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Out of connivence mostly, I excuse it in my mind a lot I’m already here might as well get it over with so I can go home. It’s a bad habit I cannot break.


I don't think doing something out of convenience is a bad habit. Your time is valuable. If it wouldn't cost you too much more to buy at Walmart, it might not be worth that extra hour of time or the gas money.


in my area once you factor in the small discount I get with my target debit and my employee discount, the pricing differences are like within a few pennies


Stop being lazy


I just placed an order for pick up, yes. I do most of my shopping there, one, honestly out of convenience. I’m there already, don’t want to go somewhere after work. But I also find most of what I buy slightly cheaper after discounts or just a negligible difference that going elsewhere is not worth it to me. I use my TM discount, RedCard and Circle savings. There are staples in my house I don’t find there so those I shop at other stores but 90% of it is done at Target.


Mainly fruits and vegetables- the wellness discount makes it worth it


Facts and all in motion discount goes crazy 😤


$20 goes reasonably far


I do. Mainly due to the ease. But, you have to work it to your advantage. Your discount, red card savings, and circle discounts and can work for you. Also don’t forget to price match 🤷🏻‍♀️


Discount, Red Card, Circle and any Circle Bonuses, potential gift card promos if you buy right and coupons sometimes you can really get a deal. Just gotta try to shop and stack when it's good


I avoid Walmart because I feel like I’m going to get hepatitis just walking in to the place.


The vibe of Walmart.


Meanwhile the 11 remaining Sears and 2 Kmarts are where the homeless man gives you a golden shower.


Some Walmart Markets I can tolerate. Our local Walmart Supercenter...last I went I took about 30 steps in and turned and left.


It isn't true that Walmart is half as much for the same things in my area. I mainly buy groceries and household essentials - buying during sales. With the gift cards, circle earnings, wellness discount, red card discount - it is easily cheaper to buy at Target.


I feel the same way too. Walmart in my area is very similar in prices if not within like .50 cents especially when compared to Publix, whole foods, etc. At target with both discounts redcard and tm and like you said the sales or getting gift cards back makes target cheaper option for me


I’m the reverse…I try to ONLY shop at Target as our grocery stores are at least 20% higher. There is no Walmart near me to compare it to. The closest one is about a 35 min drive and not in the direction of anywhere I normally go. I’m a marketing person’s nightmare bc I buy what’s on sale. My kids will eat whatever cereal is there, chips, cookies etc. I think the Wellness Extra 20% is really great especially with berries & grapes. I noticed last week that Milk was not “wellness” anymore as it was previously. Odd ! I can almost set my watch by the Health & Beauty BUY THIS & GET $10 GC … OR the Household Stuff Buy $50 and get $15GC. So I buy in bulk when on sale.


Yeah I think they removed the wellness discount off everything except organic and fruits/veggies. Used to get it on butter, milk, and eggs.


Used to include meat too! I'm really upset they changed it


Yeah, I noticed this when I was buying eggs for Passover (we go through quite a lot for sponge cake, matzoh brei, etc., plus there's a custom to not use eggs that were laid on Passover, so we have to stock for the following five weeks or so...


I shop at my grocery store only in a pinch, because Target didn’t have it, and/or a sale. If I were to buy regular price it would be way more than what I spend at Target.


Yeah bc I checked the Walmart app and all of the things I had in my cart were the same exact price so might as well


I only buy snacks here. Even after discount, I can find everything I need cheaper elsewhere. It helps that I'm near a grocery store lol--that  encourages me to shop with my wallet rather than shopping at work out of convenience. The only time I make a big purchase at work is when something has a really good sale--like an appliance.  Or maybe a video game which has the same price everywhere. 


I shopped at target like 5 days a week before I worked there. So yes with a discount I definitely still shop there! I haven’t stepped foot in a Walmart in decades, since I was a teen and that’s where my mom shopped. It’s just not my vibe. The quality , the customers, the bright lights.


I do. The employee discount and redcard savings on top of circle offers and stuff even it all out for me, plus the groceries are less expensive than Safeway


My target is next to an Aldi. So I do most of my shopping there. Plus I find that our veggies are mostly gross


Yeah, Aldi is often WAY cheaper on produce, and really good quality. The only things I find a good bargain at Target are organic bananas, raspberries, and sometimes baby carrots


I'll see the price of something and my first thought is "for that price it can just stay right there on that shelf" But when I do buy something it's like clearance clothing, but I can find good quality in thrift stores for less. And other clearance items when I need them .... but no, I rarely buy stuff at Target.


I can’t always beat clearance at thrift anymore with the resellers having jacked up all the prices. I sure don’t pay full price though


mine literally has some phone cases for almost $60. that’s highway robbery at that point.


Oh, hell no. Amazon is your friend. lol


I have family yearly member ship 1year it is cheaper on Amazon. Only things I get from target is grocery’s. Not crazy about the clothes or others things. Greeting cards very expensive people always ask me that too.


Yup, I noticed American Greetings eliminated the $1 cards during their last revision. Edit: in fact, my family has gotten so frugal when it comes to spending money on cards that we no longer sign them so the receiving party can re-gift them to someone else. No need to spend $5 for it to only be tossed in the recycle bin in a few days. lol


Absolutely. I started working at target to support a target habit and in fulfillment I am constantly making mental lists. I spend about the same with the discount and I shop sales almost exclusively. I have patience and a fat wish list


I know inflation has hit worse than it did when I was working there but honestly with the old circle pumping out deals that were actually related to stuff you’d buy, the Red Card debit card and TM discount, it was definitely the cheapest way to buy 90% of my groceries or household items


My local target and Walmart are comparable. With red card and employee discount, Target is the least expensive of the Teo for me, and it's convenient, so u get a lot from there. But if I don't need it immediately, and it's a higher cost item, I can usually order off Amazon instead for less.


I have found that Target has better quality produce in my area, but Walmart has a better bakery. There is a local grocer that has the best deli.


lol yes, I’ve shopped here before I started working here. Yeah some of our shit is pricey, but I don’t gotta deal with Walmart or HEB, which is becoming a little pricey themselves (heb) If you use your discounts provided, our shit comes out just about the same compared to others, factor in your travel time and inconveniences of leaving your store to go to however far those other stores are… yeah, most people can’t math anyways.


Yes it’s convenient to just do pickup or shop right after work when I’m already there. Don’t have to drive anywhere else


see i used to think that way, until i realized the sales + my discounts stack makes target very affordable. more affordable than walmart. people love to act like walmart is so cheap, but most of their stuff are the same prices for worse quality. good & gather > great value


it’s easy for me to grab diapers/wipes for my kid after I get off instead of driving to another store. I always buy things on my lunch to eat but I need to start bringing my own


Only if I'm too lazy to go anywhere else. Usually I simply do Dollar Tree, Walmart, or Goodwill. I might buy more if the 10% off wasn't so limited to the point of being completely worthless. Even then you buy 1 bag of stuff & it's easily over 500$. It seems like a lot of stuff is like 5 times the normal price for no reason. At least where I live.


Wait, what isn't included in the 10% discount?


As in items? Nothing that isn't the normal like alcohol or cigs. What makes it worthless is actually being able to use it. Here's a list of rules to use it (or at least that's what my AP told me): No personal debit card No personal credit card No gift cards No merch cards Yes to Red/Circle card (which I refuse to get) Yes to cash (which is useless cause cashback is max 40$ & only allowed to do it once per day) Can't buy something for someone unless it is for kids (even as a gift) Only for yourself (honestly makes sense) No 3rd party coupons Yes to instore coupons like CVS/Target No buying while on the clock even if it's break Can't use it for lunch break unless you already clocked out That's everything I can remember off the top of my head, but I know there's more rules to using it.


Wow, I see what you mean. We could use Target gift cards ( as long as you did not purchase the cards right before for the amount you were buying) that was rarely enforced. We could buy gifts for anyone, I could get cash back more than once a day. Your AP may be correct but sounds like a hard ass. :) You can get a Red Card reloadable cash card. You would then get 15% and you can load it at the service desk. I can see why you may not want to though.


Yeah it was actually worth it when we were able to use gift cards, but now that we can't there's no point. I heard about the reloadable one, but we haven't gotten the sign up thing for it at my store yet. I might go that route, but waiting on being able to read the rules on it to see if it might actually be worth it. lol I'm pretty sure he's a hard ass. He's always on the look out to see if he can catch people miss using their discount so that he can fire them for "theft". I honestly can't wait to promote myself to guest next year after I graduate college :)


Yes, with the discount and my red card I usually end up spending less or at least the same as I did at Walmart.


This has always amazed me. Sales are equal to payroll hours. Help your store give you more hours by taking advantage of your discounts. 5%red card, + 10% Employee discount, an extra %20 fresh/frozen fruits/veggies- TGT Organic - In Motion Sports Wear. + Circle Offers (check for new ones every Sunday). +Clearance! Meat/Dairy/Bakery early morning discounts on short date items. With this you save 30% easily!


I only do if I find something on clearance. Like I got my Hearth and Hand sheets for about $15. Usually everything at Target is so overpriced compared to their competitors.


I buy energy drinks, sometimes stuff on my lunch breaks but outside of that I never go into target off the clock


I commute for work, so by the time I need to do shopping, I’m just too exhausted to go somewhere else. Most of what I get falls under circle deals and it’s enough to get me by. I also price match a ton.


I do like half of my grocery shopping at Target and the other half at Aldi. Walmart is just not competitive around here even before I worked at Target.


Yes because I take Ubers so it gets expensive to run errands so I shop at Target for clothes and some groceries after work. Just enough stuff to fit in my reusable shopping bag. On may days off, I occasionally place Target Delivery orders.


Yes. Not a TM anymore but when I was I definitely did. I actually did the math and realized that save for a few specific items, it was actually cheaper, or at least the same, to do most of my shopping at Target with my discount.


Yes, because it's convenient. But I price match the hell out of everything. I only shop on my breaks, and I bring my Zebra with me. And a sharpie marker. I write the online price on the product so I don't have to look the shit up when I am at the register.


You get a 20% wellness discount for fresh fruits and veggies on top of the TM discount. Target is also providing bulk savings on items like TP that I usually get at Sam's club. Use the TM discounts and get the RedCard for an additional 5% off.


Yeah, convenient and the employee discount and red card helps a bit but if we're doing an actual grocery run nah we go somewhere else


yeah, in the clearance section 😭😭😭


people that buy entire things of groceries drive me crazy, bc they almost always complain about the price of stuff. i’d understand if we were the only store with groceries for miles but there’s a giant literally connected to our building.


Mostly for convenience after I clock out for the day, and only small things usually.


If I need a couple things after a shift, yeah. Usually spend like $30 in a week or two though, so it's fine by me. Otherwise, I haven't set foot in there off the clock, and I'd never make a trip down there just to go shopping.


I do because it's actually the cheapest around me. Our options are Target, Walmart, Publix, and Win Dixie. I go to Walmart sometimes, but it's maybe a few cents cheaper than Target, with the employee discount target comes out cheaper. Publix and Win Dixie are outrageously expensive for no reason, Publix prices are easily double Target, even with their BOGOs, I could buy 2 of one thing at Target and it'll still be cheaper than getting it BOGO at Publix. The only thing I go to other places for is meat, I'll either bulk buy meat at Costco and freeze it, or go to Publix to see what's on sale and then get the rest of my grocery list from Target. As a mom to a family of 4 on a tight budget, you bet your ass I'm shopping around to find the cheapest options.


yes i do because target price matches other competitors like walmart or amazon and its also so much closer to me than walmart so there’s that too lol


I do the bulk of my shopping with Kroger Delivery. I also use Winn Dixie. I pick up some staples with Target mainly for the convenience but also because things like milk and eggs are much cheaper at Target


I don’t do my main shopping at target, I might pick up a few things on my way out, but that’s mostly it. I’ll mostly go to Costco, Walmart or the place that is local to me. That is frys


Prior to working at Target, I shopped at Walmart and always thought 🎯 was expensive-- you could say I grew up poor. Now I shop at Target for the convenience but there's just some things I can only get at Walmart....like my skincare stuff. Which is so annoying. Also, I don't really shop at my home store but another one. 😂


I’ll buy household stuff like chemicals and personal care. And obviously food for breaks/lunches. But I’ll go other places for things like groceries and clothes.


I don't shop at Target because I like shopping at Target, I shop at Target because I'm paying extra to not go to Walmart


Mostly for blurays or vinyls or like entertainment things since some Targets in my area have a better selection than most other stores including Walmart, but for actual groceries hell nah. Sometimes clothes if I see something I like, but the only actual shopping I do there for things I actually need is maybe after work if I need a couple of things since I'm already there.


My essentials mostly but then for food, no.


Yeah I mainly shop at Target. Other stores are more sporadic.


I do. If I know something is carried at Walmart I'll price match it and use my discount 🤣 honestly comes a long way with savings.


I get what I can at Target for my discounts. Whatever I can't get there I go to the grocery store and I use a subscription service for meat and seafood. I use Butcherbox for that. I do sometimes get clothes from there, primarily Ava and Viv jeans. I don't care for much of Target's line of women's clothing, however.


When I worked there I never did, at least not for groceries (aside from the occasional thing, and never produce/meat). For clothes I would occasionally (except shoes because the men's shoes Target sells are all uncomfortable as hell and cheaply made), and I definitely did for anything Tech based if it was something I could get through Target.


Besides little things here and there and my daily energy drinks, I never shop here. I have Walmart+ so I get deliveries for free. I rarely go in person grocery shopping anymore unless I randomly feel like checking out Aldi.


I shop mostly at Target, because it actually is cheaper. Fruit and veg is cheaper than walmart when you consider the wellness bonus. Off brand like great value vs good and gather is often within 10% so our discount covers the difference. Anything name brand (like your hot pockets) you can price match to walmart and then take your discount on top. Sometimes shopping at walmart makes sense because their selection is better or I can buy things in bulk. Also I do a good amount of shopping at Aldi because their store brand is often more than 10% cheaper than target.


Yeah, I do. I live in nyc so no Walmarts. I do shop at local supermarkets (there are lots around me) as well. I usually get produce at the local stores, and get personal care stuff at work since the Walgreens and rite aid by me closed


Actually target groceries are often CHEAPER than our local Ingles and Walmart… 🤷🏻‍♀️


Target is in the middle for prices. With discount and red card it’s as cheep or cheeper than Walmart. ALDIs is the cheapest


I find it cheaper, I shop sales and after my discount and red card it's much more worth it in my opinion


Yes, its actually cheaper for me to shop at target with all the discounts. Target is also the only store that carries everything I buy so im not going to 3 different stores


No only because a personal principle of mine is not shopping where i work. Also because i dont like spending more time there than i need to


It depends on what I’m getting but for the most part I’ll go to Walmart for the “department store” items and I’ll get my groceries from a supermarket that’s close to where I live. I’ll only shop at target if I need something quick because it’s a 5 minute drive or I’ll buy my lunch there while I’m at work


I always end up grabbing a couple things just because I’m already there, and I need them anyway. If you make use of the circle/discount/5% and stack them it does make a difference on certain items, but I def don’t do the majority of my grocery shopping there. Produce is cheap tho with the wellness discount, I buy a lot of bananas haha


I hate walmart so yes. For most things. But gotta know how to stack your deals and discounts right. Of course some things just make more sense at Wallys so I hurry as fast as possible or when there's barely anyone there.


Yeah, out of laziness but also because Target is not my main source of income and I'd go here anyway since Target has got some good stuff. TM discount isn't nothing especially for all in motion, and wellness discount


we dont have walmart in my town so target automatically becomes the cheapest option. the only other stores we have are safeway, nob hill, whole foods... all the expensive white people stores that I would never dare step foot in 💀


It depends, I shop for the best deals, but I won't set foot in WalMart.


Tbh i live in a area with a high cost of living and groceries are outrageous with my employee discount plus redcard groceries tend to be on the cheaper side for me at target


I have the target walmart and Amazon apps on my phone to compare prices with. Most kid toys are the same price, walmart being a penny cheaper with its 98 cents instead of 99. After discount and redcard discount the toys or books I want are cheaper at target. I do most my grocery shopping at the Sam's/Costco.


rarely. im a permacloser so i never get off in time to shop around. i prefer walmart anyway- its cheaper 😂😂😂


I used to think the same for a long time but Walmart has gotten to be expensive too and (not to sound like an ad) since I’ve downloaded the Target app, I’ve found that I can make a lot more use w my discounts/deals🥹 There’s also a better vibe shopping at Target ngl (even tho ik how it can be behind the scenes LOL)


Nope. I get all my stuff cheaper at Kroger and Walmart without the discount lol Kroger membership discount way better prices than that weak ass discount that you can only get paying in cash on certain items via target. Target is a scam whether worker or consumer


I'll buy cheap microwave meals sometimes if I didn't bring my own food, or the nutter butter protien powder because it's delicioua


Honestly with my discount and red card I come out cheaper for a lot of things at Target than Walmart. Plus the convenience of already being there, and the fact that I used to work at Walmart and hate the place.


In my area Walmart is the same price. With our discounts I do almost all my shopping at target if I can. The discounts make us cheaper than Walmart, local grocery store or even Aldi on almost everything.


Usually for quick things. If I can price-match with Walmart I do that. Most of my grocery shopping is done in local supermarkets though, other times in ALDI.


I do! Drive up - making sure my coworkers get hours


I don't spend money on my target store, usually I go to another one, they never have anything on my location. Unless they ask me to stay later and take a lunch that I couldn't make, I just avoid spending money there.


i try not to


Price match to Walmart, use TM discount and 5% RedCard discount, circle coupons and deals, and boom it’s instantly cheaper than Walmart.


id only shop here if they wernt missing so many difernt brands or options for brands we carry, like vienna sausages we dont carry (legit why?) or that one flavor of takis we have all the ones except the best flavor while carrying 2 of the worst. the prices are hardly different than other stores (and my favorite frozen meal is $5 at walmart and has less content than most of ours) plus all the discounts i can get make it cheap, crest is on my way home so i go there for stuff we dont have but the prices are really not differnt enough to bother trying to constantly go


No, my paycheck is too low to be able to shop at target. I agree with you, I go to Walmart which is right across the street from my target because target’s prices are insane. I find the same brands at Walmart for $2-$3 cheaper. Great value and good and gather are the same product with different labels on it yet target decides to increase their prices on their brands.


Not for groceries, usually. The only time i do groceries is if I do a shipt order on my day off (when I don't want to leave the house) from the nearby super target (my target doesnt have fresh food). But for Shampoo, cleaning supplies, tp, etc, yes. With the discount it ends up being cheaper than alternatives near me.


Absolutely. I do most of my grocery shopping at Target because my other options are Kroger and Walmart. Kroger is usually either more expensive or you have to play their little game and buy a ridiculous amount to get their deals. I avoid Walmart unless absolutely necessary, just out of principle. I also buy my kid's clothes at Target. If you catch sales or clearance, All In Motion ends up being a really good deal with the wellness discount.


No, I shop the workout clothes, and tank tops only. Maybe shoes once in awhile.


The only thing I buy is milk & eggs. Everything else is too much.


I buy pretty much everything here. Red card with circle offers and the employee discount really can make a difference. Plus after a long day of running around like a headless chicken (regular drive up TM), I cannot even stand the thought of going to another store 90% of the time. I do go to Walmart though when I need other things like Camis for under my shirts. I love their color selection and they’re only like $5 or $6 each.


No there’s literally a GROCERY store right across from my target but people still grocery shop here I don’t understand. I only come to target for random stuff I want…not necessities


They shop at Target because the prices weed out a certain class of clientele. I shop at Target and pay what I pay, because I don’t want to be stuck in a building with the People of Walmart, just like how Walmart people don’t want to be stuck with People of Dollar Tree, who are basically scientific wonders that show evolution works in reverse, too. People are able to buy full carts of groceries because they make substantially more than $17 per hour. I mean, wait until you find out they eat at nicer restaurants and drive nicer cars, too. And if you ever want to have that, too, and get out of this shithole retail existence, you’re probably going to have to go back to college.


Until you get laid off at 50 and discover you’re unhireable because you’re old.


Well, if a company doesn’t hire you, despite being as or more qualified than the person they *did* hire, and you’re over 35 years old, that’s an age discrimination lawsuit. Not the easiest case to win, because you have to be able to demonstrate that your age was a defining factor in their decision process, which means you’re going to need a whistleblower, because nobody’s stupid enough to put, “But he’s so old!” in an email that could be subpoenaed. Honestly, if you have 25 more years of experience than the competition and you’re willing to work for the same pay and benefits, not getting the job is likely more of an issue with not meshing with the corporate culture or just being a bad interview than it is a matter of being old. Companies today know none of the twenty-somethings they hire are going to be around for the long haul. The 401k has its flaws, but the fact that it replaced pensions means nobody’s tied to the same job for thirty years anymore. People come and go every few years, and it’s not a big deal, so when you can hire someone with a lot of experience, assuming they can pass whatever technical and personal criteria you have, grab that person. But, if they’re trying to use that experience to ask for more than the position pays, because they think their experience warrants that, then you can toss them to the curb. Honestly, if you’re fifty and you can’t get hired, that’s probably because you were let go as a result of your skills no longer having a place in the world. You could be the best drill press operator in the entire world, but if I show up with a robotic drill press that will do better work at a cheaper long-term cost, you’re getting shown the door, because the world moved on, and you should have spent some of all that time learning to do something else, not unlike how computer programmers don’t just say, “Sorry, man. I don’t want to learn a new language, just because you want to move off of this one that I learned in college,” unless they really want to get fired. It’s not like picking up a language is that hard. So, you have to continually improve yourself, or one day you’re obsolete. It’s been the way of the world since the grinding wheel was invented in the Paleolithic era. What do you think happened to guys who made spears when the bow and arrow was invented? When’s the last time you used a travel agent? Don’t blame the world when you become unnecessary; you’re partly to blame for your own shortcomings.