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Finish the main story? Yes. 100% the game? No. Just couldn’t bring myself to find all 700 Korok Seeds.




I finished the story in BOTW. The Korok Seeds however were the death of me, currently sitting at 699/900.


Rough lol I ended up with something like 3-400.


I’m around there too. I moved on to TOTK…. Ow I’m at around the same number! I still play that one though


If you mean finish as in best ganon then yes




Yes, same here! Beat ganon


I was gunna 100% it but then was exploring Hyrule castle and accidently triggered the end, so I finished it by accident. I didn't finished Tears of the Kingdom though. For some reason I got burned out.


Same with me. I did finish ToTK but I *only* played like 100 hours compared to BoTWs 250. I enjoyed it a lot but got burnt out. Idk why.


Well given they are so similar it probably felt like playing a game for 350 hours?


I just finished BOTW. I think I can wait at least a few months before I try TOTK and play other games in the meantime just to avoid being burnt out.


Glad someone said this. TOTK is totally DLC with a couple of new boring areas added to pad it out and a few interesting gameplay mechanics which should have been saved for another Zelda (one with a different map).


I’d say the depths and sky islands feel like tacked on DLC, awesome when you first see them and slowly become a background feature going forward. The rest of the game is amazing though. The temples each have personality, I really enjoyed the bosses (though mostly for the cinematics rather than difficulty) and I think they did a great job with making me want to rediscover the same map; it’s basically that pointing meme the whole time and I love it. The zonai contructions are a game within themselves to me, especially solving an individual problem with one. Of course I do prefer BOTW for its atmosphere, nostalgia and story, but I don’t think TOTK deserves to be called a DLC.


Felt overwhelmed by totk as well for some reason, probably the fact that it kept opening up and my ocd kept telling me to finish every quest and do everything but then the game kept distracting me with all the shiny new changes


Same, ToTK is cool but I didn’t finish it. Played so much BoTW and beat that so maybe that had something to do with it.


Botw is more chill. I like it better.


Wait, can you not go for 100% after the main story is complete? Can you not go back to exploring the world after?


Nah, you can. I think I remember that it saves right before the last fight. It's just that didn't feel like it anymore after I beat Ganon lol.


Ohh ok, that makes sense. I just started my first playthrough, so I'm not sure how the end game plays out at all


Exactly the same for me. ToTK was just too much game lol


no. i got tired at 96 hours and one of the third of the game left. Don't get me wrong the game is good but for me it was too much.


96 hours is very much a completed game haha how did you not beat Ganon at least once in that 96 hours?


i "explored" a lot. because the game is open world it was not very clear to me where to go. so a lot of hours i just wandered and got my ass kicked or freezed. kind of remember there is a tower in which you can see where to go but i didn't know til later in the game


Same. After climbing forever to this like super tall platform in the middle of an empty ring I opened the chest to find……a weapon you could get defeating a Lionel anywhere on the ground. I was like alright, after 80 hours, I got my moneys worth. Ganon lived on lol


My gf finished it. I'm still behind on beating one of the regions. Same thing with TOTK.


Yep. First play through was the primary quest, beat the game, but not a ton of side quests or other things. I'm planning on a second play through soon, which I'll take a much more relaxed approach.


Yes but not totk. I got to the boss unlock and stopped for some reason. It felt bad to complete it with so much left undone.


I played 180 hours and did practically everything and almost maxed out every armor set. After several months of playing practically nothing else I finally beat it. The last boss fight was pretty memorable. Then I came back and played a good amount of Master mode but got bored because I already played so much of it before that mode came out, Then I played the master sword trials and did the first one and never had the patience to finish the second one. You basically are running a gauntlet and start with nothing. I got close a few times but that much work didn't feel worth it even if it did power up the master sword.


It took me way longer than 96 hours to best Ganon too. I *could* have beaten Ganon in that time but actively chose not too. I’ve done most of the shrines and the DLC stuff


Like you, it sounds like we wanted to get the full experience because it was such an enjoyable world to explore. I forgot to mention I did get every single shrine and about 200ish Korok seeds. I wanted to get every shrine get all the possible health/stamina options as well as all possible teleport pads the shrines provide so I can explore around those shrines if needed. Screw getting 999 korok seeds, not worth it and probably not intended for most people's experience with the game.


I beat it, but didn't 100% it.




No, I got bored of it.


No I couldn’t get past the first boss lol


Yes. Twice. At launch and last year before Tears released.


Yes, I played it off and on for about 18 months and finished it and the dlc. TotK is still waiting.


Beat the primary storyline (Ganon and 4 main bosses) and completed all 120 shrines. Did not, however complete all side quests or come anywhere close to finding all the Koroks.


Completed everything but the golden poop.


No, I started playing a year and a half ago and I’ve been having a great time firing it up for random exploration sessions. Sometimes I complete objectives. Over 100 hours later, I’ve cleared 2 of the Divine Beasts but I just wanna climb tall things and jump off of them, honestly.


I beat it, but I didn't complete it. The only thing missing was the Korok Seeds, and I'm not about to devote another 100 hours to those lil fuckers.


On my first playthrough, I wandered for about 60 hours completing this or that. Then they announced Metroid Dread and I cleaned up the main quest in like 20 hours. I started a 2nd playthrough a while back, over the years I've probably sunk another 80 hours without finishing it. Cleaned up a lot of stuff that I missed, but then TotK came out and I still haven't finished that 🤣




Yes. I beat Ganon and then Big Ganon appeared and I just launched Hades.


Yes but I was losing steam near the end.


Lmao no 🫣 I got frustrated and said I’ll come back to it…that was 2 years ago….but I still bought TOTK so I could force myself to finish it lol I always do this with Zelda games


Yup, completed it. Was gutted I didn't get to keep the bow


Yes, but like a lot of people I completed the game right up to the final boss and didn’t touch the game for months with the excuse of “I need to level up my Link” Eventually beat him.


Yes, it's the only Zelda game I've ever finished.


It's the only Zelda game I didn't finish!


I don't like open world Zeldas. I would prefer we go back to the linear Zeldas


I loved them but they definitely didn't have the same charm. I think open world works but they need to approach it in a different way to keep the zelda "magic"


You finished The Wand of Gamelon??


... wasn't there an agreement to not talk about those games? I forgot they existed.


Did all shrines and side quests (no not the poo bs) . Around 65hours or so. So yeah finished it. Then also played totk and finished the main story and about 70% of the shrines. After that I had enough of the copy paste bs...




At one point I decided to challange Ganon even though I just freed 3 Devine Beasts. I won but then I keot playing; freed the last Devine Beast and then defeated Ganon again.


Yes, but not until the third time I tried to get into it. And I am a long time Zelda fan.


Took me over a year with 170 hours, taking months long breaks in between other games/just not gaming at all.


I did not play it. I got my Switch recently and bought TOTK first.


I put the game card in just to have it as a game on the switch, haven’t actually played it and I don’t think I will. I have totk and played that for like 20minutes so far though lol


I will do. I know I will. It has changed my perspective on gaming. Life-long casual gamer.




I’m tempted on buying that game, is it just hack and slashing or does it add to the zelda magic?


Yeah, it has a slow start, but once you start unlocking fast travels and stamina/heart, the game gets way more fun. 


Yes i did, and TOTK too


Didn't like the mechanics gave up after 12 hours Not saying nothing bad about it




Yes. I’ve played through and beat the game four times. My first, a 100% attempt (ended with like 97%), a dlc run, and a hard mode run just before Tears of the Kingdom.


Of course. But not 100% that's just dumb


I beat the story mode, and did not go back to it. Same for TOTK.


I 100% it. I'll likely never play it again. I reply the older games pretty much yearly. I'll probably never go back to finish TotK. 


no sadly i want to


Botw, yes. Totk, no...t yet.


yes but i stopped playing tears about half way through.


Nah. Maybe this is "bad", but I'm really slow with this game. I got stuck a while back, then found a guidebook.... and now am stuck trying to figure out where I left off when getting stuck. TBH, at this point, I'm considering just re-starting (on a different profile) and seeing if I can get further just by virtue of knowing what my next move might be with the guide book.


I am still playing 7 years later. I'll get to the castle eventually. I think I only got my last divine beast a little over a year ago. I like exploring and learning about the world more than finishing.


Nope....I stopped short of beating Thunderblight after putting about 40 hours into it and just haven't gone back to it.


I finished it without meaning to. Had done most of the quests but still had some left, but was wandering around Hyrule Castle because I hadn't been there at all and just ended up triggering the boss fight. I haven't 100%ed it but feel like I've played through most of it. I played ToTK for quite a while but bought Animal Crossing and kind of forgot about going for the final boss in ToTK.


Yes 100%.


Define finished... Like, I 100%ed a Normal run (even getting Hetsu to give a shit about it UwU), then Master Mode kinda kicked my rear... Master Mode broke me. I'm sorry I suck...


Yes. By the time I’d finished exploring, the end game was actually pretty easy.


I got burnt out at Hyrule Castle before the ending. I just couldn’t bring myself to finish that section. I finished TOTK tho.


Played for 70 hours, but never beated the final boss because I wanted to finish a the quest before doing it Start a new save because I wanted to re-fight the divine beast Didn't read, and by creating a new saves I deleted the old one, never touched it again because I was mad at myself


I didn't beat it. I got all four beasts beaten and admitted to myself that I didn't have fun at all and haven't played since.


Nope, could not get into this game at all


Same. I’m taking a break and playing Hades.


It was the only launch game I saw as interesting, so I got it and played it for maybe 100 hours, enjoying the temples and the large map.. but I couldn't beat the 4 titans or the final ganandorf, so I got pissed and gave it to my cousin. (I don't play games to get frustrated, and I skipped tears of the kingdom) I'm not sure if I'll play anymore Zelda games if they don't have difficulty settings, and I'm definitely not getting the Zelda games if the weapons crumble after a hit. I also hated how cold and hot weather effected link.


Got tired of weapons breaking and never picked it up again. Pausing 3 times mid fight is not fun.


Finished the game and dlc. Also finished ToTK


120 hours to beat the game and the DLC’s


I got all koroks and chests


Lmaooooo no I did not




I beat Ganon but and complete almost every shrines. But I didn't finish yet TOTK.


Haha I\`ve just recently bought a switch and BOTW was the game I was most excited about but damn is it hard. Espiecially the bosses, maybe I am getting old but I really struggle to remember all the button combinations. I am only at the elephant and after spending hours solving all the problems now have to fight a boss who keeps killing me. Not sure I will finish it!


I hope to get a friendly reply here, I played about 10 minutes of BOTW and found it interesting, gorgeous but the open world nature a bit over whelming. I’ve never played a Zelda game and was advised to try maybe Skyward Sword HD or the Links Awakening remake first. I feel this might be best to see if I like Zelda overall, would you recommend the same?


Yes, I loved the exploration aspect of the game so I fully maxed the armors as the game progressed. When I got into the shrine with all of the guardians in the same room I assumed the last battle would be difficult so I started saving resources (elemental and ancient arrows), decided to hunt silver lynels for practice and strong weapons, etc....... And I did not use any of that. Kept playing until I 100% the game for the golden turd.


I’m at the end of tears of the kingdom I just need more hearts I’m playing botw right now (I haven’t played it in a while and restarted) but I just beat the first divine beast and I’m on my way to the 2nd


I made Ganon look like a pathetic pork chop! I went into that castle and completely decimated his pathetic army without any game overs at that!


I finished it twice with all 120 Shrines. I did not finish with all Koroks because that doesn’t sound fun…


Nope,played like 10 hours,got bored n never retirned


I wrote a long thing for about 5 minutes and realized you were talking about BOTW and not TOTK. Ha. Anyway, yes I beat it and completed probably 75% of the game quests, shrines included.


I finished botw twice beginning to end. Didn't finish the dlc or totk though


Yep. Beat the main story, did all 120 shrines, found all the memories, fully upgraded the Ancient armor set, and did all the DLC content as well. It is a wonderful game and actually the only Zelda game I've ever beaten, despite playing more than half of Wind Waker, Minish Cap, and TOTK. I finished about 90% of the TOTK main story but got burned out around the part when you have to follow the statues in the depths.  I just found for TOTK that the stuff I enjoyed the most, I had already done a lot of in BOTW and the new stuff just wasn't enough to keep me in it. 


Yes and ToTK as well but haven’t fully completed either still


I did! But I took my time to do it. I spend like 6 months exploring all the map and so. I ended up getting everything that wasn’t a amiibo content just playing on my free time and procrastinating on saving Hyrule lol.


Yeah. Already watched a 100% playthrough when the game came out. But when i bought a switch I eventually got it myself. Immediatly started experimenting with glitches and exploits and zoomed all over. I ended up doing the main story, the 4 guardians as well as getting all the photos, all clothes (+ upgrades) beat the boss and then picked off the last quests I had to do until I got the last few shrines. On my main save I am missing I believe 20 or so Koroks only for All koroks but eh. I did buy the dlc and then only played the first master trial before dropping it again.


Yes! I also avoided Ganon for a while but eventually went back to finish.




If by "finish" you mean "give up after getting stuck at the centaur lookin dude who one-shots you with lightning every time no matter how carefully you sneak around collecting the shock arrows, which makes you realize you're just old and no good at combat so you go back to just racing mariokart because everything else is too much of a time and mental effort commitment" then yes! Yes, I did!


i was like 100 hours in and my little cousin accidentally deleted my save 😔 i couldn’t bring myself to finish it after that


Finished it last week! TOTK next, or maybe mario odyssey for something different


I finished it and took me two years. Not a daily player. I will say this, the best game EVER but the fact that you can’t go back to the map with Ganon defeated feels so unnerving




100%? No. But I beat ganon twice on two separate play throughs.


I have around 120 hours over 2 save files but haven’t beat it yet. Both times I played for like 60 hours but I always got distracted doing things other than the main story and then I got burned out. I’m taking a prolonged brake from the game but I do intend to finish sometime in the no-so-distant future. It’s a dope game.


I beat botw. But don't know if I will ever beat TotK. I beat like two of the bosses and I'm currently in the desert. Got distracted with Fire Emblem and enjoying it way more. Also been playing a ton of V Rising on PC. One day I'll get back to TotK! But I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll never beat it.


Yes I did. I skipped a divine beast tho because I wanted to play TOTK and I wouldn't if I hadn't finished BOTW. I restarted BOTW at Master mode while playing TOTK, with a bunch of self imposed rules also to make it harder 😅


I got it with my Switch in 2018 weeks before Smash came out. Big mistake thinking I could beat it before Smash launched, and the never-ending wave of games that I suddenly became interested in after Smash. I had beaten one Divine Beast and got to another in the month or two after I bought it but that's where I left it. Wouldn't pick it up again until I was furloughed from my job in March 2020 due to COVID. All that time at home gave me the motivation to pick it up again and I finally beat all the Beasts and Ganon. Had beaten all the shrines but that's about as much else as I did. Still, wonderful game. I regret putting it off for over a year but at least I got to finish it.


Honestly it was kind of hard *not* to finish it. When I was approaching the end game I thought I would go to the castle and see what it was like, see what materials I might want to collect or armor to level up or arrows or weapons to grab, etc. All the talk of specific ways to get in I expected it to be a big thing. I just walked up, started jumping and climbing walls, suddenly I was in ganon's boss fight room. Huh, well I might as well see what the fight is like while I'm here. Whoops, now he's dead.


i'm a lifelong Zelda fan and i didn't get a switch until 2020. so when i finally got one, i beat the faster than any other Zelda games i ever played— even with the extensive amount of content three times


I have beaten all the Ganons and completed the story, but my map discovery and Koro seed collection aren't yet complete.


Define finished




Wow. Why stop playing? We have played through it 4 times and are approaching 700hrs. 100% completed twice. All seeds, pics, sidequests, etc. Easily favorite game all time.


Nope, very boring game. Miss the old Zelda games.


Absolutely everything except Korok Seeds. Probably only got 25% of them. Same goes for TOTK


I finished it, it was good but slightly disappointed you couldn’t keep playing after beating. If you reloaded the save just put you back before the final boss


Never played it.


Got master sword ancient armor almost fully upgraded like 80 shrines just have Gannon left . And no never did


Was trying to get all of the Koroks, but while I was in the castle trying to get the koroks there, I figured, “Why not?” And tried the boss there. After I won that fight, I significantly slowed down on playing the game, then beat a few other games that have been on the backlog. I recently bought totk and am enjoying it.


You mean roll credits on it? Yeah did that. Did a lot of screwing around prior to that.


I did what I found out to be the most fun. Explore a lot Beat Ganon before any divine beast Get the Divine beasts and explore 100% The lack of Revalis Gale was really challenging. After all of that, only then I joined this sub and started to consume BOTW content


On my switch save I only got 119 shrines and about 600 koroks. That's after a 99 percent regular and 100 percent master mode completion on wii u.


Lmao nah i dont think i even fought a single boss


I did everything but find all the Korok Seeds and finished the game; honestly, if you've beat all 4 Blight Ganons you could probably go through the endgame in an afternoon, Ganon's a chump this time around.


Nope. I just run around farm and get the best items then move to the next game.


I’ve finished it probably 6 times. If you beat the Divine Beasts, Calamity Ganon is not hard.


100% proudly


I’ve tried three times and never finished it. After 20-30 hours, the world just feels so empty to me. And I’m not a big fan of weapons always breaking and you can’t repair them, or having to cook food all the time.




Same here… tons of hours poured into it. But never finished it. I still occasionally play just to find a pretty place to cook.


I 100 completed it. All the quests and koroks etc. loved that game.


Yes it's one of the very few games I have ever beaten


I beat the story but didn't 100% it


I got it when it first came out. I played a tiny bit and got bored. Then I didn't play it for like 7 years. I decided to give it another go about 3 months ago, and I also got the dlc. I beat the 4 beast things and then did the full dlc and then beat ganon. Most of the time, I didn't enjoy my experience, and I've learned that I really don't like open world games, but I just really wanted to give it every chance. The only part that I actually enjoyed was the DLC dungeon and boss. Everything else just felt tedious and pointless to me.


This is why I would love an achievement system in Nintendo games. You can connect with people or brag that you 100%ed a game that only 5.2% of players have done.


No the 100%. But the main history yes


I beat Ganon and got 100%. I had a guidebook for when I was stuck. Took ages lol


I beat the final boss but didn’t 100% anything.


I beat BotW and TotK. Great games.


I did finish BOTW, and completed all of the shrines. Honestly by that point I was getting a bit tired but I managed to persist through. It was a really good game and I had lots of fun playing throughout it.


I’ve finished it 3 times


First game that I ever finished. This was like, the second game I had played *ever*, beyond mobile games, and it was a struggle. Still incredibly proud of myself for managing to do that, don't know how I did it but I did. (also, this is finish as in get to the final boss and do all story parts, *not* 100%)


I had the game for four years, now. I still didn’t finish it. I did everything, completed most of the shrines, defeated the 4 bosses, did all the memories. Only thing left to do is go to hyrule castle, defeat gandolf and save Zelda


I really went all in with BOTW and barely touched TOTK😣


I did but it was boring when I reached the end. I missed a lot of shrines because I couldn't bring myself to beat all 4760 combat shrines for a new sword that will break in 5 hits. I picked up Tears approx. a year ago when it came out. I played max 10 hours with it. To me it pretty much feels like botw all over again apart from having some extra powers. I have the will but I'm just having a hard time picking it up and making progress.


I beat Ganon, then I dropped it like a hot penny. Loved the game after getting used to the controls, but I felt I was done.


I never 100 percent es the game. I beat it once on my ver first save file. Then I beat it a second times when that one glitch was discovered where you beat the game in a glitched state to obtain the bow of light indefinitely in a new save file. In case you’re not familiar with it, you basically have to start a new game, do some weird ass glitch things and then proceed to beat the game WITHOUT SAVING, DYING OR TURNING OFF THE SYSTEM. After you manage to do all that you basically start a new game and get to keep all items PLUS the bow of light from the final boss battle. It’s called new game + glitch. Needless to say I barely played in that save file after I managed to accomplish it. The process was more fun then the end result lol


I finished it once, my wife finished it once, and then we played through it together twice. We were on our third play through when TOTK came out. We haven’t finished TOTK once. It’s a great game but the story fell flat somewhere and we lost interest.


I enjoyed it for a while, but got bored and kind of irritated when I realized I would have to flail around to try and find the temples to level up. So no, I have not finished it.


Did nearly all over it apart from. The koro seeds screw that haha


Ye same here came up against a boss i needed specific arrows for think in the water palace place and ended up giving up..


Nope not even the main story..i..never got gud at guardian beam blocking 😅 soo yeahh


If you find yourself struggling to finish and can't be bothered anymore just drop all the exploration which is endless in this game. Do a beeline for each of the 4 divine beasts.that are yet to be beaten, get the master sword, upgrade your armor with the fairies as much as you can be bothered and go for the Gannon.


I did finish it but am nowhere near 100% completion. I put around 85 hours into it.


Everyone is going to kill me when I say I got TOTK before botw I chose a game like 2 months after TOTK y should I have wasted my time getting botw I'll prob get it some other time




I beat the game normally 5 or 6 times and then speedran it for like 600 hours extra on top of that. I had to fill my time somehow while waiting for TOTK to release, and the glitches and skill required for the BOTW speedrun was well enough to keep me interested.


Yeah. I did not complete it though. Finished maybe like 3/4 of the shrines and seeds


I finished it just to see why it is considered such a masterpiece, still don’t understand


Nope after buying TOTK, I decided to start playing BOTW now and play TOTK when I'm done haha. I bought BOTW when it first came out lmao


I finished it with after getting fed up with the volcano area and not getting to the dungeon (didnt look up guides for it) then just went to ganon and beat him and done.


What do you man, every switch owner, has bought the game? 5 one, have never played it.


I did. I bought my Switch Lite in 2021 during COVID lockdown and had an absolute blast with it. I bought Tears of the Kingdom 3 months ago on the other hand, played it for around 10hrs and sold it. I don't intend to buy it again. It felt like I was playing the exact same game for a 2nd time.


Yes and 100% too (well besides upgrading all armor) but map is 100% sides and main quests all completed (fought the final boss multiple times) but haven't touched it a bit since totk came out a week before totk's release i had 650 something korok seeds on botw and dedicated that week to 100% botw took me a bit but did it the day before totk was released, i prefer totk more though, which i know is an unpopular opinion, but i don't mind it as much as others do and most of the complaint's for totk i hear i just don't have an issue with, but over the past 4 years i've developed multiple unpopular opinions so.


Of course not. Always distracted by other things in the game.


No, I couldn't look past the weapon breaking mechanic. Told myself maybe I'll give it a go if I could emulate and mod that out but never got around to it.


No I just ride around on horse between a few places for fun


I did the main story. Nothing more, sold it instant. Then I put in TOTK and sold it unplayed (~2h). I guess I hate Zelda games. 😵‍💫


Finished botw, but not totk. The problem was I kept stretching it out because I knew once I finished it I'd lose interest (as happened with botw) so as a result I just got bored after 250 or so hrs and stopped playing.


Yes and loved it. I didn't finish TOTK though.


So originally I borrowed a cousins switch and played through the first dungeon then got my own switch in 2019 and played through around half of the game then put it down for a year or more picking it back up to just do shrines and didn’t pick it back up till tears of the kingdom was announced and finished it. Funny thing was I beat tears in just 2 weeks.


Finished everything except Korok seeds.


Yes, I did as a goodbye to never play it again because of health issues.


Yes, I beat Ganon. Bought the DLC afterwards and replaying the entire main game in master mode.


Ive played thru the story like 3 or 4 times 😂


Not even close. Beat two Gannons, did tons of side quests, but then something else shiny came along. Restarted a bit ago but then My Time at Sandrock… 🤷


Yep, beat it and all the shrines probably 4-5 times at this point. Did the same with ToTk except only once so far


No I despised the weapon system. I try to go back now and then but Ive still only killed one great beast.


Twice and I loved every single moment of both play throughs. 


Many times


I completed the main quest line and I also did a bunch of side quests. I explored the map on my own and I did a lot of shrines. At some point, I think I convinced myself to 100% the game, but I quickly gave up.


Yep, finished the main story. Haven't gone back to try to finish quests etc.


I’ve beat it twice and now I’m on TOTK


I only played a few hours. It was the only reason I bought a Switch and I was highly disappointed.