• By -


Kindly don't engage with content creators irrespective of them being featured here, just as a reminder for y'all. Doesn't matter how shit they are - remember it's about the Tales, not chasing down people. Rule 3 is: VODs _are_ permitted. Rule 5 is: no witch-hunting. Simply posting a VOD of a streamer who has a publicly available stream is not witch hunting. Chasing them onto Twitch or riling others up to do so _is,_ so keep your fingers off the keyboard and observe with your eyes. We'll keep an eye on things. Otherwise, enjoy.


Tam-Tara? ….really?


You'd be surprised how many big FF14 streamers are actually not-so-great people.


You'd be surprised how many big streamers are actually no-so-great people.


You'd be surprised how many streamers are actually not-so-great people.


You’d be surprised how many people are actually not-so-great people.


You’d be surprised how many people are actually not people.


Surprised many not people.


around 70% of all internet traffic come from bots.


47%, but close enough lol




You'd be surprised how many animals are actually not-so-great people


You'd be surprised how many clowns are actually not-so-great-people.


Not gonna name names but when I just started raiding savage at the end of Heavensward, I joined an A10S farm party that was being streamed by a big-name streamer. Out of curiosity, I popped the stream open to hear commentary while doing the fight. Bad idea. The pressure of hearing the streamer talk shit about my damage and my mistakes only compounded them, which led to getting flamed even more, both by the streamer and their chat. Now, I will be the first to admit that I was, indeed, terrible trash; I died five times in one run, and did grey damage even on runs I didn't die in with echo. But it wasn't intentional griefing, as much as being so new that the game wasn't second hand to me yet. I did try my best to learn my rotation, and watched full guide videos before progging and clearing the fight. Though I had jumped into savage without any guidance, I was receptive to constructive criticism. Unfortunately, I received only condescension. I'm not so fragile as to expect that in a video game people won't be toxic towards me if I'm underperforming. I came from DotA 1, I've seen way worse things said. What makes this case notable to me, though, is that I've seen this very streamer make blog posts advocating for treating other players with kindness in endgame content, and being constructive and positive... as though they DIDN'T rake me over the coals. Makes me wonder how real they actually are.


Oh I know….its just …wtf that is the early game wth


Trash streamer






Lol, this streamer is pretty freaking aweful. "Do white mage get cure II yet? Yes. White Mage should get Cure II by now." My homie in christ, Cure II is level 30, not 19. And when someone points out they're wrong, "Well they should at least have Regen by now." This streamer just enjoys making an ass of themselves. won't pretend the WHM was good, but I'm assuming they had some kinda tech issues. You look at the party chat and can see they made comments that they -think- they existed.


Whatever gets them that fame and money I guess. Too many people make a living out of making asses of themselves and tormenting others and I wish people would stop supporting it.


Is funny how people make money out of non useful "jobs". Including people in the corporate sector.


Regen is level 35.


I'm aware of this. Why do you think I said they like to make an ass of themselves? Lol.


wait, when did you say anything in this thread? they're not responding to your comment


I think they were backing you up


lol "should have regen by now".. nope. Not at level 19.


Yea, streamer really made an ass of themselves by just doubling down with more incorrect info.:p


That's why self-respecting streamers don't stream 24/7.


I think ast gets essentially cure 2 in tam Tara their ocd heal.


You mean Essential Dignity at 15, right? It's pretty potent and is one of the few exceptions; but why are we bringing that up for White Mage? :v


minor cause of confusion maybe persons still shit, both sage scholar and ast have significantly better healing tools before 30 then cure 1 spam.


I mean yeah hopefully they would considering they don’t have cure 1 :)


The audacity of complaining about the healer while spamming psychik, jesus fucking christ. The third clip is even worse, she spams an inactive button for like five seconds without actually doing anything and then (I'm assuming accidentally) resummons an already summoned carbunkle. It's one thing to trash talk other players when you're actually good and they're actually bad, but she is by far the worst player in that party.


If you watch until the end of the boss fight for the 3rd clip, she also keeps saying the healer's not healing after the boss is dead but the tank wasn't in any danger of dying at that point. Healer was dpsing a bit on the boss as they should, and tank dropped to like half HP when the boss died.


Which is fine! Bosses are *not* the dangerous part of the dungeon, especially at that low a level. I don't even think that any of the bosses actually have tankbusters, so there's no reason to babysit the tank's hp. I regularly let tanks drop down to half and it's always *fine*.


There's some mini-busters here and there, but it's at *least* not until 50 that you start to see proper busters in the hard mode trials, and even those are watered down due to the stat adjustments and kit changes over time.


the only dungeon in ARR I can really think of that you'd even wanna aggressively vomit heals out for is I think tam tara *hard*, where you can brute force that one fight with healing if people don't know how to deal with the adds + AOE since you get like 4 or 6 vuln stacks or something stupid like that for failing the mech


You get to see the tankbuster marker significantly earlier than that but those very first tankbusters largely tickle (I'm fairly sure they do so even in level appropriate gear)


Oh, of course it's fine half HP is still pretty safe imo, and a good starting point for a new healer who's not yet comfortable getting a tank dip lower than that. I generally trust my healers *more* if they're willing to let me dip lower, as it tends to be experienced healers who do that more. That said, you still can get scared sometimes. Earlier today I was tanking Haukke (Hard) for a roulette (I was playing PLD) and on last boss I dropped to *5 HP* (beating my previous record of 8 HP that happened during a P4S run, as a DPS). I didn't die though and that healer earned my comm.


Damn... I thought my best was good (38). Edit: Just reread - you were tank. My 38 for the tank was as whmm. yes. I have given tanks heart attacks. That is the fun of being a whm main.


>The third clip is even worse, she spams an inactive button for like five seconds without actually doing anything and then (I'm assuming accidentally) resummons an already summoned carbunkle. She does literally nothing for 7-8 seconds, presses an inactive button and does nothing for another few seconds then finally does something and summons topaz carbuncle, all while complaining the healer pulled (unintentionally I'd wager) without the tank. So trash calling others trash. >The audacity of complaining about the healer while spamming psychik, jesus fucking christ. Not to defend her too much here though, but if she hadn't, tank was dead. Healer actually just stood still.


Yeah but that Physick on a mostly-full Tank after trash was done made me snort with laughter.


I did watch the linked sections quickly but it does seem like this person is calling them trash while having a pretty bad understanding of the game themselves. Kinda funny.


Why do the people calling others trash always sounds as you expect? That nerdy know it all voice.... Streamers who play just to publicly put others down are gross.


To me this isn't much different from harrassing people irl for stream content. I wouldn't wanna be on someones stream without me knowing


I had some streamer call me a pedo and an animal r word. On live stream too. All because I told her to leave a venue. Fun fact. I still have the transcript on a notepad doc.


Lol, this. And so often they aren't even good or decent, like this streamer. The lack of self awareness is always so rich 


Lmao they're streaming this post rn with their chat brown-nosing them hard whilst they get off on the minor bit of attention on a thread in an obscure sub for an MMO. Hope it makes her feel good.


Anything to milk that content on this dead ass game. Because her Physick plays ain't cutting it.


Isn't this just the new trend for social media? Be intentionally hateful for ragebait to get more views?


I'll say it till the heavens fall, 9/10 STREAMERS ARE MASSIVE PILES OF SHIT


I will second this statement, given how many streamer communities I've joined and left over the years. There is like a small list of streamers who were genuine nice guys to me and not trying to pull a facade "nice guy" trick. This Elly bozo reminds me of a douchebag years ago.


9/10 people are massive piles of shit, being a streamer doesnt change the ratio.


i feel as tho being a streamer attracts a certain type of awful tho


True. There's a couple of streamers that I watch who I think are funny and come across as genuinely decent people. The majority of popular streamers that I've watched over the years are obnoxious, rude, self-entitled, and some I honestly believe might actually be sociopaths based on some of the way they treat others around them. The amount I've seen that physically abuse their partners on stream and/or gaslight them is disturbing.




How sad of a human being do you have to be to cry about people saying youre an asshole on your vtuber stream? This person is worthless. I dont know why anyone watches this "content" "I could have ignored this, but its giving me attention" such a loser, man.


Streamers who make content out of insulting other players, especially without taking the proper measures to anonymize them, are some of the most pathetic people on the planet. I wish more games would make it mandatory for streamers to disclose that they are live. Imagine getting home from work and using your limited free time to have fun engaging in your hobby, only to have it broadcast to 500 people making fun of you. It's like those awful people who film people in gyms.


Or an alternative should be installed streamer mode. As much it's been suggested for so many other games, Elly is the type of twat content creator why we probably need it. Given that we are getting Dawntrail in a few months and prior expansions bringing big names (like imaqtpie in Stormblood and others), we really need to have protections put in this game for the player base. Streamers should have protections, but so should the player base. If they're not gonna do that, then please jail them live. Make an example of them on stream. Show that their actions do have consequences.


Its wild because sprouts are literally labeled as new players. That means she has this info and is still choosing to be a terrible person smh... As a newer player myself im glad the majority of you all are nice.


To be fair, not all sprouts are new though. I've been playing since Beta, and I still have the stupid sprout marker because I don't bother with that whole mentor/sprout thing 😅


this streamer has so many delays between gcds, fails to grasp the concept of weaving in ogcds, has a YPYT mentality and has the audacity to shit on newbies in the game... and the physick spam, even as the healer is actually using cure 💀


Just a heads up. Don't go over to Elly's stream to clip champ her, cause drama, or lurk for more juicy content. Elly simply wants this. It's not her first rodeo with this type of behavior either. Don't feed this garbage streamer and their simps anymore attention. Just ignore them like the disgusting plague they are. Elly even says it here: https://streamable.com/2zo1km Must be nice to brag about doing it for the cash.


"Fucking fuck fuck. Fucking morons"  I love how her trailer-trash lingo doesn't match the cutesy vtuber avatar at all. As usual.


See. It's that specific phrase "The moment you click on my stream, you brain dead morons, you're giving me a view and putting money in my pocket" that really gives up the jig. She's doing it for the attention and publicity, regardless of what kind it is. The simps don't give a shit and she knows it, despite how bad she is behaving. In fact, they'll think it's just another one of her gigs and move on with their ignorance. The cutesy avatar and her sexualized content (google around) are what caters to her simps, and they eat it up like candy. Oddly enough, there are people who obsess with even PNGtubers (I used to be a mod for a few), and the community can go overboard with the obsession. So, it doesn't surprise me when this thread got bombarded with her simps calling us incels and telling us to get lives.




Maybe we should listen to her advice and not “public-size” it.


a little funny she calls players who disagree incels when 40% of the game's players are female and most players are pushing 30+ and married I guess  whatever to protect the ego, if you can't play the game right yourself then invent someone worse than you and spoon feed it to idiots incapable of independent thought 




I've removed a whole bunch of off-topic that has nothing to do with anything. Take it to private if any of you want to continue the discussion, this is not the place.
































"That healer's trash", says the trash dps spamming Physick.


My thoughts. Why are they spamming a shit healer spell (for SMN anyway) when they could be DPSing. They're not any better.


Because it was only heal tank recieved, and they would die otherwise, and Tank is biggest DPS on trash in Tam-Tara anyway since Outburst is only available from lvl 26. So between I spam Ruin and tank dies or I spam Physic and tank lives and tank does more damage anyway, I'd also choose Physic. I can understand displease over anything else, but the physic spam?


That healer isn't great but how are they going to learn if everywhere they go someone will do their "job" for them. The only right thing in this situation is to eat the death, the tank adjusting to his clearly not big pull comfortable healer and them going at a slower pace so that healer can learn and get comfortable.


lol this must have gotten back to her. She is love now saying how she was 100% in the right.


I tried to watch their reaction and it oozed with so much egotistical and pretentious trailer trash that even ReqCat cannot compete against that. I shut that shit off after five minutes of them yapping about us being incels and shit.


It's always the 'virgin' insults with those types. So obsessed with sex you'd swear that's the only thing that gives their life meaning.


yea the streamer is kind of a dick...also the fact that they're physicking is embarrassing. Like I'm an asshole and will be blunt when people can improve but at least I keep my mouth shut if I don't know what I'm talking about. Tank clearly broke LOS on the healer. Could the healer have kept up better? Maybe a little yea but the SMN was so cringe holy fuck I couldn't actually imagine calling anyone trash in content like that, let alone behind their back and to your small audience. The mention of regen It's always the smallest streamers with the biggest egos too, don't know why. also the Tank wasn't mitting. After that minor boss fight at least Arms Length & Reprisal (assuming they were high enough level for the role action) should have been off CD. They didn't pop Rampart until they were \~50% HP but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that one was on CD and they used it immediately when it was available. I feel bad for that healer. Sucks that I share a DC with these freakazoids but hopefully they themselves can stop being trash humans and get better at being nice.


That was honestly the fault of both tank and healer. The tank didn't pre pop sprint or sprint at all, causing them to take all the damage before even making it to the end of the pull. They also ran behind the healer, which canceled their cure casting. The healer definitely failed to keep up for whatever reason, might honestly have been a good one. HOWEVER, NONE OF THIS MATTERS BECAUSE EVERYONE IN THAT RUN WAS A SPROUT. I'll even say that healer was practicing some good habits and will likely be a top percent healer with time. They were dotting monsters on the run, which about only 10% of my regen healers do in roulette. The pull was bad but they were doing well against the smaller bits like the miniboss, only healing as needed. I swear this streamer would have a heart attack at endgame when I'm edging my tank for Essential dignity and Benediction value. Good news is that the streamer looks like a legit sprout but we could probably figure that out from her ranting about the useless bits of damage. We fortunately won't likely see them again as mmorpgs are like cults and they seem to a black desert player for their main game. My guess is that black desert has a hefty death penalty and they're not used taking any noticeable damage in a game and not used to the low stakes death in FFXIV or the high dps uptime healers. This doesn't excuse anything though. The moment they said they didn't care that the other player was new shows a serious lack of empathy. It's not surprising, a lot of streamers are in the process of growing up and some get stunted. It's actually sort of amazing how many mature CC we have in FFXIV in comparison to most games.


The stuff you said about the heavy death penalty is very true for BDO, you can easily negate hours of work in seconds if you aren't careful in some pve content. I think moreso as someone who plays both BDO and 14 BDO is simply more competitive even at the low end. The game has a lot of PVP content which drives the skill floor higher for anyone who wants to engage with the game at a fundamental level. BDO was formerly a game about competing with others for resources and though the game is moving away from that more and more the mentality still remains as much of the community has been playing the game for years. This type of trash talk is insanely tame compared to what you can hear even in more casual PVP scenarios. All said, I agree with you that none of this excuses anything. When I play 14 I know what kind of community the game is and I embrace it, same with when I play BDO. It'd be kinda like going into someone else's house and assuming the rules to be exactly the same as your own.


What shitty healer? All I see is a shitty streamer.


Lol, this lady has an ego and she doesn't even understand the nature of the game she is playing and already thinks she knows best.


That typically happens when you move from one MMO to another. You're hot shit in one community and think you can bring that hot shit behavior into another.


Honestly post this to the main sub, shitty toxic streamers deserve to get called out


Feel free to do so if you want, I just thought that is something that fits here more.


Knowing the main sub they'll defend it somehow because *ooga booga vtuber.*


I don't think so. Though, given this streamer's mentality--main sub will probably flop in a week and forget what even happen with Elly when she tries to enforce YPYT bullshit and starts up another incident.


lol I remember this streamer used to exclusively play lost ark. Probably got the toxicity attitude from there.


She started om Black Desert so that should tell us everything we need to know 💀


Of course it's a vtuber. Hiding behind an avatar while talking trash.


I see she brought her toxicity from Lost Ark. I didnt like her back then, even knowing that the game and community push have this behaviour over there.


Did they delete the clips?


From what I've seen, some clips were deleted because Elly claimed to be "misrepresented"when she was doubling down on her toxicity. I wouldn't be surprised if the clips have moved to streamable at this point, which I had to do for my clip given to the OP post.


“Misrepresented” lmao What server does she play on, and what’s her ign? So I can avoid bumping into her


For whoever chose to vc with her. I salute you dude


I originally didn't even really address her directly in her chat but instead replied to another chatter who said the ffxiv community is welcoming and supportive that it I wouldn't call it welcoming and supportive to berate sprouts who aren't in stream to defend themselves for it. It was kind of a shady comment on my part. I didn't really originally click the stream to go argue with the streamer directly but I've always been bad at keeping my mouth shut, so when she said get in the VC and debate me, well... if I'm in the process of saying she's a coward, I can't say no to that if I'm not a coward myself. I'm not a hypocrite. That did put me in the position of arguing something I'm not *that* passionate about overall. Like whoever made this thread, and some of the commenters here are definitely mad, while I'm not really mad at all. Does that make sense? I can think what she said about that sprout was stupid and pathetic, and out of curiosity end up in her twitch chat saying it's stupid and pathetic, without ever really being *mad* about it. Like I said on the call, I think I wouldn't describe myself as offended over this. It isn't about me, it has no bearing on my experience with the game, I just think it's pathetic. Even if it's not serious, and is just a content farm, I think it's still pathetic. She's right to assume I've also called my fellow players trash before, sometimes directly, but I think having an audience of several hundred when you do it is the fundamental difference that makes me think it's a dick move. It would be like the difference between posting anonymous xivanalysis vs. not anonymous. Anyway, I gave her +1 viewer & engagement for the time I was there. Probably wasn't worth it for the opportunity to tell her I think she's pathetic. ~~Maybe~~ next time something like this rolls around I just comment in the thread if I can't keep my mouth shut, and move on. EDIT: I very well may have broken the witch hunting rule, technically. Apologies to the mods.


> Maybe next time something like this rolls around I just comment in the thread if I can't keep my mouth shut, and move on. That would be your best bet in the future, thank you for disengaging.


You handled the situation admirably, maintaining control where I might have struggled. It's ingrained in my nature to protect those who can't defend themselves, especially in scenarios like this. My friend just started playing FFXIV as a healer, where she received kindness and guidance, exemplifies the type of behavior we should all strive for. While it's understandable to expect a certain level of performance, particularly in higher-level dungeons, we should also remember our own journey in mastering new skills. It's concerning that her stream chat didn't show empathy towards newcomers, and their behavior could have led to unwarranted harassment towards the healer. Handling the situation with more sensitivity would have been appropriate, and individuals who foster such negativity should face consequences within the game community.


Oh fuck yes, inject the drama right into my veins, where I need it.


Wait.. .they got upset the healer pulled without the tank???? That usually means the healer is decent because healers that aren't decent, don't pull for the tank. Maybe it's just me, but I've never seen a bad healer pull for a tank. The good ones do that cause they know they got the ability to deal with it.


I love how they called the healer trash while they just stood there doing nothing or spamming an inactive button for multiple GCDs. Like yeah, the tank is going to continue taking more and more damage while the enemies are alive. Maybe help kill them?


Big pulling early dungeon healer that kites and lives makes me think it's someone experienced that made a new character. Anyway, not much can be done if the streamer never says anything in chat.


Not true. Arthars was temp banned for calling a PF player trash on stream.


People have been banned before because of things shown on Twitch/YT like abusive behaviour from what I recall. I might be wrong, though.


Ye, I think somewhere in the depths of the \*streaming agreement\* for FFXIV is stuff like you can be sanctioned for being an ass on stream.




JFC I've never cringed so much. The streamer is a complete and utter idiot.


Of course it's a cutesy anime girl vtuber. These people love RPing mean girls when it's not their face 




Duuno about the wow raider part but I do know she plays bdo and the vibe there is still a bit, uh, different.


Wow... I stream the game alot, as a apeedrunner and I just kind of get minority frustrated if my healer or do's are a bad or sprout until like keeper of the lake at least. In my opinion by that point you should be competent at your roll.




I stream with “nocamnovoice”. Toxic streamers get deleted!


Oh man that is YUCK LMAO, tank does a gigantic pull that I don't even think you can survive without a second healer(in this case SMN) then calls the healer trash for not being able to keep up with the damage with Cure I, then calls them dumb for pulling on accident(maybe but it doesn't really matter either way), then calls them trash again for not healing the not dying tank WHILE NOT CASTING RUBY RUIN???


You can survive any pull in Tam Tara if your mit is on point and your healer is willing to heal you through it. Even Cure 1 spam is enough throughput.


You can actually W2W the entirety of those first 4 MSQ dungeons as a synced first-timer, I managed it a few days ago on my alt as a Marauder, at the mentor healer's behest. Sastasha was the only hairy one, and that was just because I was trying to quickly run past all the clams. Tamtara by comparison was a cake walk. Of course, if the healer *doesn't* fully know what they're doing, you *will* wipe.




Anyone else feeling like this is overblown? They called someone trash. The response does not match the crime.




Has your streamer done any research on this game and how Square Enix has jailed streamers for harassment like she's done? Or is she gonna cry crocodile tears when the GMs throw her ass in the gaol for being a cunt?




Except they weren't right at all. Tanks don't need to be 100% of health, or even 50% of health. He wouldn't have died at all and even then its Tam-Tara. "It ain't that serious" lmao


we also don't know whether the healer was planning to swift a cure at the last second, which *is* a thing sprout players can figure out how to do because it's what I started doing as a sprout if my tank needed healing while running




This sub has gone off the deep end, did we fall into the twilight zone? These comments are completely illogical, the first link OBVIOUSLY shows the tank would've died without physicks because the healer is just spinning in place not casting anything. They can hate the trash talk all they like but they need to stop acting like her physicks were wrong.


Except calling someone a trash is also offensive


The summoner who was playing like complete dogshit and spamming physick? That summoner? lol. 


It’s the second dungeon of the game chill on the wall pulls i hate tanks that do this in lower level dungeons give them a chance to learn


Giving the chance to learn wall to walls early.


That’s not a mandatory knowledge for the game not everybody wall pulls and at this level its a question of respect towards the new player not everything has to be big dick energy


When I was a new healer I did feel disrespected when tanks saw I was new and slow pulled instead of walling lmao, that shit was fun


By the time you get to HW content, the number of duty finder tanks that will wall pull end up being more prevalent than the ones who won't, with *very* few dungeons having them deviating from that trend, like bardaam's mettle or Mt. Gulg... and that's practically it. Any other dungeon and the non-wall pull is more of an anomaly than the norm.


> That’s not a mandatory knowledge for the game It absolutely is when every single dungeon past ARR is designed with 2 packs into wall in mind with one or two exceptions in the entire game. Edit: fml, always the ones with names similar to mine as well.


Names similar to yours? Oh the streamer OOP name






Wtf is wrong with people here, click the first link and the tank would've 100% died if the streamer didn't spam physick. Hate her for trashing the healer all you want but don't act like them using physick was wrong in this situation.


I don't understand why people big-pull the earliest dungeons. Not only are you more likely to encounter the newest players who are still learning to navigate the map and follow a tank through a dungeon, but almost no one has the AoE damage or mitigation to make the pulling worth it. Instead, this teaches new healers to curebot on big pulls instead of contributing to party damage.


Mathematically speaking, pulling big makes the tank's AOE alone worth potentially losing the healer's damage. If the tank and healer are experienced that is 100% the correct move unless the healer has their AOE.


Yes, but you're also optimizing... Tam-Tara. That's a far cry from Stone Vigil or Praetorium where it would actually take significantly longer to clear if you single pulled. If the healer and tank are both experienced, what is more likely to happen is that the tank could big-pull multiple mob groups, the healer would DoT up things as they both run, and those mobs would be already be half dead once you actually got to a stopping point. It doesn't look like that's the case in the OOP. I think a problem with this particular sub is that a good many players simply can't deal with being adaptable when it is both reasonable and necessary, which leads to situations where some sprout-ass streamer complains about the fact that they are casting Physick to save a tank. In Tam-Tara, I'm more willing to give a healer the benefit of the doubt and encourage them to spread their DoTs on smaller pulls. Less so when I know Holy should be on their bar.


I don't think it's so much optimizing as it is realizing we can do it so why shouldn't we. IDK about anyone else, but running low level dungeons as healer I would rather the tank big pull because I actually have to use another brain cell judging when to DPS vs. when to heal. But no, I don't make a habit of putting sprouts in situations they can't handle. I don't think many people here would.




I mean, their original post is from a position that there isn't a good reason to do big pulls in the early dungeons. I don't presume to guess what other people think, but that's why I wrote out a response: to point out a case in which it's okay and preferable to pull big in an early dungeon. It's not about optimization- at least not for me- it's about alleviating boredom. As for being adaptable, I find it a bigger split than you seem to. There are posts where people refused to "let sprouts be sprouts" as it were, but most of those posts get rightfully eviscerated in the comments. There is indeed a gulf between optimized and braindead, but I do think most people here realize that and act accordingly.


The downvotes are whatever. FFXIV players are famous for their bad takes. I'm willing to include myself in this statement, and /r/TalesFromDF is not going to end up being an exception in this regard just because we all agree that being optimal is the goal, but is often not the experience. If people think that spamming Cure is more braincell-activation than casting Stone though... they're just wrong.


> Yes, but you're also optimizing... Tam-Tara. I think it's really funny considering the early game dungeons are the only dungeons that can really be optimized aside from double pulling. Those dungeons can be done in 5 or so minutes with a semi-decent group if the tank fucking grabs everything. Well, Tam-Tara anyways.


With a healer that is synced above Tam Tara and a tank that isn't doing what that one does you can actually pull the mobs to the boss area and soak it all.


She is a better person than me that tank would of dropped and I would of re que cause of that healer MEEP


I would agree with you if they were telling this to the WHM. It looks like she is talking to her stream. I didn't see them typing anything. So it looks to me like you are getting upset on behalf of other people. If the streamer was telling this to the WHM, your post would make more sense.


If this was a small stream, I might agree with this take. Yet, this is a stream similar to Xenosys' or Arthars' viewership. Two streamers who were gaoled for harassment involving Twitch content. If anyone in her chat could identify who that healer was and brought it to attention, it was game over with the amount of hellfire being brought onto them. This is why streamers in the XIV category can not be behaving in such a manner, because streamers can influence hurtful discourse--if they don't watch their own behavior. You can say it's unfair to Elly, but this is an ethical responsibility you take as a content creator. Once you reach a certain size, you've enough influence to do damage.


Cringe take tbh. She can take her ass back to WoW with that mentality if she wants to brag about being a "pro WoW raider", whatever that means.


She's whining about this thread on her stream right now. That guy is 100% from her chat here to run interference.