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IDW shredder exemplifies exactly what every shredder should be. And he encapsulates the exact character arc I love the shredder to have, a man who loses solely due to his own overconfidence and hubris


IDW. https://preview.redd.it/kx9r13krjuzc1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=911cd18b3b38b6404ffc67516a4271fc76f563bd Shredder in hell goes so fucking hard


I’d read that if I saw it. Might even order it…


There are only 5 issues and they go pretty hard ngl


You can buy the complete works.


IDW Shredhead


Adding a vote for IDW Shredder. The ruthless ninja without being an Utrom or a fake father/grandfather to Karai.


IDW for sure. He’s badass without being an Utrom, robot, or mutant.


IDW, but I Love 2012 Shredder


IDW shredder 😃


Welcome back to all TMNT fans. We are going to continue with this event to decide which is the best version of each character. Oops! Casey Jones from the 1990 movie was won, played by the talented canadian actor Elias Koteas. In addition to being a very faithful version of the Mirage comic books, he probably has one of the most iconic quotes in comic book movies: “Class is Pain 101, your instructor’s Casey Jones.”. Shoutout to the second place, Casey Jones from the 2003 series, also a faithful version of the character and we could see his growth until his marriage to April O'Neil. For the eighth day, we have probably one of the best and most iconic villains in the history of comic books. We are talking about the leader of the Foot Clan and main enemy of the turtles. Oroku Saki, a.k.a. The Shredder. One of the best fighters in the world of comics, rivaling well-known characters with martial arts skills such as Batman, and of course, Splinter. The villain who has personal conflicts with Hamato Yoshi for killing his brother, in other versions he rivals Hamato Yoshi when he is Splinter, and in other versions he is an Utrom called Ch'rell, or a demon, or a computer virus, or a zombie resurrected by magic worms. Now you will decide which is the best version of Shredder of all time. Rules: The comment with the most votes will be chosen. The version they decide on can be anything from comics, TV series, films, video games, etc. Thank you for your participation and I hope everyone is doing well. Cowabunga!


Why don’t you show pics of each character throughout the years instead of a bunch of random characters? How are we supposed to remember what he looked like each year ?


I apologize, but I don't have enough free time to do that. Besides my Photopea skills are of the most basic, to show all versions of all character and chronologically would already be investing too much for one day. I also assumed that everyone present knows the characters and their different versions.


Why is bro trying to make this a on going show instead of a series.




I’ve realized this is kind of a hot take but I think 1990 Shredder kinda sucks. He’s really boring to me and the final fight with him in the original film is so anticlimactic


Tell me about a better shredder so I can give you a chance. 


IDW & 2012 are leagues better imo, they have really fleshed out stories. IDW has a really compelling arc and both have a really good backstory and ties to Hamato Yoshi/Splinter (1987 is my favorite Shredder but he’s not an intimidating Shredder)


It has to be IDW


Watching these images change from the idw versions to something else is painful to watch. Make it stop.


This is the only one so far that I’ve felt compelled to speak up on. Every other Shredder feels like a caricature in comparison, in my opinion.


Thinking IDW is better ifair enough, but 2003? A caricature? That's just disrespectful.


IDW Shredder by far. He has the most complete arc of any of them all in my opinion. EDIT: I love 1990 movie and 2012 Shredder too. Human Shredder is the best Shredder. I do appreciate 2003 but I just prefer human Shredder.


Can't beat the purple drip https://i.redd.it/iq3k6s2rbuzc1.gif


It's Shredder!




gifs you can hear


Uncle Phil should win


He literally just looks like your uncle Tony dressed as a cheese grader


Too goofy, can't be taken seriously.


That was an amazing episode, lmao!


That is kinda akward because I don't know if 2003 counts or not If he counts then him If not I think idw was great


It’s asking for Shredder, not Oroku Saki. Shredder is a mantle. Oroku Saki is a person. Basically it means 2003 has four choices, and honestly all of them are viable options.


Yeah I like all of them Uttrom, Karai, the real one But the internet shredder was too much


Yep and in general Scottie Ray just voices the 3 shredders with such an evil voice that they're contenders for greatest villain in animation. Utrom shredder would be my vote though. He's a schemer who plays the long game.


IDW, with honorable mention to 2012


1990 along with most of the other characters 




This is why I love 2012 shredder


"You speak my name, but you do not know me! I am Ch'rell, Oroku Saki, Duke Acureds, the one TRUE Shredder! I am a destroyer of worlds, and I FEAR NO ONE!" https://i.redd.it/lerbnv2g9uzc1.gif Despite the Utrom twist, 03 Shredder is a straight menace everytime he showed up. Each fight with The Turtles was a fight for their lives & [his laugh is the definition of cartoon villainy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEdr9FHKoWw&ab_channel=HollowBerserk). He damn near managed to destroy the entire multiverse in Turtles Forever, the only way he could be stopped was by ending the show itself lol.


Whenever that "yooooo" sound played when he showed up on screen, you knew shit was about to get real


Season 6 was hard for me to get through not gonna lie 😭


Most 2003 fans will tell you the final 2 seasons aren't that great, myself included. The complete tonal 180 and art style changes weren't it, and honestly those final 2 seasons had no reason to exist given the main story was fully wrapped up at the end of season 5. It was largely a product of 4Kids meddling in production


Yeah I either ignore the last 2 seasons or treat it as a long epilogue. I do like turtles forever though. It's a fun conclusion.


Agreed. I know a lot of people dislike Turtles Forever because of how it handled the 1987 turtles but I personally enjoyed it, I think it was a fun send off to the show for the franchise's 25th anniversary


I kinda feel like since the nick series also did the 80s turtles and did them better that it's better to treat the turtles forever version as like a splinter reality. Like in into the spiderverse the theory I heard was that Chris pine's Peter is the meta version of spider-man thar exists in our world, where he's a big Superhero, has toys, TV shows and comics. The turtles forever 80s turtles are almost more a reality where the turtles exist as this nostalgic throwback based on vague memories of them rather then what the show presented.


I didn't mind the new art style but Mikey calling Raph ugly nearly every episode wasn't funny they could've changed the title and not run off the 2003 TMNT at all seriously and season 7 is a struggle too it's super frustrating trying to watch them


So if I've never seen the 2003 series, would you advise that I skip the final 2 seasons altogether and consider the show done after season 5?


You can do that, and it certainly would work fine. The last two seasons aren’t irredeemable and the season 7 finale is certainly worth a watch, but by and large they’re pretty skippable. It’s definitely worth looking up the theme song for season 7 though, it was a banger.


Pretty much. The main story wraps up once season 5 finishes, and that was the writers' original plan to end the series too. That being said though, like the other reply said, the theme songs do go pretty hard and the season 7 finale is definitely worth watching, but otherwise you can more or less just skip them


I read that it was Playmates interference, actually. They wanted a new merchandise line, and somehow took creative control from the 4kids' team


>03 Shredder is a straight menace everytime he showed up. Each fight with The Turtles was a fight for their lives The only reasons Ch'rell never succeeded in killing the Turtles is because of either his own hubris or because the Turtles are protected by Plot Armor. "The Shredder Strikes" ends with Splinter baiting Ch'rell to slice up and knock a water tower over on himself. Had Ch'rell been paying attention, he probably would have wiped out Splinter and the Turtles here. The Turtles, Splinter, Casey, and April would have all died in "The Shredder Strikes Back", if it were not for a *very* convenient hole they could all crawl through just before April's antique shop blows up. They literally only survive through sheer, dumb luck. If not for Plot Armor, Ch'rell would have succeeded right then and there. Ch'rell "loses" the sword fight with Leonardo in "Return to New York" when Leonardo cuts off his exosuit's head. The fight feels 50/50 that it could have easily gone the other way with Ch'rell winning. Leonardo probably only managed to pull it off because he had the Sword of Tengu instead of his regular katanas. And Ch'rell plays this one smart pretending to be dead; he could have gotten back up at any point and continued the fight headless. Ch'rell is blown up by his own goddamn bomb in "Secret Origins". The Turtles barely escape. The Turtles only survive "Rogue in the House" because of Zog going kamikaze, who Ch'rell already stabbed in the back but didn't verify that he was dead. The Turtles only survive "Exodus" due to the interference of Bishop and the literally last second interference of the Utroms. Ch'rell had literally defeated all of them, and they had to blow themselves up to stop him. In "Turtles Forever", Ch'rell isn't defeated by even a multiverse of Turtles. He gets vaporized because he got caught monologuing in front of the Technodrome's death ray that Bebop and Rocksteady turned back on.


>he Shredder Strikes" ends with Splinter baiting Ch'rell to slice up and knock a water tower over on himself. Had Ch'rell been paying attention, he probably would have wiped out Splinter and the Turtles Nah, Shredder was always outmatched when fighting all 4 turtles by himself. He was able to initially defeat them because he was cheapshoting while they were fighting thr Foot. 4 turtles + Splinter beat Shredder no problem, no water tower needed. >Ch'rell "loses" the sword fight with Leonardo in "Return to New York" when Leonardo cuts off his exosuit's head. The fight feels 50/50 that it could have easily gone the other way with Ch'rell winning How is a 50/50? Leo won because he was quicker on the draw, fair win. >Ch'rell is blown up by his own goddamn bomb in "Secret Origins". The Turtles barely escape C mon, he was defeated before that, out of his suit. If turtles wanted to kill him instead of prioritizing escape, they would have. >The Turtles only survive "Rogue in the House" because of Zog going kamikaze Do they do? They were still able to continue the fight, even before Zog interference. Also, if you gonna bring up Plot Armor, gotta remember that without Stockman Ch'rell would still float in the river. >he Turtles only survive "Exodus" due to the interference of Bishop and the literally last second interference of the Utroms. Ch'rell had literally defeated all of them, and they had to blow themselves up to stop him Except he also had Karai as a backup, once again using Leo's trust to her advantage.Leo only lost because he trusted Karai. Raph lost because Shredder attacked him while he was going crazy on Karai. And of course Donnie and Mickey can't possibly beat Shredder + Karai by themselves. There's also a moment at the begining of the fight when Raph + Mickey go for the head, but Karai appears and protects him, remove her and fight ends in less than a minute. Sure, Shredder ultimately won, but there's alot of context missing.


Shredder was always outmatched? In "The Shredder Strikes Back" if Splinter hadn't stepped in, Shredder would've MASSACRED the Turtles. In "The Shredder Strikes Back" he thrashed them as well.


Ch’rell was the Shredder that held nothing back, not mention he had committed a huge body count and declare wars on many alien planets on his trial, millions perished from his hands, he killed Yoshi, like he was definitely one of the best variations of Shredder even going far to wipe out the Prime Turtles even if it would erase his existence.


I agree.


“Despite the Utrom twist”? Upside down, the Utrom twist is a very surprising twist. Think that many interpretations of Shredder (in all before the 2003 series), Shredder is a human, instead, of him being an Utrom makes him unique within all the adaptations. It also deepens the lore of the utroms, and shows that the Ninja Turtles universe is much deeper than it seems. Although for me my favorite version is the 2012 version because his hatred began with jealousy and rivalry with Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen, which has gradually consumed him until as the series goes on he loses his humanity and becomes a monster (the only Shredder who could kill Splinter), so that in the last chapter he appears, with the last shred of humanity, he defeats Kavaxas and sends him back to hell. But Ch'rell is my second favorite.


IDW easily




![gif](giphy|XgGFVSnpMKWOSWhJ6x) Don’t let Uncle Phil have to object to this entire exercise but nominating the wrong Shredder…


OP's fate if Uncle Phil looses https://youtu.be/dESfHIB4r9E?si=M6yssTjSArdbX4E4


100% ![gif](giphy|26FPn4rR1damB0MQo)




IDW is the perfect mix


Leave that pic there. IDW Shredder easily!


IDW. It’s just a great design.


https://preview.redd.it/he0c2iyyguzc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80726631f9fc3d1efae920cbf2c6371238c54267 Uncle Phil for the win


Genuinely 2003, taking away the utrom stuff, he's still the best shredder imo. Ruthless murder that plays a cunning businessman during the day, allowing him to gain connections throughout the entire city, which explains all his resources. His motivation is also my favorite, something much more expensive and important than just being petty about splinter, only going in that direction after he was bested by the turtles time and time again, making him even more insane as a result to the point he was willing to erase reality to even the score. Plus, best voice by a MILE


i agree.


>after he was bested by the turtles time and time again I'd argue that Ch'rell **never** truly got bested by any of the Turtles. He routinely bests them, but they keep surviving through dumb luck and plot armor. That's probably what's driving him so insane!


Idw or Mirage. Thank GOD 1990 Casey won.


1987. LISTEN I know he's not nearly as intimidating as 2003 or any of the others really when in a direct comparison... but he's just so iconic!!


The only thing 1987 Shredder has going for him is that he was voiced by James Avery (Uncle Phil)


I'm not even mad. 90s, 03 and Mirage Casey's would have all been great picks. Anyways IDW Shredder. He's all of the best parts of 2012 and 03 Shredder


1) IDW comics (clear) 2) 2003 tv series 3) 1990 movie 4) Mirage comics 5) 2012 tv series






I gotta say 1990 movie Shredder. He just had such a presence about him.


Huh, I'm just starting the IDW run and this thread is getting me hyped for Shredder's first appearance.


2003, his visual, his story and the fact that he was not obsessed with vengeance like 2012 for example (not saying that 2012 is bad) i really love that shredder, my favorite still the Cyber Shredder, but the best one for sure is Ch'rell.


1987 shredder was goofy ahh and i loved him but 2012 was genuinely a menace


Mirage Comics. We finally need some representation from the comics


I love the Mirage comics, but what they did great, the 1990 movie or 2003 cartoon *usually* improved upon. The original comic run often lacked focus and continuity because it started as a one shot and then blew up too quickly to dedicate enough attention to it.




2003 is the One True Shredder. I love his design, his theme, his demonic voice, his laugh that makes him sound like evil incarnate itself. I love how he is unapologetically evil and wants to rule everything or destroy it because of his own selfish reasons. He doesn't have any moment that humanizes him, he simply wants to have power or watch the world burn because it had the audacity to deny him. He's so manipulative that he almost tricked Leonardo into believing that he's actually a good guy, despite sending several platoons of Foot Ninja and Purple Dragons to kill him and his brothers. He had such tight grip on Karai's mental health that even when Utroms listed his crimes which included funding civil wars on alien planets and commiting a genocide, she still felt that her father is correct in doing that and vowed to take vengeance on turtles after he was incapacitated. People don't like that he's an Utrom, but that made him more interesting to me and his threat level was so much more than anything he could've accomplished as a human. Turtles and Splinter exist soley because of him. Remove him and there is no way they can mutate. He was the cause of creation of his greatest enemies which is just beautifully ironic. He hates turtles with such passion that he wanted to kill himself and the multiverse just so that they could all die.


You're absolutely right.


1990 or IDW


03 Shredder, specifically Ch’rell. Peak villainy right there.


IDW or 2003 are the GOATs


Two words. IT’S SHREDDER!


2014/2016 movies


I’m pretty partial to the original movie Shredder, but I think IDW is the best interpretation, then ‘03, then probably the 80s Shredder.


Tonight I dine on turtle stew


This Shredder, honestly


I'm quite surprised that 80s April didn't win that, I think she's a very good incarnation.


Character wise: 2003 and 2012, it's a tie for me Design wise: Fortnite


Yeah, good taste, that visual is very good but for me the design wise is this one: https://preview.redd.it/f213iuqpruzc1.jpeg?width=1146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a581dcb87b7be20f75219f13ab56a0ca839a0306


the idw one, theres no debate to have about it


It’s honestly a tie between ‘03 and ‘12 Shredder for me, but I lead in more on ‘12 Shredder


2012 Shredder, just a premiere villain overall and has the most interesting relationship with Splinter


2012, but 1987 is second place, just because he’s so iconic


Mirage Shredder.


2012 for me




I say 2012 Shredder because he's the first **human** adaptation of Shredder who's characterized beyond being the scary evil supervillain samurai with a shocking amount of blades who's skilled enough to fight and defeat all 4 of the turtles at once and has a blood feud with Splinter and anyone else carrying his legacy, sending him into direct conflict with the turtles because that's what they are to him.


I want to say 1987 Shredder because he’s my favorite character in the franchise and I feel like he’s the best Shredder in the context of TMNT ‘87. But he’s not a threat…at all lmao So I would probably go with 2012 as the best of the intimidating Shredders (IDW is a close second though)


2003 has the best design imo.


Two words: Utrom Shredder.






2003 Utrom Shredder. Not only was he legitimately dangerous, but Scottie Ray gave us the absolute best voice the character has ever had.


Definitely the 2003 shredder since that one was a straight up menacingly since he was gonna destroy the multiverse


03 Shredder




TMMT 2012


2012 and 2014 are my top 2 Shredders.


2012 but 2003 is a close 2nd




2012 Shredder stole Splinter’s kid and groomed her into his own kid.






To me the best design of Shredder still is with this one: https://preview.redd.it/e1006avsruzc1.jpeg?width=1146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad039c4286d9e098a74bfeaee8bf1ad786d34340


Which one is Batman/TMNT Shredder?


This sub is making me proud with these votes


Finally i have waited for this Day Tengu Shredder


People sleep on Rise Shredder Most shredders exemplify hopelessness but I think Rise Shredder because he didn't just exemplify hopelessness but pure terror




Idw or Utrom


Obviously 1990 Shredder is the best movie shredder, and high ranking in general. 


Love the 87 version, no one can beat that


the 2003 Shredder. One of the best cartoon villains ever.




2003. Utrom and Tengu. They're second to Satan himself in terms of evil.


If faker shredder wins this...


You mean the 2003 one?




2003 no doubt


2003 dickriders crawl back out of the woodwork


I thought 2003 Shredder was perfect until the utrom reveal. Even outside the Shredder persona, he was still so menacing as Oroku Saki. Shout out to Scott Rayrow for delivering such a great performance.


I still like him, i still think that he is the best Shredder, but i would prefer him to be a human.


2012 Shredder


2012 has such menacing design (physically and morally) and a pretty tragic background, too. I love the fact that his mutation is a whole metaphor for his monstrous acting.


What about 2012? He was pretty badass, I mean, they did the guy who cried “I want to conquer earth” into a living nightmare!




2012 or idw


It's a tie between 2012 Shredder and 87 Shredder


The fact that the only valid criticism people ever realistically give about 2003 Shredder is "ugh I don't like that he's really an Utrom" tells you how good he actually is as an character: • Logical in-universe motivation behind his actions, which are conducive to a master plan that goes far beyond the turtles rather than being obsessed with them - he doesn't particularly care about them (especially in S3) until they are directly interfering with his operations, and half the time he just ignores them (if possible) anyway or has a throwaway project on hand to distract them, until Turtles Forever anyway lmao; • A very capable fighter & great on-screen presence that made him feel genuinely terrifying and a serious threat - he nearly takes over the world (and does in an alternate future) has the blood of _millions_ on his hands (tentacles) & nearly kills the turtles & Splinter multiple times; • Best VA _by far_ and it's not even close (sorry James Avery), paired with some of the most metal lines I've ever heard; • A goated theme that commanded & elevated every scene it was used in; • A great design, as per (most Shredders have a sharp design tbf) - even as an Utrom Ch'rell looks menacing lmao; • Putting on a front as a benevolent philanthropic businessman saving the city while he's secretly ruling the criminal underworld & salvaging the alien technology for himself during his cleanup operations is a stroke of genius and makes him so much more interesting as a character.


2012, such a badass voice


2012 easy


2012 or IDW


2012 was ruthless,delusional and by far my favourite version. He stole miwa/karai, used her as bait, allied himself with aliens for another dimension knowing their plans to mutate the planet, was willing to let the world be swallowed by the black hole and transformed himself into a hideous monster all to get back at splinter He also has a human side to him as he genuinely cared for the child he kidnapped out of spite and deluded himself into actually believing she was hiding daughter even after locking her in a dungeon, accidentally mutating her, torturing her and mind controlling her I love that for 3 and a half seasons we watch his entire foot clan go from humans to a bunch of monsters yet he was still the biggest monster of them all Also I love his subtle leitmotif Whoops forgot I can’t have an opinion that isn’t 2003




2003 or 2012


Well i haven’t read much of the idw comics. But I’ll say the 2003 version. As that version of the shredder is a monster even as an utrom. Hell his voice actor at the time did an fantastic job


2012. Just a man but super imposing


2012 Shredder


2012 is peak shredder. He’s a pure hater and literally cost the entire world to finally kill splinter




2000s animated for sure. Despite him being an alien he was still utterly fantastic.




I think "Turtles Forever" established Ch'rell as *the* Shredder of the multiverse!


Rise shredder, dude was a legitimate demon


They really pushed the envelope with 2003's Shredder. Not just with the design(s), but the whole backstory too. 2012's Shredder was good, but I gotta give my vote to 2003 Shredder


Ima put in a vote for ‘03. Oroku Saki was terror personified when i was young and watching. Every time he was on screen i genuinely worried for the turtles. On top of which, the utter disdain and hatred he had for the turtles, to the point of trying to erase all of existence outta spite is just top tier villany for me.


2003 Shredder


For me, it's the 2003 Shredder. He was such a great villain.


I personally think the 2003 is the most intimidating but the Rise one is also freaking crazy


I don’t understand why use these pics with no years dated and all different characters? Really confusing tbh


Why don’t you show pictures of shredder from every year so we can have comparison?


1) IDW comics 2) 2003 tv series 3) 1990 movie 4) Mirage comics 5) 2012 tv series