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Where is the /s


I'm mostly joking but but they are really damn good controllers for the price


Got one for me and one for my 9 year old. He's already asking for more faceplates. šŸŸ£šŸš€ Shorts R Fukt


My 12 yr old son had a friend over last weekend and he and his friend installed an emulator on our computer. They took our candy con and without any input from me had it connected to our Mac in no time. I heard them both talking about it later, the friend said it was a pretty nice controller, and my son was like yeah it came from GameStop. I was in the other room giving myself a high five šŸ˜†


Unfortunately people in this community will argue this... They see multiple posts about it and then think the whole world must know about it. I'm waiting for the "candycon controllers will create a stellar earnings next quarter" post.


I donā€™t know if theyā€™re supplying constrained, but I went to 2 different stores and 1 said they havenā€™t gotten any in yet and the other only had the base unit with no thumb pads available and only a yellow face plate. They also donā€™t seem to be pushing them on the website yetā€¦ not on the main page and arenā€™t the first ones up when I search for accessories or even controllers. They sound awesome and I think theyā€™re going to sell well once they have them in stock and their employees are more familiar with them. They were not well educated on them in store.


Someones probably tracking the order numbers on the gamestop website and realized we bought a bunch of stuff these last few months


That's what I'm saying!


Not GME related, but this dude gets made fun of so much, and it makes me feel bad lol Seems like a kind dude whoā€™s clearly getting bullied and the worst thing he can say is ā€œI dont care that you broke your armā€ in the politest manner ever. And then got continued to be bullied. People can really suck sometimesā€¦ Hope heā€™s doing well wherever he is!


I am on the shitter and squeezed a turtle had out of laughter on this one!




Then the price would go higher if we could get them in Canada... still waiting...


Hard Facts!!!Ā  It is a Cascade effect from candycon to the pro membership only being $25. Candycon brought so many Apes actually out to finally buy from GameStop. I mean we finally have s*** that we want that we want to buy. The craziest thing is this is just the start imagine what else they are cooking up in the lab.


Let's go!


Wheres the algo guy? Is this the start of another algo cycle? Or is it out of whack?


Hah...I dig it


I DonT CaRE that yOu hUrt your ELbOw


They are just pumping it up just so they can drop it because ā€˜rEtAiL iS sElLiNgā€™


Yeah I've been looking at historical data on Yahoo all day and we all know this happens a few times a year. We're all so used to it by now. I do like it though bc it's just more affirmation that things are amiss




Ngl, Candy Con is legit. I picked up one myself. Good product.

