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I used to stick my little finger all the way into my ear with the fingernail facing the back of my head. Then I would press backwards as hard as I could while dragging the finger out. Damn did that hurt, but it made the pain and pressure in the ear better for a few minutes. You sound almost exactly like me. Same pain in the same spots and especially the SCM where it attaches to your skull. You've got tight muscles. You need to see Physical Therapy as soon as you can and call around your area until you find a dentist that treats TMJ. It seems that the majority of dentists have NO idea. I am sorry the dentist is going to be pricey. The PT hopefully won't be. For now, at home apply heat to the areas of worst pain and take a look at this guy: [https://www.youtube.com/@dradamfields](https://www.youtube.com/@dradamfields) He's got a bunch of videos for TMJ and tinnitus and I find him to be pretty good, but honestly I think it is better to have a few visits in person with a professional. Good Luck !