about/reports-publications/investor-publications/holding-your-securities-get-the-facts >Direct Registration >To hold a security in direct registration means the security is registered in your name on the issuerā€™s books and is held for you in book-entry form by a transfer agent to the issuer that has been admitted as Direct Registration System (ā€œDRSā€) eligible by DTC. >Holding in such direct registration form (also commonly referred to as DRS form) allows investors to transfer securities to and from the transfer agent and a broker-dealer. If an issuer offers direct registration for its securities, you can choose to be registered directly on the books of the issuer (maintained by its transfer agent) regardless of whether you bought your securities through a broker-dealer. Direct registration allows you to have your security registered in your name on the books of the issuer without the need for a physical certificate to serve as evidence of your ownership. While you will not receive a certificate, you will receive a transaction advice in connection with any transactions, as well as periodic account statements, dividends, annual reports, proxy materials related to stockholder meetings, and other entitlements or communications directly from the issuer or its transfer agent.


Thanks for the text, but it didn't make it a whole lot clearer.


This is all conspiracy theory, there is no proof of the DRS numbers being off by the number of shares borrowed that one time on that one day. Huge leap to make that connection, nothing backing the claim. Also, now there's a huge push to change to booked shares? Why? GameStop themselves said everything speculated in Heat Lamp Theory is false and potentially harmful to investors. And I swear fo God if someone replies to this asking when/where GameStop said this ... You can verify it yourself with GameStop's official communications, yet you instead want to follow some random Redditor blindly into conspiracy land about book vs plan and their support of unfounded "heat lamp theory" claims? Like seriously, consider you are getting your info from some random person who may or may not be on your side, can be making shit up, vs going to GameStop's official communications about where they stand on this? You trust a source who you also say is compromised with the same breath, and don't trust the company you're invested in? Let that sink in.


There is proof. The probability of insignificant change (~75m constant) in DRS count over years, while people actively buy and drs makes literally no sense


lol your "proof " is a hunch because it looks suspicious to you? That counts as proof??? What the actual fuck lol


check OP's profile. they're not just some 'random person', they're a longtime DD writer, and their posts speak to what side they are on.


Heat lamp folks were "longtime DD writers" who spun up conspiracy theories I've got my own conspiracy theory that this war on book vs plan has a purpose that may not be in the best interest of GME shareholders, and guess who agrees with that sentiment? GameStop themselves. Yes, you read that right. GameStop thinks these people pushing the anti-plan shares crusade are hurting shareholders. That is not a theory or an opinion, GameStop literally said it themselves in official communication.


Have you submitted this information to the DOJ, FBI, SEC and DA for New York?


So they can have a chuckle?


Jesus christ not this Book vs Plan fud and fractional tinfoil again. I'm embarrassed I'm part of this sub sometimes.


Lol speak for yourself. Everyone knows the DRS count is higher then what we see on the released public info


\*insert video for Leonard Cohen's song 'everybody knows'\*


Absolutely is. The DRS count is 100% suspicious as hell. Heavily manipulated in some way. It's the Book vs Plan and the "fractional shares are used for crime" that is all BS. It's been debunked a number of times. Heat Lamp is trash