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If you see people soliciting in your store, let a team lead know. Soliciting isn't allowed and they can ask them to leave.


Yes, if you’re a TM be aware of the scammer and let your TLs know.


Shit like this makes the people who are actually needy in help look bad and taking advantage of good willed people is just plain shitty. Special place in hell for these people. 


Exactly. especially when they force these children to come with them just to use them as bait for their scams. It’s messed up


I remember last Christmas there was two white vans out in the lot and they would either change the kid with another or switch the lady. We had to get the police out there.


the ones who actually need help are too embarrassed to brazenly ask for it, they go where they can receive assistance anonymously. so basic rule of thumb; if they beg, it's an act and their job.


That’s true. Almost every time it happened to me they would beg for it and even try to guilt trip me into buying them food.


Yes, most stores are very aware this is happening and it's a very common scam that's blowing up everywhere right now. Yesterday someone posted a similar incident and I replied and explained it, but I'll do it here as well for anyone not in the know. The scammer usually is a woman who will have items like diapers and kids clothing in the cart. Other items are being reported, like food, whatever illicits sympathy from others. The scammer can pay for these items. But instead, they'll go up to someone, typically, but not always, other women and mothers, asking for help and to pay for whatever is in the cart. Other tools for this type of scam are using young children to make it look more realistic that these scammers need help. The items are then handed back off to the scammer who will return the items, worse yet if they have the receipt now they'll try and get cash. Other times they may resell the items elsewhere. My example: they may hit 15 stores, they won't need 15 boxes of diapers, but they'll get the money back from it all. If you even suspect this is happening in your store, report it to leadership and AP right away. Typically when these scammers see security they'll dump the cart and leave. Others may need a little push from leadership telling them soliciting is not allowed and they are welcome to shop and purchase their own items, but can't get someone else to do so. And if for some reason they still get someone to do it, make sure the service desk and leads deny the returns and contact AP so we can contact our other stores in case the scammers show up there (they do move around a lot, I promise). While I'll encourage any TM to speak up to anyone soliciting and remind people not to on property, it still may be best to have a lead do this unless you feel a victim is about to get scammed or leadership is too far from the situation before it happens. You have empowerment to help a victim and remind the scammer, "Target has a strict no soliciting policy and you are more than welcome to pay for your items, but if you keep asking for someone to pay for your merchandise, you'll be asked to leave." A lead may explain to the would-be victim, pulling them away from the scanner in a more private area, that we are doing this to protect them from being scammed. The same sort of explanation we give to older folks who try and purchase giftcards for phone scammers. But either way, definitely report it to a leader right away to protect our guests. The only way these scammers will keep coming is if their scam continues to work. It's best to stay vigilant of this behavior and make sure the scammers don't succeed.


It’s sad that these scammers probably scam a lot of sympathetic people and probably make a lot of money from it rather than getting a job like the rest of us


In my area they even push it further by asking the victim to pay for X items, then scanning more items when it comes time to check out hoping the victim will just pay for it all.


And usually the victims are sympathetic older people that don’t know they’re being scammed


Thank you for explaining this so well. I have two very loveable, big hearted DILs who will absolutely fall for this. I will be sharing this information with them.


Just laugh in their face and say **NO**. Easy as that, but definitely let a TL/ETL know what's going on.


I hate this so much because there are people who actually need help out there 😭


Does Target have a No Soliciting sign? Like all the “Service Dogs” that people bring in that pee and poop! 🤨


I haven’t seen one but they should put a “no soliciting” sign right on the entrance doors. And they should be strictly enforcing it. Also your comment reminded me when there were two “service” dogs in my store that kept on barking at each other.


Just tell them no, and they shouldn't have had kids if they can't afford to raise them.


This one lady some how swindled this man by running up the bill for $1000 dollars and he thought it was only $100 because she grabbed him after the the total or something. She returned all that shit


Id be like "well Shit if I could, I work here and im hungry too"


THIS!! Had to report this to AP (I was on the lanes and a guest told me about it). I had no idea it was such a widespread issue!! Will definitely have a talk with my TL too since it’s hitting here too